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  • Best place to buy a real gold watch?

    Im looking to buy a real gold watch and i cant seem to find a good dealer. Many of them sell the fake ones i want a real one. And also how much would it cost? i have roughly 2 thousand to spend.

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Cpu Overclocking help i7 2700k to 5.0?

    I have never overclocked anything before and im a complete noob to it. I have no idea what half the stuff means in my bios and i dont know where to look to change the multiplier. i have a i72700k, asus p8z68 v pro mobo and a h110 cpu cooler. I want to OC my processor to 5.0. Its winter and i leave my window open so my room stays cold and on top of that i have a top of the line cpu cooler so i dont expect heat issues. If any one out there has the same bios set up as me could you please explain what settings im suppose to tweak.

    1 AnswerOther - Hardware7 years ago
  • Why do they keep changing YA user interface?

    For god sakes just leave the old one on noe one likes the new one it sucks

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • Need help summarizing what i read. Book of Romans?

    I just recently read the book of Romans for my philosophy class. My teacher has us type up a summary for the reading that we did. I need to summarize the book of Romans but i'm having a hard time because it is hardly written in present tense. My teacher likes when we relate our summaries to things of philosophy like hedonism and other philosophy theories. If any of you have read the book of Romans can you please help me with the key points of the book in terms of philosophy and how it relates to it.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Could use some help with Algebra homework?

    I need help with a few of these please explain the steps taken to find the answer

    Factor out GCF

    12p³(cubed) - 6p

    a(b+7) + 4(b+7)


    Factor by grouping

    rs - 6r + 10s -60

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • Why are there so many bad math teachers?

    Just about every math teacher ive ever had didnt know how to teach. They just assumed every one in the class should already know how to do it and then ask other students how. Then when they struggle they ***** at them for not paying attention even though the teacher was never teaching anything in the first place. They go to fast on note taking and rush through any form of lessons and then pile you with home work and when you ask a question they dont care. This is how its been with every math teacher ive ever had. Personally i think they should be fired they dont deserve their jobs.

    6 AnswersTeaching8 years ago
  • Why do people major in degrees with no jobs?

    I see it happen all the time. I have a 35 year old at my work that majored in psychology and doesn't even make 40 grand a year and has a crappy main job. Do they take their time to think it through or do they just say hey i'm going to be a rocket scientist and get no where. Why would you pick a degree with no jobs it doesn't make sense.

    4 AnswersTechnology8 years ago
  • What have you done to yahoo answers the GUI looks terrible?

    My god i didnt think they could ruin it anymore but i guess i was wrong. Who ever made the theme for the new update should be fired looks TERRIBLE put it back to the old theme.

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products8 years ago
  • What kinds of weapons did the US send to the rebels in Syria?

    i see this video and the truck looks foreign or from the Syrian army

    7 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Are Armored fighting vehicles stick shift or automatic transmission?

    Like the M1 Abrams and other tanks and what benifit of stick shift is there over automatic in a combat situation

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Help with putting contacts in?

    I am new to contacts and want them so i don't have to wear glasses forever but I've been practicing to put them in my eyes and haven't had any luck. Then one time i actually got them in my eye and the contact rolled into the back of my eye and got stuck for 2 hours so i'm hesitant. Half the time the contact will just bend when i try to put it in or it wont stick to my eyeball even when theres a lot of fluid on it. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerOptical8 years ago
  • Your opinion on the NSA. Should they be shut down?

    I am activly against the idea of spying and find it offensive that our government is running around spying on us. What is your take on the situation? Where do you see the internet 5, 10, 20 years down the road if this thirst for internet take over from our governments continue? They are abusing their rights using terrorism as an excuss to gain control of things they wouldn't normally be able to get into. Such as stored server information from the most popular places like google and facebook. In 10 years from now i see the government shutting down servers left and right that they deem as unsuitable for users by abusing the power of the SOPA act that will eventually pass.

    4 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Does your girlfriend make you pay her bills?

    Just curious. Not like taking her out to a movie but monthly bills and such.

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • what is the best at home workout for your chest?

    I want to work out my upper and lower chest area what is the best way of doing it. Sit ups or what else?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Your opinion on Seria?

    Should we intervene or no and why? Also do you think France would be an effective ally if we were to go to war. Could this be ww3? The U.S + France + rebels VS China, Russia and Seria

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • How to become a UN combat troop?

    I was curious what job field that was considered. The guys that fight rebels and stuff. And what is required to apply to get a job as one.

    1 AnswerGovernment8 years ago
  • what would happen if you gave a zit a shot of peroxide?

    i dont mean using a needle to open the zit up but rather using an actual injector to inject the peroxide into the zit what would happen? Would it destroy it inside out or would it just explode or something else?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • What keyboard should i get?

    Im getting the cm storm trigger keyboard but there are 2 variants of them one has blue switches the other has red switches. The one with red switches is cheaper. But does the blue switch one make a annoying sound when you press down the keys. I dont want to have a keyboard that makes a loud smacking sound when i press a key which is why im still debating between red and blue switches what do you recommend. Im getting this keyboard because it matches my cm storm trooper led's and also my cm cirus headset.

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware8 years ago