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  • I have a 1500 wat battery backup to my computer. But my computer still goes out when the power goes, why?

    when the power goes out, the backup goes off and shuts down my computer too. It shouldnt, why does that happen

    2 AnswersDesktops5 years ago
  • can someone explain to me what a chromosome is?

    I just dont understand and have heard a lot about it. Discussing transgender, people keep trying to denounce it by referring to chromosomes.

    What is a Chromosome and what is the difference in the X and Y, and how do they determine our sex

    and how can someone with XY actually be a woman.

    I believe they are, knowing one and she is very feminine and accepted by me. But now we are counting more on the mental frame of mind of a person than genetics and the physical body.

    How is all of this possible

    2 AnswersBiology5 years ago
  • was the war on terror a failure?

    Did our armies accomplish a thing before they retreated

    It seems like the retreat from afghanistan was pretty much like leaving Saigon

    13 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • I had sex with my sisters husband and I dont know what to do?

    He came on to me more than once a month ago and I have kept it from her. I have no intention of ever telling anyone. I didnt want to do it and I tried to tell him to stop but he didnt.

    We spoke and he agreed never to do it again after the last time

    But I don't feel comfortable with him around me and its very weird. I know he will come by to visit me with her and I cant tell my sister never to bring her husband around

    So what do I do to feel more comfortable with her husband when they visit

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships5 years ago
  • Can someone tell me why Gods law is usually anti woman?

    Which deeply christian nation would lift a finger to protect an woman being abused by her lawful husband? None of them right, Mexico, those deeply christian nations in south america wouldnt. Columbia? Its a husbands right according to scripture, her job is to submit and obey. Can she seek legal protection from an abusive husband in any of those nation, can she get a divorce

    The Islmaic Middle east, any of them have spousal abuse laws to protect women?

    Since the SCOUS decision in June, I have been hearing a lot about Gods law. It really doesnt sound that good to me. Those women talking about Gods law, I really wonder how they would enjoy living under Gods Law

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Are the Dog Whisperers methods real?

    Because to me, he seems like an idiot.

    I mean, look at this.

    He is trying to train a dog named holly who is extremly aggressive while hes eating. Now all dogs usually are so leave them alone. But I understand why this had to be dealt with. You couldnt even be in the same room while he was eating or he would bite you.

    So what does Caesar do, get in the dogs face and take its bowl.

    The Dog backs away and appears to accept it for a minute. Then snaps and bites Caesar for real and he says he didnt see it coming lol. Really? I saw it coming.

    His methods seem to be very aggressive and confrontational to the Dog. Maybe they work half of the time and the other half get him hurt.

    Hes just lucky it wasn't a 300 pound pit bull or he may have been put in intensive care and an amputated mangled hand damaged beyond repair.

    There has to be better ways to deal with that problem

    9 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • what is the deal with god and gay people, I dont understand.?

    So, homosexuality is a sin. He does not hate gay people and wont condemn them. But, if they engage in homosexual relationships then thats where they are condemned.

    So God created Gay people, but expects them to refrain from acting in their nature. They are supposed to engage in heterosexual relationships and be unsatisfied and unhappy their entire lives?

    Why would God do this?

    Is there a reason

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • does DNA lie with transgender?

    Thats a thing that facinates me. A boy with a perfectly healthy male body, and male genetic code XY will know with everything he is, that she is a girl and continue to insist on it though her life.

    How is that possible?

    And why do they have XY? Many say that is the determining factor in gender. But obviously not if transgender people really exist, and I believe they do.

    So does DNA lie to us?