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  • Dua to get out of situation? *Ramadan*?

    Assalam Alaekum,

    A little background information, somewhere in the past 5-6 years, I made a decision. This decision does not hurt anyone in any way and has nothing unIslamic about it but it is a very personal decision so I haven't had the courage to tell my family about it. It seems that there is a very meddlesome person in my family (everyone has one) who, I suppose found out about this decision and may want to expose me before I am ready. I'm asking my brothers and sisters here if they know of some dua in which the person's heart can be changed, or they could forget about learning about my secret? I don't know. There is absolutely no way I can expose my decision now because I'm not ready and I feel that since this decision will guide my life and how to live Islamically, I don't think I should rush telling anyone before I'm ready. I would like to add that I'm a bit more religious than the rest of my family, so I can't be forced to reveal my decision ahead of time because no one would take my decision seriously. I would appreciate any dua that I should recite that could help me. Jazakh Allah Khair.

    3 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • I'm looking for an Arab songs name?

    I was recently channel surfing and came across a channel called Melody Hits and it had a catchy video on and I wanted to download the song. The problem is I can't read Arabic that well so I couldn't catch the name. It read something like Thiyab or something but I think I can explain it better.

    The video has a semi-bald guy and the song starts off with "Ya habibi" and then during the song he uses his thumb, index and middle fingers to make a pinching motion while singing, "Awoo Awoo Awoo" I really like the song but have no idea what they're saying so if you guys know what I'm taking about, I would appreciate your help!!

    3 AnswersOther - Africa & Middle East1 decade ago
  • Ramadan: Durood-e-Ibarahim?

    This is for the Shia members of Y!A and I want to start off by saying that I mean no offense to anyone and just want to learn about the Shia faith.

    Recently I was at a Shia friend's house and somehow we got to the subject of the Darood-e-Ibrahim and I heard her read up to

    "Allahumma salle alaa Muhammad wa aale Muhammad" and then she stopped. I didn't want to ask her why she didn't read the entire Darood including the salaam to Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) and his family (which includes Prophet Muhammd (pbuh)) because I didn't want to be the troublesome guest so I thought I would ask you all.

    Why not read the entire Darood?

    (I did ask this before but didn't receive a reply that addresses the why of shortening it. Please don't tell me what the Darood means because if I didn't know what it meant, I would be asking the question what is the Darood-e-Ibrahim, I know what it means so please just stick to the question)

    Thank you in advance! :-)

    4 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Ramadan: Durood-e-Ibarahim?

    This is for the Sia members of Y!A and I want to start off by saying that I mean no offense to anyone and just want to learn about the Shia faith.

    Recently I was at a Shia friend's house and somehow we got to the subject of the Darood-e-Ibrahim and I heard her read up to

    "Allahumma salle alaa Muhammad wa aale Muhammad" and then she stopped. I didn't want to ask her why she didn't read the entire Darood including the salaam to Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) and his family (which includes Prophet Muhammd (pbuh)) because I didn't want to be the troublesome guest so I thought I would ask you all.

    Why not read the entire Darood?

    3 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Christians that eat swine?

    Let me start off with a little disclaimer. I in no way am here slander anyone else's faith. I actually want to learn more about different faiths to become knowledgeable. I respect all religions and hope you can be civil enough to do the same.

    A couple weeks ago I asked the Christian members of Y!A some questions and received wonderful positive feedback, I hope the same happens this time.

    Okay on to my question:

    Why do Christians eat pork/swine if it is forbidden for them?

    “Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch,

    they are unclean to you.” [Leviticus 11:7-8]

    “And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud,

    it is unclean unto you. Ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their

    dead carcass.” [Deuteronomy 14:8]

    So why, if it is written in teh Bible not to eat it, why do you?

    Thank you in advance!

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A little explanation please?

    First off I would like to thank everyone for answering my questions. I really like to learn all I can about Islam whether it's from a Shia point of view or a Sunni point of view.

    I would also like to thank the Shia members for encouraging me to ask more questions :-)

    My question for right now is, why is Aisha (RA) not liked among the Shias?

    And PLEASE I'm asking you form the bottom of my heart, keep the answers simple. I hate having to bounce from site to site lol. The simplest and most complete answer will get best answer.

    Thank you in advance!

    Your new sister in Islam,


    7 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Ramadan: Derogatory classifications?

    What does Wahhabi/Salafi and why is this term used in a derogatory sense?

    Also a side question:

    I just read a question asking about rocks and prayer. What is that about? I think it was that Shias use rocks in prayer. How? Why?

    Thank you in advance!

    Your new sister in Islam,

    Anita :-)

    3 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Simple questions about Shiaism?

    Salaam all, it's me again.

    Basically I just want to know the entire story regarding Shiaism because different sites give different information. I just want to know what you believe, why/, how Shiaism came about all in your words. I don't want scripture or whatnot because I just want to understand, that's all.

    Also what is Mutah and Taqqiyah? I've read these words in answers on this site but I don't know what they mean. Again, no scriptures.

    Everyone please feel to answer, but keep it clean.

    Oh and those with the sarcastic remarks, or the technical psychoanalysis that you do on users, I'd rather you not answer at all.

    Your new sister in Islam,


    10 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • The consequences of your actions?

    I remember a time when the Ramadan section was used to actually answer questions about Islam. Part of the reason I reverted to Islam was due to some information I found form brothers and sisters here. What the hell has happened to this section?

    My main questions are:

    How do you feel knowing that many people will just glance at this section and say, "Yeah those Muslims are freaking crazy?"

    Due to your stupidity (you know who you are) in writing questions such as "Who is going to own who?" or "Are flying monkeys going to lay eggs today?," you have turned this section into a joke. What if someone actually wanted to learn about Islam but was put off with the random fights everyone seems to have?

    Some of you think it's "cute" or "cool" to think up of random slogans or continuously pressing one key after another. A monkey can do that. Why not show some of your intelligence instead of becoming a stereotype?

    Some might feel that these questions are hurtful or whatever but do you know what is truly hurtful? Knowing that YOU represent your Ummah and you STILL act like little children.

    Have you ever really thought about the repercussions of your actions? How many people you could have put off from Islam or put off from asking a genuine question about Islam?

    (I am apologizing in advance for offending anyone, but this just had to be asked!)

    8 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Ramadan: Questions...continued?

    Thank you all for answering my previous question. Shall we move onwards?

    For those with sarcastic comments, well done, you might be the missing link. Your IQ certainly leans towards neanderthal thinking.

    Personally, I'm American by descent and used to practice Buddhism before Islam. Alhmadulillah, I'm Muslim now.

    Okay as for my questions:

    For those that were born to Muslim families, do you believe you practice Islam better than those who are reverts? Do you believe you are good role models for reverts or future Muslims? Do you think you take your religion for granted and are too drawn into to worldly deeds?

    As for the reverts:

    Why did you revert to Islam? Was you family accepting of your choice? Has anyone from your family reverted since?

    Thank you in advance for answering my questions. It's helping me learn about the Muslim community in this section.

    7 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Ramadan: Muslim or not?

    I will ask more questions based on this question, Inshallah.

    How many of you that answer to the questions on the Ramadan section are Muslims by birth and how many are reverts?

    15 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Ramadan: Shiaism questions? (Continued) Part 2?

    I promise these are my last two questions lol.

    1) Why do you not like Ayesha or Hafsa (A point I didn't know until an answerer pointed it out)? Fighting with Ali (RA) is not enough of a reason.

    2) I used to work in Pakistan with a telecommunications company. During one of my tours, I was there during Muharram and had no idea what was going on. There were people wearing black (this was during my pre-Islamic days) who were crying and clinging to fake coffins, cribs, wedding displays, and passing children underneath horses and even collecting food that the horse had eaten and horse pee. I later found out it was Ashura and I still have no idea what was going on involving those things.

    Could you please explain and why do you immerse yourself in self-flagellation?

    10 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Ramadan: Shiaism questions? (Continued)?

    Before I ask my question, I must give you all a disclaimer.

    I am a Muslim revert who was Buddhist and now is Alhamdulillah, Muslim.

    I mean no disrespect to anyone in any of my questions, I just want some honest answers since I'm still new to Islam and sometimes don't understand things. Please when you answer, keep it short and don't copy and paste things and if possible, give ayats and surahs in parentheses so I can look them up later.

    I want to thank all who answered my previous set of questions, I am beginning to understand Shia views now, but I still have questions. So please, if you could continue to answer them.

    Sunnis, I would like to request you all to stop saying "Shias are not Muslims." I personally don't agree with their beliefs but they ARE Muslims because they SAY they are. As Muslims we are told to readily accept anyone that says they are Muslims, regardless of actions or beliefs. We have no right to judge because we are NOT the Almighty and this is the basis of our beliefs. Please keep it clean, I don't want to sift through hatred to gain knowledge.

    On to my questions :-)

    1) Why do you follow the "descendants" of Muhammad (pbuh) when he had none. According to the rules of having descendants in Islam, one must have a male heir when Muhammad (pbuh) had no living male heir of his own. You are technically following the descendants of Ali, not the prophet, so...why?

    2) Why do you claim that the Qu'ran was written wrong when Allah (swt) said He would guard it and not let it be changed? Doesn't that mean that you are questioning the Almighty?

    3) Why do you claim that said "descendants" are infallible when the only one infallible is the Almighty? That is saying they are equal which is a shirk.

    4) Why do you not like the Prophet's wives when it is ordered upon us to respect them as you respect your mothers? Do you disrespect your mothers at home the same way?

    I only have four questions for now, but as I read more, I'm sure I will have more. Please don't mistake this as spam or a hate question, I really don't understand Shiaism so I decided to ask Shias about their beliefs.

    Thank you in advance :-)

    13 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Ramadan: Shiaism questions?

    Before I ask my question, I must give you all a disclaimer.

    I am a Muslim revert who was Buddhist and now is Alhamdulillah, Muslim.

    I mean no disrespect to anyone in any of my questions, I just want some honest answers since I'm still new to Islam and sometimes don't understand things. Please when you answer, keep it short and don't copy and paste things and if possible, give ayats and surahs in parentheses so I can look them up later.

    To begin, my first question is about Shiaism.

    Before coming on this forum, I didn't know there was so much animosity between the Shias and Sunnis. Aren't we all Muslim and that's it?

    So Shiaists, could you, in a nutshell tell me what you believe in and why form YOUR point of view, don't copy and paste things.

    Inshallah after getting feedback I will ask more questions to better understand you and again I mean no disrespect :-)

    17 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • More Questions for the Christians...?

    I have a few more questions for the Christians on Y!A. Again, I'm not here to disrespect anyone's faith and let me just say, I am Muslim and have no intention of converting to Christianity, I just want to get to know your faith better.

    My other set of questions were deleted for being marked as Spam, but I assure you this isn't spam and please don't answer with link or copying and pasting or scripture. I want to know what YOU think. (But scriptures as a side not are okay).

    Ok no on to my questions:

    What exactly is the Rapture?

    Do you believe in the Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib, or Post-Trib theories and why?

    If you do believe in the rapture do you believe you will go to heaven still alive or do you have to die first?

    Thanks in advance and again, no disrespect meant.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Questions about Christianity?

    To start off, I am not here to disrespect any faith and will begin by telling you all that I AM Muslim, but would like to learn a little about Christianity. (No I have no intention of reverting since I am a revert to Islam, but I would like to learn about a different faith).

    Please, don't go on with scriptures and such. I want YOUR answers (of course, you can write the verse and such in parentheses so I can look at them later) Copying and pasting won't help me.

    Alright, my first question is:

    In Christianity, I know you believe in The Father, The son, The Holy Spirit (ghost?)

    What I don't understand is how can God have a son? Since you claim that Jesus was God and God is One, doesn't that contradict each other? I mean how can He be One if he has an equal? That's ditheism, I think.

    Okay, next, If God (Jesus) died on the cross, doesn't that make him mortal? Death is a sign of mortality after all and who ran the world while he was dead?

    And finally, If Jesus was a Jew and he followed the practices of Judaism, as many claim, then wouldn't that make all Christians Jewish? I mean you're following Christ according to what I've read and since he followed Judaism, doesn't that mean you're following what he was following? If so, then why build up "Christianity" when there is already Judaism.

    Again, I mean no disrespect but these are some questions that came up in my mind and I just wanted to learn more about the Christian mindset.

    Please no comments about how I "chose" wrong and such. As long as you are respectful to my religion, I will do the same.

    Feel free to add stars if you think this is interesting so that others may answer as well.

    I'd like to thank you in advance!

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Ramadan: The significance of 2012?

    Being a Muslim Revert, I tend to read blogs from other Muslim reverts and such and I stumbled across this:

    "So according to the Mayans and an ancient fortune telling book of the Chinese called the I Ching (not to be confused with the iPod lol) the world will end on December 21, 2012. I don't believe this at all, since only Allah knows the day of Qiyamah. So again, I did some research on that day and everything and I kind of feel- well I don't know how I feel.

    December 21, 2012 is the day that the Mayans predicted the world would end. That is due to their prediction of the winter solstice and being at the center or being able to see the black hold at the center of the Milky Way which is now proven to be around that time. What made my spine tingle was....the winter solstice and alignment means a polar shift. The North pole will be where the South pole is and vice versa. Do you know what that means?

    Let me tell you:

    The sun will rise from the West. (Surah Al- Anaam. Ayat 158).

    Are they waiting to see if the Angels come to them,

    Or Thy Lord Himself,

    Or certain of the signs Of thy Lord!

    The day that certain Of the Signs of the Lord

    Do come, no good will it do to a soul

    To believe then, If it believed not before,

    Nor earned righteousness Through its Faith.

    Say: "Wait ye: We too Are waiting."

    (Surat Al-An'am 6:158)

    That means that's the day that you can no longer ask for forgiveness from Allah nor can the Non- Muslims convert.

    I don't believe that that is the day of Judgment, i.e. End of the world, but could it be one of teh major signs of the day of judgment??

    Also another thing I found out. December 21, 2012 will have an around 30+ hour night. Since normally The 21st of December is the shortest day of the year and longest night but with the polar shift, the night will be longer?? Which is another sign that comes a day before the sun will rise form the West.

    "Worshippers during the night will remain till the sun rises from the West

    Abdullah-b-Abu-Owfa reported that I heard the Messenger of Allah Peace and blessings be upon him say, "Verily a night will come upon the people which is equivalent of three of your nights. When it comes those that engage themselves in worship during the night will recognise it. One of them will stand in prayer, read his Hizb (The normal amount he has made the habit of reading) and then go to sleep. Thereafter he will wake up (for the second time) read his Hizb in prayer and go to sleep. While this is the situation the people will begin to shout, scream and call one another. They will say, "What's this?" With fear they will run to the mosque. To their surprise they will see that the sun has risen from the west. When it reaches the middle of the sky it will return and set in the west." He said Peace and blessings be upon him, "That is when Imaan will not benefit anyone (who brings faith after seeing the sign)." (An-Nihaya)"

    (Source: )"

    Do you think this brother makes a valid point because both he (and i) have been thinking about this a bit. Please give me your opinion on this and please no sarcasm and such.

    If you're not Muslim, I would prefer you not answer since you probably know as much about this as I do.

    6 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Baselayers as swim wear?

    I'm a Muslim woman and although I don't cover my head, I try to wear modest clothing, such as long sleeves and pants mostly. I intend to take my sons to some sort of water park this summer and I wanted to know if baselayers can be used as swim wear. I have already asked the water parks and they say I can wear tights and whatnot as long as it has no buttons/zippers so that threw my wetsuit out of the plan. So I was searching for something appropriate online and found baselayers at Sports Authority, but it said running tights. So again, my question is that can baselayers be used as swim tights? They look just like wet suit bottoms. I already have the top (going to use a rash guard).

    I'd like to thank you all for your help in advance!

    1 AnswerSwimming & Diving1 decade ago
  • DIY Surfboard shelves?

    I recently bought two surfboards on a whim at a garage sale and now that my 14 year old son is getting into the surfing phase, I'm thinking of making a couple surfboard shelves out of at least one of them. If any of you all has any idea how I could do this, please let me know. I don't feel like paying $50+ for a surfboard shelf online when the boards I bought cost less.

    So if any of you helpful people on here can offer advice or even a step by step guide (wishful thinking), I'd be eternally grateful!

    Thanks in Advance!

    8 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Anime: Blood+ is there a part two?

    Thanks to some of you in the Q&A section, I finished watching Blood+ due to your recommendations. Now I want to know, is there a part 2? And if there is, is there a link I could download it from? And what is it called if not the obvious? I absolutely loved the first anime, now could you help me all out with part two? Please!

    Your help is appreciated in advance!

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago