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  • Do you know why the bible doesn't make sense and appears to be just stories that make no sense?

    I would like to ask those that don't believe, do you really know why the bible don't make sense to you? Do you really know why you feel the bible isn't anything more then stories? Do you really know why you believe that fossils are millions of years old? Who told you these things, and convinced you?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In all seriousness, Has anyone really thought about this?

    I have reprinted this question for those that may have missed it. If you have already then kindly just ignore and be at peace. Thanks.

    Now for the question.

    While everyone is nick picking and fighting with each other as to the question if God exist, or if Jesus did walk the earth, If the bible is true. Has anyone stopped to think about actually picking up the bible, and reading the whole thing, understanding that everything it speaks of has happened in the history of man, How The Old testament speaks of what things were back before Jesus, and that with the crucifixion of Jesus a New covenant and set of rules and ways of receiving God's grace? Is it possible that those that squabble amongst themselves aren't listening or hearing The truth, and coming up with their own truths? Seriously think about it, before you answer. Let's see how many actually hear what I am saying, which God is saying, which Jesus is saying. How many will really listen and how many will turn from the truth and their own salvation, for the price of being self?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In all seriousness, Has anyone really thought about this?

    While everyone is nick picking and fighting with each other as to the question if God exist, or if Jesus did walk the earth, If the bible is true. Has anyone stopped to think about actually picking up the bible, and reading the whole thing, understanding that everything it speaks of has happened in the history of man, How The Old testament speaks of what things were back before Jesus, and that with the crucifixion of Jesus a New covenant and set of rules and ways of receiving God's grace? Is it possible that those that squabble amongst themselves aren't listening or hearing The truth, and coming up with their own truths? Seriously think about it, before you answer. Let's see how many actually hear what I am saying, which God is saying, which Jesus is saying. How many will really listen and how many will turn from the truth and their own salvation, for the price of being self?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Just a little food for thought......?

    Just a little thought for your soul?

    I know that not many go past page 1. so I had to reprint this for those that missed it.


    I was walking down the street one day, And I saw a guy sitting at the table in a cafe I was going into. Seeing the room was full, I saw that he had a seat at his table, So I ask If I may sit there. He smiles and says sure. Well I sit down and we start talking about life, and all the things about it. The corruption the violence, the rapes and killings. I mention how I don't believe in God and Jesus, Because they never answer me, And How the Bible isn't real. He just smiles and listens to me, and says sorry you feel that way. I suddenly realize that I haven't told him my name, after telling mine I ask him what is his. He says I know you, I know when you were born, I know that you were in a children's home, I know about the Kid you punched in the nose, and took his money. I know about your accident when you were a child, I know about your parents divorcing when you were young, I know about the candy bar you stole, ect .... Flabergasted I wonder how he knows so much about me, when I have only just met him. You have known about me, and denied me, you knew about my father and denied him, You were given instructions and chose to ignore them. And as he left, I saw a heavenly glow radiate off and around him. Then as he walked away it hit me, who he was. When I chased after him, he turned around, and I said Jesus remember me, I just talked to you back in the cafe, And he replies I don't know you.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I need some input and opinions?

    Pride is a sin in God's eyes. God resist the proud responds to the humble. So what is your opinion on Pride. Is it Good or bad or just bad? I am not looking for attacks or put downs here. I just want what you feel about it, and please be descriptive, and not just three or four word answers. Thanks.

    This for my research, so please help me out with your input and insight on the topic

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A question was asked, Now I ask? Do you believe in the Bible?

    You want to know why I trust the King James Bible?? this is why. What is your thoughts or change of thoughts on this?

    I love each and everyone of you. Know this. I don't know what you know about me, but I have been researching and trying to get closer to God, and Jesus. I don't know what you know about what is going on in the world, or right here in our own Country, however, know this, a prophecy in the Bible in the book of revelations is coming true today. We are living in the end of days. Please go to and read the following links. Everything you read will be described in the Bible. (read Revelation 13: 16-18) (The ark of the covenant of Moses, Jesus's Blood, Noah's ark.) (Revelations talks about one world order and government, and one world currency) (These two sites are talking about the mark of the beast and taking the mark. I am not going to take this mark. I follow God and will not subcum to it. I pray you don't either.)

    The end is near my loved ones, and I offer this info to you. Please consider it, for you and your children.

    I love you all.

    Revelations which was written 2000 years ago A little less actually, tells us about the mark of the beast, and people not being able to buy or sell with out it. after reading my above site links, If you can't see it, then Nothing short of God standing in front of you will prove it. Remember these things are happening. NOW!!!!!!!! If the Bible is wrong and is a story then how do you explain it talking about this very thing of the future which hadn't happen yet? 20 or 30 years from now. Revelations story about the mark of the beast will happen. The question is will you be ready? Will you take the mark or will you not take it and trust in God, and Jesus?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Just a little food for thought......?

    Just a little thought for your soul?

    I know that not many go past page 1. so I had to reprint this for those that missed it.


    I was walking down the street one day, And I saw a guy sitting at the table in a cafe I was going into. Seeing the room was full, I saw that he had a seat at his table, So I ask If I may sit there. He smiles and says sure. Well I sit down and we start talking about life, and all the things about it. The corruption the violence, the rapes and killings. I mention how I don't believe in God and Jesus, Because they never answer me, And How the Bible isn't real. He just smiles and listens to me, and says sorry you feel that way. I suddenly realize that I haven't told him my name, after telling mine I ask him what is his. He says I know you, I know when you were born, I know that you were in a children's home, I know about the Kid you punched in the nose, and took his money. I know about your accident when you were a child, I know about your parents divorcing when you were young, I know about the candy bar you stole, ect .... Flabergasted I wonder how he knows so much about me, when I have only just met him. You have known about me, and denied me, you knew about my father and denied him, You were given instructions and chose to ignore them. And as he left, I saw a heavenly glow radiate off and around him. Then as he walked away it hit me, who he was. When I chased after him, he turned around, and I said Jesus remember me, I just talked to you back in the cafe, And he replies I don't know you.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Here is some food for thought?

    Just a little thought for your soul?

    I know that not many go past page 1. so I had to reprint this for those that missed it.


    I was walking down the street one day, And I saw a guy sitting at the table in a cafe I was going into. Seeing the room was full, I saw that he had a seat at his table, So I ask If I may sit there. He smiles and says sure. Well I sit down and we start talking about life, and all the things about it. The corruption the violence, the rapes and killings. I mention how I don't believe in God and Jesus, Because they never answer me, And How the Bible isn't real. He just smiles and listens to me, and says sorry you feel that way. I suddenly realize that I haven't told him my name, after telling mine I ask him what is his. He says I know you, I know when you were born, I know that you were in a children's home, I know about the Kid you punched in the nose, and took his money. I know about your accident when you were a child, I know about your parents divorcing when you were young, I know about the candy bar you stole, ect .... Flabergasted I wonder how he knows so much about me, when I have only just met him. You have known about me, and denied me, you knew about my father and denied him, You were given instructions and chose to ignore them. And as he left, I saw a heavenly glow radiate off and around him. Then as he walked away it hit me, who he was. When I chased after him, he turned around, and I said Jesus remember me, I just talked to you back in the cafe, And he replies I don't know you.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are people who don't or won't believe in God or Jesus just?

    "Spiritually ignorant" or Humanly Ignorant? Ignoranance means Not knowing something in the Dictionary. So I wonder is those that don't believe or won't believe are just Ignorant to the truth of God and Jesus, or are they just letting their stupidity and Pride get in the way of learning? This isn't an attack, it is a question?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I need opinions and insight? Please help?

    If you already answered then let someone else.

    need some input and opinions?

    Pride is a sin in God's eyes. God resist the proud responds to the humble. So what is your opinion on Pride. Is it Good or bad or just bad? I am not looking for attacks or put downs here. I just want what you feel about it, and please be descriptive, and not just three or four word answers. Thanks.

    This for my research, so please help me out with your input and insight on the topic

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I need some input and opinions?

    I need some input and opinions?

    Pride is a sin in God's eyes. God resist the proud responds to the humble. So what is your opinion on Pride. Is it Good or bad or just bad? I am not looking for attacks or put downs here. I just want what you feel about it, and please be descriptive, and not just three or four word answers. Thanks.

    This for my research, so please help me out with your input and insight on the topic

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I need some input and opinions?

    Pride is a sin in God's eyes. God resist the proud responds to the humble. So what is your opinion on Pride. Is it Good or bad or just bad? I am not looking for attacks or put downs here. I just want what you feel about it, and please be descriptive, and not just three or four word answers. Thanks.

    This for my research, so please help me out with your input and insight on the topic

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I need some spiritual insight, help please?

    I have a situation where someone is overly critical of everything I do. No matter what it is, I get a standard lecture of the flaws and negative things of my actions. This person believes in God and Jesus, just as I do. I already know what my flaws are. I am aware of what negative things could happen out of some of my certain situations. I don't need to be told the bad, I already know the bad. How can I get this person to see their critical attitude is not helping our relationship, with out attacking this person. I just want to love this person. I don't need a mother, I already have one. I just want to be loved for me, and not being judged for everything I do, just accepted and appreciated. Any ideas of what I can say to this person to help or get them to see inside themselves.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually Speaking! Does this touch and reach into your soul?

    I wanted to share this with those that haven't heard already. Please listen with an open mind, and let me know how it made you feel inside?


    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually Speaking! Just a thought to ponder?

    I am ashamed to be part of this generation. I look around me, I hear things around me. And I have to say, that I am ashamed to see the disrespect from people. The lack of self worth. The selfishness. The hatred. The violence. The shameless. I understand completely why God wiped out everyone with the flood, back then. Look at the people in it today, they are 20 times worse then those from when God wiped out everything. And yet they don't understand why God did what he did. Do those people really have no heart, no feeling of remorse for what they do. I feel sorry, I pity the world today. God is right none of us deserve what he gave for us, a chance to be free from sin. He sent his son, his only son, to die for us, and so many ungrateful, self righteous, ignorant, selfish people, do not feel the pain God had in doing this. Those of you who have mourned when you lost a loved one that you were very close to. Do you remember how you felt, or was your heart so hardened that it didn't phase you? I really hope I reach at least one ungrateful soul with this message. Shame on you people of this generation.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually Speaking!!! When was the last time you read the Bible, really read it?

    Or is it collecting dust, as you hurry around with the busy world?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually speaking!! Who do you think gets attacked by Satan?

    Would Satan attack a Christian or a non- believer more? Non believers are already doing what Satan wants, they are denying God, and there for doing his work for him. The Christians are trying to get to God, and not doing as Satan wants. Who do you think gets attacked more Those finding Jesus and those following Jesus the best they can, or those that don't?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I seriously wonder if an Atheist could encourage their child to belive in God?

    I noticed how everyone of these answers but a couple, dodged the evident truth of my question.

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A serious question for the Atheist: can you answer or dodge around the truth?

    I keep hearing Christians are brainwashing their kids, And the Atheist saying we should let them dedcide for themselves. Here is my question? How can you say let a child decide for themselves if God is real or not. How can you tell your child God is real when you don't believe it yourself? How can you Tell your child God is real after telling them he isn't? Would you then not be lying to yourself?

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago