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Hi my name is Kianna. I am an animal lover. I am currently in pre vet classes in collage and work with multiple vets. I own and breed lionhead rabbits. I also train horses and a local rescue. God comes first in my life. I have a close relationship with my family. Thats about it!

  • Would someone want to draw up a tattoo for me? For free?


    I'm looking for a bored artist or some one aspiring to be a tattoo artis who may want to draw me up a tattoo. It's a full back tattoo. It's will have a cross, horse, and roses. If you want to help shoot me an email. . Also is you know of any site where people may do this let me know. I still have time till I can get a tattoo so I'm to in a rush and don't have money to pay 75 an hour to get a sketch of what I might want. So if someone could help me out it would be awesome.

    Tattoos8 years ago
  • Boho hippy bed canopy DIY bed canopy?

    So I'm wanting to make a hanging be canopy for my room?

    Kinda like this but simpler

    Or this

    Or this?

    But I need some advice on how to make it. I was think possibly rope or PVC pipe? But the I was thinking where can I get fabric wide/long enough? Idk I just need some creative ideas? It needs to be square and queen sized.

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling8 years ago
  • Pros of using photoshopped/ anorexic models/ lighting tricks etc in advertisement?


    I'm writing a argumentative paper on how ads gives women the round impression of how they " could" look. I have the cons but I need wedsite articles about the pros of using anorexic models, photoshop, lighting trick, and other editing or miss leading ways to advertise a product. We'd pages with statistics would be great!!

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • HTML wedsite pictures are not working?

    Sobered is a website I made. why are the picture not the correct size, why do they look different on every computer?

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Scary Halloween decorations for cheap?

    Im having a scary birthday/Halloween party and need cheap decorating ideas. I already have black lights and strobes.

    7 AnswersHalloween9 years ago
  • Mid ground horror movie for haloween party?

    I'm having a haloween birthday going to a haunteded corn maze and want a scary movie for the people spending the night. I have a few friends that are total sissys and a few who love scary movies so I'm wondering what a mid ground would be? I was thinking the uninvited or the house at the end of the street? Are thoughs any good? Any others? Already saw case 39. Can be pg13 or R

    3 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • College algebra confustion?

    What is (f+h)(x) if f(x) = -x^2-x+1 and h(x)=3x^2=10?

    I got 2x^2-x+11 can that be simplified? Is that correct?

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago
  • What religions believe that if you kill something you will be reincarnated as a lessor species?

    I'm writing an explination on the bugs found it common produces at the grossery store. For the intro of my paper I need to explain who this information concernce. Basically "---- needs to know this because----. So what I was thinking is I could address my paper to people who belive that if they kill a living thing they will be reincarnated as a lessor spicies so there vegins what religions do this.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • College algebra funtions f(x+h)-f(x) over h?

    So this week we had a sub in our collage math class and I'm realy confused. I don't want to fall behind cause I've gotten straite A's so I was wondering if any of you could double check my work and if I did anything roung can u point it out. If you answer well ill give you 5 stars best answer.

    So here it is

    Considering the following f(x)=-2x^2-x+1 find f(x+h)-f(x) all over h

    So here is my work

    f(x+h)-f(x) over h= -2(x+h)^2-(x+h)+1-(-2x^2-x+1) all over h

    So then I worked it out to

    =-2x^2 -2h^2-x-h+1+2x^2+x-1 over h

    Witch then simplifyed to

    -2h^2-h over h

    7 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Nerviuse horse biting my legs.?

    I've had this horse for 5 years and she's been a challenge. She was a rescue, she always had fear but as soon as she get confadent she get bossy. So we have been working on dressage and at first she wasn't wanting to do what I was asking she got grumpy, kicking out when I asked her to do anything. Well some where between correcting her naughtyness she got scaired so I took a step back and just been working on getting basic moves without her getting worked up. Walk to trot without her chomping her mouth etc. Well she is still a little nerviuse but she has started spining her head back and biting my leg realy hard. At first I thought maybe a pain thing but the vet, and chiropractore said she was fine. So I just kept working with her fear and the more confident she gets the more she bites. How do I correct her from biting without running our progress of getting her more confadent. Sorry about spelling I'm in a rush.

    4 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • What are some good airy fabrics wih atleast 20% crosswise stretch?

    With the help of my aunt I'm going to make a western show shirt for showing my horse. This is the pattenr I picked (view c)

    It says i need a fabric with atleast 20% crosswise stretch. I want a fabric that breaths well to. What type of fabric would you suggest?

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)9 years ago
  • Sepirating my bunnies ?

    So my lionhead has 4 babies. There 8 weeks now so I'm seperating them from there mom. I'm still keeping the babies together for another week. So I thought id take two of them out at first then give the mom a day and take another one out and then the last one the last day. Is it okay to take 2 out at first or will her milk build up to much? Id like to keep 2 together at first to keep stress down for the babies.

    4 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Persional question a friend wanted me to ask.?

    So she wanted me to ask on my acount so people she knows would not traise the question to her. She did report him and he's in jail.. But anyways.... she was sexualy asulted by a guy. Long story short he didn't rape her be he egaculated on his fingures and "put them in her" then egaculated on his knife and stuck it up there... he did this multiple times. She then didn't have her period for 3 months and threw up a lot (she thought from stress) and then got horrible cramps and had a realy "chunckey brown" period that was realy painful. I told her it almost sounded like she was pregnate. She wants to know what the chances of that without actualy raping her are.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Button braides with bands for fair?

    This is my first year english at fair we have one of the largest counties in the us with over 200 riders. I am in level one cause my horse is green. I know I should braide my horse for english so I've been looking on the enternet. Do you think its exseptable to do button braides with bands not string. The string looks realy hard and I don't have much time that morning. Should I use band or is that to sloppy?

    2 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • My horse is sore before a big show?

    So I've been working my horse more then normal the last three weeks due to a important show coming up. She's gotten realy sore and now won't pick up her left lead! The show is in 4 days!! How can I help loosen her up and strangthen that lead? Should I keep her cantering more in the lead then the other to strangthen it or less to give it a break? I've been streatching her and worming her up well any other tips? Would spraying tight areas with water help? Any horse massage tips?

    10 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • How to make a horse look like a train?

    Okay call me crazy I know haha. But at fair we have a musical freestyle compotation every year and I’m going it to crazy train. For the costume I want to be a rocker girl/ train conductor. I got striped levi overalls that I’m cutting off to be really short, then I'm going to wear rocker boots, and temp full arm tattoos. I want to make my horse the crazy train. I ordered a black isis wings but they sent me a silver ones so i'll have to make that work. ( For thought of you who don’t know what an isis cape is here is a link )

    I thought if I wore the silver wings on my neck and draped it over her butt, also putting a silver saddle pad, and silver cloth on her breast collor, she would look mostly silver and I could make her a silver train. I thought I could spray paint an old toilet paper role for the smoke stack on the top of her bridle. Then I’d put one of thoughts bike lights hanging from her brow band so her head looked like the front of the train. I wanted to paint the word crazy on both sides of her neck with blue and silver flames.

    So now for my question! How could I safely make wheels? If you where the judge do you think you would understand what I’m going for? Any other fun ideas? Her legs have nothing on them so far.

    1 AnswerHorses9 years ago
  • How do I keep getting my horse to do fly leads.?

    So at fair the last 3 years I've won musical freestyle. But I've never got my horse to do a flyinh lead change. I've got her to do everything else amazing! Amazing stops, spins, backs, but now flyings. Well today we where doing a fast circle right slow circle left and I checked her back for a simple and she slowed down into a flying lead. I praised her a ton and did it again and she did it!!! How do I reinforce this so we don't loose it? Lots of praise and repition? Any other ideas? I just don't want to loose this.

    2 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • How to get a 11 year old to brush her teeth.?

    So my mom wanted me to ask and see if anyone has any wise ideas. My little sister is 11 and we just figured out she had forgot her toothbrush at a friends house and hadn't brushed her teeth in 3 weeks (nasty). She had another toothbrush in the bath room the whole time but just never took it out of its rapping. We have run into this problem before. She just won't brush her teeth! we have tride grounding her, we've tride telling her how nasty it is, and that all her teeth are gonna rot, we tride being nice and reminding her twice a day, we tride feeling the toothbrush every day to see if it was wet and she just started running it under the fosset but still not brushing. What should we do?

    Also she wants contacts instead of glasses and to start using some makeup (we wouldn't allow much maybe like a tan eyeshadow.) But if she can't even brush her teeth why should we allow her to spend tons of time with makeup and contacts? What do you think?

    4 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • Where can I buy a cheap short frilly pink dressfor less?

    So I’m doing this thing with my horse where we ride a pattern to music. But we are also judged on our costume. I'm riding to stuck like glue by Sugarland and am going to do all hearts and glitter and stuff as the costume. I'm looking so a short pink dress that is really frilly. Like this but for allot less

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • What song should I do for my musical freestyle?

    So basically you pick a song, pick a costume, and make a rutean that goes to the music on you horse and they judge you on it. What song should I do?

    Waking up in Vegas - Katy Perry ( id be a Vegas show girl ,but more modest, and my horse would be covered in glitter and glam)

    Come sail away - Styx ( I’d were a white beach dress put blue ribbon in her mane and tail and have a blue sheet waving across her back)

    Faster - within temptation ( she would be a black Pegasus with wings and I’d be a dark fairy)

    Stuck like glue - Sugarland ( pink dress and attach lots of hearts)

    Man I feel like a woman (allot of leather and lipstick, maybe fishnet tights etc)

    4 AnswersHorses9 years ago