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Calla Lily Purple

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  • Do I need to report selling and financing a car on my Tax Return?

    I'm going to get my taxes done but before I go I want to make sure I have all of the info I need to get my taxes done.

    I sold my old car to a junk yard at the end of 2012, I sold it for $295. Do I need to report that on my tax return? Also, I got a loan from my bank in October to finance a car through them. Do I need to report that on my tax return?

    Thanks in advance for your answers.

    6 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • How to remove huge bath rug on linoleum flooring?

    I had a black bath rug in my bathroom. When I lifted off it the floor there is a huge dark grey spot on the linoleum floor. I have used bleach and other bathroom cleaners on the stain which got lighter but it is still very noticeable. How do I get rid of this stain or is it too late?

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry9 years ago
  • Anyone have a Moist Turkey Meatloaf Recipe?

    I'm looking for a moist and flavorful turkey meatloaf? Anyone have a good recipe or tips? No BBQ sauce meatloaf recipes please.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Do I have to use my bank's auto loan at a specific dealership?

    I am applying for an auto loan from my bank. I spoke to the representative that is working with me on the loan. This morning he said that he would get back to me with the loan rates and the different dealerships where I can buy a car from with the loan.

    When he calls me back I will get more info from him but I just wanted to know what I should be expecting. If I find a car from another dealership that is not referred by my bank can I use the loan there or do I have to use the dealerships provided by my bank. I just wanted to know if I can only use dealerships specified by my bank?

    Also if I get approved for an auto loan,do I have to use the total loan amount or can I buy a car that is less than the loan amount?

    I only bought used cars cash so this is my first auto loan. Thanks in advance for your answers.

    3 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • What kinda of sauce/gravy can I serve with store bought rotisserie chicken?

    I usually buy flavored rotisserie chicken such as lemon pepper or Mojo. I find that once you pass the skin the chicken doesn't have much flavor. What kind of sauces beside BBQ can I make from scratch to serve with the chicken. Does anyone have recipe for a garlic sauce or some other ideas to flavor store bought rotisserie chicken?

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Can someone explain to me the Cash 3 Rules for Florida?

    I've been playing the FL lotto and the Powerball for a while now. I just recently started playing the FL Cash 3 game. I don't quite understand the rules. I have gone on the website and read the rules which seem simple to me but talking to other avid Cash 3 players they are telling me rules that are different from what I read online.

    For example if you play BOX which says the numbers are matched in any order you can win. So if the winning numbers are 123 but you played 112 you can still win $80 for fifty cents plays and $160 for $1 plays. This is according to the table on the website. But one guy I know told me I wouldn't win any thing because I don't have the EXACT numbers.

    This really confuses me because the directions on the website seems like I would still win something. I listened to him because he has been playing Cash 3 for a while now but I think he is wrong.

    Can someone please explain the rules to me in a simple way?

    6 AnswersGambling9 years ago
  • Can I get my neighbors' guests' cars towed away if they park in front of my house?

    I live in FL and I am not sure what the law is. We live in a town house where there is three town houses together. Each town house is allowed two parking spaces. The thing is the parking spots aren't marked, but it is understood by everyone that everyone has two parking spots per town house and you park directly in front of your house. Well I live on the left end and our new neighbors just moved into the middle town house a few weeks ago. Since then they have had their guests park in our spots when we aren't home. I have spoken to them and my husband has spoken to them. On Sunday I came home to find someone parked in my spot, I went to ring their doorbell and one of the owners told me it will not ever happen again. Now when I come home on Monday after work again their guest is parked in my spot. We have talked to them at least ten times about their guest parking in our spots.Everyone in the neighborhood has their guest parallel park on the street but for some reason these people insist to have their guest park in our parking spots. I am going to put a sign in our window saying "NO PARKING. Two Parking Spots Reserved for 1150. Unauthorized Vehicles will be towed at Owner’s Expense". I wanted to know, legally can I get someone's car towed if it is parked in front of my house?

    I'm not trying to be mean or anything but when I have to park in the street and unload groceries and a toddler out of the car because someone decided to park in front my house, it really upsets me.

    Thanks an advance for your answers

    13 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • AC in car takes a long time to turn on. What could be the problem?

    I have a 1999 Kia Sephia and the AC usually take a long time to come on. I put refrigerant/freeon in. That seemed to have help the AC stay cool when it finally comes on. But it is still taking a long time for the AC to come on. Usually about 10-15 minutes.

    I do have an oil leak that is leaking inside ( and so far the mechanics haven't found exactly where the leak is). All they have said is that a lot of the parts are greased up by the oil leak. I do have to add oil to the engine every couple of weeks (maybe about 2 months at a time). I don't know if oil has leaked into the AC system or not but I just wanted to say that in case there is a correlation.

    But any ways when I turned the AC on I hear a screeching sound and then nothing and the ac takes about 10-15 minutes to come on.

    I'm planning on getting a newer car but in the meantime can someone tell me what maybe going on with my car? Do I need a new compressor?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Why does my car shake and vibrate at 35 mph?

    Two weeks ago, my husband checked my car's oil, air filter and water levels. Since after that my car has been vibrating once I hit 35 mph? This happens no matter if I accelerate or decelerate once it hits the 35 mph point it gets really loud, it shakes and vibrates. Its almost like something is stuck under the car, if that makes any sense. This only happens once I hit 35 mph. It doesn't do that before I reach 35 mph or once I pass 35 mph mark. Even if I am at 55 mph once I decelerate and go to 35 mph my car will shake and vibrate.

    My car is a 1999 Kia Sephia. I am planning on getting a new car soon but right now its not in our budget so I am hoping this is not going to cost me a fortune to fix or that I will have to get a new car.

    Does anyone know what this can be? I just want to prepare myself before I take it in to be checked and figure out what it might be.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • How to baby-proof cabinet doors without knobs?

    My hubby and I do not own our home, we rent. Our bathroom cabinets do not have knobs on them. We have baby proof the house as much as possible but since we don't own our house we can't make changes to it. So we can't add knobs to the cabinets in order to use those safety cabinet latch locks. We always make sure that the doors to the bathrooms are closed since he doesn't know how to open the doors yet. But I would feel much better if I were able to secure the cabinets in the bathrooms. Is there any other options? We have gates in other areas but the gates don't seem to to work well for us when it comes to the bathrooms.

    Please let me know if there is another way I can baby proof the bathrooms without altering our landlord's property. My son is 1 year old (14 months) and he is a very inquisitive. So I am really starting to worry about him getting into the bathrooms and into the cabinets.

    Please help....

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden9 years ago
  • How do I find a student teaching internship in the state of Florida?

    I am taking online classes and I have a few more classes to take until I am done with my Elementary Education degree. I will be done in Nov. of this year. I will need to student teach in Feb which will last at least 12 weeks. I am required to find my own internship so that I can student teach. I am not sure of how I go about finding my own internship. I have looked on the Florida Department of Education website for directions on the process but there are not any directions on this. I have passed all of my FTCE exams and have fingerprint clearance.

    So now how do I find my own internship so I can student teach? Please help.

    3 AnswersTeaching10 years ago
  • Can you freeze baby water?

    My son is almost 3 months old and has really bad hiccups. His dr said that i can give him about an oz or 2 of water when he gets these crazy hiccup episodes but if its close to his feeding time just give him reg. formula so his water intake wont interfere with his appetite. We use Gerber Pure water since it doesn't have fluoride in it and he is too young for fluoride. The bottle says to refrigerate after opening and discard after 7 days. I am literally throwing out over 3/4 gallon of water every 7 days because he doesn't drink a lot of water so majority of it is left. Is there any way i can freeze the water and just defrost a little at a time? Is there a reason I have to throw it out after 7 days of opening it.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Can I claim myself on my tax return even though I didn't claim myself on my W-4 through out the year?

    So my supervisor which is the HR director advice me to file my W-4 as married claiming 0. She said that way i wouldn't owe any money and when I do my taxes I can claim myself. So i took her advice When I file my tax return can I now claim myself even though i didn't claim myself on my W-4. My W-2 does say married claiming 0. No one has claimed me, my husband filed his tax return married but filing separately and claiming himself. I'm going to file my taxes this weekend. So can I claim myself on my tax return even though I didn't claim myself through out the year on my paychecks?

    3 AnswersOther - Taxes1 decade ago
  • How do you cope after a miscarriage?

    After finally getting pregnant I was so excited!!!! My pinkish discharge got a little heavier on Sunday night so I went to the ER. They couldn't be specfic about anything and just said threatened miscarriage. I went back to the ER on Monday night because the bleeding got heavy like a period. They did blood work and ultrasound and pelvic exam. They couldn't see anything but debris and the fact that my hcg levels went really low they basically said I had a 98% chance of miscarrying.

    I've been bleeding a lot and have a follow up with my obgyn tomorrow. I just wanted to know how do I deal with this misscarriage. All I do is keep crying, I wanted this baby so bad. It's sooooo hard.

    20 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pinkish discharge during pregnancy?

    Hi Ladies,

    I will be 7 weeks tomorrow, since last night I have been having a clear pinkish discharge. I was having slight cramps last night, I went to the bathroom and after I wiped I saw the light pinkish clear discharge. I was bloating and gassy so I thought that the slight cramps came from that. I went to bed and woke up in the middle of the night and there was no pinkish discharge any more. Then this morning I checked and I still had the discharge a little more then last night but I have no cramps.

    I'm wondering if I should be alarmed and go to the ER? My first prenatal appt is tomorrow. Should I wait until then? Does this sound like normal discharge or could this be an early sign of miscarraige?

    Guys what would you do if you were in my situation?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What kind of snacks should I eat (Pregnant)?

    Hi Ladies,

    I am 6 weeks & 2 days. I’ve notice the munchies are getting really crazy LOL.

    Here is my workday eating schedule

    6:30 am - Breakfast

    10:30 am – 15 minute break ( I eat a snack)

    I sometimes eat a snack before lunch aroun 12 if I start to get hungry.

    2:00 pm – Lunch – ( I know I have a late lunch LOL!!!)

    6:00 pm – Dinner

    I sometimes eat a snack before bed if I’m still hungry after dinner

    I try to stay on a schedule but I eat snacks at my desk whenever I get the munchies.

    Here is a list of what I usually eat as a snack (of course not all in one sitting LOL):

    1. Yogurt

    2. Special K Cereal Bars

    3. Granola Bar

    4. Veggie Crackers

    5. Banana

    6. Tangerine

    7. Plum

    8. Orange

    9. Apple

    10. Carrot Sticks

    11. Sm. Fruit Bowl

    12. Sun Chips

    13. Plain crackers and cheese

    I was wondering if there is anything else I should be incorporating in my diet or should I eliminate some of the things that I eat as a snack?

    16 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is something wrong with me?

    Hi Ladies,

    Since I found out I was pregnant I haven't made love with my hubby. I will be six weeks tomorrow. Today right in the middle of it I just stopped because I was afraid we were hurting the baby. I've read that its ok to have sex during pregnancy as long as you are not having any complications and your dr doesn't suggest you abstain from it. My hubby is very understanding and tries to relax me but I am still worried that its hurting the baby.

    As far as I know I don't have any complications. I guess its because I haven't gone to my first appointment yet so I'm just worried that anything I do can hurt the baby. My first appt is on next Monday.

    Did anyone else go through this while they were pregnant? This is my first, so I am just nervous about every single thing that I do and eat.

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is it normal for your breast to hurt more at night during early pregnancy?

    Hi Ladies,

    I will be six weeks with my first on Monday. My breast are sore all the time especially the nipple area. But noticed that my breast are really sore at night. From the nipple, to the whole breast and under the arm area. I can get comfortable enough to go to sleep. When I wake up I can still feel them. But through out the day they kind of subside but the nipple area is still sore and tender. But night time comes, and the soreness begins.

    I was wondering if it is normal for your breast to hurt more at night?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is Mint Tea safe during pregnancy?

    Hi ladies,

    I'm 51/2 weeks pregnant, is mint tea safe during pregnancy? Can you tell me what teas are safe during pregnancy?

    I have green tea and mint tea.

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago