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Struggling with the prospect of divorce, christian answers please? ?
My husband and I have been married for 3 plus years. He was married before for 14 years and I have two previous marriages under my belt. We separated in July of 07 then reconciled in March with hopes of making it work. Since then, we've each made slight changes but neither of us appear to be willing or maybe able to see each others side. I am personally torn between feeling just sick, because I know God frowns upon divorce and it's neither of our first time; and being so hurt and disappointed about being hurt again that I just can't imagine being with him any longer. And I'm sure he feels the same way about me. We get along on a "basic" level.. but he feels like I don't appreciate anything he tries to do, and I feel like he can't see past himself to see that he hurts others in his actions and words. (We both hurt each other deeply with this issue and can't seem to stop doing it ourselves) Any christian advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoLE opinions on Supervising/Rank issue please?
**I apoligize for the lenghyness**
At a local PD I used to work for in years past there was a "dispatch supervisor" position, but when she was demoted for disciplinary reasons, the position disappeared.
Now they are talking of reopening the position, BUT that it will be offered to a certified police officer, not a dispatcher. Now, most of you probably have a similar rank system as this department. Each dept starts out from the bottom with a Officer/Detective/Dispatcher ranking. Then promotions go from there to Cpl, Sgt, and Lt. Then the Captain and Chief are over everyone as a whole. Except Dispatch! As is stands now there’s a Lt. over dispatch and up from there. I personally think the idea of putting a trained, certified police officer between the dispatchers and the Lt. is crazy and makes no sense to me at all. I cannot understand the point of training an officer to supervise people doing a job he knows almost nothing about. To me, this is an excellent opportunity for the dispatchers to have something to work towards, a goal, just like the officers have. Officers must take a written test and interview board to be promoted. Why not do that in this department as well? I would love to hear your opinions on this and what kind of system your department has.
2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoHow do I get the "red" in my hair to stand out more?
I have always had natural red highlights in my hair. It looks almost auburn even sometimes, in the sun. Does anyone know of a product or something I can use on it to bring out or brighten the red?
I don't want to put a color on it.. just want it to look more on the red side than brown.
2 AnswersHair1 decade agoAm I using the right food in my aquarium?
I have a freshwater 10 gallon tank. I have a red platy, a tetra, a glofish (i did have two but one didn't make it through the first night), an african dwarf frog and a yellow snail. The store recommended a basic tropical fish flake, which the fish love; but I'm worried about the frog and the snail. They have lived for 3 weeks so I'm sure they are eating something... but I watch them and can't tell if the frog is getting much. Also, the snail moves around a lot so I wonder if that's normal or he's searching for food.. Anyone that can help with this?
3 AnswersFish1 decade agoWhat's a good icing for a dark chocolate bunt cake?
I'm making a "dark chocolate" cake mix in a bunt style pan. What should I ice it with? I'd prefer something easy. I've seen a "drizzle" type of icing in pictures for that kind of cake. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoHow do you get that "funk" smell out of sheets?
Anyone that has boys knows what I'm talking about. That.. haven't been washed in six months.. boy smell? I've tried washing them regularly with hot water and a good smelling detergent. Any other suggestions short of buying new sheets? It's smells just like a favorite hat! Yuck!
11 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade agoWomen who call themselves "Mrs. John Doe"?
I'm from a younger generation so maybe I just don't get it. I still run across women who not only take the last name of their husband but also the first. Instead of being Jane Doe, they even sign checks, etc. as Mrs. John Doe. I absolutely think you should take your husbands name when getting married as a sign of commitment and respect. But, why was it ever okay to completely loose your identity as well? Your parents gave you a name, why are some women so willing to disrespect that concept for the other one? Any insite on this would be greatly appreciated.
16 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade agoWhat makes you happy?
I need to learn how to smile more often and be happier with myself. (not self esteem really, just life in general) Any suggestions on how to not let everyday stuff get you down?
24 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoDo you think hillbillies are stupid?
Before you jump to answer that... look up the definition of the word. I, for one, am a very proud and INTELLEGENT "hillbilly". I don't think growing up in a "city" environment makes anyone smart. What do you think?
4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoDid marriage counseling help you?
My husband and I have been separated for 2 months. We still talk to each other, but it seems more strained the longer we go. He says he "doesn't know" what he wants. We have agreed to try marriage counseling. I'd like to hear if anyone out there had good or bad experiences with it. Thanks.
8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoShould we really have to "ask" for everything?
I've heard conflicting opinions on this and I'd like to know what you think. I get frusterated because in relationships I don't want to have to "ask" for everything.. it kinda takes the romance out of it for me. I have friends that say "you have to tell a man exactly what to do all the time or they will never do it." I realize that you will have to communicate your likes and dislikes and on occasion sit them down and explain what to do and not to do.. But if you are connected on a deep level.. shouldn't they pick up on some of that on their own? I'd like to know what you think.
16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHow do I tea stain a lamp shade?
I have a large white lamp shade I'd like to tea stain to match my decor which is a horse/barn type theme. Can someone give me instructions. ( I think it's too large to fit all down in a sink or bucket) Thanks!
3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoDecorating a bathroom to go with a patriotic bedroom?
I'm moving into a new house and am decorating my bedroom in a patriotic/americana type theme. I don't want to copy that in the master bathroom but I would like some ideas on what would look good with that. Thanks for all ideas!
The walls are nuetral and the towel racks and floor are all wood. There is a garden tub in one corner, a stand up shower in the other and two separate vanities.
3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoWhat I didn't Do by Steve Wariner.. Lyrics?
I can't get into any sites that have the lyrics so 10 points to the first one who can give them to me... It starts.. I didn't cheat, I didn't lie, so her leavin took me by surprise...
4 AnswersLyrics1 decade agoWhy is it that the same people on here that complain about the police?
not doing the "job the tax payers pay them to do" are the same people that complain about getting searched and written tickets and getting arrested? It's like you want them to catch the bad guys... except you..!
11 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoWhich water park is better? San Antonio or Arlington?
We are planning a trip to Sea World San Antonio (which has a water park, Lost Lagoon) and we're also going to Six Flags over Texas in Arlington which has a water park next door(Herricane Harbor), in a couple of weeks. The price is about the same, which water park is worth staying an extra day for? I've also heard that water parks are unclean and gross.. is that true of these parks? Any info would be appreciated! Thanks!
3 AnswersAmusement Parks1 decade agoAnyone ever lose weight with birthcontrol? I always gain.?
I have tried several different types of Birth control. Pills, depo shot, nuva ring. They all made me gain weight. Anyone tried anything that didn't do that?
31 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoMy child is very intelligent, and I have a couple of options...?
My son is 9 and has tested well above his classmates all his school life. The school has given us the option of sending him to a different (still public) school next year for 4th grade that will cater more to the higher rated kids instead of trying to catch the lower kids up to normal. He's very excited, as are we. This has caused me to wonder about other options. Homeschooling.. which I'm afraid to do, because he's an only child ( step brother is almost 18) and I don't want to isolate him anymore than he already is. Anyone else have experience with this?
18 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade agoRude behavior tolerated because he's disabled?
I have a 21 year old cousin who's been in wheelchair since he was small. He has a form of muscular distrophy and wasn't expected to live past the age of 18. He was homeschooled most of his life and although he isn't mentally handicapped in anyway, he acts like a big baby alot, and now that he's older, he's even started making rude, sexual comments that are not appropriate. I hate it, and to anyone else, I'd say something. But, since we're lucky to even still have him alive, and I feel like the behavior isn't completely his fault, I don't. Anyone have a thought on this?
6 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago