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Art Photographer, wanna shoot?

  • N. Korea to end the cease-fire that halted the Korean War, March 11th? War is back on?

    Are we doomed to finish the war that never really ended?

    N.K. has announced the end to the cease fire, and has even suggested it is willing to use Nukes!

    Will Obama wait until South Korea is in ruins before he acts?

    Will he allow N.K. to nuke U.S. bases without fear of retaliation?

    Obama is a weak president, which has emboldened our enemies.

    What more proof do you need?

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • When Obama collapses our economy, who has the best chance to survive?

    If we go into a full depression, who will fare the best?

    City dwellers who, will eat each other alive?

    The liberals will turn into animals.

    Or country folk, who can hunt, fish, and raise their own veges, stand a

    much better chance of making it through the tough times?

    I personally think the smaller communities are the best model for survival after an economic collapse.

    9 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Is Bob Wardwards an American terrorist?

    Could this be the type of thing that evokes a drone strike in Obama's America?

    2 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Why ban tobacco, the legalize pot?

    As a smoker of cigars, I am having trouble with the logic here.

    Liberals want tobacco banned.

    Then the same Liberals want to legalize smoking pot?

    Can anyone really explain this nonsense?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • I woke up, and said WOW, best dream ever?

    I am 51, and never had a dream so beautiful that I wake up and say....literally WOW!

    My self but not me.

    I was young, Hispanic, possibly 12?, and to my best guess, was with a twin sister.

    We discovered we could shape shift, and had an adventure being different animals and even birds.

    In time we came to the ocean. (thats where the dream became fantastic.)

    We became whales.

    Imagine, seeing through the eyes of a whale (your big enough most stuff won't mess with you.)

    I could feel the wieght of the creature as I did sweeping turns, deep dives into crushing depths, and something I did not expect.

    Like an aircraft pulling a zero G maneuver, as a whale, I jumped out of the water, and rolled over to back flop into the water...for an instant, I got that zero G feeling!

    In the end the young man was begging his sister to go back to land and be human for a while.

    I got the feeling she would say no.

    Im not an animal nut, or a tree hugger, and no my mom did not beat me.

    Just the vista's of the ocean from the eyes of a whale...WOW!

    It would make an awesome movie.

    4 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Has anyone who ever received a CP05 letter ever gotten their tax return?

    Should I expect a tax return eventually, or consider it stolen by Obama, and his IRS goons.

    3 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • Is Obama and his IRS goons stealing my tax return?

    CP05 letter received in mail a few days ago.

    States my taxes are being reviewed...Yeah right!

    I make a measly $15,000 a year, and claim my two children, single parent.

    What the heck is there to review?

    Has anyone who ever got a CP05 letter ever got their tax returns?

    Please, answer only if you have experience with CP05 letters.

    I personally think its Obama-nomics...if you cant tax it, seal it!!!

    11 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • Is global warming really a good thing?

    As the ice caps melt, and sea levels rise, new beneficial environments will be created.

    One such place may be the south polar land mass.

    If sea levels rise, shallow inland seas would be created in coastal regions, as well as fresh water areas along the Mississippi valley and lower plains.

    This would also include new wet lands, in the interior United states.

    Extended growing seasons, wetter climates that reduce deserts, and higher CO2 levels could create new rain forests in the interior states.

    An explosion of plant growth the world over such as seen in the carboniferous period.

    All of these new environments would give animals, birds, and sea life wonderful new habitats in which to thrive,

    Why are conservationists against global warming?

    Seems like a good thing to me.

    Now if you will excuse me, Im gonna go enjoy my new "full sized SUV" and do my part to produce global warming.

    10 AnswersGlobal Warming8 years ago
  • Why is global warming a bad thing?

    I understand the face of the earth would change, as well as weather patterns.

    The inland sea might fill again, and the coastline would change, but is that really so bad?

    It would not happen over nite, so people would have time to move out of endangered areas.

    What precisely makes the warming bad?

    20 AnswersGlobal Warming8 years ago
  • Does Global warming cause meteors to fall to Earth?

    Is this the most ridiculous question ever asked by a CNN commentator?

    Deborah Feyerick asked Bill Nye "the science guy" this past Saturday, if the approaching Asteroid 2012 DA14, was caused by global warming!

    What kind of standards does CNN have for reporters? (simply being able to talk without drooling) at least on camera....

    13 AnswersGlobal Warming8 years ago
  • terraform Mars would this work?

    Phobos is doomed to slow destruction as it spirals ever closer to the martian surface.

    If we could cause the moon to change trajectory, and crash into Mars in one or two large chunks,

    Could this restart the volcanoes, and the magnetosphere on Mars?

    Does Phobos have enough mass?

    Also, would the added mass be enough to increase the gravity, and atmospheric pressure?

    If this all worked out, could we crash some of Saturn's ice chunks from the rings into Mars to give the planet an abundance of water?

    2 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • RCP average Obama has dropped his lead to 2.6% is Obama defeat eminent?

    Currently, with all the left leaning media, and polling, RCP average is still showing Obama's lead is less than 3%.

    Obama;s lead has shrunk to almost nothing.

    Is Obama reelection doomed to failure?

    We can only hope that in November we can celebrate national Fire Obama Day!

    3 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Have you seen the news? Romney over Obama 48 to 45!?

    We are starting to pull ahead!

    Fire Obama day is closing fast!

    Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 48% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns 45% of the vote.

    17 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Obama is half white, if a black person votes against him?

    Obama is rich, and half white, if a black person votes against him is it racism?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • How many Obama goons will go to prison?

    When voted out of office, how much crap will be reveled on this administration?'

    How many back door deals, bribes disguised as stimulus, cover ups, and bully tactics?

    I wonder how many associated with this administration will flee the country, or end up in prison?

    Besides Holder that is, I already know they have orange pajamas picked out for him.

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Does Debbie Wasserman Schultz Have any shame?

    Im an Atheist so it really doesn't matter to me if her religion is respected by her party or not.

    My question is not about religion at all.

    I just wonder how she sleeps at night?

    Its great to be a talking head, and spout the party line (no matter which party you vote for)

    But to stand there, and tell bold faced lies, that contradict everything you believe, and know to be true?

    This woman is worse than Nancy Pelosi, at least she believes what she says, even if she is delusional.

    10 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Did DNC vote yes to god platform?

    Watch the video, I don't think they are very honest about the vote.

    I very seriously doubt they got a 2/3 majority.

    What is your opinion?

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Is Nov, 6th Fire Obama Day?

    I think its going to be a squeaker, but I think Obama is a one term president.

    3 AnswersElections9 years ago