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  • C++: How to convert plain Oracle SQL statement to variable binding Oracle SQL statement?

    Hi all,

    I would like to request for your advice regarding this topic as my knowledge level on C++ is almost nil and I haven't found any helpful hints on the net. I would like to convert a plain SQL Oracle statement to variable binding Oracle statement but I'm not sure how to do it. Your help is greatly appreciated. Below is the code in plain Oracle SQL statement.

    Connection *pConn = NULL;

    Statement *pSqlStatement = NULL;

    pConn = m_db->getConnection();

    pSqlStatement = pConn->createStatement();

    strSQLDB = "select * from tableA where id = "+ IntToString(JobID) +" and parameter in ('ABC','XYZ')";


    ResultSet *prset = pSqlStatement->executeQuery ();

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design3 years ago
  • Java: How to get list of filename which exclude specific extension?

    For example: In a folder, I have a mix numbers of file with the extension .pdf, .txt, .jpg etc. In java coding, I would like to get a list of file name but exclude file name with .txt.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • How to scan for log file with dynamic filename?

    Hi all,

    I would like to create a watchdog to monitor my windows services through log file. If the log file is not updated for a stipulated time frame, my watchdog would restart the affected service.

    The problem is, this log file is name based on a combination of PID and timestamp of the service which made the log file name dynamic. Also, I do not have any means to change how this service write the log file name.

    I had tried to search online but so far there is no satisfactory solution found. Is there any way to scan for this kind of log file or is there any better idea on how to monitor for hanging services?

    Any help and idea would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersSoftware6 years ago
  • Perl: Is FTP in active mode or passive mode by default?

    I have a perl script which use FTP and recently had a connection issue (failed to establish connection). I am currently trying to determine if this might be due to port exhaustion issue but I'm not sure if active mode or passive mode is used in the FTP as this is not specified in perl.

    So my question is if I do not specified active or passive mode, which type of mode will be used by default?

    3 AnswersComputer Networking6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    C++: Line 30: error: expected unqualified-id before '{' token?

    Hi all,

    I tried to compile a simple C++ program but hit an error at line 30. The error message is expected unqualified-id bofore '{' token. I couldn't figure out what is the problem and need your help here.

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • Oracle DMBS_Jobs runs non stop?

    I have a store procedure that is calling a few more procedures and functions in order to complete its jobs. This procedure had been running fine all these while with some exception. Once in a while, this job would be running non stop. Other times, this job is running fine. Is there anyway for me to catch the error if running non stop and force it to stop?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • Perl Sript: How To Tell If A File Had Been Renamed Successfully?


    I am not that pro with Perl script and need your help. How can I check if the rename file is a success or a failure?

    This is the code that I use to rename a file: $ftp->rename($orgFilename,"DONE_".$orgFilename);

    Also, how can I capture the actual error/exception message?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • What are the impacts to commit a transaction after a rollback?

    I am using oracle database and write a code in C# something like this:


    some transaction;


    catch (Exception ex){






    May I know is there any impact with this kind of code? Is it better to commit a transaction in try block than in finally block?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • How to stop yahoo alert from flooding my mailbox?

    I did not set any yahoo alert and below is the alert message that keep flooding my mailbox.

    Subject: [No subject]


    Go to :

    2 AnswersAbuse and Spam10 years ago
  • Does anyone know about this Japanese song?

    I heard a very nice song from Hey Say Jump Summary 2010 concert. This song was sang by Snow Prince Gasshoudan in that concert. I would like to know what is the title of this song and who is the singer of this song. I don't think the original singer is Snow Prince Gasshoudan.

    Link to the song:

    1 AnswerJapan10 years ago
  • C# : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.?

    I have a program which runs well in debugging mode. No error message whatsoever. However, when I create an installer for this program, install it and try to run, the following message pop up : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    what should i do to solve this problem? I have tried to debug, but no error while in debugging mode. It only appear during run time.

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • After what happened last Thursday, will you boycott Brainless Human Petrol (BHP)?

    Just in case you don't know, last Thursday, BHP staff refuse to lend a fire extinguishers to a kind man in order to save a car accident victim's life. To cut a long story short, that girl had been burnt to death alive. In simple word, BHP had indirectly turn into a murderer. Murdering an innocent girl. Indeed, BHP did not choose the wrong name for their company. It stands for Brainless Human Petrol.

    5 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what is the title of this korean song?

    You can hear it here >>>

    I think is sung by Park Hye Kyoung.

    1 AnswerKorea1 decade ago
  • Chua Soi Lek vs. Liow Tiong Lai. MCA Election?

    Just out of curiosity... Do you think Chua Soi Lek can solve the MCA crisis?? Will it end this time?? Just in case you don't know, he is now the new MCA president and he also has xxx scandal lingering over him. Also, do you think Chua Soi Lek can work hand in hand with Liow Tiong Lai since both of them have some *problem* in their relationship and now Liow Tiong Lai is now to become Chua Soi Lek assistant (being elected as assistant president).

    3 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • What happened with youtube MTV?

    Recently there is no voice on the mv, only music is playing. Previously I do not have this problem at all. It just started recently. What should I do to make the voice back on the mtv?

    One of the example is this video without voice which previously have it >>

    1 AnswerYouTube1 decade ago
  • Is the RM50 service tax will be impoesed to debit card too?

    I know that credit card and charge card will be imposed with RM50 per card next year. But what about debit card? Will impose that to debit card too? If that is the case, I have a good mind of canceling my debit card.

    4 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • Help in SQL!! Is there any other way to write a SQL that produce the same result as the below?

    select ename,hiredate from emp

    where hiredate=(select min(hiredate) from emp);

    ** Is there a way to write sql to produce the same result but without using subqueries?

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Urgent help needed in C#.How can I troubleshoot it?

    this is part of my coding in C#

    for(int i=0; i<dataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++){

    string productID = dataset.Tables[0].Rows[0]

    ["Product ID"].ToString();

    string quantity = dataset.Tables[0].Rows[0]


    sqlcmd1.Parameters.Add("@ProductID", SqlDbType.Int).Value

    = Convert.ToInt32(productID);

    sqlcmd1.Parameters.Add("@Quantity", SqlDbType.Int).Value =




    And the result is:

    Procedure or function AddOrderItem has too many arguments specified.

    My question is how can I solve this problem.If possible please include a sample of code. Thank you very much and please no redundant answer.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Urgent!!! C# call javascript from cs?

    Can someone tell me how should I write this code in C# in cs file?

    <a href="javascript:history.back()">Try it now</a>

    I need to redirect my page to previous two page after executing the process. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Can anyone fluent in Japanese help me to check this essay?

    This is my assignment which I need to pass up soon.I need help from those who fluent in Japanese to help me to check my vocab and grammar.Thank you for your help. Before this, I have post the same essay at here(;_ylt=Au6Lc... and I wish to thank to Taichiro K for helping me to check this essay. The essay that I'm posting now is the amended essay and I just wanted to make sure that this essay is free from silly mistake. Please help me to check one more time. Thank you very much.This time I'll just put up hiragana and katakana only essay with explanation in English. I have put number for easy reference.

    1.わたしはともだちがいます。(I have a friend)

    2.かのじょのなまえはチンーユンーエンさんです。(Her name is Chin Yun Ann)

    3.かのじょはマラッカからきました。(She is from Melaka)

    4.いまかのじょはにじゅうさんさいです。(This year, she is 23 years old)

    5.かのじょはいがくせいです。(She is a medical student)

    6.かのじょはいちばんうえのあねです。(She is eldest sister)

    7.かのじょはさんにんのいもうとさんとおとうとさんいます。(She has 3 younger sister and a younger brother)

    8.かのじょのおとうさんはトミーチンーさんです。(Her father is Mr. Tommy Chin)

    9.かのじょのおかあさんはクラリッサリンさんです。(Her mother is Mdm. Clarissa Lim)

    10.かのじょはにほんりょうりとかんこくりょうりがだいすきです。(She likes Japanese and Korean cuisine)

    11.でも、かのじょはりょりをすることがきらいです。(But she hates cooking)

    12.かのじょはすいえいがじょうずです。(She is good in swimming)

    13.まいどようびとにちようびにかのじょはすいえいをしています。(She goes swimming every Saturday and Sunday)

    14.かのじょのしゅみはカラオケです。(Her hobby is Karaoke)

    15.まいばんかのじょはカラオケをうたいます。(She sings songs every night)

    16.かのじょはどうぶつあいこうかです。(She is an animal lover)

    17.そしてかのじょはしんせつでもあります。(Also, she is a kind person)

    18.いつもかのじょはひとびとをたすけます。(She always help people)

    19.わたしはかのじょのようなゆうじんがいてうれしいです。(I am happy to have a friend like her [I don't know why but Google translates it as I'm happy to shoot a friend like her.Sounds like I am a killer])

    20.ともだちよえいえんに。(Forever friends)

    3 AnswersJapan1 decade ago