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What certifications are necessary for drug counselors (IL)?
I recently graduated with a BS in Psychology and a minor in neuroscience, and I'm having problems finding a job. I've seen some openings for drug rehab counselors that require IAODAPCA certifications. Are you able to get certified with just a Bachelor's? Also, what other jobs might hire someone with a BS in Psychology?
I plan on going to grad school in the near future, but I'd like to get some work experience and pay off a bit of debt first.
Also, I've been looking into school psychology, and I was wondering if there's any benefit to the PhD program as opposed to a specialist program. Thanks in advance for the help!
1 AnswerPsychology1 decade agoCan anyone give me a hint on qweb's riddle, level 18?
I matched up the rows and columns in the source and got the word "andlelo"
then took "3725" from the souce and used those letters from the word above to spell "done".
Am I on the right track? what do I do now?
I've tried everything "done" "image.done" "18.done" 144.done", etc.
Any hints?
2 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoWhy is my dog's skin color changing?
We have a 2 year old dachshund mix (with Beagle?), and recently her skin color seems to be darkening. Her belly used to be a light pink, and now it looks like a puplish/blackish color. It doesn't seem to bother her. She doesn't seem to itch at it or feel in pain. Is it normal for a dog's skin color to just change, or is it something we should be concerned about?
5 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhy is oil shipped in 55 gallon drums?
I was reading a (not-too-funny) joke @ and it made me wonder, why is oil shipped in 55 gallon drums as opposed to 50 gallon drums, or something of a more rounded number?
2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agoDid my dog have a stroke?
We have a 14 year old Brittney Spaniel who has had some liver infections in the past. Today he vomitted some yellow mucousy stuff, but when he vomitted he lost his balance and fell to one side. \he then started shaking. We had a dog who used to have seizures because of a brain tumor, but this wasn't like that. He was shaking but seemed alert. He didn't lose control of his bowels or bladder, and he didn't seem disoriented afterward. He didn't drool or shake too violently either. He was just shaking his legs, seemingly uncontrollably for about 30 secs-1 min. We have a vet appointment for him, but if anyone knows what might be wrong, please let us know. Does it sound like a stroke or heart attack?
2 AnswersDogs1 decade agoUSB controller driver?
We recently reformatted our old computer and it is running Windows XP. Here's the problem, it can't find USB controller drivers, so our USB is out of commision. The computer has no ethernet and connected to the "tubes" using a USB wireless device. So that computer cannot connect to the internet to update the driver. We've searched around but we haven't been able to find a USB controller driver. Does anyone know of a generic USB controller driver?
2 AnswersDesktops1 decade agoIllinois Governor Arrested - Pat Quinn in charge?
With Governor Blagojevich's arrest, is Pat Quinn now our acting governor, or since Blagojevich hasn't resigned is he serving from a jail cell?
7 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoHow to Socialize a feral cat?
We took in a feral cat about 2 months ago. He's about 4 month's old and he hasn't been neutered yet (Vet said to wait until 6 months). When he's sleepy, he's a perfect angel. He cuddles, purrs, and everything, but during the day he is pure evil. He bites and scratches if you try to pet him, jumps on the counter, lays in the christmas tree, terrorizes the dog, etc. What can we do to get him to calm down?
We've tried everything. He actually likes being sprayed by water. Time outs helped for a while but he has learned how to open doors! Loud noises don't phase him. And if you try to tap him on the nose or pick him up, he attacks you. Will he grow out of this, and what can we do in the meantime?
4 AnswersCats1 decade agoWhich Halloween movies are good?
I've never seen any of the Mike Myers Halloween movies. I know, I'm lame. But there's like 9 of them. From experience, I know that whenever 9 movies in a series are made, about 6 of them are awful and should never be watched by anyone.
Which of the movies in the Halloween series are worth watching?
List from the movie's website:
1. Halloween
2. Halloween 2
3. Halloween 3: Season of the Witch
4. Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
5. Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers
6. Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers
7. Halloween H2O
8. Halloween: Resurrection
9. Rob Zombie's Halloween
Also, is this all a consecutive series, or are some movies part of a different story line (i.e. do I have to watch #2 to understand #3, etc.)
8 AnswersMovies1 decade agoWhat does the the right to choose (abortion) have to do with the right to privacy?
I'm not looking for political discussion, I'm just confused. In Roe V. Wade, the court decided that abortion is legal because of Roe's right to privacy. What does the right to privacy have to do with abortion? Was the court protecting her right to have private medical records or something?
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoCan you explain Roe V. Wade to me?
I don't want this to get political, I'm just wondering about the court's decision. I know that it upheld abortion as long as the fetus isn't viable, unless birth would pose a health risk to the mother, but what are the constitutional grounds? How does that connect to the right to privacy, and why did people sue Wade on Roe's behalf?
Honestly, I hear a lot about the case and decision from a political point of view, but I know nothing about it and the wikipedia page just left me more confused than ever.
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoWhat happens to confiscated drugs if...?
If an officer illegally searches you and finds drugs, arrests you, and the search was found to be illegal in court, what happens to the drugs?
Obviously, they probably don't get them back to you, but if they don't, isn't that theft? If they offered them back, you surely couldn't take it, because then you could be arrested, as they would have probable cause....or would that be entrapment?
Do they have to reimburse you for the financial equivalent of your loss?
6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoHow to install toilet flange extension?
We just rput ceramic tile on our floor and need to raise our toilet flange to meet the new floor line. We purchased a flange extension kit and a new wax ring, but the flange extension kit did not come with instructions. It has two rubber rings and two plastic rings in it as well as two bolts, two nuts and two washers. The picture on the packaging looks like you're supposed to put the rubber ring on, then the two plastic rings, then the other rubber ring. Is that right? Also, the rubber rings are bowl shaped, which way should the raised part of the bowl face? Thank you!
2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agoHow do you go through the very mysterious shelving in Sims 2?
How do you go through the very mysterious shelving in Sims 2?
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agohow to replace a toilet to tile bathroom floor?
We're planning to put ceramic tile in our bathroom, but the cement backer board and the ceramic tile will raise our floor just under 3/4 inch. Is this going to be a problem when we go to replace the toilet (will the sewer drain go high enough)? Also, how would you make it so that the door can open freely (It has exactly 3/4 inch extra room now, so this might not be an issue)? Sand the bottom of the door?
5 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agoUS Senator?
I know this is a stupid question, but my mind has drawn a blank, and it's been 4 years since my last civics class. Am I represented by both of the senators from my state or are there US senatorial districts?
3 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoAfrican Dwarf Frog breathing?
We just got an African Dwarf Frog today for our 10 gallon tank. (We plan on having three or four total eventually. No fish - just the frogs.)
I know they breathe at the surface, but I haven't seen it make it to the top of the water since we got it and it's been an hour or two. The depth of the water right now is 11 inches. What can I do to make it easier for it to get to the surface? Or do I need to do something at all? There's plenty of plants to climb on and a log platform in the middle.
Can they breathe bubbles from an air stone because I've seen him put his mouth into the bubble stream a few times. (This used to be a fish tank, but we upgraded to a 55 gallon and decided to keep the 10 gallon as a frog tank.) Should we remove the air stone? Does the water level need to be lowered further? How often do they need to surface to breathe?
Thanks in advance.
5 AnswersFish1 decade agoHow much am I morally and legally obligated to repay?
I asked this question before, but I think more details might help.
In short, we rented an apartment from a large company, and they gave us too much back for our security deposit.
We moved out of our apartment last May, but our lease ended in the middle of June. When we called to find out our last month's rent, the manager said we didn't owe and had a credit on our account. We assumed that our other roommate (whom we had a falling out with a few weeks prior) either payed for a full month or we had double paid the rent at some point.
We were subsequently written a check for a security deposit in the amount of $1,142.42. We assumed this was accurate, as we had a $400 deposit, a $300 security deposit, and an apparent overpayment of rent (which was usually $830/Mo., but was only $442.66 for the last month).
Now, the manager has called and said that when the new tenants paid their security deposit and first month's rent, it was applied to our account by mistake.
See Add. Details
8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoQuestion about security deposit for apartment?
My former landlord called me today and left a message on my phone saying that they had accidentally over-paid me when they returned my security deposit. They said they accidentally gave me someone else's deposit too. I received the check about a month ago and already cashed it and spent it. Am I legally obliged to return the money (I don't feel morally obliged to do any favors for this particular landlord). Or is this a case of Monopoly's "Bank error in your favor, keep the cash". In case it matters, I live in Illinois, so it would be Illinois state law.
5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoQuestion about power filter for fish tank?
What should we put in the media cartridge of our Emperor 400 Power Filter? The instructions were just vague enough to say "other filtration materials", and that we can replace the media filters with additional filters.
5 AnswersFish1 decade ago