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Favorite Answers25%
  • Is it legal for Credit One Bank to refuse a credit card as a method of payment?

    Credit One "Bank"....what a mistake getting a card through them was. I tried to pay my balance off today and cancel the card but I was told that they do not accept credit cards as a method of payment. Strictly debit cards. After scrolling through, literally, hundreds of complaints about this company and what it does once it gets your checking account way. No way are they getting that. How is it legal for them to refuse a credit card as a method of payment?

    3 AnswersCredit6 years ago
  • How can people honestly believe that homosexuality is a choice and still consider themselves to be intelligent?

    themselves to be intelligent?

    If our sexuality is a choice then how come in my years and years of working with the public I've never once heard a story from anyone about the day they "chose" their sexuality? Have you? When was the last time you and a friend share your story about the day you "decided" to be straight?

    We don't choose our sexuality. Our genitals do. One day we see someone that turns us on. Our eyes get glossed over, heart starts to beat a little faster, stomach gets butterflies, our face gets warm and all of the blood rushes to our genitals. Attraction is a physiological response. It's our body's way of saying "Yes..that...I want That!" Does that sound like a choice to anyone? Choices are made analytically. Choices involve options, weighing out pros and cons, deduction, reasoning. Talking to people and getting their points of view and advice. Does any of this sound like how attraction feels?

    Judgmental, self-righteous religious zealots want to try and convince me, a grown adult, that I can somehow magically change my body's natural response to what I'm attracted to and Decide! that I all the sudden can enjoy something that I have absolutely zero interest in. If you follow this thought process to it's logical conclusion than we should be able to choose not to have cancer, aids, autism or any other physiological ailment. Since this isn't possible and attraction is a matter of biology how can people who think homosexuality is a choice still consider themselves intelligent people?

    Don't believe me? Think about who you're attracted to. Sometimes who we're attracted to doesn't even make any sense!! LOL! But our bodies want it. I'm right. You know I'm right. Now...without parroting a Bible. Tell me why I'm wrong.

  • What's the difference?

    Between Freedom of Speech and Verbal Abuse?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Why is one responsible but the other isn't?

    1st Scenario: A 30 year old man goes into a bar, purchases $200 worth of liquor. He drinks it all and when he leaves he kills someone with his car. The man, the bar and the bartender are sued.

    2nd Scenario: Same 30 year old man goes into a BevMo (or other local liquor store) and purchases $200 worth of liquor, drinks it all and then kills someone with his car. The man is sued. Not the BevMo, not the cashier that rang him up.

    Why is this? Aren't both men, the bartender and the cashier, in a position of alcohol distribution? Why is one forced into being held responsible for the actions of a grown adult while the other is absolved?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Can I receive compensation for my seasonal job if I'm employed?

    I have a seasonal job (March/April through Oct/Nov) and it's responsible for 2/3 of my family's income. When the season is over I have a Winter/Fall job where I am employed on a Full Time schedule. However, my full time, Fall/Winter job only allows us to barely survive. It's pathetic what our lives become during the off season. So, my question is, is there any way for me to receive any type of compensation for my seasonal income? Or do I just have to suffer during these months?

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • Why is Oakland filled with child killing cowards?

    3 dead small children, all murdered since August? What's up, Oakland? I mean, isn't it bad enough for you "people" that you're the butt of every gang members-robbery-murder-pathetic city joke that is told about Northern California? Now you're out to add child murder capitol to that?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Which feeble minded white guy is more insane?

    Fred Phelps or Harold Camping?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Any iPod Touch experts out there?

    My 8gb, 1st Gen, iPod Touch has frozen. The screen isn't responding to any type of touch and I did a hard restart (hold the "shut-off" and "menu" buttons at the same time until the Apple logo appears) The only problem is that now that logo won't go away and it won't mount when I plug it into the laptop/iTunes. I tried to restart the laptop, plug the iPod into wall and blow into it like a Nintendo game from 1988. Any other suggestions or is it just f'd?

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • So if we burned down the Koresh Compound why can't we do that same to...?

    The Westboro Baptist Church? What is the defining line between David Koresh's insanity and threats to our public safety and Fred Phelps and his gang of miscreants?

    And please don't weigh down this topic with stupidity like; "He had guns and was molesting children in there!" All you know is what everyone else knows. What the news deemed necessary to tell us. So, unless you were actually in the compound and know first hand what was occurring, don't parrot the news broadcasts.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why do the scumbags at Apple feel that 'Restore" is a viable option?

    160gb full of music and because of..well.. absolutely nothing, it goes corrupt in a year? Why didn't I just light the $200 on fire instead? And when you call their tech (eh hem) "support" all they can say is, "Did you try restoring it?" I don't feel that's an option. Here's an idea. Why don't you make something that won't go to s*** in less then 2 years? Or at least charge what it's worth (or going to be worth shortly)?

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Will this effect my unemployment?

    My hob is seasonal. During the off season I collect unemployment until, well, the on-season. I received a call for a job interview today. The recruiter got my resume off of the website that you're required to post your resume on in order to qualify for unemployment.

    Now! The job is for cold calling people to set up appointments with a financial advisor. Not only do I have no interest in pursuing a career in lightweight telemarketing, I also believe that doing a job like this automatically qualifies you to go to Hell. I plan on returning to work in roughly 10 weeks. I have no intention of not going back to my seasonal job.

    If I turn down this job (even after attending the "group interview") can I be reported by this woman or can my unemployment be effected? Thank you.

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Programs gone, hard drive still full?

    I just bought a new Lenovo laptop 2 weeks ago and last night the battery died. When I plugged it in and it powered up, all of my pictures and music that I had transfered from my external hard drive were gone. So was iTunes, Google Chrome and my settings.

    BUT! My hard drive is still showing the same amount of space being taken up? Can someone please tell me what the f*** is going on? Thank you.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • So if Lucifer is just a fallen angel...?

    If Lucifer is an angel and not a deity then how is it (as I overheard an elderly explaining) that he created gay people and murderers? Do angels also have the power to create life?

    I mean, I don't buy into any of this but I did go to Catholic school for 6 years and was an alter boy so I'm aware of the details and rules. I was just wondering if maybe someone was also taught this alternate version of the Bible where the Devil could create life, too.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A question for African Americans...?

    Do you feel that local Oakland businesses should have to board up their windows, lose revenue to close early and hike up their insurance premiums in order to get maximum coverage in preparation for a sentencing verdict?

    Do you find that to be fair, sane and acceptable behavior? Because you know why they're doing this. You know that it's because they are anticipating a slew of theft, damage and destruction at the hands of the African American community once the verdict is handed down. Regardless of what it is it won't be good enough so it's time to......steal? destroy private property? loot? riot?

    Is this fair? Is this reasonable? Is this sane? Is this mature?

    ..just wondering.

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What kind of grant am I looking for?

    My job is seasonal. I'm only on about 6-7 months out of the year. This Winter I would like to go to school instead of fruitlessly trying to find work and collecting unemployment. (I'd really rather be working and not a bum).

    So this Winter I would like to go to school. I'm 33, married and have 1 infant Son. If I were to do this I'd need my rent paid for and an allocated amount for bills, too.

    I live in Sacramento (Northern California) and need to know if there's any type of grant that covers all of these expenses so that I can continue my education for my family while not putting them into debt? Thank you for your time.

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Who is the most dreadfully boring band you can think of?

    Mine is The Grateful Dead. Every time I hear them I yawn and want to nap.

    32 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Why do you religious types just stand there and let it happen....?

    In my opinion if you're a Baptist (especially), Catholic or any believer in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ and you just stand by and let Fred Phelps do what he does to his American countrymen, children and our Country then you're a fraud.

    Maybe you're not a fraud though. Maybe your silence is consent because as far as I'm concerned all of you religious types actually believe in what he stands for. And if you don't then your silent, lazy hypocrisy is nauseating. I dunno...if someone hijacked my beliefs for something so atrocious I'd be pissed.

    Are you not mad? Disgusted?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does Fred Phelps have to kill before he's exposed?

    It wasn't until the Manson Family committed murders that they were finally investigated. It took allegations of child abuse and child rape before the Koresh compound was investigated or raided and when Jim Jones and his cronies were investigated they moves to another country where...well...the weak fell in a very Darwinian sense but it was still a tragedy none the less.

    So is it going to take the Phelps Cult committing an act of public (because I'm 100% certain it already occurs privately) violence before they are investigated and exposed for their treason and operating a cult? Or are we just going to stand by and watch like always?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago