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  • What is the sybolism to hair color in Spartacus?

    The women have three different wigs they wear in the film. One is red, brownish black, and a blonde. What significance did the colors have in the real time period? I looked it up and failed to find anything relevant. Any thoughts would be greatly thanked.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Adding Rhinestones to an Acoustic Guitar?

    I have an acoustic guitar, a Fender, and I wanted to create kind of a Talyor Swift look with it. ((Mind you, I do not want to sound like her, only look like her acoustic.)) ((I also know her's was custome made for her liking, so it just wouldn't be the same.)) I was wondering if it would accfect the sound of it. I'm thinking it would simply because the man at the guitar store told me that the older the wood is, the better the sound. But, I just wanted an extra opinion. Thanks for looking!

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • Examples demonstrating cacophony?

    Cacophony is creating a harsh effect by combing words that "clash". I understand what it means, but I cannot seem to come up with any examples on my own. Can anyone think of any?? Thank you in advance.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • High energy, good tempo country music?

    I'm leader of a drill team in which we carry flags on horseback. I am looking for something to wow everyone, and need a song that is loud and full of energy that our team can run a pattern to. Any help? I'm big in to Country music, but I cannot think of something with the "wow factor". :DD

    11 AnswersCountry1 decade ago