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D and G Gifts Etc

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Hi my name is Debbie, I am the owner of D and G Gifts Etc. This is a website business that sells Antiques to Toys plus so much more. We sell new and previously owned merchandise from every price range. We add new things every week. You can visit us at 2 locations. or Hope to see you there. PS I am also a truck driver that hauls explosives for the military here in the United States. Truckers get a 10% discount on all orders. They call me moving violation out on the big road give me a holler if you hear me.

  • What do you think about this?

    Hi. I am a doll artist. And as some of you may have seen lately on TV there has been a lot of talk about reborn doll or fake babies. What do you think about them? Here is a link to my website if you are not familiar with them you can view my reborn babies here. or The first one has most of the pictures on it. Thank you for letting me know what you think. Please state why you feel or think the way you do. What you like or don't like about them. Thanks again. Debbie

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Has anyones Dog suffered seizures after vaccinations?

    Hi, I recently adopted a 10 month old mini pin. She was fine the first week that we had her adjusting well, playing with our other two dogs, eating well and going to the bathroom well. A week after we got her we brought her to the vet for her shots. 2 days later she started having seizures. She would be outside playing or even inside and all of the sudden she would fall over and her legs would start twitching (like she was running in place just on her side) as soon as either my husband or I touched her she would go completly limp and then within 5 mins she was once again fine and playing. Took her back to the vet for blood work and he put her on phenobarbitroul (sp) He called today and declares it is a liver problem since her liver enzymes are elevated. I asked him if it could be vaccinois (reaction to the vaccinations) which also can cause seizures and high liver enzymes and he swears up and down that it is a liver shunt and that he has never seen reactions like this because of

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Smokers only!!!?

    Did anyone else read this article. I about died laughing.

    BERLIN (Reuters) - The owner of a small German computer company has fired three non-smoking workers because they were threatening to disturb the peace after they requested a smoke-free environment.


    The manager of the 10-person IT company in Buesum, named Thomas J., told the Hamburger Morgenpost newspaper he had fired the trio because their non-smoking was causing disruptions.

    Germany introduced non-smoking rules in pubs and restaurants on January 1, but Germans working in small offices are still allowed to smoke.

    "I can't be bothered with trouble-makers," Thomas was quoted saying. "We're on the phone all the time and it's just easier to work while smoking. Everyone picks on smokers these days. It's time for revenge. I'm only going to hire smokers from now on."

    (Reporting by Sarah Roberts; editing by Giles Elgood

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why do people get so upset when someone blocks them?

    I have come across this numerous times here on Y/A. People are outraged that they have been blocked by someone else. They will actually post a question just so that they can vent and say nasty things about the person who blocked them. Can someone please explain this to me.

    In my opinion Y/A is just a group of people giving their opinions on a vast array of topics. When someone posts a question it is entirely up to them what they do with the answers. They are the one who spent the 5 points to post it. If they don't like an answer and block the that person that is their choice to make. I am confident enough with myself that I do not need validation from someone regarding my answer. I feel that I give my answer to the best of my ability. You can choose to use it or not you can block me or not. It really doesn't matter to me.

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Lonestar (band) did something incredible last night!!!?

    Okay so Lonestar preformed a free concert in Groton, CT last night for the Navy Base. My brother and his family happen to be stationed there. They went two hours early so that they could get seats in the front. It was my brother, his wife and one of my nieces (maddie) Well maddie is 7 years old so she was signing and dancing in the aisle. About 3 songs in the lead singer asked the audience who the best dancer was. Some girl in the back hollered out I am. the lead singer then said no your not its this little girl right here. He then brought my niece onstage for the rest of the concert. She sang and danced with him and the rest of the band. She got to hit a few notes on the keyboard. After the concert they took my brothers entire family backstage and took pictures with them, signed autographs and gave Maddie some kind of necklace ( haven't seen it yet so I am not sure what kind). I just thought that was incredibly awesome of them. ps. my brothers b-day is the 12/12 too.

    7 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Have you heard about the income tax return delay?

    I just heard about this yesterday. What a crock. Congress can go on vacation instead of working and setting a budget. Do they suffer no. It is us your average american that once again left holding the bag. There are many Americans that count on their return check each year to pay off bills, pay property taxes or other things that they need. Now we are going to have to wait even longer.,8599,169...

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What do you think?

    I recently heard about this group of people there are 1000s in this group. They want to pass this new law and it looks like it may happen. The new law that they are trying to get passed has to do with the fast food industry. They are saying that because obesity is out of control in the United States that the goverment must now step in and get it back under control. They want to do away with all unhealthy food items at fast food restraunts. ie big macs, french fries, etc. All the things that we Americans love to eat. They have managed to get laws passed already that make fast food restraunts cook healthier and offer healthier items. Do you think that this law should pass? Will you feel that your rights to choose what and where you eat are being taken from you?

    Well welcome to the world of a smoker. No there isn't any law or group that I know of that is trying to pass a law about fast food. I am trying to make a point. When we start taking away freedoms from anyone then

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • The Smoking Debate?

    First I would like to say that I am a smoker. Second I would like to say that I am sick and tired of other people telling me what I can and can not do with my own body. Okay this is where all the non-smokers chime in and give me a thumbs down and state that my smoking can harm them. What I want to know is this. All you anti-smokers, where are you when it comes to alcohol, obesity etc. 17,000 people between the ages of 12-21 have died this year due to alcohol related incidents. A drunk driver on the road can harm you or someone you love faster than a smoker can. How about obesity. The United States has the highest rate in obesity and obesity related medical problems or death. Which means that yes you, me and every other tax payer out there is paying for medical care for obese people that can not take care of themselves. Why are you not complaining about this. My final thought is this. I have to laugh each time that the taxes go up on cigarettes. More and More people are

    18 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • A simple question that needs answers.?

    The following is a list of statistics from the year 2000. My question is this. We hear how bad smoking is for you and we are banning it virtually everywhere. Where is the outcry for the rest of these killers? Why are we not increasing taxes on the rest of these taxable items? Why are we not educating on the non taxable items I am just curious. How about you?

    Tobacco 435,0001

    Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity 365,0001

    Alcohol 85,0001

    Microbial Agents 75,000 1

    Toxic Agents 55,0001

    Motor Vehicle Crashes 26,3471

    Adverse Reactions to Prescription Drugs 32,0002

    Suicide 30,6223

    Incidents Involving Firearms 29,0001

    Homicide 20,3084

    Sexual Behaviors 20,0001

    All Illicit Drug Use, Direct and Indirect 17,0001, 5

    Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Such As Aspirin 7,6006

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What do you think?

    A Maine school board just voted in the right to give middle school girls birthcontrol pills or the patch, Some of these girls are as young as 11 years old. Parents at this Maine school were against this but the school board passed it anyway. If a parent signed a form at the beginning of the school year stating that their child could be treated by the school nurse their child now can go and get birthcontrol without the parents ever knowing, I know most parents who sign the form do so so that if their child is injured, has a stomach ache or a headache they can be treated at school or if their child is on medication that has to be taken everyday they sign this form. I for one do not think that it is a safe idea, Any medication that a child takes should be disclosed to the parents. What if something was to happen and the parents had no idea that their child was taking birthcontrol? 11 year old girls bodies are not ready for birth control. There are many side effects of the pill...

    16 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Funny story?


    A United States Marine was attending some college courses between assignments. He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of the courses had a professor who was a vowed atheist and a member of the ACLU. One day the professor shocked the class when he came in. He looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, "God, if you are real, then I want

    you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15 minutes." The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop. Ten minutes went by and the professor procalimed "Here I am God. I'm still waiting."

    It got down to the last couple of minutes when the Marine got out of his chair, went up to the professor, and cold-****** him; knocking him off the platform. The professor was out cold. The Marine went back to his seat and sat there, silently. The other students were shocked and stunned and sat there looking on in silence. The professor eventually came through looked around and said...

    5 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • I have a question?

    They are having all these recalls on toys produced in China because of lead paint. I really want to know what the big deal is. When we were kids we slept in cribs that had lead paint. rooms painted with lead paint. We drank out of garden hoses. We didn't have seat belts in cars or car seats for that matter, And look at us. We are all here alive and kicking. So why now after 30 some odd years all the sudden all of the things that I did or had growing up is now going to kill you????

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What the hell is this Katie or Kellies problem????

    I don't know about you guys but I am phuking sick of hearing how they found away to make money on the internet. I wish they would go and make it and get the hell off of here. How annoying.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • A new Version of the Poem "FootPrints"?

    Imagine you and God are walking down the road together. For much of the way God's footprints go along steadily, consistently, rarely varying the pace.

    But your footprints are a disorganized stream of zigzags, starts, stops, turnarounds, circles, departures and returns.

    For much of the way it seems to go like this, but gradually your footprints come more in line with God's, soon paralleling God's consistently. You and God are walking as true friends.

    This seems perfect, but then an intersting things happens: Your footprints that once etched the sand next to God's are now walking precisely in His steps.

    Inside God's larger footprints are your smaller ones, you and God are becoming one.

    This goes on for many miles but gradually you notice another change. The footprints inside the large footprints seem to grow larger.

    Eventually they disappear all together. There is only one set of footprints. They have become one.

    This goes on for a long time but suddenly...

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Sung to the tune of Row Row Row your Boat?

    Sung to the tune of Row Row Row your Boat

    Roll roll roll the joint

    pass it down the line

    take a toke and hold the smoke

    blow your f****n mind

    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Is anyone having problems with yahoo tonight besides me?

    I go to check my email click on a message and all I get is the header no body. Happens on both my accounts but if I go to my husbands computer it works fine??? I go to load a page it says can't find server then I have to refresh or back out and try again. Anybody have a clue as to what is going on. Also my email home page is all outlined and looks totally different than it did a few days ago. (the last time I was on)

    5 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • Speeding??


    Woman: Is there a problem, Officer?

    Officer: Ma'am, you were speeding.

    Woman: Oh, I see.

    Officer: Can I see your license please?

    Woman: I'd give it to you but I don't have one.

    Officer: Don't have one?

    Woman: Lost it 4 times for drunk driving.

    Officer: I see... Can I see your vehicle registration papers please.

    Woman: I can't do that.

    Officer: Why not?

    Woman: I stole this car.

    Officer: Stole it?

    Woman: Yes, and I killed and hacked up the owner.

    Officer: You what?

    Woman: His body parts are in plastic bags in the trunk if you want to see.

    The Officer looks at the woman, slowly backs away to his car, and calls for back up. Within minutes, 5 police cars circle the car. A senior officer slowly approaches the car, clasping his half drawn gun.

    Officer 2: Ma'am, could you step out of your vehicle please!

    The woman steps out of her vehicle.

    Woman: Is there a problem sir?

    Officer 2: One of my officers told me that you have stolen this car and murdered the owner.

    Woman: Murdered the owner?

    Officer 2: Yes, could you please open the trunk of your car, please.

    The woman opens the trunk, revealing nothing but an empty trunk.

    Officer 2: Is this your car, ma'am?

    Woman: Yes, here are the registration papers.

    The first officer is stunned.

    Officer 2: One of my officers claims that you do not have a driving license.

    The woman digs into her handbag and pulls out a clutch purse and hands it to the officer. The officer snaps opens the clutch purse and examines the license. He looks quite puzzled.

    Officer 2: Thank you ma'am, one of my officers told me you didn't have a license, that you stole this car, and that you murdered and hacked up the owner.

    Woman: Oh my God!! And I bet the lying bastard also told you I was speeding!

    8 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Will you give this to my Daddy?

    Will you give this to my Daddy?

    As a Company, Southwest Airlines is going to support "Red Fridays."

    Last week I was in Atlanta , Georgia attending a conference. While I was in the airport, returning home, I heard several people behind me beginning to clap and cheer. I immediately turned around and witnessed one of the greatest acts of patriotism I have ever seen.

    Moving thru the terminal was a group of soldiers in their camos. As they

    began heading to their gate, everyone (well almost everyone) was abruptly to their feet with their hands waving and cheering. When I saw the soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded and cheered for, it hit me. I ' m not alone. I ' m not the only red-blooded America n who still loves this country and supports our troops and their families.

    Of course I immediately stopped and began clapping for these young unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line everyday for us so we can go to school, work and home without fear or reprisal. Just when I thought I could not be more proud of my country or of our service men and women, a young girl, not more than 6 or 7 years old, ran up to one of the male soldiers. He kneeled down and said "hi." The little girl then asked him if he would give something to her daddy for her. The young soldier, who didn ' t look any older than maybe 22 himself, said he would try and what did she want to give to her daddy. Then suddenly the little girl grabbed the neck of this soldier, gave him the biggest hug she could muster and then kissed him on the cheek.

    The mother of the little girl, who said her daughter ' s name was Courtney,

    told the young soldier that her husband was a Marine and had been in Iraq ! for 11 months now. As the mom was explaining how much her daughter Courtney missed her father, the young soldier began to tear up. When this temporarily single mom was done explaining her situation, all of the soldiers huddled together for a brief second. Then one of the other servicemen pulled out a military-looking walkie-talkie.

    They started playing with the device and talking back and forth on it.

    After about 10-15 seconds of this, the young soldier walked back over to Courtney, bent down and said this to her, "I spoke to your daddy and he told me to give this to you." He then hugged this little girl that he had just met and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He finished by saying "your daddy told me to tell you that he loves you more than anything and he is coming home very soon."

    The mom at this point was crying almost uncontrollably and as the young soldier stood to his feet, he saluted Courtney and her mom. I was standing no more than 6 feet away from this entire event. As the soldiers began to leave, heading towards their gate, people resumed their applause. As I stood there applauding and looked around, there were very few dry eyes, including my own. That young soldier in one last act of selflessness, turned around and blew a kiss to Courtney with a tear rolling down his cheek..

    We need to remember everyday all of our soldiers and their families and

    thank God for them and their sacrifices. At the end of the day, it ' s good to be an American.

    RED FRIDAYS ----- Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday. The reason? Americans who support our troops used to be called the "silent majority". We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for God, country and home in record breaking numbers. We are not organized, boisterous or ! over-bea ring. We get no liberal media coverage on TV, to reflect our message or our opinions. Many Americans, like you, me and all our friends, simpl y want to recognize that the vast majority of America supports our troops.

    Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday -and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that.. Every red-blooded American who supports our men and women afar will wear something red. By word of mouth, press, TV -- let ' s make the United States on every Friday a sea of red much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers.



    12 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Is this a funny joke?


    A little boy goes to his dad and asks, "What is politics?"

    Dad says, "Well son, let me try to explain it this way: Im the breadwinner of the family, so lets call me capitalism. Your Mom, shes the administrator of the money, so well call her the Government. Were here to take care of your needs, so well call you the people. The nanny, well consider her the Working Class. And your baby brother, well call him the Future. Now, think about that and see if that makes sense,"

    So the little boy goes off to bed thinking about what dad had said. Later that night, he hears his baby brother crying, so he gets up to check on him. He finds that the baby has severely soiled his diaper. So the little boy goes to his parents room and finds his mother sound asleep. Not wanting to wake her, he goes to the nannys room. Finding the door locked, he peeks in the keyhole and sees his father in bed with the nanny. He gives up and goes back to bed. The next morning, the little boy says to his father, "Dad, I thin k I Understand the concept of politics now." The father says, "Good son, tell me in your own words what you think politics is all about." The little boy replies, "Well, while Capitalism is screwing the Working Class, the Government is sound asleep, the People are being ignored and the Future is in deep ****."

    5 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Stupid Questions?

    . Why does your gynecologist leave the room when you undress?

    2. If a person owns a piece of land, do they own it all the way down to the center of the earth?

    3. Why cant woman put their mascara on with their mouth closed?

    4. Why is it called alcoholics anonymous when the first thing you do is stand up and say

    "hi, my names Bob. Im an alcoholic"?

    5. If you mated a Bulldog with a Shitsu would you get a Bullshit?

    6. Why are they called stairs inside but steps outside?

    7. Why is there a light in the fridge but not in the freezer?

    8. Why does mineral water that has trickled through mountains for centuries

    have a use by date?

    9. Why do toasters always have a setting on them which burns your toast to a

    horrible crisp no one would eat?

    10. Who was the first person to look at a cow and say "I think ill squeeze these dangly things here and drink what comes out"?

    11. What do people in China call their good plates?

    12. If the professor on Gilligans Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why cant he fix a hole in a boat?

    13. Why does Goofy stand on two legs when Pluto remains on four? Theyre both dogs.

    14. What do you call male ballerinas?

    15. Can blind people see their dreams and do they dream?

    16. If Wile E coyote has enough money to by all that Acme crap why doesnt he buy his dinner?

    17. Why is a person who handles money called a broker?

    18. If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?

    19. If corn oil is made from corn and vegetable oil is made from vegetables. What is baby oil made from?

    20. If a man is walking in a forest and no women is there to hear him is he still wrong?

    21. Why is it that when someone tells you that theres billions of stars in the universe,

    you believe them. But if they tell you theres wet paint somewhere you have to touch it?

    22. Why do you call it an asteroid when its outside the hemisphere, yet call it hemorrhoid when its in your ***?

    23. Did you ever notice that if you blow in a dogs face it goes mad, yet when you take him on a car ride he sticks his head straight out the window?

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago