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  • Anyone watch the Bachelorette 2011 finale?

    What do you think of Ashley's choice of JP?

    Do you think she made the right decision and do you think they are suited?

    I personally didn't think they were but what the hell do I know. lol

    I feel terrible for Ben. I don't think this show was a good fit for him. He is a smart and deep guy, really sensitive and he wasn't cut out for the way this game is played. I don't think he realized how you can get 'played' on this show.

    If you are part of the final two. Right up until the very end, you are lead to believe the other person is into you. They kiss you, hug you, hold your hand, look into your eyes and laugh and joke with you but they know that they "love" the other person but of course you don't know that and you go to get that final rose or proposal and you are told 'you are not the one'


    I still don't know why people are willing to go through with it and participate in the Bachelor or the Bachelorette.

    7 AnswersReality Television10 years ago
  • Who can file a petition to family court for child support?

    My son received a letter from family court to say a petition was filed in regards to child support. And there were several boxes that can be checked and the box 'non support' was checked.

    My son is engaged to the mother of their child. she said she did not file a claim nor her mother.(baby's grandmother)

    My son's name is on the birth certificate.

    He is volunteering support for the baby eg. buying things

    The baby is receiving benefits though, like WIC.

    Can the state file a petition?

    Can they make him pay child support even though the mother of child has not has not filed for child support?

    My son works hardly any hours, part time. He will begin college in January. He hasn't a dime basically to pay child support by legal means. He still lives at home with us and visits his fiance and baby regularly, they live in the next town over. The young girl and baby still lives with her family. both my son and fiance are 19 and 20.

    What does my son need to know, do?

    I am presuming that there will be some kind of court case. He has been assigned a 'case' number. so who can be the petitioner? if the child's mother did not file a petition.

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Pregnant girls consider the father of the child and his family, the flip side?

    Here's my story. I appreciate feed back, advice and support. Thanks.

    I hear of many stories of young girls getting pregnant they get the support from their mothers.

    but perhaps do not consider that the father of the baby has parents too who may want to be supportive and involved too.

    I am saying this because my 18yr old son has got his 19yr old girlfriend pregnant.

    I found out this week, I am so devastated by this news but trying to come to terms with it. I have shed many tears. My son has a career field set out already and was leaving in June to start training. He will continue to do this but he wants to be the honorable man and help his gf and baby out and actually wants to marry the young lady.

    I am so proud of him of wanting to step up to the plate and do the right thing, he says he loves her and it will be ok.

    I hardly know the girl, met her a handful of times, she is shy and quiet and so i don't know her.

    I would like to know her and would love to be part of the babies life too.

    It is hard as my husband and I love our son very much and we want to be there for him and his child and his girlfriend.

    Right now I still haven't seen the girl and she is working things through with her mother. She still lives at home with her mom and so she will be the main support until something changes like she and my son does get married and work it out on their own.

    It's hard because my husband and I right now are just left in the cold. my son is over at his gf house, her mother is there and they are just discussing and planning, and of course we aren't in the picture. I am having high anxiety and just worrying so much.

    I am afraid that she may not want us involved and will be just happy to have the baby and keep us out because she has her own parents there already. you know what I mean?

    I understand at the end of the day it is between my son and his gf but it is still difficult. I am a sensitive, emotional type person, I know how difficult it is being a single mom because I was one many years ago with my first son. So I know how hard it all is.

    I just want to let any girls out there to really think about other people's feelings there are many young men out there who have feelings, they feel, they aren't to be considered just as sperm donor. they want to be part of the babies life and they have parents who care too.

    I know there are so many dead beat dads out there and just guys who don't give a flying f*ck and dip their d*ck anywhere and everywhere. But my son is not one them, he is so young and I am so sad that this has happened but I am proud of how mature he is approaching this and will support him.

    I don't want to see him get hurt and for the girl to change her mind and they split up and there goes another child being born into this world without any stability, no secure home life. involved with visitations and child support payments and it all just sucks.

    It is so different when you have a son who has gotten someone else pregnant rather than if it is your own daughter who is pregnant. But to me the feelings are still strong, I love my son and this child is part of him whatever anyone says.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnant girls consider the father of the child and his family, the flip side.?

    Here's my story. I appreciate feed back, advice and support. Thanks.

    I hear of many stories of young girls getting pregnant they get the support from their mothers.

    but perhaps do not consider that the father of the baby has parents too who may want to be supportive and involved too.

    I am saying this because my 18yr old son has got his 19yr old girlfriend pregnant.

    I found out this week, I am so devastated by this news but trying to come to terms with it. I have shed many tears. My son has a career field set out already and was leaving in June to start training. He will continue to do this but he wants to be the honorable man and help his gf and baby out and actually wants to marry the young lady.

    I am so proud of him of wanting to step up to the plate and do the right thing, he says he loves her and it will be ok.

    I hardly know the girl, met her a handful of times, she is shy and quiet and so i don't know her.

    I would like to know her and would love to be part of the babies life too.

    It is hard as my husband and I love our son very much and we want to be there for him and his child and his girlfriend.

    Right now I still haven't seen the girl and she is working things through with her mother. She still lives at home with her mom and so she will be the main support until something changes like she and my son does get married and work it out on their own.

    It's hard because my husband and I right now are just left in the cold. my son is over at his gf house, her mother is there and they are just discussing and planning, and of course we aren't in the picture. I am having high anxiety and just worrying so much.

    I am afraid that she may not want us involved and will be just happy to have the baby and keep us out because she has her own parents there already. you know what I mean?

    I understand at the end of the day it is between my son and his gf but it is still difficult. I am a sensitive, emotional type person, I know how difficult it is being a single mom because I was one many years ago with my first son. So I know how hard it all is.

    I just want to let any girls out there to really think about other people's feelings there are many young men out there who have feelings, they feel, they aren't to be considered just as sperm donor. they want to be part of the babies life and they have parents who care too.

    I know there are so many dead beat dads out there and just guys who don't give a flying f*ck and dip their d*ck anywhere and everywhere. But my son is not one them, he is so young and I am so sad that this has happened but I am proud of how mature he is approaching this and will support him.

    I don't want to see him get hurt and for the girl to change her mind and they split up and there goes another child being born into this world without any stability, no secure home life. involved with visitations and child support payments and it all just sucks.

    It is so different when you have a son who has gotten someone else pregnant rather than if it is your own daughter who is pregnant. But to me the feelings are still strong, I love my son and this child is part of him whatever anyone says.

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • If you believe the world is going to end in 2012 are you going to change the way you live in the next 2 years?

    So basically that is the question.

    If you believe the world is going to end in 2012 whether it's true or not, it's what you personally believe, then are you going to make changes, live differently, do some things you have always wanted to do within the next 2 years?

    Kinda like a bucket list.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who is not watching American Idol this year but has been an avid follower in the past?

    I have chosen to not watch it this year and I have followed it ever since the first season.

    I think last year pretty much ended the ride for me.

    I found that it irritates me no end, and just don't want to be part of watching the fiasco anymore.

    I feel quite good about my decision, this week I enjoyed watching other tv shows or just doing something different.

    I really like not feeling addicted to the program like I have been over the years. It almost feels empowering to not watch it and go against the grain.

    So anyone else who is skipping this year? And what are your reasons and what are you watching or doing instead?

    5 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Who is not watching American Idol this year but has been an avid follower in the past?

    I have chosen to not watch it this year and I have followed it ever since the first season.

    I think last year pretty much ended the ride for me.

    I found that it irritates me no end, and just don't want to be part of watching the fiasco anymore.

    I feel quite good about my decision, this week I enjoyed watching other tv shows or just doing something different.

    I really like not feeling addicted to the program like I have been over the years. It almost feels empowering to not watch it and go against the grain.

    So anyone else who is skipping this year? And what are your reasons and what are you watching or doing instead?

    6 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Anyone watched the National Geographic program about the First Jesus?

    An artifact, a stone tablet is being analyzed as it has inscription about another Messiah who was crucified, resurrected just like Jesus, but this person is named Simon and was born before Jesus.

    When scientists make these discoveries, surely it must cause you to question what you believe.

    Did any Christians watch this program, what do you think?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's the name of the Michael Mcdonald character on Mad tv?

    He played a guy with long hair, he was a trailer trash stereotype. He acted like a tough guy and wanted to fight everyone but was pathetic and couldn't punch properly and ended up on the floor punching the ground. He would call everyone 'jive turkey' and he had a girlfriend who thought he was the hottest thing around. It was just a funny skit.

    It is definitely Mad TV and definitely Michael Mcdonald. So please no one tell me its SNL or anyone else.


    3 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Christians. Why do you continue on keeping your "eyes on the prize"?

    The prize, one day being in the presence of God living with him.

    I still find it difficult to comprehend the mindset of so many christians who keep on trusting and believing that they will one day see this god and be living in a magical place. A god who is willing to bar entry to so many people from his kingdom, send them to eternal torment just because they fail to accept his ultimatum.

    It is an ultimatum, there is no other way to describe it.

    It is either accept my 'gift' or go to hell.

    How do you still continue following this 'god'?

    Why do you still believe this story?

    Consider that you may have children, parents, loved ones who may not follow this god, consider their destination according to what you believe.

    Do you still consider this 'god' a prize?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • So let's play "What if". What if Adam and Eve did exist?

    And Adam and Eve did not eat from the tree of knowledge.

    (And please no mention of apples) you smart ones know why I say this.

    What would life be like today if they had obeyed god?

    How would things be different?

    31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians. What would you say to me if I told you ...?

    that I once was a believer in Jesus. That I once gave my heart, got 'saved' and followed closely for several years and truly with all my heart sought with heart mind and soul. Did the praying, fasting, witnessing, the whole thing, with love and passion and all. Then....doubt set in, and questions arose, and thinking began on my part, not just accepting and believing upon faith, but began thinking and reasoning and just faith dwindled and to cut a long story short, just no longers believes any longer.

    What's your opinion on this?

    And to inform you, more and more people who were strong christians, true followers of the faith, who knew the bible, lived the life and were not fake at all, now no longer believe.

    So what do you think is happening?

    And also from your point of view in your mind, where do people like us are going to end up? presuming you believe in the heaven and hell concept. Also I expect that there maybe differences of opinions due to some of you believe in the OSAS doctrine, and some do not.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do people refer to Michael Jackson as a genius?

    Michael Jackson a genius? Really?

    The moon walk began on the streets. It just wasn't called the moonwalk and was less refined.

    I do not see Michael play any instruments in any of his videos and have not ever heard that he has mastered any musical instrument.

    I believe Mozart was a genius, and Einstein, and scientists who discover amazing things such as DNA structure.

    MJ a genius? Please enlighten me of what he is a genius of?



    Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire, were far superior when it comes to dance.


    So many that surpass MJ's vocal capabilities.

    Song writing?

    The Beatles surpass MJ

    MJ was a good entertainer and perhaps a great philantropist. But that doesn't warrant the label of genius.

    Please tell me why is MJ a genius?

    11 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • MJ worthy of being saluted like a soldier?

    I don't think so.

    Now don't get me wrong, I liked MJ mostly. And I believe he deserved a respectful memorial service. BUT saluting him like he was a fallen soldier I don't think so.

    Michael was an ok person, but he did not die defending this country and did not deserve a salute.

    Also while I am at it, singing a song that is meant to be a religious song about 'god'

    "soon and very soon we are going to see the king..."

    I am not a religious person, but I find this wrong to put Michael so far up there on that pedestal almost referring to him as a king, not king of pop anymore but just a king, like some god.

    And also referring to him living forever and being a comfort to people down here on earth.

    What is going on here?

    I think this death of Michael Jackson has gone and blown all out of proportion.

    11 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Did you see tears when Paris spoke at the MJ service?

    Did you see any tears when Paris Jackson spoke about her daddy being the best one in the world?

    I know everyone is going on about how touching it was but something seemed a little odd to me. I saw no tears. And the voice breaking and her choice of words seemed a little fake, like it was rehearsed.

    I know that sounds terrible.

    And I actually liked MJ, and his music, and I think the kids are beautiful but this just seemed odd.

    What do you think?

    20 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Michael Jackson's will. His dad gets nothing?

    Anyone heard this already?

    I just saw it on Showbiz tonight, however reliable that source is, I don't know.

    but still it is good that Michael or whoever advised him, had the sense to make a will.

    I am sure he has made sound decisions in regards to the children.

    I don't think they will end up with the grandparents that is for sure.

    Maybe his mom would have been ok, but of course Michael wouldn't want his dad have anything to do with raising his kids.

    And his father gets nothing according to the latest news. Wow, they really did have issues.

    But I don't blame Michael at all, if this is true.

    13 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • How was Joseph Jackson's and Michael's?

    Relationship in these last few years? Do you think they were able to reconcile any differences.

    Perhaps Michael was able to forgive his dad and for Joseph to apologise for the way he treated him.

    I just wonder how Joseph maybe feeling now that his son is gone. do you think he maybe carrying some guilt?

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • I have a disability and want to lose weight. Any tips?

    I would like to lose 10-15 lbs, possibly more, but it would be great if I could lose this much to begin with. I would like to lose it by August 14th. Do you think this is a realistic goal?

    I am limited to what I can physically do, but I can still do low impact for short periods. 10-15 mins I have pain and get fatigued, so bearing all that in mind.

    Any ideas for work out and for food intake.

    I am 5ft 1" and weigh 160. I know for my height and medium build I ought to weigh far less than that. It is frustrating and difficult for me. But I want to really get focused and lose some.

    I have more pain since I gained the weight, so I know it would benefit me to do something about it.

    I need some encouragement and help.


    16 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Do you think it is important to teach about homosexuality in school?

    I posed this question in the gay/lesbian/trans category aswell.

    Recently on the radio (a rock station, not religious) I was listening to a news segment about how the topic of homosexuality is being taught in schools in California. The kids as early as kindergarten are told about the variations of the lifestyle and the alternative family..

    So biology is taught in school. The basics of where babies come from and the plumbing of both male and females and how procreation occurs.

    and so a child learns in biologically that a baby is created by a man and woman having sexual intercourse.

    If homosexuality is taught then this is going to raise questions when the kids are in the biology class.

    "so how does Jack and John have a baby?" a kid may ask the teacher, because he knows that Jack and John down the road live together and love eachother and want a child. And then the teacher will have to go off on a tangent and explain how gay people have children.

    Do you think the basics of academics should be adhered to and the subject of homosexuality should be eliminated or at least a topic discussed in a social studies or humanities class when the kids are old enough to grasp the concept?

    I do believe that there is an option form for parents to fill out if they do not want their children to attend the sex education class for religious reasons or whatever.

    Do you think that there should be something similar for this topic too? I believe the two subjects are separate. That they would not tie homosexuality up in the sex education class.

    Please educate me and show me another angle that perhaps I am not getting and understanding if you do think that it is important that the subject of homosexuality should be addressed in school to kids at an early age.

    Can this be a polite discussion and sensible answers.

    Based on your question, we think it belongs in one of these categories:

    Suggested Category Browse Categories Suggested Category Society & Culture > Cultures & Groups > Lesbian, Gay

    8 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • So who is now watching SYTYCD now AI is over?

    Well Idol is over, so now it's "So you thing you can dance?"

    then it will be America's most talented. LOL

    So who's watching SYTYCD?

    I am. I really enjoy this show. So much talent. Amazing.

    6 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago