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  • Guy problems? Please give advice.?

    I met this dude some weeks ago and we hit it off really well, I thought he was interesting and relatable. But recently we had a little falling out, and I don't really understand why. He told me yesterday that he is uncomfortable with my AGE and that if I were a year older, everything would be ok again. I mean, isn't this a little stupid? Getting upset over my age, when we could be getting along really well right now? I don't want to boast, but in honesty, I am out of this guys' league and every way, even though I am younger than him. Though some part of me really cares about him. Yet I used to adore him, but now when I look at him I feel kind of sick to my stomach. When he first ignored me I thought something serious happened, I was worried, I wrote him letters and stuff, that I would never write to anyone else, and I was so sincere, yet when he finally replied he just said some stupid stuff like he didn't care at all.

    What should I do? Should I let this dude go, because he is so obsessed with the little things its making me regret trying so hard with him. ANd that kills me inside because he's turned out totally different to the person I thought he once was.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Sex Offender...or two dishonest people?

    Last night my friend (well, he's supposed to be my friend), sneaked into my gf's room. There were no lights on, it was pitch black. And well, he had sex with her pretending to be me. I can only assume it was him who did it, because this morning my gf was talking about last night's sex, and of course it wasn't me.

    And can I really believe that my gf didn't know it wasn't me??

    Should I confront my friend, and tell my gf the truth (it was him who did it)? - this might effect her negatively.

    Or should I accept what happened, say nothing, then move on?

    Is it a possibility that I sleepwalked and had sex with her? I mean, maybe... I dunno. I;m pretty sure it was my mate who did it.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Help explain water polarity?

    Looking for a simple explanation of why water is polar, in terms of electronegativity, shape, the un-bonded pair of electrons.

    Extra vote-up for explaining the Melting and Boiling points of water due to hydrogen bonds, van der waals forces.

    Thanks for any input.

    3 AnswersChemistry8 years ago
  • Teacher made me fail my exam?

    It was a exam on the computer, and the first time around, the teacher made me randomly save my file in some place that she thought was right, and I ended up losing ALL MY WORK, because the school deletes some files in the system every day apparently.

    Second time round, I did the exam again, but she interfered again, and logged off my computer before I could save it. Thank god I have printed it out previously before she could mess everything up. Not only did she not apologize, she blames me, asking: well, why didn't you save it somewhere else or something? I don't know where your exam went, don't ask me".

    What can I do about this teacher? I managed to hand in the assignment but obviously it was not up to the standard that I could have reached if she did not mess up my work the first time.

    Can I get her fired somehow? How can she be punished for what she did? Thanks.

    This whole ordeal actually made me so sad, I have been crying. IKR

    Additional Details

    There is still a chance I could fail, because I only had probably quarter of the time other students had to complete the work, due to her interference and the frustration.

  • Teacher made me fail my exam?

    It was a exam on the computer, and the first time around, the teacher made me randomly save my file in some place that she thought was right, and I ended up losing ALL MY WORK, because the school deletes some files in the system every day apparently.

    Second time round, I did the exam again, but she interfered again, and logged off my computer before I could save it. Thank god I have printed it out previously before she could mess everything up. Not only did she not apologize, she blames me, asking: well, why didn't you save it somewhere else or something? I don't know where your exam went, don't ask me".

    What can I do about this teacher? I managed to hand in the assignment but obviously it was not up to the standard that I could have reached if she did not mess up my work the first time.

    Can I get her fired somehow? How can she be punished for what she did? Thanks.

    This whole ordeal actually made me so sad, I have been crying. IKR

    2 AnswersTeaching8 years ago
  • What happens when other people's DNA get inside you?

    What happens when other people's DNA get inside you?

    Is it possible that it can slightly alter your own DNA? Can other people's DNA divide, get copied inside you? Since DNA is read the same way.

    Especially if that person already has genetic information slightly similar to yours.

    Be great if explained in detail, thanks.

    This was a study done..."Women can also gain genomes from their children. After a baby is born, it may leave some fetal cells behind in its mother’s body, where they can travel to different organs and be absorbed into those tissues. It’s pretty likely that any woman who has been pregnant is a chimera,” Dr. Randolph said.

    It's like when certain chemicals can substitute each other in terms of shape in the body. Can someone else's DNA combine with yours to slightly affect your functions and appearance...

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • What happens when other people's DNA get inside you?

    Is it possible that it can slightly alter your own DNA? Can other people's DNA divide, get copied inside you? Since DNA is read the same way.

    2 AnswersBiology8 years ago
  • Theft of an idea illegal?

    I had an idea for an invention and a colleague of mine somehow overheard and stole it? Is this illegal?

    I do not have my idea protected, but is their such a thing as intellectual theft? If I can prove that this is my idea, will he be somehow punished? Thanks for any answers.

    4 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Nose bleeds every time I eat sugary food?

    This never happened in my past before, but recently every time I eat sugary food, or drink Coke, etc. I get a massive nosebleed that seems to extend on for long periods of time?

    What could this be caused by.

    If this has anything to do with diabetes, then is it possible to SUDDENLY develop diabetes in your later life ?

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • Does this woman have FLEAS?

    I sat next to this woman on the bus. Initially it was fine, but then she started scratching herself everywhere, her hair, her skin (like every 5 seconds or so). She was also picking her nose and teeth, but anyways. It was ****in disgusting. She also kept moving really close to me.

    I think she probably has fleas or something, she looked really gross.

    What should I do about this, I feel really itchy but perhaps it's psychological.

    4 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Why is Othello so trusting of Iago?

    Why is Othello so fond of Iago, trusting of him that he would believe almost everything Iago says, while not discussing anything with other people. How long has Othello known Iago?

    What makes Othello think Iago is so honest? Is it his appearance?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • In Othello, why is Othello so trusting of Iago?

    Why is Othello so fond of Iago, trusting of him that he would believe almost everything Iago says, while not discussing anything with other people. How long has Othello known Iago?

    What makes Othello think Iago is so honest? Is it his appearance?

    1 AnswerTheater & Acting8 years ago
  • Applying to Melbourne University from New Zealand?

    If you are applying to Melbourne Uni from NZ high school, how do they determine to accept you or not. Someone told me they look at your NCEA level 2 results, do they also consider your NCEA level 3 results? NCEA level 3 results are the equivalent of Australian Year 12.

    Also, when do I apply if I want to attend Melbourne next year. I'm in NCEA level 3 in NZ.

    Also, when should I apply for accommodation at Melbourne?

  • Question about a school assignment...?

    My teacher wants me to write an opinion piece, like in a magazine or newspaper, etc., regarding any issue. I'm going to write about rights, and so as sub-issues I'm going to talk about sexism and class/status with specific examples. Is this too broad an issue, will I be penalized? I mean, it is an opinion piece after all and I don't think I should be limited to talking about one event only? I read opinion pieces by famous people and they expand on the issue any ideas guys? Help.

  • A question about grades...and entrance to Universities.?

    I was wondering if it would affect your chances of entering a good university, if your grades were all excellent/perfect but your behavior in class wasn't very good. As in you were occasionally disrespectful, pulled pranks, didn't do homework, etc.

    And also, what else counts towards entrance into a good university, apart from excellent grades.

    Do universities look at what services you have done for school, even if your grades are perfect?

    Does no service mean no entrance? etc.

    Thanks for any responses.

  • People who say Beauty is in the eye of the beholder..?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, out of all the people who are considered beautiful (in general); you can say "I understand beauty exists, and might vary slightly, or, beauty isn't important to me, I care more about personality". But you can't say "Beauty doesn't exist, or everyone is beautiful".

    Psychologically speaking, different people can be beautiful, it is a positive spirit, but biologically speaking or physically, there is an obvious standard of beauty (throughout history). I'm not saying that this is whatever the media portrays, the media is right in some ways, but of course things vary.

    To some extent beauty is in eye of beholder but...

    There is always something, or particular things common about beautiful people everywhere, and usually it is in the face. It is a biological thing, a chemical thing. It has been proven by science that there are obvious laws/features of attraction. People talk about how the media's perspective of beauty is wrong, in some ways it is extreme, but in other ways, it is not so wrong. How did the media arise anyways? It wasn't simple a feeling of one person, but a common perspective of many people over time. Even in other species of animals, we can see 'survival of the fittest', preference for the strongest male, the bird with the brightest feathers etc., it is a natural, biological feeling, need, inclination. Obviously those animals weren't influenced by media.

    Some people like to say beauty is in the eye of the beholder to be fair to people who feel like they aren't beautiful enough.

    This is what I have to say: Beauty obviously exists, there are differences in people's perspectives, but in general, there are obvious trends and similarities in people considered beautiful, just look to the beginning of human civilization.

    We don't need to abuse anyone for being "ugly", but we don't need to ignore the fact that some people really are more beautiful than other people, in the way of their biological features, health, etc.

    Some people are more beautiful than others, as a general perspective. It is about who is more adapted to out environment, etc., what causes our society to move forward. If not using the word 'beautiful', then let us say 'fittest'.

    What do you think?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Should I be aware of this friend?

    This is what I've observed of my friend after some time of friendship - we've been friends for 2 years:

    She is very cold and abusive to some people. Even to some of our teachers she can be emotionally abusive, surprisingly, there hasn't been one teacher who has said: "stop doing this to me, etc.".

    She can do things and show no remorse.

    She once killed a dog and told me she felt nothing of it, she said the dog was nasty and disobedient.

    Her temperament changes often, sometimes she is really outgoing, and other times so quiet and reserved. She can be quiet for up to a week sometimes.

    She has violent outbursts in public places, mostly in the presence of her parents.

    She sometimes does things with no intent or reason.

    Talks about porn too much .. I think. I don't know, I personally don't watch porn but I guess talking about it could be normal.

    She told me she was going to sleep with one of our teachers to try and get better grades.

    Never smiles very much.

    When we're out and about she often talks about people in different ways, sometimes negative such as 'fat disgusting *****' and would separate herself from certain people in restaurants if she feels we're sitting next to people who make her feel uncomfortable. She is rude and demanding sometimes.

    She's sometimes a massive liar.

    She said that she could kill her mom but doesn't because she doesn't want to go to prison. I don't know where she is coming from here, but I have met her mom and often the mom is rude to me demanding I talk to her in certain ways.

    She can be ambitious in some situations to the point of being very intimidating, and it makes me...uncomfortable, I guess? But at the same time I like her attitude?

    Maybe because I am her friend, she never abuses me, talks rudely to me. I think to be honest, she had done many thoughtful and good things for me.

    But, should I be worried about some things she does?

    Is everyone capable of the above things sometimes?

    5 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Pat in Silver Linings not Bi-Polar in film. Ideas?

    The movie is described as a realistic and in depth portrayal of bi-polar disorder, and now many people who have watched it think they understand bi-polar and now may be bi-polar themselves. But from what is portrayed in the film, Pat is actually a person who was cheated on by his wife. When he came home and saw his wife in the shower with another man, that man told him: "Maybe you should leave.." etc., so from anyone's perspective that is angering and extremely disrespectful. Pat only showed his anger, and after that experience he became very sensitive to the subject of his wife, and things like his wedding song, etc. make him angry. Pat mostly shows himself to be someone prone to anger issues, he DOES NOT shows himself to be bi-polar at all. I mean, anyone would be angry if they were cheated on like that, wouldn't you? The fact that he showed different emotions like a normal person does not make him bi-polar.

    He knocked over shelf in clinic - he was angered by the music.

    He searched for his wedding video - sad and angry about what happened, still obsessed with wife.

    Don't mind me saying but, the fact that the director said that he wanted to portray what bi-polar is all about in this movie, and that this movie was inspired by his SON. Yet, he couldn't make a movie which better portrayed bi-polar? The film had to have a typical Hollywood romance ending?

    So many movies in history that depicted mental illness in realistic ways that still remained sensitive and respectful of the subject. Here ...except the last one in that list. We need to talk about Kevin was an example of a film that actually depicted sides of a mental illness and was very impactful. The actor Ezra Miller was fantastic.

    3 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Complex Situation, NEED HELP.?

    Ok, I was assaulted by my step-dad (sexually, he's pathetic and disgusting), and I called the police. It's been a while now since then but the case still isn't over. My mom keeps begging me not to get him sent to jail, etc..pleading for him.

    The police right now are deciding whether to convict him or let him go on the condition this is his first offence. If he is guilty, he will lose him job and get consequences BUT, he'll have nowhere to live because he's too poor, and will have to come back and live WITH US. How can I allow that after what happened? My mom supports it if he comes back, she says, everyone makes mistakes, etc. If he's not convicted by police, he'll still have a job, he's decided he will live away from us and pay rent there because at-least he's still got a job. Right now however, it seems the police are definitely preparing to convict him. BUT IF HE"S GUILTY, he'll receive HOME DETENTION and he will live with US!! What do I do?? I'm so annoyed and angry. If he goes to JAIL or something, my mom will be so sad, because she feels like she will never find another man, which could be true because she is of old age now.

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX?...................................?

    HOW? I I dunno. I didn't pay attention in SEx-ED.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago