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I am an atheist and anti-theist. I actively oppose and campaign against organised religion. I despise all religions, but most of all Christianity, closely followed by Islam. The rest bother me almost as much, but as they are less prominent in the world, I give them less attention. My "network" is open and so is my email. If you want to send me a load of ridiculous Bible quotes, feel free - but you will be met with obnoxious contempt and genuine, heart-felt abuse. "There's probably no God, so stop worrying and enjoy your life" Richard Dawkins. "I contend that we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer God than you do. When you understand the reasons why you dismiss all other possible Gods, you will understand the reasons why I dismiss yours" Stephen F Roberts.

  • Pooping up to 10 times a day with extreme urgency?

    This is not a deliberate attempt to be gross, but it's starting to cause problems in every-day life. It's been going on for a while but seems to be getting worse. I'm on the throne at least 6 times a day, sometimes more but hardly ever less. I've done 3 visits before I even leave the house in the morning. Unless there's a can nearby I can't even eat lunch at work any more because I know within around 15 mins after eating I will HAVE to go - urgently. It's always a very urgent need, not a "do I don't I" thing. Sometimes discomfort in my stomach but it doesn't hurt to actually go.

    It's not diarrhoea, but comes out with such force due to the urgency. Sometimes (perhaps often) gassy, with the gas seemingly between the chunks blasting them into the water at serious velocity. Each and every time there are impressive amounts of poop, like huge amounts, so it's not a case of not finishing the job first time round. It amazes me how there can be that much there. I have a good appetite but I'm not overweight and have a fairly "good" diet (I think).

    I've been reading up on IBS but it doesn't quite seem to fit what's going on with me. It's currently 3pm my time and I've already been 6 times today. All I've eaten today is a single jacket potato. It's making it awkward to do normal things like go out for a meal or even visit friends. This can't be normal, anyone have any ideas? Sorry for the gross topic but such is life.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care3 years ago
  • "Landlord" won't provide tenancy agreement OR sign ONE form?

    Hi all,

    I'll try not to be too long winded. Nut's and bolts are as follows -

    I began renting this property from a private landlord 6 years ago. I have just been made redundant and reluctantly need to claim housing benefit among other things. The authorities are demanding a tenancy agreement (not unreasonable) to prove I have a rental liability for the property. I have never had one (there is a verbal agreement but obviously I can't "produce" that)

    Had no contact at all with LL the entire time, rent is paid in cash into his bank account in full and on time every month, I have every receipt from the bank. The Council sent him an RT1 form (this works in place of a tenancy agreement) but he won't sign it. Basically he's an alcoholic and a drug addict, his brain is too fried to comprehend the time of day let alone this situation.

    I don't have his address or phone number, the only way I could contact him is through facebook (yes, I know, last resort) which I did. He immediately "phoned" me through FB and was absolutely vile, completely wasted and all I had was a torrent of abuse.

    Is anyone aware of a way around this mess?

    9 AnswersRenting & Real Estate4 years ago
  • Looking for help with a movie title?

    It's not a recent movie, but also not ancient, probably from the early 2000s (I think!)

    Anyway the plot is.... a company (of some sorts) is effectively buying people's bodies. They give them a big sum of money but the condition is they only get 12 months to live and are then expected to hand themselves over (probably for organ harvesting but I can't quite remember)

    I's (from memory) appealing to people in huge amounts of debt, or otherwise desperate for cash. It pretty much focuses on one guy who takes the money but then tries to escape handing himself over after the year is up. I know that's not much detail, but hopefully someone will know the movie I'm talking about. I doubt there have been many made with that particular plot. Been googling and it's NOT 9 lives or anything to do with cats!


    1 AnswerMovies4 years ago
  • Any advice for dealing with co-worker who is maddeningly fussy?

    I don't know if I'd describe him as having OCD, from what I can find out about it his "symptoms" don't quite fit. He's just excessively over the top with everything and it's getting a bit annoying. He's a great guy, salt of the earth but mind bendingly frustrating to work with. He's also a personal friend of mine. Fussy just doesn't do him justice and he obsesses over insignificant things. Our work involves excavation and if there's so much as a track mark left in a scrappy field he will have to fix it. I don't want anyone to think I'm advocating cutting corners, or a "that'll do" mentality, I'm all for doing the job professionally and tidily but I'm lost for words to describe just how fussy this chap is. He will often spend large amounts of time faffing around and achieving precisely nothing in the process. There's doing it properly and then there's just plain over the top. The latter applies. I'm not sure how to deal with it, some will say I shouldn't say or do anything about it but I'm struggling to describe the frustration and time wasted because of his fussing.

    Any advice?

    3 AnswersPsychology4 years ago
  • Thinking about theism. Do you think about it? Do you like to discuss it?

    Evening chaps and chapesses. Just a friendly invitation to join my new forum, which can be found at

    Atheists, theists of all varieties are all welcome to register and discuss. Just trying to provide a platform to facilitate that. Not original? Maybe not the idea, I'm aware of that. But the thing I'm trying to make slightly unique about the forum is the moderation policy. I will NOT censor your views, the only thing I moderate is spam - that's not welcome. I've kickstarted the content with some very basic stuff to hopefully instigate some conversation, all new topics are welcome and it would be very nice if you could just take a look (and hopefully register). I'm just trying to provide something YA! isn't about, which is discussion, not just Q/A. You never know, you might meet some cool peeps and have some interesting discussions with people who don't necessarily agree with you, it's only been launched recently so there aren't many members yet, but as I said I provided some basic arguments for my position (as an atheist) and you are all welcome. There is no need to point out that this "question" violates the YA! guidlines, I already know that. I just want to invite you to a free platform where those "guidelines" don't exist.

    Have a nice evening! Or whatever part of the day it is where you are :)

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • URL or directory FTP problem. How to modify URL or location of forum?

    Hi, I just set up a website which is to host a forum and nothing more. Everything is hosted and phpBB3 is installed and working no problem. BUT the annoyance (even though it's probably my own fault) is that the forum isn't located directly at the domain/url. Heading directly to the site ex just brings up the NameCheap "welcome" or whatever it is page. To get to the forum I have to add /forum to the URL. How can I get rid of this so takes people straight to the forum?


    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • If God were to play a game of chess against him self, which colour would win?

    Say God (using the commonly understood version here, omniscient and omnipotent) decided to play a game of chess. After he moves white he moves to the other side of the board and plays as black. Being omniscient and omnipotent he would be playing the best move from both sides of the board. So when playing as white pieces - his best move. When playing as black pieces - his best move. At all times he plays his best move. Which colour wins?

    Would it result in a stalemate? Or not? Thoughts?

    Tip - It has zippo to do with which colour moves first - this could not give an omniscient and omnipotent being an advantage.

    Bonus Question - Would you like a drink? My treat!

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Which is the BEST cheese to add to Pizza?

    Mozzarella? Gouda? Gorgonzola?

    This question is very spiritual.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • When contemplating the SAME piece of info or data, theists and atheists views often differ. Why?

    Perhaps there is an observation to evaluate. Some info to consider. Often the atheist will come to a (more or less) opposite conclusion or view to the theist. Why would this be?

    I mean, if we are looking at/considering/evaluating/contemplating the exact same thing, why don't we agree?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Spiritually speaking, what do you make of the new rating (T/U) system YA! is rolling out No TD button any more?

    Not all of you will have experienced it yet as it only seems to be available to some people. The new rating system has been active on my work PC for the last 2 days, but not on my home PC as yet.

    For those that haven't seen it, it goes like this -

    Instead of thumbs up/down buttons below answers you get a "rate" button and when you mouse-over it you are offered four thumbs up options (useful/informative/I agree/amusing)

    There is no thumbs down button. I don't like it very much, what do you think of it?

    I'm asking in R&S because this is where I contribute. All suggestions along the lines of "take it to the polls section" will be given the TD treatment using the button I no longer HAVE!

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Science SUPPORTS the book of Genesis - sources anyone?

    Quite often I see answers claiming that science supports the account of the book of Genesis. Now, I've been looking off and on for quite some time and I can't find one single scientific article online that confirms this claim.

    Could Christians please link to such an article/site?

    Thanks very much.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Hypothetical question to religious people who have children (regarding adult entertainment)?

    Well, I at least assume this question will be hypothetical as I doubt it's happened to any Y!A members that might answer in this section.

    How would you feel, or what would your reaction be if your son/daughter became a porn star?

    Not trying to start a riot or provoke/mock anyone, genuinely curious.

    BQ - If you could put your religious beliefs aside, would you still hold the same view as you do with them in place? Is it your religious views/positions that influence your overall views on this matter?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Do other atheists get much hate mail from Christians?

    I hardly ever check my Yahoo inbox, I kinda forget it's even there. But when I do there's usually three or four very colourful "advice notes" in there from the Christians.

    Such "advice" usually includes, but is not limited to -

    "You are wrong" (because what I think is not what they think so it must be me who's wrong)

    "Your views are wrong" (because my views are at odds with theirs, so it must be mine that are wrong)

    "You are a terrible person" (because I oppose organised religion and I'm happy to say so)

    And my all-time favourite -

    "I hope you go on vacation to a hot country, catch a rare tropical debilitating disease for which there is no cure and die. Slowly and painfully"

    No BS, no exaggerations, I've had all of the above and many more.

    Y'all get much? Any lovely little gems to share?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How would a Christian describe evolution theory?

    Hi Christians. Pretend I've never even heard of evolution theory. How would you describe it to me? Be as brief or as detailed as you like, but please no copy-pasting walls of text. Just, in your own words, a description of evolution theory. If you would like to add your personal views on it, that's great too.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • If God played a game of chess, against him self, which colour would win?

    Say he played the first move as white, and then spun the board around, or got up and sat in the chair opposite and played a move as black, playing his best move every time, which colour would win? Black or white? Stalemate isn't really a good answer because that would be like saying God isn't even capable of winning a game of chess.

    And that would be ridiculous, right?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Religion is totally harmless, why do (some) atheists actively oppose it?

    As an atheist, and I will readily admit anti-theist, I have been asked this question many a time, as I'm sure you guys have too. My response is usually something along the lines of crusades/dark ages/believing nonsense should never be considered a good thing etc. Basically I think religion (esp Christianity and Islam) is very damaging in general.


    I just came across this website, I'm surprised I wasn't aware of it long ago.

    In brief this is about Awake! magazine gloating about children dying through refusing blood transfusions. The cover of that issue brazenly says "Youths who put God first".

    What are your opinions on this? I'd like to get as many opinions as possible, from all viewpoints. Especially JWs / other Christians and atheists.

    I've only just found this "article" so I'm not 100% certain if it's genuine or not - but from what I can gather that issue of Awake! was published.


    Apologies for the link not being "hot" - I've never tried to link to anything on YA before.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • For what reason(s) do some theists (mostly Christians) call atheism a religion?

    I thought the little trend had died down. But it appears not. Quite a bit of "atheism is a religion" coming from believers on here today, mostly from Christian believers.

    Why do some Christians say such a thing? What are the reasons? I know what the *motivation* behind saying "atheism is a religion" is, but that's not what I'm asking. What I'm asking is what reasons can theists offer for saying so? What "properties" or "attributes" does atheism have to justify calling it a religion?

    Atheists don't have scriptures

    I don't have other kinds of "holy" texts

    I don't pray

    I don't believe that any supernatural God(s) exist

    I don't believe you "Go" anywhere, other than the ground (or set on fire for some) when you die

    I don't worship things, living or dead

    I don't go to Church or any form of atheist group gathering

    So I ask again - on what grounds is atheism a religion according to you?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago