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  • I'm turning 20 tomorrow...?

    Well 15 July 2013 anyway, I know this sounds silly but i'm actually pretty sad and scared about turning 20. I feel like I will be a real grown up now even though I have been living on my own for over a year and a half now telling ppl i'm 18-19 they have always helped me out a little but i'm scared im going to be faceing a rougher life now. Not to mention I have had a lot of crappy things happening in my life latley & have been/am super stressed...I know it sounds dumb but I just need some words of encouragement right now! Thanks! & God Bless! =)

    4 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • What do these lyrics mean in the song "We are young"?

    "The angles never arrived, but I can still hear the choir."

    1 AnswerLyrics9 years ago
  • What is the best Admin job in the Air Force?

    I ship off to BMT in January & I choose the Open Admin Area...I'v been told Personel, & Logistics Plans are good jobs but I kinda want to know what all they do & the other admin jobs....Also i'm leaning towards 6 years but would it be smart to sign for 6 years with an open admin job area

    3 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • Who all is leaving for Air Force BMT in January?

    What is your ship date?

    3 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • To all those in the DEP when is your ship date?

    Mine is Jan 3, 2012 to Lackland AFB, in San Antonio Texas

    Anyone else?

    7 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • For all currently in Millitary DEP, When is your ship date?

    For everyone in the DEP What is your


    2.Swear in date

    3.Ship date

    4.BMT Location


    I joined the


    2.Oct 13, 2011(Yesterday)

    3.Jan 3,2012

    4.Lackland AFB,San Antonio, Texas

    5.Something in the Administrative area idk the exact job yet tho


    6 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • Do you remember the day you joined the Millitary?

    I joined the USAF today & I will remember this day for the rest of my life!

    4 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • For all those in the Millitary Past & Present?

    What made you decide to join?

    How was your experience?

    How did you choose your branch?

    How do you feel about your choice?

    I'm currently in the process of joining the USAF I comptemplated the Marines but decided agaisnt it & I was just wondering

    5 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • What is a list of 10 people you would ****?

    If given the chance & in the right circumstances name ten people you would ****

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Do you ever regret not going to college before joining the millitary?

    I really want to join the AF im 18 but at the same time idw to regret not joining the AF Reserves and going to school first. IDK what to do!!

    Also idw to get stuck in the reserves regretting not going active and having finacial probs at such a young age! But I would get my bachelors degree out of the way!

    AHHH i'm so confused & lost as to what to do!


    9 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • Should I join th AF Reserves and go to college or go Active and wait?

    Should I join the Reserves and be a full time student even though I will have to stuggle with studying and working and struggling finacially while doing so. But i'll be 21 when I get my degree


    Join active and take online classes there and wait till my time is up and double my GI benefits(thats possible right?) But have to but school on the backburner after work, it waill take longer to get my degree and i'll be 21 when I graduate still lacking a degree and with more school to complete

    BUT i'll have more money and benefits while doing so.

    i'm 18 currently & just graduated in May

    1 AnswerMilitary10 years ago
  • Question about College & the Air Force?

    If I train for a job that makes a fair amount of money or any job in general at tech school in the Air Force & then come back to civillian world Trained in that job and certified for it at Tech school, But the job requires a degree will I still have to get a degree before doing the job or is the Certification and training I got in tech school and from the Air Force enough?

    Also Is it smarter/easier to join the AF Reserves and go to school while serving or To just go active and go to/finish school after i'm out?

    i'm 18 btw

    2 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • Need Help in Choosing Air Force Job?

    I REALLY want to travel and see the world! I'v been in this same city my whole life & i'm ready to get out! But at the same time I want a job that will transfer easily over to the civillian world making a pretty decent amount of money.

    Also a job that offers a signing bonus or an oppurtunity to graduate from BMT an E-3 or 2 would be nce but its not something i'm dying to get.

    I want a job that requires more brains than bron!

    BTW i'm 18 a high school graduate 5'8" and about 135lbs(incase it keeps me from gettiing certain jobs)

    I'm currently not going to college(cant afford it) i'm working a penny enny job that i'm begginging to hate I feel stuck and I want something more in life! & I feel the AF will give me the oppurtunity to go where I need to go! Or at least give me direction in life!

    3 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • Does anyone in the Reserves ever regret not going active duty?

    Im 18 and im comptemplating the Reserves but Idw to regret not going active duty later does anyone here regret not going active especially being as young as me?

    Or mabey the other way around and regret not joing the Reserves first!?

    If so WHY?!

    Btw i'm thinking about joining the AF for any advice helps!

    2 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • How is Active Duty Life in the Airforce/Millitary in General?

    I'm 18 and have been seriously considering joining the AF but I'm stuck between Activte Duty and the Reserves...How is life in the Airforce while on active Duty?

    Do you like where you were stationed and your job?

    Was it your choice?

    Is it what you expected?

    How is the travel and are the amazing experiences they promise as good as they make it sound?

    Do you have any regrets?

    Any advce for me would be GREATLY Apprecciated!!! =)

    Thanks Guys! =)

    1 AnswerMilitary10 years ago
  • Active Duty or Reserves?! Please HELP!?

    PLEASE give me some advice!

    I'm 18 and I'm going to join the Air Force! I just dont know which to choose!

    I want to be able to travel and live on my own and work & I know active duty will give me that opputunity. But at the same time I'm comptemplating going to school and I know in active duty that gets put on the backburner, also I want to be able to transfer my millitary job to a well paid civillian job and I know after tech school I should easily be a ble to do tha tin the reserves but I will be stuck working & struggling to juggle that with school with no money for room and board in college. Also my travel opputunities and independence will be but on the backburner as well b/c I will be basicly stuck in the same city I am now & living with my stressful,VERY controlling parents especially father if I do go to the reserves! So i'm kinda at a fork in the road! I'v talked to both recruiters & Idk what to do at this point! Please give me some advice thanks!

    2 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • Benefits of being in the Air force Reserves and AF ROTC?

    I want to join the reserves and then got to college full time and enter the ROTC program so that I can graduate an officer. my question is if I do will they pay for my room and board and books as well or will I just get tuition with the GI Bill?

    im 18 & just out of high school I cant afford school or room and board at the moment

    & would Army be a better option?

    1 AnswerMilitary10 years ago
  • Question about joining the Air national Guard and Air Force ROTC?

    Sorry its Long!

    I just turned 18 and I have no money for college!

    I was planning to join the Air Nationa Guard(ANG) Go to a community colege for a semester Go to basic, Tech school, & training & then transfer to a 4 year university and join their AFROTC program as a sophmore. I was then planning to switch to an active duty officer in the Air Force and out of the ANG when I graduate.

    I was told by my recruiter that I could do this and my question is, is this true or was she just lying to me? Also is this a sure thing or could my transfer to active duty in the AF from the ANG be denied?

    Also how much would I make a month about being in the ANG? and the ROTC program...I really wanna focus on school and I wanna know if i'm gonna have to have a part time job ontop of all ot this?

    Please Answer truthfully and be as informative as you can...I really need answers and I'm running out of time!

    Also what types of jobs would you reccomend in the ANG and what are the scores required for them? I'v been working out and trying to study for the asvab, along with going to work & stressing over college and the millitaty & i'm feeling a bit overwhelmed!

    I'm also really nervous about MEPS! any advice would be great! I'm a very modest person but I know modesty have will be thrown out the door when I join and go to basic...& i'm really healthy & dont do drugs or anything like that...But I dont have the best vision in the world & i'm really hoping I dont get dq'ed for that! Mabey i'm just stressing over little things but please give me some info and advice! thanks again!=)

    Thanks Guys! =)

    5 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • Question about joining the Air national Guard and Air Force ROTC?

    I just turned 18 and I have no money for college!

    I was planning to join the Air Nationa Guard(ANG) Go to a community colege for a semester Go to basic, Tech school, & training & then transfer to a 4 year university and join their AFROTC program as a sophmore. I was then planning to switch to an active duty officer in the Air Force and out of the ANG when I graduate.

    I was told by my recruiter that I could do this and my question is, is this true or was she just lying to me? Also is this a sure thing or could my transfer to active duty in the AF from the ANG be denied?

    Also how much would I make a month about being in the ANG? and the ROTC program...I really wanna focus on school and I wanna know if i'm gonna have to have a part time job ontop of all ot this?

    Please Answer truthfully and be as informative as you can...I really need answers and I'm running out of time!

    Also what types of jobs would you reccomend in the ANG and what are the scores required for them? I'v been working out and trying to study for the asvab, along with going to work & stressing over college and the millitaty & i'm feeling a bit overwhelmed!

    Thanks Guys! =)

    2 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • Which pair of shorts look best with these included?

    Which of these shorts go best with my white V-neck

    Blue pin stripe:

    Red Plaid with blue and white squares:

    Blue Plaid with blue & white stripes:

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago