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Favorite Answers8%

Name's Faith, age 13, I love music, older music to be exact. I play electric bass, and acoustic guitar. I love the Monkees, The Beatles, Queen, The Who, The Stones, etc. Favorite shows are The Big Bang Theory, Top Gear (UK), and the Simpsons.

  • Original pressing of records?

    I'm looking for a website to find the value of an original pressing of a record. The best answer will be given to an answer that gives me a website that can let me say the record, give the condition, and then it finds the value. That's what would be best. But anything to find the value will do.

    Thank you!!!

    1 AnswerRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Can you eat Edamame shells?

    My mom was flipping through a magazine and she needed to know if you can eat edamame shells.


    10 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Billy Idol bass tabs?

    I'm trying to find 'Hot in the City' bass tabs. I've googled it, but I'm not finding anything. If you can find anything, please give me a link, and you get best answer.

    Thanks guys!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Poll: Do you use Ceverbot? What is it?

    I mean, are you talking to a computer or a person? I'm really confused so just tell me what it is and everything you can about it.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • What are your top 20 songs of all time?

    Mine are all classic rock songs. Every. Single. One.

    The floor is yours.

    2 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • When you're off of Yahoo Answers...?

    are you thinking of questions to put on Yahoo! Answers?

    I sometimes do

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Peach smoothie without yogurt?

    I know I know... you're thinking

    "why didn't she just google it?"

    I tried googling 'Peach smoothie without yogurt' , but everything had some type of yogurt in it. Peach yogurt, vanilla yogurt, etc.

    So I'm asking you if you can find a peach smoothie recipe WITHOUT yogurt of any kind in it. The things I have are white and regular peaches, ice, milk, white sugar, and brown sugar.

    Please help me

    10 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years ago
  • Facebook Friends question?

    When you go to your wall and the friends that show up on the left hand side keep changing. I was wondering why it kept changing.

    Are those friends the ones that visit my wall the most or look at my info the most or what?

    Please tell me

    1 AnswerFacebook10 years ago
  • Jimi Hendrix or Stevie Ray Vaughn?

    SRV had more control and was alot more cleaner when playing, but Jimi had more talent, so I'm gonna go with Jimi.

    BQ: What is you fave song by each artist?

    mine is crossfire (SRV), and Sunshine of your love (Jimi's version)

    3 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • Would you rather look at...?

    My photography, or my photography....

    Srry but i needed to get a question in this category, but im begging you to look at my photography.

    Just follow this link...;_ylt=Atcji...

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Can you please take a look at my photography? (link)?

    I would love any advice if you have any

    Be COMPLETELY honest.

    Thank you.

    4 AnswersPhotography10 years ago
  • Poll... Do you think that Queen should've replace Freddie Mercury?

    I mean, after Freddie died, I don't think that they should've replaced him.

    Freddie Mercury is my guy and I miss him so much, but do you think that they should have replaced Freddie Mercury with Queen after he died?

    Again, Freddie Mercury is my guy, and I can't express that enough.

    I love him so much...

    Please respond!

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • The Simpsonize me website...?

    has been down for over two years.

    when you visit it, EVERY TIME, it says:

    Due to the immense popularity of, we are unable to Simpsonize you at this time.

    Please try again later.

    it's said that for over 2 years now

    is it my computer?

    please help

    2 AnswersComedy10 years ago
  • Anyone who has seen 'Rango'!?

    Online i want to find the VERY beginning of Rango where hes in the aquarium and he does the odd couple parody that jack lemmon does

    You know, the throat thing at the VERY BEGINNING...

    Where can i find that online?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Drawing on shoes with thin point sharpies?

    I have a pair of shoes that I want to draw on with sharpies

    I just dont know what TO draw

    I dont want simple shapes like stars or hearts or peace signs or anything like that

    Im not the best artists ever, so no people or bodies or anything like that

    Heres things that I LOVE to give you some ideas...

    -The Beatles


    -Rainy days

    -Peace (again, no peace signs, looks too girly)

    -London, England

    -The Rolling Stones

    -Bass Guitar

    just PLEASE give me ideas!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • What is your favorite SNL skit?

    It can be from any year

    My favorite is the Cowbell skit.

    I have 3 shirts that say MORE COWBELL on it


    My laptop wallpaper is this:

    so as you can see I love More Cowbell.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Please help I'm soo bored!!!!!?

    I'm sitting here at home on the couch and I'm so bored outta my mind and I don't know what to do

    I'm sick of the computer and the TV but I am looking for crafts beside origami and scrapbooking to do with scrapbooking paper

    I'm so unexplainably bored and I need lotsa help!


    And nothing boring Or stupid

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Angry birds fans answer!?

    Cant we all agree that its addicting and probably the best electronic game that we've had in a while ??!!

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Safety concerns of coal mining?

    This is for a science project.

    The question is:

    How are safety concerns addressed in the production of coal?

    I can't find anything on bing or google so I came here to ask this.

    If anyone has a helpful answer that'd be really good.

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • An electronic book without internet?

    I want an electronic book but i dont want internet on it

    I know there a thing like this but i dont know what its called

    Please tell me:

    THe company that company that owns it

    The name of it

    The price

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago