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Hey, I'm Likewise, formerly known as Never Guess the Rest. I normally post about animals, and can easily be found lurking in the Pets section throughout the day. Of course I have answered questions in other sections before, and will continue to do so, but its not that often, as there is few other topics that intrest me, with the exception of anime. I love Naruto, and I am going to start watching Bleach soon. Want to chat? Feel free to IM me. I'll be happy to chat, or answer questions.

  • "Let's get started" tab under Twitter won't go away!?

    That is a picture of what the 'lets' get started' tab thing on Twitter looks like! It's been there for 6+ hours and it will NOT go away. I've tried signing into my email and deny twitter access to my address book, I've signed in to my email and allowed twitter access to my address book, but I have no contacts, and so I clicked the "skip this step" option (I've done that twice, no luck). I've signed logged out and back in. Nothing has worked so far! Does anyone know what I can do?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years ago
  • My LG Rumor Touch won't let me connect to Facebook?

    I used to have a Blackberry so I highly depend on the internet on my phone but I have had to downgrade, which is completely fine with me. I'm mainly on my Facebook anyways so since the LG Rumor Touch is an in-touch phone it is supposed to connect to FB. So it is activated and everything but when I got to Setup>Facebook it says Facebook is disabled so when I try and log in through that it simply says it is an invalid login or password which it most certainly is not. When I just go straight to FB it says there is a network error and to try again later.

    I have tried researching this but so far nothing has really come up so I thought I'd ask here. So how do I fix this?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • I feel guilty about my friend being ahead of me…?

    On Saturday I went back to riding lessons for the first time in many weeks. I am getting a bit annoyed because lessons are always canceled and our instructor always gets the times and dates wrong but anyways… Me and my friend do riding lessons together. She is a /bit/ slow compared to me and I feel selfish, but I love being ahead of her. Well, not anymore. She lives near the place we ride at and I don't so I can't do remake lessons over the weekdays or anything.

    So now she is ahead of me. I feel guilty but it really irks me. I absolutely sucked and she was so perfect. I still felt caught up to her though because the horse she rides is absolutely perfect- steady gait, no issues during riding, does everything he is asked as soon as he is asked. The horses I always ride are a bit more unruly and are harder to control so I still felt like we were even.

    At the same time, I break into a smile whenever my friend does something really good. I feel happy for her and I truly do but at the same time I feel a bit jealous even. And I hate it. I don't want to feel that way but I am a very competitive person and I hate being last. It really is that way because of my sister. She was always the first one to do everything, the best in everything. Riding is one of the few things I'm good in and I like to feel like I'm better then people I know, which is so selfish and like I already said, I absolutely hate feeling this way but I cannot help it.

    At the end of lessons I basically told Friday [the handsome gelding I was riding] that we had to show them that we were just as good and we did! I am already caught up to my friend in one lesson [okay not quite there but very close] and I am very proud but at the same time I still feel guilty for feeling jealous of my friend and wishing I was better. But it is kind of weird because at the same time I am SO happy for her.

    What do you think about all this? I mean, should I feel bad? Or do you think it isn't my fault and if I do sincerely feel sorry for my thoughts then I should just forget it and move on? I don't normally get wrapped up in my emotions like this and whenever I do its a big, jumbled mess and even though it seems so silly to be upset over something as insignificant as being slightly jealous it just confuses me.

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Preparing for a Betta Fish?

    My mother will be buying me a starter kit for a Betta fish for Christmas. It comes with gravel, water conditioner, a bowl, a plant, and food. Everything I need for a Betta fish basically. I won't have a filter most likely, either.

    Anyways, how do I condition the water? How long do I have to wait before I can put the fish in? I'll be getting the fish myself, and I know what to look for in a healthy fish. I've done a lot of research on that sort of thing- what to look for in a fish, etc. That type of stuff, but I have no idea about the water.

    How often do I need to change the water? Like I said, I probably won't have a filter. I am very responsible as a pet owner and have plenty of free time. I'm also gone from Friday night to Saturday afternoons almost every week. Would it be okay if I fed it as soon as I got home on Saturday?

    How much should I feed the fish? It will be those small little circle foods… I don't know the name of the food…

    Curious, what is your favorite type of Betta? I like Halfmoons and Crowntails.

    5 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Training issues with my dog?

    I have been inspired even more so then ever to find a good agility club in my area, and I've accomplished that! Lessons don't start up again till Fall 2012, which is a good thing for me. Levi, my German Shepherd mix is a great dog. Super cute, friendly, and a big dork.

    But he needs some training done. He is very toy and food motivated but right now we have like no food and no dog treats. So I'll be using his toy to start off the training.

    The biggest issue is his behavior on a leash. He does not heel and the turning around and walking the other way method does not work for him. When he see's other dogs he pulls on the leash and barks and he plays super rough, which makes everyone think he is dangerous and dog aggressive which is far from the truth. Any tips?

    He also needs work on recall. He door dashes sometimes and never comes back when we call him. Inside, he does pretty well, but not all the time. We also do NOT have a backyard, so backyard exercises will not work. How should I teach him a firm recall?

    I will be going over the other things he has learned as well. Also, thanks ahead of time, and wish me good luck with him!

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Participating in agility with my mix?

    I have a German Shepherd that may or may not be a mix. I plan on doing a genetics test to find out within the next few months, out of curiosity. He is adopted and they say he is a mix, but a lot of German Shepherd owners I have met have told me they think he is a purebred, just badly bred.

    Anyways, I'd love to get into agility with Levi! He is a big dork and he really loves to run. He is totally fine not getting much exercise [I've been super sick the past few days and he's been inside most of the time] and we don't have a backyard either.

    Does anyone know how I can get into agility, and if there are any agility clubs that allow young teenagers to participate in the Mesa/Chandler area of Arizona? I know mixes can do agility, but what about getting into AKC championships? I doubt that will happen, but I want to know all I can about agility before I participate in it.

    Also, my dog has major issues with recall and heeling. I've tried a ton of things but none of them seem to work. He is very toy and food motivated, but we don't have any treats apart from some large milkbones that are way to big to give him while training.

    Do you think it would be okay to use a toy to encourage him during agility training? Also, any tips on recall and heeling? Levi is a complete wuss and is very timid and pees out of fear sometimes.

    Also, can you add any details you know about AKC dog agility? I've tried to do some research, but I suck at researching this type of stuff apparently… I'd love for Levi to get a title in agility even if he can never be bred since he is neutered and does have some health issues.

    I've also talked to my vet about agility and she says he is healthy enough to participate in it and while recently I've been sick, I'm a pretty healthy person as well. I think we'll make a great agility team if we can find a way to get started!

    1 AnswerDogs9 years ago
  • Do you think a Rhodesian Ridgeback would suit my friends life?

    My best friend made a deal with her parents that if she could prove to them she is responsible enough, she can have a dog. She made this deal last year, and was supposed to be adopting or buying a dog around now.

    She kept wanting to buy or adopt purebreds that didn't suit her needs at all, and I encouraged her to just adopt a dog or find a good breeder and choose a breed that suits her. Not just one she likes. Now, we are both huge animal lovers and know a ton about animals, but for whatever reason she kept trying to deny all the reasons she should not get certain breeds.

    Finally I convinced her to look into good breeders and find a breed that suits her. Now, she has fallen in love with a Rhodesian Ridgeback breeder near her house. The dogs are shown and have titles and are health tested.

    They're good breeders, and we see them everytime we go to horseback riding lessons together. They're very healthy looking and playful.

    Anyways, the puppies range from $500-$1000 depending on some factors. Some of them don't have ridges (I don't know why because they are pure) and my friends parents said no to one this year. If she waits another year her parents WILL let her get a puppy from the breeder, though!

    So for Christmas I'm getting her some books about Rhodesian Ridgeback's and a Rhodesian calender. Honestly, she is the type of person who will buy/adopt a purebred at any chance she gets without ANY research done on the breed. So I do a lot of research for her. If she finds a breed she likes by personal meeting, she doesn't research, but if she finds a breed online she does a TON of research which makes little sense to me.

    Anyways, here is some information about her lifestyle:

    -My friend has a 8 year old female Labrador x Chow mix, 4 parakeets, and a parrot. 2 of the parakeets and the parrot live outside in the backyard. The 2 parakeets are her little sisters who completely neglects them, and their mother will be giving them back to their grandparents who breedk parakeets, so by next year, they should be back in a place where they are well cared for.

    -The dog will be an outside dog in a large backyard. Right now its just dirt, but in a month or so they will be putting in grass and a pool and other landscaping.

    -The neighborhood is very pro-dog and there are a LOT of people and dogs living there.

    -My friend goes to school, so the dog will be outside for a lot of the day, but will be let inside a few times a day, and will be walked for a little while afterschool. If the dog can learn 'come' my friend will let the dog off-leash at a nice park nearby probably.

    So, what do you think? I can provide more information if needed.

    5 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Need petition ideas related to animal welfare?

    I need some help with petition ideas related to animal welfare, but the issue is, I can't come up with unique ideas that are important. Does anyone have any ideas? Of course I will do plenty of research on the topic before I make the petition, but I just need some help.


    2 AnswersOther - Pets10 years ago
  • What do you think- will there be more Soul Eater seasons?

    I haven't yet finished the anime (Soul Eater), but I only have a few episodes left, and some people have already spoiled it for me, so I decided to make this post earlier.

    As crazy as it sounds, I started watching this series sometime last week. Now, I've been sick, otherwise I wouldn't be almost finished. Anyways, I love the series, and I plan on reading the manga when I can get a hold on it.

    I only watched dubbed anime. I just can't stand having to read subtitles. I love dubbed, and since I don't watch subbed I don't compare the two, and debate on which is better, but curious, do you prefer the dubbed or subbed version of Soul Eater?

    Personally, from the spoilers I've heard, the last episode in the series is stupid. Maka defeats the spider-witch when Kid can't? Seriously? Black Star and Kid are both more powerful then Maka, yet she wins because of this silly blast of 'courage' basically? What do you think about it? Personally, I find it stupid. I hate it when characters suddenly become all-mighty and powerful. Its really annoying.

    Asides from that, I adore the series, and I wish it was longer. I hate it when series end after less then a hundred episodes. I am a Naruto fan, so obviously I am quite used to long series so Soul Eater only having 51 episodes saddens me quite a bit.

    Although there really isn't much they can build off it now all the bad characters are defeated. But what do you think? I'm not-so-secretly-anymore hoping that they make another season or two. Yes, the bad characters are defeated, but the academy is still there, there are still adventures left.

    2 AnswersOther - Television10 years ago
  • Looking for Anime Recommendations?

    I am quite picky about the anime I watch, proof being I have only ever watched 2 anime shows. I prefer to watch only a few anime and get really into it rather then a ton.

    Now, the question [anime recommendations needed] is very general and there are thousands of anime shows. I'm looking for an anime similar to Soul Eater or Naruto, but do not suggest Bleach please! I've tried watching it multiple times, but I just can't get into it. I do plan on trying again soon, but not now.

    There is no limit to the swearing or anything really, but anything like Soul Eater or Naruto would be fantastic and I'd love if you could tell me a bit of what the show is about. Thanks.

    Oh and since some of you will probably be thinking: Oh my gosh this isn't a question...

    Anyone have suggestions of anime similar to Naruto and Soul Eater? Post them here? Thanks!

    4 AnswersOther - Television10 years ago
  • I Want to Run An Animal Shelter From My House…?

    Don't say it is some stupid little dream that will die away, because I know people who own shelters from their homes, but in each state there are different rules and regulations and stuff. Does anyone know a place where I can read all the rules and stuff?

    My friend who owns a shelter from her home is emailing me some information about running the shelter and where I can buy kennels, and going over some rules and the prices and stuff, thank goodness, but I haven't found a place where the rules and stuff are located.

    4 AnswersOther - Pets10 years ago
  • Cat Is Peeing Around the House?

    So one of our four cats has been peeing on my sisters pillows. She has gone through like 6 of them, and we know it is a behavioral issue. We also have determined it is my favorite cat, Olive. I've had Olive since she was a few weeks old when I found her in my neighbors backyard. We owned her parents, and own her younger sister. She used to be very aggressive towards anyone but me, but she has mellowed out, although she still prefers me over everyone else. Anyways, the idea of parting with her would be unbearable.

    So we are locking all the cats out of the bedroom when we are not there to supervise, by shutting and locking the door and the cat door that leads into our room. I know Olive will not be pleased, seeing as she basically lives under my bed.

    We also bought some water-proof pillow covers to go over our pillows, so if she does pee on another, we can pull off the fabric cover, wash it, and then wipe down the water-proof one.

    Is there anything else we can do? I do believe Olive would be adopted. She is a very pretty 4-year old cat, and while she doesn't get along well with other cats or super hyper people, she is a nice cat overall. But obviously I'd rather keep her. If the peeing continues we'll spray lemon juice on the pillows, because apparently citrus smells deter cats. Is this true?

    Any tips and suggestions will be appreciated! Thank you so much ahead of time.

    6 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • What Can You Do To Fall Asleep Faster?

    My sister is trying to get to sleep, but she can't. She's already had tea, and I don't believe we have any other foods/drinks that make you sleepy.

    She is laying in bed now, so she wants something that can make her fall asleep really quickly. Any suggestions? We have school again tomorrow and she doesn't want to be exhausted.

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care10 years ago
  • Congo African Grey Parrot Information?

    I do have experience with Parrots- my best friend owns a female Indian Ringneck Parrot, and her grandma owns a male and a female Indian Ringneck Parrots as well.

    Anyways, we may have to give our cats away, and while I don't want to, if we do I will be getting a bird, and my favorite bird is the Congo African Grey Parrot. There is a rescue a few miles away for birds, and I'm already in love with a plucked female African Grey named Jazzy.

    Anyways, I need some more information on these birds. Anything would be helpful! I have been doing my research, but most of the sites give different information, so I decided to come to you guys. Tips? Help? Anything? Thanks!

    2 AnswersBirds10 years ago
  • I Need Help With My Cats?

    Recently one of our cats has been peeing around the house. We have four cats so we have no idea who it is. A few years back we had to give away two of our cats because they had the same issue, and I don't want to end up having to give away any of our cats.

    The little nugget who is doing it, pees on the bed of someone, if the person has been gone for multiple hours, aside from school and work. For example, I was at my best friends house Friday and till Saturday evening, and my parents informed me that a cat peed on my quilt.

    The cat that loves me the most is Olive, and she hates everyone else though, so why would she pee on anyone else's bed if they were gone? We don't think it is her, and I can't picture any of the other cats peeing on my bed either.

    So basically, if we can't find the cat that is doing it, and fix that cats behavior, then all the cats are going. I don't want to find the cat that is doing it though… So any tips on how to stop this behavior? We keep closets closed, and tuck pillows and such away, since the cat tends to do it on pillows. Anything else I can do?

    I am really attached to all the cats, and I'd hate to see any of them go. Plus, if it was Mercedes or Poppy, they'd have to go together. They are twins, and adore each other- It would be cruel to separate them.

    There is only one plus side- If they did go, I would be able to get a Parrot, but life without a cat? I have never not owned a cat, and I don't want to start now, even if I could get a Parrot. I'm prefer my kitties over a bird any day.

    2 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Short Hairstyles for Poofy Hair?

    I have hair just below my shoulder, and it is extremely thick. The under layer is a curly mess, which I absolutely hate. Because the under layer is a curly mess, the top layer will be a wavy/straight mess. So overall my hair is ugly, and the top layer poofs out because of the curls.

    I really hate having poof-hair and I can't maintain it, so I want a short hairstyle that looks fine with thick somewhat-curly hair. Or is there anything I can do to make my hair less curly for long-term? I hate straightening it in the morning just so I don't look like an insane alien.

    Tips and help is appreciated.

    3 AnswersHair10 years ago
  • I Want my Hair Thinned Out?

    I have really thick hair, and I want the under layer removed, which is just a lump of curls, which makes the top layer poof out. I was wondering, how exactly does having your hair thinned out work? How long does it typically last? Any information will be helpful. :)

    4 AnswersHair10 years ago
  • Some Horse Related Questions?

    Currently, I am taking horseback riding lessons. I did Western for 2 years a few years back, so I have plenty of experience. Now I am doing English riding, and I like it. I can't really judge, seeing as I'm just working on improving my trotting skills. We haven't gotten into the English 'sports' yet. I plan on doing jumping.

    1. I always will be a Western girl at heart. But I think I will stick to Western riding for the heck of it, and maybe enter a rodeo or two eventually, but once I start jumping, if I like it, do that for show. Do you think this is a good idea?

    2. In a few years I would love to get my own horse. I am a good rider, and I know how to care for horses. I understand my parents have finical issues and all, but I really would love a horse in a few years. I'd literally work my butt off. My parents are willing to throw me and my twin a huge birthday bash for our 16th birthday, but do you think it would be… Okay to ask for a horse instead of a huge party? I know a store where I could get all the supplies, and by 16 I certainly plan to have a real job. I know how much horses cost, but I already know where I'd be boarding my horse at- The place I ride, and at the barn, you can board your horses for free if you work there. It'd basically be free if I could get there daily.

    Thanks ahead of time!

    4 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • Rosy Red Minnow Breeding?

    My Ribbon Snake eats Rosy Red Minnows. I know it isn't healthy for him to only eat Rosy Red Minnows, but he refuses to eat anything else. Trust me, we've tried many times, and he never made an effort, so we gave up.

    Anyways, I have decided I may want to start breeding the Rosy Red Minnows for him. But the issue is, I don't know how. I have two tanks, one is larger, and the other is smaller. Both need to be cleaned out.

    For one, what supplies will I need? How do I breed them? I have no idea what I'm doing, but you have to start somewhere. I would love it if someone could go over all the steps and processes. I have no idea how to care for Rosy Red Minnows in a tank either. As soon as we get a fish we put them in his water bowl for him to eat. I'd be grateful for any tips, and help! Thanks ahead of time.

    1 AnswerFish10 years ago
  • Differences Between 4 and 5th Generation iPod Nano?

    I know Christmas is far away, but I plan far ahead, and within the next few weeks plan to buy some friends and family their Christmas presents. Crazy, I know, but I get stressed out otherwise.

    Anyways, I wrote down my Christmas list, requesting an iPod Nano, headphones (those ear plugs never stay in my ears…) and a few other very cheap little things.

    Now, my mom requested that I give her the generation for the iPod Nano I want. I absolutely hate the new 6th generation. I hate touch screens. The screen gets smeared so easily, and I just hate them. Especially since my mom has an iPad and a iPod Touch. I hate using both of them, plus my mom rarely lets us use her iPad, my sister hogs my moms iPod Touch, and she also lost the regular iPod I loved.

    Which is why I want an iPod of my own. I am debating between 4th and 5th generation. I don't really see the difference, except 5th seems shiner, which I don't really like, but I'd rather judge by how well the iPod works rather then the looks.

    Anyways, can someone go over all the differences for me? Thanks.

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players10 years ago