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How many points do you earn on here when you answer a question?
I used to only get 2 points per question I answered but for the past few days I've been earning 4. I just wondered whether this is the same for everyone?
12 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoIs drinking over 4 litres of water a day bad for you?
Today I've drunk 6 pints of water, 1 pint of orange cordial and 1/2 a pint of beer which equates to just over 4 litres of fluid.
It's been really hot lately and I don't do it that often, although I've drunk a lot more within the last few weeks. Even after I've drunk all this I still feel thirsty but I fear it's bad for me.
Is it bad for me?
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years agoThis or that... (Girls names spellings)?
1. Aimie or Amy
2. Becky or Beckie
3. Catherine or Cathryn or Katherine or Kathryn
4. Deana or Dena
5. Emily or Emilie
6. Francesca or Francheska
7. Gemma or Jemma
8. Hana or Hannah or Hanna
9. Isobel or Isabel or Isabelle or Isobelle
10. Jasmine or Jasmyn
11. Katy or Katie
12. Lily or Lilly or Lillie
13. Mollie or Molly
14. Naomi or Neomi
15. Ophelia or Ofelia
16. Peyton or Payton
17. Quintina or Quintena
18. Rae or Ray
19. Sallie or Sally
20. Tillie or Tilly
21. Ulrika or Ulrica
22. Vanessa or Vannesa
23. Winter or Winter
24. Xanthe or Zanthe
25. Yasmin or Yasmine
26. Zarah or Zahra or Zara
23 AnswersBaby Names8 years agoWhat do you think of the name...?
I recently heard this name and I fell in love. I would only use it as a middle name, not as a first name.
1. Do you think it suits a boy or a girl more?
2. Do you like it?
BQ: Any first name suggestions?
9 AnswersBaby Names8 years agoThoughts on this sibset?
Ava Mae Rimmington
Noah James Rimmington
Rimmington is the surname
7 AnswersBaby Names8 years agoThis or that... (Girls names)?
1. Alisha or Ava
2. Bethany or Brooke
3. Catherine or Clara
4. Delilah or Daisy
5. Emily or Eliza
6. Fathom or Fanny
7. Grace or Gracelyn
8. Harriet or Holly
9. Isla or Isobel
10. Jackie or Jane
11. Katy or Kate
12. Lily or Lauren
13. Mea or Mae
14. Nyla or Nora
15. Olivia or Olive
16. Paige or Penelope
17. Queena or Quintina
18. Rose or Rosaline
19. Sarah or Sallie
20. Tilly or Thyme
21. Ursula or Una
22. Viola or Violet
23. Wanda or Wallis
24. Xylia or Xanthe
25. Yolanda or Yvette
26. Zara or Zoe
24 AnswersBaby Names8 years agoWhat would you name octuplets using these names?
4 girls and 4 boys and only use each name once. You can change the spellings.
Girls (FN): Margaret, Bianca, Addison, Abigail, Charlie, Samantha, Darcy, Nyla, Christine, Doris, Eliza, Aaliyah, Sara, Genesis
Girls (MN): Rae, Mae, Grace, Leigh, Mary, Rose, Beatrice, Jane, Safina, Nicole
Boys (FN): Jonah, Jonas, Jamie, Joshua, Isaac, Jeremiah, Isiah, Noah, Aaron, Adam, Cole, Braydan
Boys (MN): Jack, Alexander, James, Mark, Marcel, Bradley, Alejandro
17 AnswersBaby Names8 years agoDo you like the name...?
For a girl obviously. Pease rate it and tell me if you prefer any other spellings etc.
I am never going to name my child this but id love your opinion :)
8 AnswersBaby Names8 years agoWhich of these names do you like/prefer?
Please rate and make combinations between the first and middle names please.
Girls (First names):
Isobel, Lily, Isla, Brooke, Ava, Fathom.
Girls (middle names):
Rae, Mae, Grace, Rose
Boys (First names):
Noah, Jonas, Aaron, Adam, Leonardo, George, Frankie, Freddie
Boys (Middle names):
Jack, James, Alexander
When making combos only use the names I've given please.
25 AnswersBaby Names8 years agoWhat do you say when you get on a bus? (UK)?
I never use buses; just trains, so I don't know what to say when I get on the bus but I actually have to use one to get to my work experience place. I know that when you go to town you say 'child single to town' but what happens if it's just to a random bus stop on the street?
I've just got an igo pass as well, so do I just show him that and ask for a ticket?
7 AnswersOther - United Kingdom8 years agoWhy did the depression make the work of the League of Nations harder?
I need help. Ive been given points to write about but I dont khow how to explain them.
-Unemployment and the rise of military dictatorships
-Repayment being wanted
-GB/France/USA not wanting to get involved
Please help
1 AnswerHistory8 years agoWhat do you think of this sib set?
Its for twin girls:
Lydia Grace
Emily Rose
7 AnswersBaby Names8 years agoWhich of these names do you like the best?
Please rate and tell me why you like/dislike them
Eleanor Mary
Emily Rose
Lydia Grace
28 AnswersBaby Names8 years agoWhich of these names do you prefer?
Rate each out of 10 and tell me why you like/dislike them
Rebecca Mary Jane
Emily Rose Catherine Sarah
Emma Sophie Nicole
Lauren Louise
Maureen Sophina
Jodie Elizabeth
Charlotte Beatrice
Not expecting just wondering.
8 AnswersBaby Names8 years agoWhat did landlady's wear in the 1980's?
I have to get a costume for my drama piece, but I really do not know what to wear. She's a northern, middle to lower class woman who's in her 40's
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years agoIf my twin sister has just been diagnosed with Diabetes Insipidus, will I probably get it?
It is more than likely that she has diabetes insipidus and I too have got some of the main symptoms. The symtoms are excessive thirst- I have but not as much as she has, excessive urination- again I have but not as bad as her, tiredness- which we both have and severe pain in the calf- which I dont normally get and she had last night.
She is my IDENTICAL TWIN sister, so if she has a full diagnosis, which she is getting on Thursday, and gets it- will I more than likely have it?
I'm 14, normally healthy
7 AnswersDiabetes8 years agoWhat is the significance of Curley's wife's mother in Of Mice & Men?
1 AnswerTrivia8 years agoOf Mice and Men help? Curley's wife?
In 'Of Mice and Men' why does Curley's wife look "longest at Lennie, until he dropped his eyes in embarrassment"?
1 AnswerQuotations8 years agoWhat does being "breathless with indignation" suggest?
4 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago