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  • How long to wait after being offered the job?

    I did a job interview today, and at the end they asked me to fill out a contract. They told me that I was being "unofficially" offered the job. I filled out the contract and the woman said that my references would be checked, as well as my criminal record. Then I would be contacted for a in-store drug test. How long am I supposed to wait for this? Are they going to contact me, or do I contact them? This is my first job offer and I'm a teenager so I don't really know what to do.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • how do do a punnett square?

    Cross a heterozygous running, heterozygous black mouse w/ a heterozygous running heterozygous black mouse.

    What are the percentages for each probable phenotype of the offspring?

    1 AnswerBiology7 years ago
  • Getting a job as a teenager?

    So my dad lives 2 hours away from me and my parents are divorced, so every other week we go up to his house on the weekend and come back Sunday. I got a job interview at a place which I really want to work at but the problem is that I don't know if I should tell them that every other weekend I have to go up to my dad's house! Do you think that will make them not want to hire me? Should I mention it to them only if they decide to hire me because I don't want to skip out on going to my dad's the entire summer.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • What happens if you drink a glass of wine as a teenager?

    So in my health class we are learning about all the negative affects of alcohol on the developing brain. Well what about people who drink wine for religious reasons? such as in the jewish religion.. is drinking on special holidays a glass or two of wine going to have a detrimental effect on a teenagers brain and body?

    5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits7 years ago
  • Why does sea water dehydrate people?

    On a cellular level, what happens to a man on a life raft that drinks sea water for a period of time? Why does he die?

    How does osmosis tie in to this?

    3 AnswersBiology7 years ago
  • How do I find the right scale for my graph?

    I have two separate graphs and I have no idea how to get the scale done because the numbers are decimals and/or really small, so I am getting really crazy numbers! :(

    My graph is 35x45. The y-axis is 45 units and the x-axis is 35 units. Basically, I need to figure out how much each unit really is worth in my scale.

    The first set of data points (x,y) are:

    4, 41.43

    21, 48.02

    34, 73.85

    51, 27.55

    The second set of data points (x,y) are:

    0.022, 5

    0.054, 10

    0.564, 20

    These are TWO DIFFERENT graphs, therefore I need two different scales. Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • How is glycogen beneficial to cells? And why is it's job important?

    Other than the fact that it creates energy through the breakdown of there anything I need to know?

    1 AnswerBiology7 years ago
  • what skills/physical traits make glycogen able to do its job?

    I am doing a Biology project and I have to explain how the special skills and physical traits of glycogen help it be successful at breaking down and turning into energy. Please keep it simple sounding thanks.

    1 AnswerBiology7 years ago
  • How to prevent a facial scar?

    i got a cut like twenty minutes ago on my face and its by my eye and Im really sad because I know it's going to scar. how can i prevent it from scarring without vitamin E oil or scar gel.

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • What to do when your parents aren't supportive of your diet?

    I have been vegetarian for two years now, and I am on the brink of being Vegan. The only thing that is stopping me is that my parents would find that too difficult for them to buy. I really only want to eat local, organic, or non-GMO food and in a food market such as the world's today, I realize that is difficult, but I have multiple times planned out meal plans with money budgets that my parents can afford, and they purposely do not buy my the items.

    Everyone in my family eats meat except for me, and I ask for ONE thing of veggie dogs and they don't buy me any. It's gotten to the point that I cannot put together sufficient meals because of their purchases.

    I have tried talking to her about buying ethically sourced produce, but my mom says it's too much money. I'm not old enough to get a job. What should I do?

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan7 years ago
  • Can a parent give up their parental rights if the children do not consent?

    Let's say a parent has enough money to provide for their children, but for some reason they do not feel like caring for them anymore, like it's emotionally draining or the child has drug issues or the parent and child always argue or something, can they legally give up their children?

    If the parents are divorced, and the custodial parent wants to switch over custody but the child does not want to live with their parent for whatever reason (school, parent has insufficient income, ect), does the child HAVE TO be removed from the home?

    Do they have no legal rights when it comes to a decision such as this?

    2 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • Are zodiac compatibility charts relatively accurate?

    Like how certain signs are likely to not get along, or not do good in romantic relationships, etc.

    I'm a Sagittarius and I really like this that is a Pisces and everywhere it says that Pisces-Sagittarius are not a good match and will reach many obstacles. Does anyone have a personal experience where you had an amazing relationship with someone (that either ended on good terms, or did not end at all...) with someone that was supposed to not compatibie with you according to ur zodiac sign

    4 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • If you delete account on a social media website, do they still store your information?

    Personally, I find it quite creepy how websites store all your information in their database and then sell it to third-party companies, the government, etc. So I am going through some of my unnecessary Apps and deleting them. When I delete my account permanently, for example, let's say on Facebook, even though I will never again have access to my account, can the company go in and view all my information even though its suppose to be deleted? If so why can they do this? Isn't it illegal if they do not mention this in their privacy/terms and agreements statement?

    3 AnswersOther - Internet8 years ago
  • How do I write a quadratic function?

    From a graph with the points (0,1), (1,3), and (2,11). Show work.

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Algebra 2 (quadratic equation ) question!?

    1) For the years 1989 - 1996, the amount A in billions of dollars, spent on long distance telephone calls in the U.S can be modeled by A = .560t^2 + .488t + 51, where t is the number of yeas since 1989. In what year did the amount spent reach $60 billion?

    2) A web developer is creating a Web site devoted to mountain climbing. Each page on the website will have frames along its top and left sides showing the name of the site and links to the different pats of the site. These frames will take up one third of the computer screen. What will the width x of the frames be on the screen shown?

    And then there is a picture of a rectangular "web-page" with dimensions of 7 x 11.

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • Is lanolin vegetarian?

    I noticed that my lipbalm (Carmex brand) has lanolin in it. I kind of freaked out, considering that it's an animal byproduct and I am a vegetarian. I will eat animal-made products, as long as no killing of the animal is involved. So honey, eggs, etc are okay but nothing like gelatin... was hoping someone could give me the background information on the production of lanolin?

    I know it's from sheep's wool, but do they kill the animal to get the wool off? or hurt the animal in the process?

    8 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • What is the difference between a FRQ and a DBQ for AP U.S. History?

    I don't understand the difference...I know that both are supposed to be essays, and that for document-based ones you have documents and have to use them to support your thesis. How about the FRQ? Do I get documents for that too? Or does that have to be completely my outside knowledge.

    1 AnswerHistory8 years ago
  • How do I solve a system of equations with three variables?

    And it has to be using the elimination method.

    These are the three equations:

    s + l = 1300

    s + 2c = 1400

    s + l + c = 1600

    I understand the general process, but this problem confused me. I was hoping someone could solve it, but show all the steps that you would go through. Thanks.

    6 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • How much does it cost to fly to Australian and/or England?

    Next year, I am going to be studying abroad. I haven't decided on whether or not to go to Australia or to England, but I need to figure out the cost of everything before I make my choice.

    I was looking at some websites that compared prices of airlines...for Australia, ticket prices ranged anywhere from 1600 to 2400 dollars! And then for England, they ranged from 900 to around 1,400 dollars.

    Do these prices sound accurate to you? I wouldn't be leaving until the summer of 2014. I would love to hear from some people who have traveled to either country, because 2000 dollars just didn't sound right...

    1 AnswerAir Travel8 years ago
  • Help with absolute values and inequalities please!?

    I really don't understand this at all. I get the Algebraic steps which I am supposed to perform, yet no matter how many times I always get the inequality sign mixed up, and I'm having trouble telling whether or not the problem should be an "and" inequality or an "or" inequality.

    For instance, with these problems:

    | 4x + 10 | < 20

    | 20 + 1/2x | > 6

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago