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How to add music to my Tumblr Streampad?
I've literally just got streampad, and now I'm stuck on how to add music, how do I do it?
1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years agoCure for necklines?!?
I'm 16, and I've recently discovered I have necklines when I smile. I don't know what they're called, but they're sort of attached from my collarbones up to my throat, if that makes sense but only when I smile. What can you do to make them go away?
2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years agoIs sniffing Vicks safe?
I'm 16, with an anxiety issue so I question everything. I have a really bad cold, and I've bought some Vicks and now scared to sniff it. Can it do any harm? My mum and my family (who are all doctors and nurses) says it wont do anything, but I need like a million "its safe to sniff" before I'll do it. Is it safe? :3
4 AnswersRespiratory Diseases8 years agoHow to unblock a nose with a cold?
I'm 16, I came down with a cold 2-3 days ago and ever since then my nose has just been completely blocked. I've not yet bought any Vicks or anything like that, but I have taken Lemsip Max, it worked up until about an hour ago and now my nose is just blocked again. I've tried blowing but nothing comes out.. sorry I know this is disgusting but honestly nothing is coming out. I would do the hot water thing, but I genuinely have no bowls haha, something happened to them yesterday, but what can I do? It's driving me crazy!
6 AnswersRespiratory Diseases8 years agoCan contact lenses go wrong?
I've always been against wearing them, but always wanted them as they look really cool, but now I'm really considering it. I've seen Felice Fawn wear them, and shes' given me the idea to wear them. I'm really gonna look into it before wearing them so anyone who has any kind of experience wearing them, or anything like that can you tell me can they go wrong? Can you buy ones that are 100% proven to not go wrong and are they made from any animals or anything? thanks :) Sorry this question is a bit scattered, not sure how to put it!
5 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years agoHow do get rid of a cold?
I went to my Grandad's house yesterday and his wife has a cold, I've now caught it. I don't know if theres any home remedies I can do to get rid of it because when I get a cold I don't just get a cold, I had my tonsils taken out 5 years ago and I still get the virus, so I get that aswell as a cold, and it's just awful. So is there anything I can do at home?
If it involves food, I am a vegan. :)
7 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years agoYouTube Video taking 6000 minutes to upload?!?
Since the new layout for YouTube, uploading videos for me has just been a complete fail. I've been trying to upload a video that I filmed on Thursday, and it just keeps saying 6000 minutes left, but then it freezes and just stops uploading... the video was only like 10 minutes long too.
I did a video last night which has been uploading since 8pm last night and it's now 2:30pm.
How can I fix this?
3 AnswersYouTube8 years agoHow do add music to my Tumblr?
How can I add music to my page? I want to add Netsky and Foster The People aha! thanks :)
2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years agoHow do I hide my tags on Tumblr?
I cant find the icon to hide my tags, where is it? ;[ and my real name is Heather but I wanted to be someone else on my new Tumblr haha!
1 AnswerGoogle8 years agoCant keep my heel's down?! please help?
I'm 16, been riding since I was 4, my riding is fine but I cannot, and I mean I honestly cant get my heels to go down and toes up. It feels like they're down, but then I see photos and my toes are pointing down and my instructor is constantly saying "heels down heels down!!!" and I just wanna go "they are down!" but they're honestly not. How can I help this?!
8 AnswersHorses8 years agoBCC three's Some Girls song?
I keep seeing the tv ad for Some Girls and the song they use for it I love, but cannot find it anywhere! Does anyone know the name of the song? thanks :)
1 AnswerOther - Music8 years agoWhat age can you get plastic surgery?
What age can it be done in the UK for a nose, chin reduction and something to fill in a jawline if that makes sense, to make it a little more square!
3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years agoHow to be a 'Tumblr Girl'?
I'm 16, I do have mental health issues and I'm only saying this because I just feel the need to. I spend a lot of time on Tumblr, and I've decided I want to start doing self photos. I'm not necessarily the slimmest and prettiest, but that doesn't matter anymore. I like Felice Fawn's style, but I wouldn't go as far as the photos or anything, just the locations of the photos and her clothing in some photos.. I plan to have long black hair too. I know what I wanna do but I just need advice for the 'poses' because I can pose in real, but on photos I just look ridiculous. How can I fix this?
I don't really want to become a Tumblr girl I just want to post selfies, I'm nothing like a Tumblr girl so I have to forget that idea but how can I take a photo and be happy with it? I realise that with my age I wont be happy with my photos but I need some advice on make up and hair (how to) and how to take a photo without my face looking ridiculous! my tumblr
Thanks :)
2 AnswersOther - Internet8 years agoAm I ugly or just not photogenic?
I'm 16, I do a lot with my camera and honestly, my camera is everything to me as I do have a lot of mental health problems causing me to just not see any friends, ever. Anyway, last night I went to a family-get-together and I asked for a photo of all of us, I use a Nikon D3100.
When I got home, looked at the photos, I noticed everyone looked the exact same except me. I have been ill lately so my face is a little puffy but my eyes look huge, face shape is longer, nose looks crooked and misshaped, and more.. I don't know how to fix this... In real, my face (to me) isn't pretty, but its' better than it is in photos! It's smaller, not wide, etc... how do I fix this? I also need to lose weight so that might be it!
6 AnswersPhotography8 years agoGoing outside with an water infection?
I'm 16, I had antibiotics for a tooth problem last week and now off those, they caused a water infection so now I'm on more meds but I started taking the meds today - I feel really unwell but I am going to a family get together on Saturday and I want to go out and get some clothes for then, and I just want to go today to get it over and done with... this is ridiculous, but will I be okay?
1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases8 years agoWinter fashion for teen?
I'm 16, with social anxiety, depression and a few more mental health issues but the thing is, I don't go anywhere or do anything, literally but now I've decided to make small steps. I'm 5'10, and clueless on my weight but I'll say I'm not a dainty build, at all. I like heels, but I always look around 6ft2, I want some blue jeans that are light but not too light (colour), tight, a nice jacket and top, and just some accessories - I've absolutely no idea where to go online for it all. I want to shop online as I wont go into the shop it's self! My social worker is planning to take me and a friend I've known for 3 years that I talk to daily online to the Manchester Markets, and I really want to look nice so if any on could link me to some sites that are up to date with it all then please do! Thanks :)
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories8 years agoDoes A&E have a mental health department?
I'm 16, with major depression, I'm extremely suicidal, there's a lot more.. but I'm in (Yet again) a state. I've been into A&E 3 times, for the same reason but two times in an ambulance - too long of a story to explain. Anyway, I don't want to kill myself - but I do at the same time but I really need to speak to someone. I have absolutely NO friends at all, I don't like talking to people online because I cant express myself, I cant speak on the phone to the childline or anything because again, I cant express myself. But I'm just lost.. really lost.. I know they have the crisis team but they don't deal with adolescent, and the last time I saw them they basically threatened me with the police so I didn't speak to them at all or tell them anything. I just feel like I'm walking about in a box, an invisible box that no one can see or hear me.
I just want someone to talk to, desperately, I don't wanna go to bed at all. I just cant. I don't want to take this to bed with me.
I never used to want help, now I do, now I have anxiety that is - I just want all the rubbish to just get TF out of my head.
Anyway, do they have anyone to just "talk to"? In the UK, Manchester North West!
thank you :)
5 AnswersMental Health9 years agoSong name for the Microsoft UK tv ad?
It's not the one with Alex Clare Too Close, it's the new one... desperate for it, cant describe the ad much but here's the link for it -
I'm not sure if they've made it or something..
sorry it's a bit all over the places this question, not sure how to explain it!
2 AnswersOther - Television9 years agoBest vlogging camera?
I'm 16, into vlogging, never done them really except in 2009-2010 then I deleted my channel. I've now got 3 channels, completely nothing to do with vlogs! I watch Katers17's vlogs every day, and I'm really getting into the idea.
What is the best camera to use? :)
3 AnswersYouTube9 years agoBest extra lenses for Nikon D3100?
I have a Nikon D3100, it's great - but I need extra lenses because I like to do landscapes.
What's the best extra lens to get?
3 AnswersPhotography9 years ago