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  • Atheists...this ones for science?

    How many of you find that there is any difference among religions?

    For those who do, are there any religions that you find are doing good for the world? (do tell!)

    I am a theist and Ill keep it at that for now as to keep the answers on topic...feel free to email me if you have any questions or comments for me that aren't specific to this topic.


    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Atheists, arent you really Agnostic?

    I only ask because so many Atheists are all about backing up beliefs with evidence before putting their eggs in any basket.

    And if Im not mistaken, Atheists claim there is no God, which cant be supported by evidence, since its a negative statement.

    So really, the best that can be claimed is that Gods existence cant be provent, which is Agnosticism.

    This is obviously more of a clarification question

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Christians, and anyone else...Is it more Christian to be accepting or tell them they are going to hell?

    Just setting this poll out there to see what the general consensus is. It seem that a certain group of "Christians" (evangelicals) have what I believe is a very non-Christian habit of telling other churches, like mine (LDS) that they are from Hell, or will soon be there.

    I dont remember Christ being like fact wasnt He pretty nice to even sinners. There's a book about this too I think. Its name is on the tip of my tongue...have any of you read it? Its called something like 'the Bible'? Yeah, the Bible...anyone read that? It seems pretty good...telling people to be nice and not judge.

    Anyways, thoughts?

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Hey all you Atheist......?

    which bothers you more, the fact that I used 'Atheist' as plural


    that I think God created man?

    **just bored in a late lecture, and had this random question**

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists...Just a quick proof style question?

    I hear this all the time when Atheists ask for Proof of Gods existence. Without fail, someone always asserts that Atheists have a plethora of proof for their beliefs, while Theist have none.

    Is this true, do you believe this?

    If so, the question is, what is it that is 'proof for Atheism'?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists...Can you think of anything in the past that seemed logical, but ended up being false?

    Also, can you think of anything that seemed far fetched, but ended up being true?

    I can think of quite a handful...but Ill let the discussion play out a bit. Theists welcome too of course.

    I ask this in light of the recent overload of redundant "logical" arguments against Theism. It seems like a pretty weak argument to lean on, especially from the same people who brought us such classics as, "the world is flat" and "we just need to bleed you a bit and youll be just fine"

    To me, it seems like any knowledge can seem like foolishness (and foolishness can seem logical) in the right circumstances.

    Any thoughts? Does this make you want to come up with something better than, 'Atheists are just smarter'?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Evolutionaries and dont believe this do you?

    this is copied from an answer from someone who is Atheist and supports both Evolution and Abiogenesis...

    "we came from cell division, not dirt. The cells were created in the big bang. The big bang was created by plasma."

    any thoughts? do you agree with this?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Gays and others, Would you use lies to help you establish a point?

    I ask this in light of a Sundance Film Festival film about gay marriage and the LDS faith.

    I havent seen the entire film yet, but have been able to preview a few selections and in those few moments I saw quite a few erroneous claims ranging from slight twists on reality to blatantly misquoted or made up statistics!

    I was shocked, because I know a few of those who were involved in the making of this 'film' and thought better of them before, and know they know better.

    When I asked them about this, they said that they needed to paint the LDS church in a bad light in order to have a "bad guy". They believe that their cause is just and so they will do what they need to to turn public opinion. again, Im shocked.

    So, my question, how many of you would do this? regardless of what you think about the LDS church, would you lie to make your argument easier to get behind?

    (and since Im sure most of you dont know about this film, lets just assume that I am correct about it being build on false evidence and just discuss what you would do in the Hypothetical situation)

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Catholics...or those who know: what is a "mortal sin"?

    I am Christian, but not Catholic, Im LDS. I've heard a few folks talk about "mortal" sins, and I was wondering if these are a different kind of sin?

    Are there other types of sin in your faith?

    Just curious, thanks for taking the time

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists...any of you believe in a higher power?

    this is really just for my curiosity. I think there are as many different kinds of Atheist as there are Theists so I wanted to hear some thoughts on the matter...

    I'm leaving this pretty open so if you feel like answering, feel free to explain it.

    and if you read this and think, maybe I dont feel like sharing my inner feelings!..then feel free to bless us with some of that famously dry Atheist sarcasm ;) maybe with some reference to science class...your call ;)

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If Evolution tells us nothing of how life began and Creationism?

    is exclusively about the origin of man and life, why are we arguing?

    As a med student and science enthusiast, i've studied a lot of science, and think that for the most part the Theory of evolution does a great job in describing how organisms have evolved. its a gold star on the t-shirt of modern science and we should be grateful for it.

    as a religious person, I've read, prayed, fasted and even meditate at times about Creation. its a totally different way to find truth, and i dont confuse it with my scholastic endeavors. though cross ovr of technique is also a good thing.

    the point is, how do you who argue against creation (or evolution) to spite the other think they interfere with each other?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Evolutionists...Do you believe that Evolution explains the Origins of Life?

    This is just for my info...its a pretty simple question, so feel free to yes or no this one, but you can also explain why if you'd like.

    I would be especially interested if you think that it does have anything to do with the beginning of life

    This question stems from the repeated comparison of Evolution to Creationism (which is a faulty comparison)

    32 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists and the like: Are animals your ideal?

    Why the sudden all these questions about things like...

    "Does God get mad at animals for having premarital sex?'

    or, another doosey, 'Does God get mad at animals for being Gay?'

    Come on...this is a pretty weak argument. To put it in context, its like someone saying there is no evolution because then 'why are there still monkeys'... Dont questions like this bother you?

    Case and point, God never said, "Thou shalt act like the Animals!"

    He never said that Animals are our role models, or anything like that. So, just wondering where this all comes from

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Helping my nephew with Chem HMWK! Im too rusty;)?

    Sodium Benzoate (NaC7H5O2) is used as a food preservative. The Ka of benzoic acid is 6.46 x 10^-5 M. What is the ratio of the concentration of benzoic acid to the concentration of benzoate ion in a food with pH=3 ??

    thank you! Its been way too long for me!!

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Atheists(and Agnostics), Do you see All Christians the same? All Theists?

    I wont argue with you on this one, this is more for my info if you choose to answer

    I am beginning to think that this is the case, and thats a new thought for me

    trying to see/understand a different perspective

    If you want to explain why and who etc that would awesome too, your choice


    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Wait a minute all you Evolutionist Creationism haters!;)?

    What, again, was the proof that man Evolved from anything without the help of a God/Creator?

    I've read a lot of questions lately where you lot have challenged the Creationist to prove Gods existence, while you either imply (or blatantly state!) that because Evolution exists, that proves that man came from a common ancestor to the Apes?!!

    Talk about your flawed logic, come guys are generally smarter than that.

    So, if you will, prove that evolution brought about mankind as we know it, and I will prove Creationism.

    Keep in mind, MOST (educated) Creationists understand Evolution, and still believe in fact I really cant see the Universe without God, and I feel like I understand and accept most common modern science.

    show me the money!

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • So, spiritually speaking, Abortion, when sex is consentual, and everyone's healthy?

    how again do you justify that?

    I mean, we cant even return a pair of shoes after we wear them, but some still think its ok to say no thanks to a fetus?

    And if you choose to answer this, please tell me when your cutoff date is and how you justify that?(ie how old can the baby be and it still be ok to abort?)

    Im not picking a fight either, Im really, really just confused. And if youd also like to explain why the father has no say in the matter? its interesting. I mean, isnt the choice whether or not to have sex? Especially when there are so many people waiting to adopt?

    Ive never heard a great explanation of this

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are there any benifits of having a Mother and Father?



    Do you think Development of a person is aided by having a Mother and Father assuming both are good folks?

    Would a child miss out in a single parent or single gender home? (single mother, single father, gay or lesbian couple)

    I dont want to hear about sexual preference here, just on development.

    I realize there are good and bad examples of each, but in a hypothetical equal situation, is there a benefit?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do you reason with people who dont believe in Creationism?

    I mean, their only defense is that they are more intelligent than anyone who has an opposing view? They just come up with random 2-3 liners about how its so not cool to be a "non evolutionist" or when a real tough question comes along, they turn into high school english teachers and critique grammar or spelling..

    How do they reconcile all of the religious scientists of the past and present who find perfect scientific harmony with the creation?

    As a Med Student and Creationist, maybe I just dont understand (like Einstein, faraday, galileo....they just didnt get it, right?)

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Since Obama has a cult/religious following I thought Id post this here?

    Is anyone yet regretting their vote for Obama?

    I mean, if Bush were doing half the crap he's pulling right now, it would be front page, headline news...for some reason the media is too in love or too afraid to blast far

    But really, how many of his hand-picked cabinet nominees have since had to step down because of scandal.

    and how much special interest, wasted spending is being inserted by this guy into the "stimulus" package.

    Doesnt anyone realize that He is raising taxes and limiting our freedoms? Is it too old fashioned to be patriotic and to LIMIT the government.

    Anyone? do you really want socialized (=crappy) medicine? higher taxes, bigger government? WHY IS THIS OK?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago