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Lv 624,574 points


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Jessie. Legal age. Canadian. I'm currently pursuing a major in Information Technology, hoping to get into systems analysis later on in life yet, ultimately, to be a fiction author (my interests vary). Mostly found in Higher Education (University +) and, when I'm bored, P&S. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TC Badge: October 2010 - present.

  • No sound coming from my computer? Please help!?


    There is absolutely no sound coming from my speakers/computer. I've tried checking the volume, ensuring that I have an active sound card and my speakers are built-in to the computer so I'm pretty sure there are no wires associated with that

    I need to figure this out within 3 hours, please help

    2 AnswersDesktops8 years ago
  • Hansel and Gretel - Trailer Music?

    Hansel and Gretel - Trailer Music?

    Hey guys,

    I was hoping somebody here would know the song in the Hansel & Gretel trailer. More specifically, the song that begins playing at 1:28

    (No, it's not the one from Nine Inch Nails haha)

    Thank you!!

    1 AnswerOther - Music8 years ago
  • Are there any companies that have launched a website recently?


    I need to find a company that has recently created/launched a website - in other words, they've gone from the traditional "brick and mortar" organization to a "clicks and mortar" one. Do you know of any?

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersSmall Business8 years ago
  • Do you know any companies that have recently launched a website?


    I need to find a company that has recently created/launched a website - in other words, they've gone from the traditional "brick and mortar" organization to a "clicks and mortar" one. Do you know of any?

    Thank you!

  • Help choosing a character to cosplay as?


    I'm having a super difficult time trying to find a character for my friend to cosplay as. For me, it's easy but my friend, on the other hand, has rather unique characteristics lol. She put together the following list for me and it'd be AMAZING if you could find an anime character that might suit her :)

    What she looks like:

    - 4'9 (yup, she's actually that short but she's in her early 20's believe it or not)

    - darkish brown skin

    - small, brown eyes

    - abnormally big nose (we call it the "snape" nose)

    - extremely skinny

    - dark black hair

    - wears glasses but she can take them off if necessary (it'd save us a lot of trouble if you could find a character with glasses though)

    If you need any other descriptions, let me know! Thanks :D

    2 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • Nightclubs that play kpop songs?


    I know this might sound like a strange question but does anyone know if there are any clubs out there that play KPOP songs? (Big Bang, 2NE1, Super Junior, etc) More specifically, in Toronto, Vaughan or anywhere nearby. I'd really like to go to one of these but obviously I can't take a flight to Korea just to do that :P :)


    2 AnswersKorea9 years ago
  • Nightclubs that play kpop songs?


    I know this might sound like a strange question but does anyone know if there are any clubs out there that play KPOP songs? (Big Bang, 2NE1, Super Junior, etc) More specifically, in Toronto, Vaughan or anywhere nearby. I'd really like to go to one of these but obviously I can't take a flight to Korea just to do that :P :)


    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment9 years ago
  • Attention SNSD fans? Can you name me some good songs from Girls Generation?

    Hi =)

    Don't bag on me, but I'm actually an anti-SNSD. Or at least I think I am. I love KPOP in general but for some reason I've never liked SNSD (probably because of the way they act on TV). However, I really want to give them a chance. So, can you tell me a song or two that you find they sing well? I've already listened to Mr. Taxi, Be Happy, and Hoot and unfortunately I don't like any of those.


    Any other suggestions?

    Also, since you guys know SNSD more than I do, are the girls really as snotty, rude and disrespectful as everyone says they are? I'm sorry if that offends anyone but I've heard some terrible things about their personalities. I know they're young and that Tiffany is a foreigner, so maybe it's just that they're young and immature... so they appear that way? Maybe? I don't know.

    Please & thank you!


    15 AnswersKorea1 decade ago
  • Attention all Canadian Big Bang (KPOP) fans! Canadian VIPs!?

    Hey! So, the KPOP group Big Bang is currently hosting a contest where you can vote for them to come to your country. As a fellow Canadian VIP, I want them to come to Canada! Or even the US at least!

    You can vote here:!/photo.php?fbid=16405530...

    Just go on their facebook profile, find the picture with the "Big Bang is Coming!" logo on it, and comment with "Canada!" on the comments section of the picture to cast your vote.


    This is what we've been waiting for.

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Someone I know missed an assignment worth 30%?

    Hey :)

    Someone I know missed an assignment worth 30%. Therefore, he got 0. There's still 70% worth of tests/exams left, yet he doubts he'll receive over 65% in each of them (that's a C, dead-on, in Canada). In your opinion, do you think he's screwed for the rest of the course? Should he just drop it? I told him that I honestly have no clue as to what he should do... which is why I'm asking on here.

    This is in university, btw.

    Thanks very much :)

    5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Wireless button isn't working on my Sony Vaio?

    Hey all :)

    I have a Sony Vaio, and recently the wireless connection shut off by itself. I toggled the on/off switch for the wireless back and forth, and the "on" light won't turn on. Needless to say, there's no internet connection anymore. Does anyone know why the button isn't working? Is there any way of fixing this?

    Thank you so much!!!

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • I was talking to my friend about a failed course?

    Apparantly, one of my friends is on the brink of failing a course in university. I asked her for the weighting of everything and she said:

    Assignment (worth 15%) - she got 53%.

    Midterm (worth 30%) - she got 56%.

    Final Exam (worth 55%) - she has her final exam on Tuesday, and is expecting to fail it in the 30-40% range.

    50% in our country, Canada, is a pass.

    I told her to drop the course before taking the final, but idk if that was good advice? Should she drop it..? I have no experience with failed courses so I'm not 100% sure, lol.

    Thank you lots.


    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Can you guess what my mark would be for this class?

    So, I slacked off. Really badly. This class is based on 2 assignments and 1 midterm, 1 final exam.

    Midterm (worth 30%) - 52%.

    Assignment 1 (worth 15%) - 83%.

    Assignment 2 (worth 15%) - 92%.

    Final Exam (worth 40%) - I haven't got the mark for this yet but I'm going to guess its a 60-63.

    I'm assuming my final mark will be in the C range? Haha.

    Thanks! (:

  • So what do you think?

    Hey :)

    I'm currently pursuing a BA in Information Technology, with a minor in English. It's only my first year so I'm thinking of changing either the minor in English to a 2nd major or switching over to the BAS (bachelor of administrative studies) in Information Technology.

    Which one should I go for? The double-major with English or the specialized BAS (its pretty much Management Information Systems)?



    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Help my cousin decide which major to pursue?

    Hey :)

    My cousin is in grade 11 right now, but she's been looking at different majors to follow based on the grades she's been getting. She has an average in the high 70s, 78 or 79% I believe. I've already given her my opinions, but she wants more (which is why I'm posting this lol).

    Her Options:

    English at University of Toronto (this is the most prestigious university in Canada, after McGill).

    Communication, Culture & Information Technology at University of Toronto.

    Marketing at Ryerson University (its a low-rated school).

    Marketing at York University (another low-rated school).

    Information Technology at York University.

    Information Technology at UOIT.

    Those are her choices right now. She's assuming she'll get in the high 70s during grade 12 as well, or the low 80s.

    Which major would be most beneficial for her?

    Personally, I think its Marketing or IT, but I'm an IT major myself so I may be biased.

    :) Thank you!

  • What should I do in this situation? My mark is at stake?

    Okay, so I've been in a similar situation before but I was able to get out of it. This time, I'm completely confused.

    I have an assignment worth 15% of my mark that was due today. The assignment is to make a website, which can be viewed on the web by anyone and to post answers to questions on it. One of the girls in my class got a hold of my website and literally copied & pasted MY answers to her website. She even copied the layout of my website (with the table of contents, etc). It's extremely obvious that she plagarized it. Problem is, I've already confronted her about this. She said she'll change the website and I checked, its the exact same thing with a few words changed around.

    What should I do in this situation?

    I don't want the girl to fail but should I e-mail or speak to the prof about this?

    Thank you!

    5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • How do you cite a play in MLA format?

    Not the written play, but an actual movie of the play itself.

    More specifically, I'm trying to cite Oedipus the King from youtube:


    Thank you veryyyy much!


    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How much memory (in gigabytes) does a modern computer with a 36-bit register hold?

    From what I got, its 2^36 = 68 GB.

    Just wanted to make sure that's right :)


    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Where can I find the ebook for Wajdi Mouwad's "Scorched"?

    Hey! I'm looking for the ebook version of "Scorched" by Wajdi Mouwad (sp?). Does anyone know where I can find it? I need it for class!

    Thanks so much :)

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What to do with this pesky chit of a girl?

    Alright, so I feel like I'm being used. I always see nerds on TV being forced to give other people their homework, etc, so this is kinda humiliating. I'm not a nerd, but I'm not dumb either. Yet there is this one chit who continously takes advantage of my generosity. She asked me for help regarding an assignment worth 10 - 15% of our course, and I helped. Over and over again. Then when I ask for help myself regarding questions I know SHE knows the answer to, she ignores me or makes up an excuse ("oh, i'm running late, ttyl!"). Over and over again. She only ever talks to me when she needs help. I'm irritated and have half a mind to tell her off, but I've never been that kind of person. She's also the professors pet (seriously, she's really favoured) so I never know if I may need her to get on the profs good side. But, idk if she'll even help me with that anyway.

    Idk, what should I do? Should I ignore her and give her a taste of her own medicine? Or will that provoke an argument? (I hate fighting, lol).

    PS. - Yes, "chit" is a word lol.

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago