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  • Why won't my doctor help me with depression/anxiety?

    I think I am depressed and think I have been for a long time. I told my doctor how I find it hard to sleep at nights, how I feel tired and upset all the time, how the slightest little thing annoys me, how I snap at my family all the time and then feel guilty for days on end about how horrible I've been. I hate myself and the way I look. I also feel like I don't deserve anything which also results me giving a lot of my possessions away and then at other times I will go on mad spending sprees and buy things for myself and other people. I don't know why I do these things apart from the fact it makes me feel better about myself for a short while and then I hate myself again.

    I started to get upset when I was telling my doctor all of this, she didn't really seem interested. She said it sounded like I was just more upset than anything else and it should pass. I felt awful, embarrassed and worse than before I mentioned anything. I asked her if there was nothing that could help me with the way I was feeling as it is constant and not just a passing thing. She took a deep breath like she was fed up with me and prescribed me some sleeping pills. I never took any of the pills, I was hoping she would take me seriously and maybe even put me in touch with someone I can talk to about things.

    Has anyone any advice about how to discuss these feelings with my doctor, I'm dreading going back, but I really do need help?

    4 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Finding it hard to get help for a friend with Dementia?

    I have been helping take care of a friends husband who is 91 and has dementia while she is in hospital having major surgery.

    He has one hour a day help from Crossroads who help him with his lunch and washing up etc. The rest of the time I go round and take care of things and sit with him for a chat etc, I go round four times a day to check on him and stay for 2 hours at a time.

    For the last week he has deteriorated terribly. He has become very agitated and angry both physically and verbally, he's tried to hit me with his walking stick. He's become extremely forgetful even more so than before and he's become very possessive over everything.

    Keys are his big thing and he lost a set for the garage. He went into a terrible rage, lashing out with his stick, swearing and marching round the house. The worst bit was he kept repeating the same sentence for about an hour, even screaming it at one stage. I had to call one of his friends for help but even they couldn't calm him down, it took three hours to calm him down. The keys were in his pocket the whole time. These outbursts are happening daily.

    His friend advised me to ring social services and the doctor which I have done but no-one will help me, they just keep fobbing me off. They don't even seem concerned that he's still driving.

    His wife is coming home Monday and I'm terrified something terrible will happen, we need professional help but no-one will help. What can I do?

    4 AnswersSenior Citizens7 years ago
  • A Chinese company has stolen my design, what can I do?

    Last week I was contacted through an anonymous email telling me that my illustration had been stolen by a Chinese Bedding Factory. The email said they were using my design on their duvet covers and they also posted me pictures of the duvets.

    The email never gave a name or links to the company so I had to use the photo they sent me of the duvet to do a google image search. The search pulled up five Chinese websites where the duvet is being sold and also led me to the company that is producing the covers.

    Whoever emailed me said that the use of my design is illegal under Berne Convention and instructed me to sue for damages.

    So far, I haven't contacted them as I've been trying to work out what to do but I have a feeling that because they're in China and so far away that there isn't really anything I can do.

    Have any of you had experience of this? or know what course of action I should take?

    Thank you

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance7 years ago
  • Who is this female rapper with the superhero style video?

    It's a new release. It features a female rapper with long black hair, dressed like a superhero, there are other superhero style people in the video too a bit like that film Watchmen. They're in a city fighting. The song is pretty new, I've heard it on Kiss a few times but never got to find out who the artist was. The song has a lot of sirens in. It's not nicki minaj. Anyone know who it is?

    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop8 years ago
  • female rapper with super hero style video?

    What's the name of the rapper in this video? It's a new release I think by a female rapper and in the video she is some sort of super hero and there's other hero style people in it too, the video is a bit like that film 'Watchmen'.

    Anyone know who I mean?

    1 AnswerR&B & Soul8 years ago
  • Why is the Money Shop saying we still owe them money even though the loan has been repaid?

    Last year my brother got himself into debt. He took out a loan from the Money Shop. The first we knew about this was when we started to get letters through the door saying he had missed his repayments etc.

    He loaned £100 but because he missed his repayments it ended up becoming a £350 debt.

    My Mum was really angry at my brother even going near the Money Shop and for giving our address. My brother only had half the amount to pay back so to stop things escalating further my Mum lent him the rest and went in to the Money Shop herself to pay off the loan.

    This was over six months ago, the debt was paid off in full, my Mum made sure of it.

    However, yesterday we received another letter through the door saying my brother still owes them £50. We got my brother to call them up and put the phone on speaker so we could hear what the explanation for the £50 was. The lady on the phone says that only part of the loan was repaid and there is still £50 outstanding.

    They've now passed it onto a debt collecting agency called Red Castle Recoveries.

    Why are they saying he still owes them £50 even when the debt was paid in full? And why have they left it over 6 months before contacting us about this?

    1 AnswerCredit8 years ago
  • Why has this website caused my bank card to be blocked?

    I've bought jewelry from a website called bodyjewelleryshop quite a few times in the past with no problems. Then a few months ago, I tried to buy something from there and it wouldn't let me, it kept telling me to re-enter my details or contact my bank.

    I found out that my bank blocked my card as buying from that site was classed as unusual activity so they blocked my card in case someone had stolen my card and was using it without my knowledge, even though I've purchased items from that site in the past. I had to speak to someone from my bank on the phone to ok the transaction.

    Yesterday, I tried to buy something from the same website and my bank has blocked my card again.

    Why has this suddenly started happening? I know other people who've purchased from this site with no problems and I used to buy jewelry from them all the time.

    Has this happened to anyone else when buying off the internet?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance8 years ago
  • Would it help to splint up a dogs leg when the cruciate ligament is damaged?

    I've been to the vet with my dog who diagnosed that his cruciate ligament is damaged.

    My dog is now on painkillers and strict crate rest until his next check up and is only allowed to walk when taken into the garden on his lead for toilet breaks.

    I read on the internet that strapping up the leg can help to stabilize the joint. Has anyone had any experience with this injury? How well did your dog recover?

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • sent package by recorded delivery but buyer says they haven't received it?

    I sent a package by recorded delivery on the 7th May, I checked the tracking code a few days later and it said the package was delivered to the recipient on the 9th May.

    However, the buyer has contacted me today saying they still haven't received the package. I sent them the tracking code so they could check for themselves to see that I did actually send it.

    I'm going to the post office tomorrow to see if they can tell me what's happened. To be honest I don't really know what to do, this has never happened before and I post packages to people all the time.

    We both live in the UK, so it should have reached her by now and the tracking code says it has. For it to say she has received it she would have had to sign for it.

    Has anyone else been in the situation? What did you do?

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance8 years ago
  • Sold item on etsy and it automically got renewed?

    I'm pretty new to etsy and have just sold an item, there were 5 items available and have just realized that my listing has been automatically renewed.

    is this what happens when you sell an item or have i set things up incorrectly?

    Thank you

    1 AnswerSmall Business8 years ago
  • Magazine wants to feature my art?

    A Brazilian magazine has contacted me wanting to use a piece of my artwork in their February edition along side a piece of Poetry.

    However, I've never had an email like this before. They asked me what are the terms and conditions are for usage? and if the file is available to send to them in high resolution?

    They haven't offered me a fee for the use of my art.

    I have no experience with this sort of thing. Has anyone any advice on what conditions of usage should be etc?

    The Magazine website is:

    Thank you!

    5 AnswersPhotography8 years ago
  • Magazine wants to feature my art but is it a scam?

    I recieved an email this morning about a piece of my art on flickr.

    This is the message:

    "I work for a Brazilian monthly magazine dedicated to general news and literature called “piauí” based in Rio de Janeiro. We are similar to The New Yorker magazine in the United States.

    We are interested in publishing the image on the link below to illustrate a poem in our February edition.

    Is it available in high res? What are the terms and conditions for usage?

    I kindly ask you to get back to me as soon as possible as we are running out of time.

    Thanks in advance,"

    I've deleted her name and the links from the message shown here.

    Does this sound legitimate? I've never received an email like this before and it seems strange that they didn't send me a link of the poem it is to be featured with.

    I'm not sure how to reply to it... any help/suggestions on this would be much appreciated

    thank you

    3 AnswersMagazines8 years ago
  • Etsy Search Ads question?

    I'm fairly new to Etsy and was wondering about the search ads option to promote your work.

    If I select the $7 weekly budget, is it $7 for just one item or $7 for as many items as you choose. I have read all the information but just found it confusing :S

    I'd be grateful for any help advice from anyone with experience of the etsy search ads.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerSearch Engine Optimisation8 years ago
  • Problems playing youtube videos on my nokia lumia?

    I have a nokia lumia 610. Whenever I try and play youtube videos a message comes up saying it can't play them on my phone. It will play some videos but most new releases it just won't play.

    Why is this? Do I need to download an additional app in order to play videos? I've already downloaded the youtube app

    Thank you

    1 AnswerYouTube8 years ago
  • How much does recorded delivery cost to the USA?

    I want to post a standard letter to the USA from England by recorded delivery, how much is it approx?

    2 AnswersCorporations8 years ago
  • Nokia lumia 610 and netflix?

    I've just bought the lumia 610 from the car phone warehouse. I also bought the 3 all you can eat data sim. I've just tried to play a film from Netflix but it won't work. Why is this? What app do I need?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • someone seems to have sent an email from my account to everyone in my address book?

    I've just logged into my email to find lots of failed sent message notifications and messages from a few people I know asking me what my email was supposed to mean. However I haven't sent any messages and there are no sent messages in my sent box.

    Does this mean my emails been compromised?

    I've just reset my password to prevent anyone from accessing it again.

    I'd be grateful for any help or advice on how to stop this happening. Thanks

    5 AnswersAbuse and Spam9 years ago
  • What's the song used on the brand new Made In Chelsea advert?

    The advert for the brand new series where they are all on a fairground ride, does anyone know the song used?

    2 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • Cruciate ligament damage estimated recovery time?

    Last Sunday my dog injured his cruciate ligament in his back leg whilst he was playing with our other dog.

    We brought him to the vets straight away as he couldn't put any weight on his leg at all. The vet examined him whilst he was standing up by manipulating his leg, she came to the conclusion that he damaged his cruciate ligament and prescribed him pain killers and lots of rest and our next appointment is on Monday.

    However, my dog still can't put any weight on his back leg and won't even put his foot to the floor. Is this usual with cruciate ligament injuries?

    I was a little concerned the vet didn't examine him whilst he was lying down or take any x-rays. She did say she would take some x-rays on Monday if he still couldn't put any weight on it.

    My dog seems to be a little sad tbh, he is getting around on three legs ok and has been resting a lot. He'll let me stroke his leg and doesn't yelp when I touch it and he hasn't yelped at all since he hurt his leg so it's hard to tell if he's in any pain. I'm just concerned about him and this injury and was wondering if anyone here has been through the same thing with their dog with advice? or rough estimates of how long an injury like this takes to heal?

    He's called Alfie and is a cross between a lhasa apso & tibetan terrier.

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • why is my new laptop taking so long to shutdown?

    I'm no computer buff so I'd be grateful for any tips.

    I've had my dell laptop for roughly 4 months. I only use it for general use such as checking emails, facebook and watching netflix and use photoshop for editing coursework etc, I also save any files to an external hard drive.

    However, lately it has started to freeze a little every now and then and sometimes when shutting down it takes forever. I also use avast anti virus which says I have no viruses.

    Anyone know what could be the problem and how I can solve it? I'm just worried somethings wrong with and i've only had it a few months.


    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago