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  • I am attracted to Somali pirates?

    Don't make fun of me, this is serious. I think I've even developed a fetish lol. Are they all muslim? If so, I'd be so disappointed. If i were to be held for ransom by a crew of sexy pirates, i think I'd just opt to marry them to stay alive, but i heard they rape and cut fistulas on women which is SICK?!!!

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • Really good vegan tinted lip balms?

    Hurraw is terrible. it is greasy, too shiny nd barely has a tint at all. it is like a lip oil. balm is supposed to be creamy and long lasting.

    so far I've found:

    Ananda Brauty

    Arbor Rouge

    Puur Body

    (the last two are Etsy shops)

    1 AnswerVegetarian & Vegan7 years ago
  • is it possible to walk around town with a pet parrot on your shoulder like a pirate?

    I want a pet that can travel the world with me, that can eat out with me and fo to the beach with me. are parrots too unreliable for this dream to come true?

    6 AnswersBirds7 years ago
  • Guys! Is it considered weird to like spooning with a friend?

    I'm celibate but I like spooning and cuddling. it is a way to connect or become close to a friend (im a girl) and i don't mind if the guy... Reacts. I just want to know the guy's perspective. would you spoon with a dear friend, and just enjoy the closeness without needing to take it further?

    3 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • why does the statue of liberty look like a man?

    Seriously, lady liberty should be called tranny liberty. did they do that on purpose? androgyny at its finest!!!

    5 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Do you have to break your hymen to use a menstrual cup?

    Im a virgin, haven't used tampons in 3 years and had to start learning my body ALL OVER AGAIN. I tested out my small MeLuna for the first time and had to find my friggin opening. Well, i got it in but it didn't seem to have popped open all the way when i removed it, it was still kinda in the punch down fold. Should i STOP doing kegels and then break my hymen?

    possibly useful facts:

    my muscles are so strong I was able to push the cup out much of the way

    I ride a bike and walk/jog alot. I'm extremely active, with a skinny body. I'm about 5'5"

    2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • is this a real quote by St Paul? who was St Paul?

    Women had to cover their heads in church otherwise “lice-like demons would leap like sparks from female hair and poison the church.”.

    First of all, I have NEVER seen that in the bible. It sounds like a gross adulteration of the passage about women having to cover their heads so that the angels looking down would see the difference or something. Now, are you telling me there was a St Paul with the same name as the apostle Paul?

    3 AnswersQuotations7 years ago
  • Why are insane people allowed to use a computer?

    Not to be prejudice, but the craziest, most mentally unstable individuals i have ever been blessed to encounter have been on this website and youtube. if these beings have the right to vote, doesn't that mean that scores of nutjobs are influencing the shake and jiggle of society? Do these beings have children or spouses? what does this say about the state of America right now?

    7 AnswersSociology7 years ago
  • Are there Woodabe people visiting the USA?

    One time I was walking down the block in lower Manhattan, and saw a gorgeous man about 7 feet tall in white desert robes and head wrap in the dead of summer, who looked like one of those gorgeous woodabe tribesmen from Africa. They are cocoa-skinned with narrow features, and tend to be very tall and beautiful. He was stunning! And was dragging what looked like something on wheels like a hand truck. He simply smiled at me and I smiled back, but I (regrettably) never looked back once I passed him (we were walking towards one another, opposite directions). Did I see a rare bird of paradise? Are there more of them somewhere in NYC?

    look I'm not trying to creep on somebody just because of their ethnicity. On fact, their religion is too different from.mine so I could NEVER be with one of them but I'm curious. That smile was just so freaking dreamy.

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • male virgins over 18?

    How common are male virgins over 18? I'm about to be a 21 year old virgin and I don't want to date someone who loves sex, because my celibacy and their addiction don't go hand in hand.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Aussies! What does a real boomerang feel like?

    I mean the real thing. I know they are big, long, brown and curved and sometimes decorated. But are they light? heavy? Would swinging one change my life? Do i need one in my life in times of desperation?

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • When will modern society set up manditory CHEAP eco homes in every state/city for people who want to live a holistic natural life?

    I'm talking about small, eco friendly, solar panel installed, simple homes for people who just want to live the humble life? Why the hell does that not exist in a so called highly civilized and advanced society? All I want is running water and a hammock. Somewhere to plug in a lamp and a charger for my devices. I'll use a grill yo cook, I don't care. I just want to live a simple life LEGALLY without worrying about rat race bull***. I want to work a simple, humble job, read my bible and hand out bread when I can. Why must I strive to get rich and become consumed by worldly possessions? People like me (there are thousands) should be able to have such an option. Babylon doesn't interest me. I just want to live comfortably. For me, a shower and a pair of shoes is luxury. I like, yes, I LIKE to work but not waste my time just to pay a thousand bills and barely afford to eat.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • is it safe for me to lick my Himalayan salt lamp every now and then?

    My himalayan salt lamp is freakin delicious. better than table salt. i give it a lick every now and then maybe once a day or two, and it is the most gratifying taste. would there be any trace minerals in it that could harm me, or actually improve my health? my allergies and eczema have vanished. the air stays cool, dry and comfortable.

    5 AnswersAlternative Medicine7 years ago
  • Australian aborigine men, do you find Jamaican women attractive?

    I noticed on some YouTube channels by aborigines, they are influenced by dancehall culture and music videos. Not all, but some that I have come across.

    I am very attracted to many aborigine guys. The purer, the sexier!

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • Where are racist "scientist" loons pulling these supposed IQ test scores from?

    How did these "scientists" manage to give IQ tests to every member of every "race" (Africa is rife with more ethnic groups than you have eyelashes) and compile the results? are you telling me they grabbed tribal people with no care for western life, gave them a test and took home the scores? also, I've never taken an IQ test, so how do they know my IQ? Do they take into account modern tribal people openly REJECTING modernization? In other words, they see western life as inferior to their ancient ways. The Maasai are not dancing around a fire, neither are the Baaka, Woodabe, Afar, Zulu, Bushmen or Ndebele.

    Can a western scientist track an animal from miles away? And what about Papuans? Melanesians? The Nubian pyramid builders? Do they pull these tests from the freshly cleaned anus of a tyrannosaurus rex?

    Why does "IQ" matter? Why do western views of "intelligence" matter? The bible speaks of people who deem themselves wise but are utterly foolish. The rise of atheism and evolution being taught correlates with high IQs in a given region. Notice "third world" nations readily accept Christ and believe wholeheartedly. Watch The Coconut's on YouTube. If you had a mentally retarded family member, would you kill him/her? If your mom is autistic, would you shoot her or stab her or beat her? Would you rape your cousin if he has down syndrome?

    Is this IQ nonsense being used to serve the Radical Right? Used to justify genocide?

    They tested ALL Asians? Sure. Right.

    4 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • What if we all had a less Eurocentric perspective? do somalis look like caucasians, or do white people simply look like east africans?

    Given that africa is the cradle of humanity, it seems bizarre that most of us in the western hemisphere judge other people groups based on a NEW (white european) perspective.

    8 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • Bushmen/San people, how do you feel about westerners separating you from other africans?

    I noticed a lot of westerners who frequent silly biodiversity forums and YouTube act like bushmen are another species. wtf? So hunter gatherers are only cool if they're "capoid" but not if they're from any other region of the earth let alone africa? Do you feel dehumanized?

    3 AnswersAnthropology7 years ago