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Syed Al fazim previously known as sedreys a.k.a Sayyed my facebook id :- my gmail id :

  • since when Abdul Malik darling gay queen of yahoo ILI becme favorite of all?

    AM or ILI as usual creating thousands of accounts himself to make proud of himself.

    he calls himself for being queen? haaha.. u mean gay queen? oh, hahaha.. your gay queen is nothing except copy paste and pretending in islam is not muslim

    prophet says in the hadeeth as pretender can never be muslim, and your gay queen is doing that,, if and if it is a women, then still its haraam such that she is selling herself on yahoo, a real good muslim women will never ever talk to man, but your whorish queen ILI doing that.

    stop insutling queens of the world by calling garbage as the queen.

    Anyways, Abdul darling, hope you grow your balls , oh I forgot, u dont even have it, hmm, ILI? oh since when u becme woman sweetheart? my cutest whore ILI is all-time fav. of all users,, do u agree or not?

  • my parents are telling me to not marrying the girl of my choice just because she is an arab?

    my grandfather is a yemeni arab, but my parents dislike me marrying arab girls because of their culture and their girls are soo pervert and idiotic,, but this girl I knw is the best one and my dad was telling me to get out of my home if I wish to marry her. I can't marry anyone except her plus im a man I dont like to be forced. and in islam, u cant force man to marry and u can even marrt without your parents consent. im planing to move out of my home, I already talked properly to my dad about the girl of my choice but he sounds soo racist and he wanted me to marry my cousin. but I honestly dont like my cousin and I cant see her as anything better than a cousin just.

    I am thinking of going out of home. if I married to someone no by choice, I wouldnt be happy and its like killing myself slowly. above all, im a man, I dont need to listen to parents at all, they dont have any rights to force me and my dad says if u cant accept my choice just get out.

    im thinking of going out of home, maybe as a son ill do my responsibility over them without their knowledge like giving my sisters money to help em and blablablabla.

    10 AnswersRamadan4 years ago
  • Why do people call it for wahaab believer when truth revealed?

    Most malays and indonesian can't accept the fact that rising up your hands when asking for doowa is bidaah and no proof from the hadeeth can be taken as example such that " asking doowa whilst rising up your hand is called 'kushu3' . It is a pure Bidaah for sure , and asking Qunoot in prayer also called bidaah since you rise up your hands that makes you go about new movement in prayer which was not even taught by our beloved prophet alayhe salato wa sallam.

    Next, whenever you as an imaam,you finished your prayer, you should respect others while in prayers. You are not entitled to make doowa in congregation on regular basis also could be bidaah since no proof from the prophet as such. making dhikr is allowed.

    These people are calling you for wahaab when truth revealed?

    I am interested In getting answers from all of you including ILI/AM , AR, READ, And the rest.

    non-muslims can answer this question n a polite way.

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore4 years ago
  • Dear Hindus, and christians , What say ye about this ?

    Some non-muslims here claim that Prophet sallallah alayhe wa sallam was taught by someone from christianity therefore he learnt it and changed everything, Now , what you gonna say about the oldest religion and the oldest scripture on earth? Are ye gonna say that our prophet used to friend with a hindu and learnt hinduism through him?


    okay read here :--

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • Dear Non muslims , Please watch this video?

    Reporting my question? haha.. Nice ,that shows how coward you are all, be a man and mind to face me one on one..

    Yahoo Answers4 years ago
  • Ramadaanis!! Why do people in Yemen Cheat?

    They use an excuse as ' no job so no way to find money or food for life'

    But do they realize that prophet sallah alayh w sallam said " cheaters are not one amongst us"

    That means cheaters are kaafir forever no matter you have solution or no solution, it's haraam in all cases.

    There are many ways to earn money, "no job' is not an acceptable excuse for their big sins .If they ask honestly then its acceptable , but earn by cheating or deceiving others are something out of islam and more to kaafir ( wallaho alam its not good to say who is kaafir who is not, but Hadeeth already proven that cheaters are not amongst islam)

    Then why do yemeni use this reason for cheating people?

    5 AnswersRamadan5 years ago
  • Islamic Question :-?

    1. What is the difference between the words “Islam,” “Islamic,” “Muslim,” and “Arab”?

    2.. What does Islam teach?

    3. What are the major beliefs of Muslims?

    4 AnswersRamadan5 years ago
  • Answer the following Questions . !!!!!?

    1. Fiqh is :-

    A. Qur'an and Hadeeth based understanding

    b. a science of religious jurispudence

    c. a fatwa

    2. Bulugh is

    A. puberty

    B. unmatured

    C. Mental

    3. Farsakh is :-

    A. The termination or dissolution of a marriage

    B. A distance of five and a half kilometers

    C. Someone who violates Islamic law

    4. Hadath-Akbar is

    A. Wudhu(ablution)

    B. something that needs wudhu or ghusl

    5. Hadath-Asghar is :-

    A. Take Bath

    B. a minor hadath that needs wudhu

    6. Mujtahid is

    A. a specialist on the deduction of the Islamic rules from four major sources: the Qur'an, Hadith, conscience of the community, and reasoning.

    B. A warrior

    C. martyr

    7. Nabuwwat is :-

    A. prophet-hood

    B. angels

    8. Pak is:-

    A. Najaasah( Najis)

    B. something that is clean, not najis

    9. Qamar is :-

    A. The Sun

    B. the moon

    C. The Earth

    10. Taharat is:-

    A. dirty

    B. the state of being clean and not impure

    Total Marks : 10 m

    6 AnswersRamadan5 years ago
  • Can i marry a woman without my parents agreement?

    I really love this girl and my dad is a racist towards arab girls, but to me, i dont trust in indian girls, moreover i lost my heart to this yemeni girl, and we both like each other and we never commited any sort of sin like dating,saying 'i love you' or other things

    The reason my dad refusing her is because of her wealth, her race and her education

    to me, i don't care about anything , i am willing to sacrifice my life for her. she's very religious too, she loved God more than everything and thats the only thing which has made me love her.

    My father did not reject a person because of Islam but her status. it's not his life, thats going to be my life and I have my own money , I do not have to rely on my parents to make any needs.

    My dad said you cant marry someone you like, you can only marry with our preferred candidate , but it is the hinddu culture , in islamic culture, we're given full rights to men to marry anyone he was interested. he need not to ask his parents for his marriage ,he can only tell em to consider , and parents have the right to refuse if she was not among the good, but if they refuse for satanic reason, then

    he can marry without their consent , and it's not wrong/sin on him

    What do you think?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • choose the right answer!?

    1. if someone wish you 'jazaakallaho khayran', what would u reply?

    A. jazaakillah khayran ( for female) and jazaakallaho khayran ( for male)

    b. wa iyyaka( for male) and wa iyyaki (for female)

    c. shokran jazilan

    2. if a non muslim wish u salaam, what would u reply?

    a. wa alaykom al salaam

    b. wa iyyakom / iyyaki

    c. wa alaykom

    3. if someone says 'masha allah' ,what would u reply ?

    a. masha allah

    b. hamd allah

    c. allah akbar

    d. astaghfer allah

    5 AnswersRamadan5 years ago
  • Why do many Indian parents insist that their sons should marry a woman of their choice?

    Islamically, marriage is recommended over those who financially steady and intends to marry. According Al ijma, Al qiyas , Marriage is only halal if the man agreed to marry her , else its Haraam

    I also have a woman of my choice , but they have rejected just because of she's from the outside. We both had agreed to marry , We started liking each other, to prevent any act of haraam ,i wanna marry her ASAP so that we both can make love after marriage.

    I had to fight to make them agree , but they stick with their decision.. My father said " You're only allowed to marry indian Women. You can not marry anyone from the outside. Else Forget about us , make your own life by your own and do not come to us anymore"

    Straight Forwardly speaking, i don't trust in Indian Women for some reason.only one Indian woman I've ever loved in my entire life,cuz of her obidience. lets forget about that. get to the point,

    Now I am confused which one should I do , I do not want to hurt the woman of my choice , because I had agreed to marry her,I also can not hurt my parents.

    Which should i do?

    4 AnswersRamadan5 years ago
  • Muslims ! is there anything that you do besides salaat (Fard) ?

    I mean are you familiar with sunnat prayers?

    Don't forget to perform Your tahajjud and read Yaasin Everyday Night.

    3 AnswersRamadan5 years ago
  • Qur2an Reading?

    How do you read the following ayah :-

    أَوْ كَصَيِّبٍ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ فِيهِ ظُلُمَاتٌ وَرَعْدٌ وَبَرْقٌ يَجْعَلُونَ أَصَابِعَهُمْ فِي آذَانِهِمْ مِنَ الصَّوَاعِقِ حَذَرَ الْمَوْتِ ۚ وَاللَّهُ مُحِيطٌ بِالْكَافِرِينَ

    Choose the correct answer based on correct pronunciation

    A. aw kasayyibim minasamaaaa'i feehi thulumaatunw wara'dun wa barquny yaj'aloona asaabi'ahom feeeeee 'aadhaanihim minassawaa'iqi hadharal mawt,wallaho muheetum bil kaafireen.

    B. aw kasayyibin minasamaaaa'i feehi zulumaatun wara'dun wa barqun yaj'aloona asaabi'ahom feeeeee 'aadhaanihim minassawaa'iqi hazaral mawti,wallaho muheetu bil kaafireen.

    c. aw kasayyibim minasamaaaa'i feehi thulumaatun wara'dun wa barqun yaj'aloona asaabi'ahom feeeeee 'aadhaanihim minassawaa'iqi hadharal mawt,wallaho muheetum bil kaafireen.

    d. aw kasayyibin minasamaaaa'i feehi thulumaatunw wara'dun wa barquny yaj'aloona asaabi'ahom feeeeee 'aadhaanihim minassawaa'iqi hadharal mawt,wallaho muheetum bil kaafireen.

    1 AnswerLanguages5 years ago