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Lv 31,731 points

Hope D

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  • O great... Post partum birth control, maybe another pregnancy, help!?

    Ok, I had a baby about 9 weeks ago. I ordered birth control from my doctor, but was told not to take it until the sunday after I start my period. Me and the hubby have had unprotected sex 5 times since I gave birth, it took longer than expected for me to heal. However, these 5 times have been in the last 2 or 3 weeks. I'm still waiting on my period to start so I can take the birth control.... Should I take a pregnancy test, and when should I take it? I'm concerned about the lack of a period. I kept bleeding for a long time after I had my baby, then it'd stop, then start again, then stop, then start again. So I don't know if I've already had a period, or if it was just more after birth bleeding. Any advice would be great. How big are the chances that I could be pregnant again?

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • When do you give baby rice cereal?

    My son is 8 weeks old now, and I've had several people tell me to start giving him rice cereal in his bottle. But I have had several people tell me to wait another couple months... How old was your baby when you started? I am both breast and formula feeding him at the moment.

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Know of a good work-at-home job?

    I had a baby about 7 weeks ago, and I'm back at work part time. (Just a few hours in the evenings) I would really rather stay home with my son, and the few hours I am working aren't enough (money-wise) Does anyone know of a legitimate work-at-home job? Something that isn't a scam? What about all the adds for envelope stuffing, assembling stuff, ect, from home? Have you done it? Websites, phone numbers, anything would be helpful. We are really struggling financially, and I'd like to help my hubby out more with the bills.

    12 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • My left eye keeps twitching, and its driving me crazy!!!?

    My eyes don't usually twitch, but my left one has been twitching for over an hour. Whats the deal? What causes your eye to twitch, and how can you stop it?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Myspace question.... when you "block" someone.......?

    When you "block" someone on myspace, can they still see your profile, your pictures, your info, if it isn't set on private? Or does it just appear private to them?

    7 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • When can you start giving a baby real food? (baby food)?

    What is the normal age for a baby to start eating real food? Like mashed up bananas, peas, carrots, ect..? How old was your little one when you got them off the bottle?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How old is too old? (20 characters)?

    My son is 6 weeks old now, and he sleeps in bed with my husband and I. I love having him next to me, I don't worry about him, and its easy to do the middle-of-the-night feedings. But I'm wondering how old is too old for him to be in there with us? I don't want him to get to where he cannot sleep in his own bed, then have him still sleeping with us when he is 3 or 4 years old. It will be harder to get him in his own bed then. What age is normally good to put him in his own bed? I'd like him to stay in there with us as long as possible without him becoming dependant on sleeping with us.

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Thinking about being a surrogate... what info can you give me?

    I have considered being a surrogate for a couple unable to have children... I need more info about it though... How would I go about it? I am married, 20, and have a son myself. Don't smoke or drink, not overweight, generally healthy, ect.

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Help! Nervous about 6 week checkup!?

    My 6 week check up is monday, and I'm nervous about it. What do they usually do? I'm worried that my Dr. will want to do some sort of painful internal exam, and I'm not ready for that yet. I just finally stopped being in pain, so I'm not going to let her do anything that will set me back any in healing. Is there any cervix checking, or anything extreme like that? I had a big baby, and tore in 3 places, one of which she didn't stitch up, and it still hurts when touched.

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What happens at the 6 week postpartum checkup?

    My 6 week check up is monday, and I'm nervous about it. What do they usually do? I'm worried that my Dr. will want to do some sort of painful internal exam, and I'm not ready for that yet. I just finally stopped being in pain, so I'm not going to let her do anything that will set me back any in healing. Is there any cervix checking, or anything extreme like that? I had a big baby, and tore in 3 places, one of which she didn't stitch up, and it still hurts when touched.

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • When should a baby start being able to sit up on his own?

    My son is 5 weeks old, when can I expect him to start sitting up without help? I know it'll still be a while, but how old, roughly, do babies usually do that?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How old should a baby be when you start "tummy time"?

    My son is 5 weeks old now. I was wondering when is the best time to start letting him lie on his tummy (supervised of course, not to sleep) to strengthen his neck muscles?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Fussy baby. Not sure what else to try.?

    My little boy will be 5 weeks on tuesday. He is usually a pretty "good" baby, but sometimes he will start fussing, seemingly without a reason. I'll feed him, check his diaper, check to see if he's too hot or too cold, burp him, put him in his swing or bouncer, or just try holding him, walking with him, cuddling him, ect. But he will continue to make little crying noises. Not screaming, just pitiful sounding little sobby cries. They said he was healthy at his last appointment, and I've been feeding him both breastmilk and formula, because I'm not making enough breastmilk to keep him full. Any ideas as to why he is fussy? Or what else I can try?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How to hide, or become comfortable with post pregnancy stretch marks?

    I had a little boy on May 26, and my body is pretty much wrecked. I've lost a lot of the baby weight already, and can fit into a size medium in most cases, when before I was a small or extra small. I'm good with being medium, but the stretch marks are really really horrible. Almost none on my stomach, but I have them around my hips, and up and down both legs. They go down past my knees, and are a really dark red, even purple. Lots of them.

    Now its summertime, and I can't wear shorts, like, ever again. Long skirts are hard to find, most of them seem to be mini nowadays. I'm never going near a swimming pool again, the thought of people seeing my scars makes me cringe and want to cry.

    So I don't know what to do. I know that they will fade, but as severe as they are, they will never even come close to going away. In some places it looks like my skin has just been torn.

    How can I still dress for summer so I don't die of a heatstroke? Even "long" shorts don't cover them. I'm 20, and I don't want to resign myself to sweats for the rest of my life. Any tips, advice, or solutions would be greatly appreciated!!!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite Stephen King book or movie?

    I watched the movie "IT" the other day.... what is your favorite stephen king book or movie? What would you recommend I read/watch next?

    18 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite Stephen King book or movie?

    I watched the movie "IT" the other day.... what is your favorite stephen king book or movie? What would you recommend I read/watch next?

    19 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Breastfeeding. How do I bring my milk supply back up?

    Ok, I had a baby 4 weeks ago. I was alternating between nursing and pumping breastmilk for him. Then I was sick for a week and a half, with bad stomach pains, and couldn't keep up with his appetite. I was hurting too much a lot of the time to feed him, and we had to get some formula. I'm doing better now, but the severe drop in time that I spent nursing has lessened my milk supply. I want to get back to strictly breastfeeding, but right now I'm not making enough. About 1 bottle of breastmilk for every 2 bottles of formula that he eats. How can I bring my milk back to the amount it was? I've been pumping lately so I can see how much I'm making. Any advice?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How soon after having a baby can you get pregnant again?

    I had a little boy almost 4 weeks ago, my husband and I haven't resumed having sex yet, because I'm still healing, but I was wondering when would be a good time to start birth control? Whats the earliest that its possible to become pregnant again after having a baby?

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Just had a baby....Doctor is a quack?

    Ok, I had a baby 3 weeks ago, 4 weeks on tuesday. I've had doubts about my doctor all throughout the pregnancy, but this being my first child, I thought I was just naive or paranoid.

    For the past 2- 2 1/2 weeks I've been having really bad pain attacks in my stomach. I thought it was just normal healing pains due to childbirth, but they kept getting worse. Painful enough to make me throw up, and unable to even hold my baby. So I called my doctor, went in to get checked out, and here is what takes the cake. I was told that it MIGHT be an infection. Or it MIGHT be my appendix about to burst. Or it MIGHT be my gallbladder. Or it MIGHT be breastfeeding cramps. My doc told me that it was too much trouble to order a catscan, which is how they would determine whether it was my appendix or gallbladder. So, she gave me some antibiotics, and basically told me to go home and wait for my appendix to blow up, then go to the emergency room. She didn't examine me, all she did was poke at my stomach and ask where it hurt.

    So... what do I do about this? I think I'm going to find a new doctor after my 6 week appointment gets here, but does this behavior seem odd to anyone else? I thought the doctor was supposed to do more than say "Go home and wait for one of your organs to blow up". I mean, jeeze!

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How come when you post a question about God....?

    All you get is a bunch of people saying he doesn't exist?

    I mean, if you can't seriously answer the question, and all you do is Christian-bash, then why don't you just ignore the question and go to a section that you actually know something about?

    People sure put a lot of effort into saying how much they don't believe in him.

    Well if you don't believe in him, then you can't answer the question, so why are you wasting our time with answers that have nothing to do with the question asked?

    Just a thought.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago