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  • How to get off the street and into a room/apt?

    After my divorce 3 years ago I have been homeless twice, my apt robbed, evicted due to horrible roommates, and struggling to get a job all because I am way too nice and honest and end up being taken advantage of. I have no criminal record and I am a veteran. I am currently crashing on a friends couch and need a place to live and can't stay here as the housing office is getting suspicious, is there any programs out there that can assist in getting a place to live? I have no deposit and make 250 a week starting this week on unemployment which just BARELY kicked in this week after trying for 2 months and have a job lined up in August but VA only works with the disabled and drug addicts. I have no friends aside from the one I am staying with. Being white, male, 29yo and in healthy condition I know of no programs that can help me, if I go homeless again I know I can't hack it this time and I will do something really stupid, so Y! community, does anybody have any ideas or suggestions that can help me out?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years ago
  • How to get an apartment after eviction?

    So in 2012 I moved to San Diego with 3 other guys, all of them were foreign, one decides to let his shady friend come live with us who ended up completely wrecking the place, stealing all our rent money and everything of value we own and left town, my other roomates panicked and moved out instantly leaving me high and dry, my summer (seasonal) job ended and I was in between employment and since my phone, computer and everything else was stolen I could not even FIND another job, let alone one that would allow me to come up with the $1900/mo rent, and was forced to evict.

    So now I have an eviction on my record for the grand total of $5000, I was actually homeless for 6 months after that and am STILL getting recovering financially from that, so now I barely moved into a room and now my new roomies are divorcing and moving out in a month and I need a place to rent, also I am just recently unemployed as my work laid of 20 people including all the newbies (me) so now in 1 month I need a place to live and I have no job (though I have 2 interviews tomorrow). I am 29, divorced (hence the wrecked credit) no kids, and a veteran with a clean criminal record, so does anybody have any suggestions on how to get into a place? I'm pretty sure I can get a job but I cannot find any place so far even willing to talk to me.

    (I am in Salt Lake City if that helps)


    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years ago
  • Block Christian sites from my google account?

    I am doing research for a story which has to do with genetic manipulation and the like and whenever I google anything to do with keywords like evolution, gene splicing and viral mutations I get swamped with Christian propaganda sites instead of material that helps research these topics. Is there a way to massively block anything to do with Christian sites from my google account? not that I hate christians that much, just sick of wasting time filtering searches.

    2 AnswersGoogle6 years ago
  • How to remove Christian sites from google searches?

    I am doing research for a story which has to do with genetic manipulation and such and whenever I google anything to do with keywords like evolution, gene splicing and viral mutations I get swamped with Christian propaganda sites instead of material that helps research these topics. Is there a way to massively block anything to do with Christian sites from my google account?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Healthy delivery options?

    I am at work and forgot to bring a lunch/wallet and I am eating for health and muscle gain, I only have my phone to pay for food and nowhere near me uses the smart phone scanny thingy so I have to order online, any ideas?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • How to use a wired LAN on pc to get WiFi?

    My computer has one LAN internet connection, no wifi but has USB ports, the goal is to get my serviceless Galaxy S5 some WiFi in a building completely void of it, so I was thinking of using a WiFi USB dongle as an access point and brigding it to the LAN connection, is this possible or is there a better solution? I cannot unplug the LAN BTW

    1 AnswerComputer Networking6 years ago
  • Why am I so nauseous working out?

    I am eating healthy and the only supplements I take are BCAA s and protein powder, I feel just fine until halfway through my workout then I get really sick to my stomach and get really shaky, now I feel mildly nauseous all day where I can t eat as much as I need to, any ideas on what is causing this or should I see a doctor?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Why won't Christians believe my age when I tell them?

    I was born in 1985 and I am 55 years old, yet nobody believes my age! They believe something written thousands of years ago that was translated and edited to death but won't believe a claim made by a currently living person? why not?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • What can a white male do to get minority benefits?

    There are 5 of us in a temp program at work, out of the 5 temps only 1 could be hired, they chose to hire the 1 female who was the only female out of the applicants even though she had the worst call times and tickets solved out of all of us, she has a boyfriend who makes bank and she only works to buy fashionable clothes so she does not "need" this job, they clearly hired her because she is a woman! and now that I know they hire based on diversity, there are 2 flaming gay guys in my group so I think I am screwed out of any chance of getting hired on, what can I do to get an advantage here?!?

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • Question about the Quaran?

    I read a section that describes rivers under the oceans, mountains having roots, the process an embryo goes through and Iron being necessary for the survival of man, so did the quaran just happen to get this right or was it re-worded to match modern views on science? like a revised version or something? (atheists BTW)

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Why do certain groups WANT to be persecuted?

    Like gays for example, my friend is gay and always goes on how they are relentlessly persecuted and oppressed, when he lives in a nice condo, drives a nice car, has a great job and never has to worry about finances, to me that sounds like the opposite of persecution, and i'm not just talking about gays, but Christians, blacks, LGTB and really, what is SO horrible about your lives? I was sitting near a black dude on a bus and he was complaining about being put down by the white man, he was wearing a VERY expensive looking gold chain, I'm sorry but I can't feel sorry for people like that when starvig kids die every day in true poverty and oppression.

  • Why do some people doubt the accuracy of Carbon Dating?

    Like creationists, who say that radio carbon dating is not an accurate tool in dating fossils and the age of the earth? do they not even bother to learn how it works or are they just scared of their faith being ripped apart?

    4 AnswersOther - Science6 years ago
  • How does gravity affect light?

    it can bend it or even swallow it (black hole) but if light is not solid matter that has no mass, then how does gravity affect it?

    4 AnswersPhysics6 years ago
  • Salt Lake City!!!?

    It's Friday!!! I don't know about you but I feel like going out and meeting cool interesting people, I am male, straight and 29yo, so my question is: WHO WANTS TO GET CRAZY TONIGHT!?!

  • How are people this unintelligent survive everyday life?

    I work at a call center and I cannot believe the level of stupidity I encounter every day, I even dumb down my vocabulary to a kindergarten level and still it amazes me how these people function let alone hold jobs that make way more than I do. I have scored very high on every test in high school and after and consider myself pretty intelligent, so how come I struggle to survive yet these MORONS get by just fine?!?

    2 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • Can my wages be garnished without me being informed?

    I am staying in a motel because recently got a job and was homeless for 3 months, I have no friends or relatives who can help me and I have been in a motel for 2 months now because I don't make enough working full time to save the money for a deposit and first months rent while I am in this motel, I just found out today by looking at my pay stub that my wages are being garnished and the amount they take doesn't even leave me enough to cover my weekly room let alone food and basic necessities, I was never informed by them (I don't know who they are) or my employer, I am under severe financial duress and I believe them taking my wages without them or my work ever contacting me is illegal, does anybody have any information that can help me? my state is Utah.

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance7 years ago
  • How do I protect myself from the evil influence of God?

    I used to be atheist but experience has changed that opinion, I have personally witnessed supernatural unfortunate events that led me to believe that there is an unknown power that exists and who takes joy in the destruction of good people and rewards evil men with power, wealth and prestige. For simplicity I will refer to this being as the one knows as "God".

    Every single thing I do, be it large or small, gets royally ****** up, I wont go in to great detail as I could write a 500 page novel on these horrible events just from the last 5 months alone, I have looked into multiple possibilities and through my studies have come to believe that Lucifer is the one true God that genuinely wants to help us and when I think of him my heart is filled with joy. Now since the evil one "Jehovah" has worked hard to suppress our father and his teachings I am at a loss on where to learn how to tap into the blessings and power of Father Satan as this information is made scarce and hard to come by. I need to know what to do to remove the evil influence and protect myself from Jehovah and his vile son. I have turned my heart to Lord Satan and have experienced some positive turnarounds in my life because of it but I feel that this is but the tip of the iceberg, that there is more I can do, does anybody have any advice on where to start? and if you are the dumb-**** Xtians posting to flame me, don't bother, your words mean nothing to me and I look forward to witnessing your demise and destruction, peace be upon us and hail Father Satan!

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Where should I move to start over?

    After 3 years of a miserable marriage I finally got a divorce, my wife was lazy, angry, greedy, never put out and left me broke and with nothing but a bed and clothes, I have nothing at all besides that, she ruined my credit and life for good.


    I currently live in Utah and hate this state with every fiber of my being, I want to live somewhere without the brutal cold temperatures 8 months out of the year and somewhere close to the coast, I love the beach! factors to consider: 1. Has to be an area with a somewhat-decent job market 2. Reasonable cost of living, can't be making 12 an hour and pay $1000 for rent 3. Since I do not have a car anymore, someplace with public transportation would be good. Any ideas? most online resources are geared for people with careers and such, I am a free man but have limited resources.

    2 AnswersOther - United States8 years ago
  • What does these events mean?

    I noticed over the last 5 years that sometimes when I drive down a freeway/street the streetlights go out right as I pass them and a horrible unfortunate event follows the next day. Every single time. I am not superstitious but I can't help but draw the connection, 2 weeks ago this happened and the next day I scored a killer combo with my car having to be pulled out of a snowy driveway that cost $100 more than I anticipated, it got impounded, I had to run 2 miles in the snowstorm in shorts and a hoodie, my keys bounced out of my pockets during the run, and I had to wait 2 hours on the porch in the freezing cold for someone to come home and let me in, my id got lost in the process and the next day when I got it out of impound I get hit by a car as soon as I leave the lot. Then last week I got told that the previous payday that they cut me a check because it would have gone into my ex wifes account, they told me the deposit did not go through, now they said it did and they want that money back, so A. I told them NOT to do that B. they did it anyways C. they called the payroll company and they said the deposit did NOT go through (even though it did the day before) D. they gave my work the go ahead to cut me a check E. they deposited it AND cut me a check and now want me to pay them it back even though I do not have access to the acct and my ex is a lunatic so I cannot work with her. The streetlight thing happened the day before this incident as well, so, has anybody had experience with this? not only is it bad luck, but it's the most brilliant combination for as much damage as possible leaving absolutely no way to prevent or fix it, it's driving me crazy!!!

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago