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I am a nurse in the UK. I'm married and I'm a Christian. Anymore than that, you can ask and I'll decide if I want to tell you!

  • sebaceous cyst and breast feeding?

    I'm due to have my second baby in about 6 weeks time. I developed a sebaceous cyst last year on my areola (dark part around the nipple) and it stopped me feeding me feeding number 1. She was 9 1/2 months and not bothered, but I don't want this to interrupt feeding number 2.

    Has anyone else had one of these around the areola?

    What treatment did you get?

    Did it affect you breast feeding?

    Did you get treatment while pregnant?


    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I have an A&E Band 5 nursing interview this week. Any tips from people who interview?

    I'm being interviewed on Thursday for a Band 5 post in Southampton A&E. I've been reading Emergency Nurse, talked to one of the Sisters and reviewed the local articles on our A&E. Does anyone have any other interview tips. I'm always very nervous during interviews. Does anyone have any tips on what they look for in a candidate?

    5 AnswersHealth Care1 decade ago
  • 40 weeks and can only sleep on left side?

    I'm 40 weeks plus 2 days and so tired. I can now only sleep on my left side as on my right side (and obviously back) baby presses on a blood vessel and partially occludes it. Has anyone else had this problem? Any suggestions for better ways to sleep? I've tried pretty much everything to bring on labour, but only have sporadic contractions.

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Running electric out to a shed?

    I need to run electric out to my shed to power a freezer and tumble dryer. It's only 1 meter outside. The shed is brick built, but only 7' tall, so I don't want to do an over head cable. How can I do an underground or ground level cable that is safe?

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Natural treatment of thrush in pregnancy; anyone tried yoghurt?

    I've had thrush for about 5 weeks, with varying severity of symptoms because I've been using clotrimazole (canasten) and even tried the pessary. The pessary stopped symptoms fully for about a week, but now its back.

    Has anyone tried using natural, unsweetened yoghurt internally, as a treatment for thrush in pregnancy? And did it work?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Evidence for lifting related miscarriage?

    I'm 13 weeks and a nurse on a busy ward. All the information I've been given mentions nothing about miscarriages related to lifting. And yet I keep being told off for lifting. I realise that lifting may cause me problems as my ligaments soften up, but the staff I work with are saying that it's the baby who is a risk. I've been told off for carrying sheets!!

    Does any one have any proper evidence either way for lifting in pregnancy and guidelines for how much is safe?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Sex in pregnancy?

    This is an adult question. Did you feel like you wanted more sex during pregnancy? Or less? I'm really struggling, we have so little time together, but always wanting it.

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy sickness? Any advice?

    I'm 7 and half weeks pregnant and getting some lovely sickness. I don't actually vomit, but feel sick all day and have the most horrendous wind! I drink peppermint tea, eat a good diet, eat regularly to avoid sugar lows. Just don't know what else to do. The constant feeling that you are going to throw up, but never do is really debilitating.

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Any experience with doing Nursing at Leeds University?

    A friend of mine needs to chose between Leeds Uni and Southampton Uni to do his nurse training. I trained a Southampton, but know nothing about Leeds. Anybody out there got any experience?

  • Natural Family Planning- Did it work for you?

    My husband and I are thinking of trying natural family planning. I'm tired of being on the pill, and we've never liked condoms. I've done some research on NFP, but was wondering how well other people have got on with it. Did you get pregnant? Was it a pain having to record dates all the time?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Chemical Burn to the Eye?

    I need a picture of a chemical burn to the eye for a talk I'm doing tonight. Does anyone know where to find one? Thanks

    1 AnswerFirst Aid1 decade ago
  • We're planning on starting our family next year and I'm currently on the pill?

    Do I need to take any particular minerals or vitamins between coming off the pill (marcelon) and getting pregnant and if so, for how long?

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Big Bum - do I make it smaller?

    I know how to make my stomach and legs slimmer, my problem is posterior. I do have a big bum and don't want to make the Rocking World Go Round anymore.

    So what exercise will make it smaller?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Very uncoordinated?

    I'm very uncoordinated and I keep walking into things. I am dyspraxic. It can be quite amusing, but at the moment, I'm in pain. I keep stubbing my toes and am always covered in bruises. Does anyone know of a way to improve coordination and spacial awareness?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Birth Control Advice?

    I'm going to the doctors tomorrow, but I wanted to know about other women's experience.

    I've been on the pill (Marvalon) for 2 years, but don't feel happy on it any more. I was wondering about the cap or another pill or the arm implant. Or anythinig else anyone has had experience with and would like to tell me about.

    Website info is most welcome.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I have back/kidney back pain. Can I have a Doctor or nurses advice?

    I've had pain for 2/52 and then got symptoms such as urinary frequency and stinging. I'm pretty sure its a UTI. My question is why did it start in my kidneys? Whenever I've had UTI's before, the frequeny and stinging etc have started first and then, if I ignore it, I get kidney pain.

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago