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  • I need help with two separate tattoo ideas?

    First off, I want to say I love tattoos and I know they hurt and they are permanent. I never get a tattoo on a whim and I always ask myself will I still love this tattoo when I'm 80. I have five already, which I have either drew myself or helped design. So please don't tell me anything about the hurting or permanence because I know all that.

    That said, I have two ideas for tattoos, but I don't know exactly what I want to get to represent them. One is something for Titanic, either the ship or the movie. The movie is my favorite movie, but I have loved the ship Titanic long before the movie, ever since I heard the story of the unsinkable ship in the second grade. It just reminds me that nothing in life is certain. I want something representative of the ship without getting an actual picture of it. So any ideas for that would be great.

    The other is to represent my love of vampires. Again, I have loved them way before Twilight and I'm not just jumping on the bandwagon. Vampires facinate me and I love the romanticised version of them. They are also special because they are the subject of the first book I wrote back in the sixth grade. I want something symbolic of a vampire, but not something so obscure I'm always having to explain it. I've thought about just doing a picture of a vampire, but I'm not sure. I already have an angel on one shoulder and Ariel the Little Mermaid and Jack from Nightmare Before Christmas on the other so I dunno if it would ne to crowded.

    I want a tattoo on the back of my neck, on the inside ankle, on my wrist, and possibly on the front of my shoulder like beside my collar bone, so any of my tattoos have to be small so they will fit in one of those places.

    Anyways, I think I've given enough information and can't wait to hear an outsiders opinion. Thanks in advance for your input!

    3 AnswersTattoos10 years ago
  • What are some easy to maintain shoulder length haircuts?

    I have been growing out my hair for sometime now and it's almost to my waist right. It is dark black and has a slight wave to it, but its not curly. I am looking for a haircut that is easy to maintain. I am thinking of donating my hair to locks of love, which requires a minimum of 10 inches. This will put my hair at about mid shoulder length.

    I am not one of those girls who gets up and spends hours on her hair, and especially with having two kids, I need something quick and easy. I don't blow dry my hair. I do occasionally straighten it if I have time, but it's not something I do everyday. My husband likes longer hair so I would like to keep as much length as possible.

    I have fell in love with a haircut but I am just not sure how hard it will be to keep it up or if it will look right on me. I am a plus size woman with a full face. This is a picture of me.

    The haircut I want is is the one Shailene Woodley from Secret Life of the American Teenager has. I love the side swept bangs. Here is a picture in case you don't know what I am talking about.

    My question is 1- would that haircut look good with my face shape and 2- is that going to be a hard haircut to maintain? From what I read online, people have said all you have to do to get the bangs to train to go to the side is bobby pin them after I take a shower until they dry. Is that all it will require?

    Any advice will be great appreciated!

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Desperately trying to find out the title to this book?

    Ok so back when I was in the 6th grade in the late 90s I started reading a book for our individual reading assignments during class. It was near the end of the year and I never got to finish it. For the past few years I have been searching for it with no luck so I am hoping perhaps somebody might be able to shed some light on the subject. It is a children's/young adult chapter paperback book. It had to have been published in 98 or earlier. The book is about a young girl who goes to live with a family member, either her grandmother or her aunt, I can't remember. Some how she aquires this really old doll that transports her back to the pioneer days on the wagon trail. She is not herself though, it is like she is living in an already existant girl's body who was the original owner of the doll. The original girl can go back and forth in time with the doll. The pioneer girl ends up sick with like small pox or yellow fever or something which makes the original girl sick. That is as far as I got.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Lots of questions about c-sections and a few more about pregnancy and being indued?

    I am 37 weeks pregnant with my second child. I have been having a lot of complications with him, from pain early on to premature labor back in November. Now I am at a point where I have so much fluid in my uterus it is measuring over 45 weeks in size. My son is also a big boy. We went for an ultrasound Monday and he is already almost 8lbs. They won't induce me for some reason, which is really frustrating because I can barley breath because of the fluid and I can barely move without being in pain because of how swollen my belly is. That is my first question... why won't they induce me? I have known women who have had to be induced early so I don't understand what the problem is.

    Second, doe anybody knoww why I would be having so much fluid. The doctors have no answers. One has tested me for diabetes (even though I passed my glucose test) and my blood sugar has been completely normal. My blood pressure goes up and down but it's mostly from pain and stress. I don't understand why this is happening!

    Thirdly, my doctor, because he won't induce until 39 wks, has told me it is very likely my son could be 10lbs and that I most likely would need a c-section (which to me seems like reason enough to induce!) but also, I am worried about the c-section. I have panic attacks. How aware are you that they are doing stuff to you? Can you have somebody in the room with you? How long does the procedure take from begining to end (like sewing and everything?) What kind of pain management do they give you during and after? What should I expect for my hospital stay? After I go home? Also I am a very overweight woman (I am right around 250 normally and 5'2", but being pregnant and having so much fluid, I am more like 290 now. How is my weight going to effect the c-section? Is it going to make it take longer? Is it going to make my scar take longer to heal?

    I appreciate any information you guys can give me.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Am I allergic to sterling silver? And what are some alternatives to diamonds?

    Ok, when my hubby and I first got married, I wore my mom's old wedding ring which was yellow gold. But my husband wanted to trade up to titanium for him, so I switched to a nice sterling silver set from Avon. I was ok with it for a bit, but then I started noticing my finger would get really itchy, dry out, and peel a bit, almost like a rash. So I took it off, thinking maybe it was just that ring. I bought another wedding ring from Avon, just a simple sterling silver band. I did ok with it for a bit, but then it started doing it. I have another ring, a mother's ring, I got at limoges jewelry online that is silver tone and it says is rhodium plated and I have no problems with it. I usually wear it on my ring finger on my right hand. Well since that one didn't bother me, I bought another sterling silver ring and it too started irritating my finger within hours of putting it on. Wondering if there was just something wrong with that finger, I switched my mother's ring to my wedding ring finger and I have not had problems since.

    Does this sound like I am allergic to sterling silver rings? I know that Avon rings are nickel free so it can't be that. My mother in law said it might be the width of the band, but the last one I bought was really open (kinda like a filigree type thing) and it still bothered me.

    I am desperate. I feel naked without a wedding ring on but I don't want to fork out more money to get a new one just for me not to be able to wear it. Somebody told me to try stainless steel because it is supposed to be super hypoallergenic, but I could never find anything pretty. I thought about white gold, but again, I don't want to spend a bunch of money on something that I can't wear. I've been wearing my mother's ring as a my wedding ring for the time being but would like to buy something new when we get our income taxes in.

    My other question is, what are some alternatives to diamonds for rings? When I do buy a ring, I would love to buy a set, but I don't want to fork out thousands of dollars. I am not really a diamond kinda girl either... I want something that is different from everybody else, but you can still tell it is a wedding ring/engagement ring. Mine and my hubby's birthstone is aquamarine. Our daughter is garnet and we believe our soon to be here son's is gonna be garnet as well. I love the colors pink and black. My favorite cut for a stone is princess. I don't know if I should buy an engagement ring and then a wedding ring or if I should just buy a really great wedding ring that can stand on it's own. Again, I want something I can wear that people will know I am married, but at the same time, not be the same ring that everybody has. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Caring for my disabled controling mom... what do I do?

    My mom is 50 and has been disabled for years. She has kidney probs, morbidly obese, anxiety, and a lump on her leg the size of a melon. I understand she cant do much, although it often seems she wont. I am 25, married with 1 child and 1 on the way. I am expected to do her errands like groceries and bills. She has no car and it feels more like an assistant than daughter. She expects me to drop everything if she needs something. She guilt trips me which makes my hub hate her. She often has me in tears. I have had a bad pregnancy and I havent been able to do as much and she guilts me saying she has nobody and will starve. She makes me feel bad if I do anything with my in laws. She has to know where I am 24/7, threatens dying from stress, ect. She is putting stress on me in a time when I dont need it and I feel like I am in a tug of war between her and my hub. I dont know what to do anymore. I love my mom but I also need to take care of my family and myself 1st. What do I do?? Please help!!

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • When should my family throw my baby shower? Please no mean responses...?

    My family is trying to figure out when would be the best time to throw my baby shower and I honestly have no clue what to tell them. We have a little boy due on February 11th. However, our little girl is turning two on January 21st. So we're running into the problem of everything being so bunched up together... Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then my daughter's birthday, then our son being born... and we just don't know when would be the best time to throw the shower. My mother in law said it would have to be after Christmas because she doesn't have time before hand. Does anybody have any advice? My only thought was to possibly have a birthday party/shower and do my daughter's birthday and the baby shower the same day, but I wasn't sure if that was practical or not? Please help. I need to let them know what day would be best. Thanks in advance!

    ***And please no mean comments... I know that tradition says you don't have a baby shower for a second child, but my family wants to throw one for me, especially since this baby is a boy and we don't have any boy items. I have given most of my stuff away to friends who had girls anyway, so we're basically starting from scratch. And please don't say that I shouldn't be asking for gifts, because lets be honest, who doesn't throw a baby shower to get gifts for their baby?

    8 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Question about baby shower invitations?

    This will be awhile but I am just wondering about something. My husband and I are trying for another child. Our daughter is fourteen months old. When we had her baby shower (and her first birthday actually) ALL we got was clothes. I am worried that if we have a baby shower for this second child and its a girl as well, we will have a repeat of that. We have so many clothes from our first daughter that we really don't need any more clothes. I have plastic cases full, plus all the clothes that she still fits into which is three drawers and a full closet. If and when we have a second child and this one two is a girl, is there anything we could put on the invitation about not needing any more clothes. I would love it if people would give us the stuff we actually need like bottles, formula, diapers, wipes, ect. But I also don't want to be rude either because I appreciate everything that people have given us for our daughter and will give us for our second child. What is the best way to handle this?? And yes, I know, I worry too much considering I am not even pregnant yet ^_^

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • On friends in the episode The One With The Flashback....?

    Ok, I have seen every episode of FRIENDS. And I have looked everywhere for the answer to this and can't find it. In TOW the Flashback, Janice asks them "which of the six of you have been with which of the six of you," and Ross tells her "that would be none of us" or something to that degree. Now my question is why would he say that because I believe him and Rachel are dating by this point because she is sitting on his lap practically. So wouldn't Ross and Rachel have had sex? They had sex on like their first or second date at the planetarium and I believe that's already happened by this point. So shouldn't he have said, "Just me and Rachel?"

    2 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Is it ok to wear gold and silver rings together?

    I prefer silver or white gold jewelry. However, I have a yellow gold and ruby ring that was my grandmother's that I wear in remembrance of her. It's just a little piece of her that I like to keep close. I feel like if I wear any other rings on that hand, they should be gold but I don't really like gold. What are my options? My wedding set is silver and I wear on my left hand (obviously lol) and I wear my grandmother's ring on my middle finger on my right hand. Everything else (necklaces, bracelets, ect) is silver or white gold... is it ok? Or does it look tacky?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Two questions: What are some alternatives to wedding rings in vow renewal ceremonies and are czs ok for rings?

    My husband and I have been married for three years. When we first got married we eloped (went to the courthouse without telling anybody but my mom lol) and always planned to one day renew our vows so our family and friends could be there. We recently had a rough patch in our marriage and have decided to make a new start and renew our wedding vows next year. The problem is, he has a wedding ring he loves and I recently got a set that I love as well. Now one part of my question is it ok for me to have a cz set. I really love it. It is exactly what I wanted and honestly we don't have the money for real diamonds as we just had a new little baby girl. The second question is what is some kind of alternative to a wedding ring for us to exchange at the vow renewal. I want us to be able to exchange some sort of token of our love that we can wear as a reminder of this fresh start we are making together. I was thinking some sort of matching ring, or perhaps some kind of matching pendant? Any ideas?

    5 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Planning a vow renewal/recommitment ceremony...?

    My husband and I are planning on renewing our vows next year on Halloween. We went through a troubling time and would love to just recommit ourselves to one another. Plus, we never had a wedding when we first got married. Halloween has always been a big deal to us. It is our favorite holiday. We are planning on doing it in my mother in law's backyard. I have a lot of ideas and stuff, but I am having trouble with one thing. I absolutely LOVE pink. I want to do pink and black for the colors. How can I do pink and black in a Halloween ceremony? Any ideas?

    2 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Question about salt covenant...?

    My husband and I are renewing our vows next year and I was looking for alternatives to the unity candle. I came across the salt covenant which seems really interesting and I would love to do that at our ceremony. My question is, could we use salt and pepper? If anybody has seen the movie Fireproof, you'll know what I'm talking about. Basically salt and pepper are completely opposite but you always see them together and they go together perfectly. I think it would be a good idea, but I don't want to do anything disrespectful.

    2 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • What should I add to my tattoo to make it more meaningful?

    Ok, I got a tattoo about a week ago after my grandmother died. It is one pink rose with a smaller pink and purple rose coming off of it. The larger pink rose symbolizes my grandmother and the smaller symbolizes my daughter. I want to add some words to it to make it more meaningful. I got it as a sort of representation of the life my grandmother had and the new life my daughter is just beginning. The two things I had come up with was "As one life ends, another begins" or something to that effect or either "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven" or maybe just the "to everything there is a season." I want people to be able to look at the tattoo and understand what it symbolizes. Any advice??

    1 AnswerTattoos1 decade ago
  • What kind of tattoo should I get to mark the birth of my daughter?

    So... I just had my daughter two months ago. I really want to get a tattoo for her, to mark her effect on my life. I just don't know what to get. I was thinking something on my forearm, wrist, back of my neck, or shoulder. I don't have a lot of money, so it can't be anything too large or elaborate. I like the idea of her handprints or footprints but everybody seems to be doing that. I want something original. Any ideas people? I'm open to any suggestion.

    12 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Is it normal for a Boston Terrier to have a longer nose?

    Hi, we just got a Boston Terrier puppy today. She is five months old. We saw both the mom and dad when we bought her and they both had the short pug looking nose, but she has a longer nose. Is that normal? She's supposed to be full blooded (both the mom and dad are). The woman who sold her said that she was the only one of the puppies who came out with a longer nose. Has anybody else had any experience with this? Please no mean answers. I love her all the same, I'm just curious if the woman was lying to us or what. Thank you!

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago