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He's like a plate of sweet yams with extra syurp.

  • Do I have a jealous dog?

    I recently bought a shih tzu. I take him over to my moms house to play with my mom's beagle (both are two). First introduction was fine. But my beagle sat on my shih tzu face once and then he did it again another time, Im thinking this could just be an accident. when my shih tzu tries to go up and down the stairs my beagle with push it back with his snout. They play often and since my dog is small my beagle often wraps his teeth around my dogs throat other people get scared about this but i assume that how dogs play and they both never yelp or scream. They walk fine on a leash although I have only taken them walking twice because my shih tzu just completed his shots. Recently at the dog park my shih tzu didnt want to play with two other dogs but when the started to sniff my dog and want to play with him my beagle would just push my shih tzu away with his snout. When my beagle locks himself in the restroom my shih tzu will come and try to tell us that my beagle is locked up so I think my shih tzu doesn't have a problem with my beagle. I just want to make sure my dogs have a healthy relationship, look out for each other, guard the house together, entertain each other etc...without a fight happening in the future that gets them, other dogs, and people hurt... is this normal

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • Is being Jewish an ethnicity and a religion?

    I have always heard this question and I always say its also an ethnicity when I really don't know 100%

    Okay these are the reasons why I always thought being Jewish is also an ethnicity

    there are Jews for Jesus. So this sounds like for me that their are Jews who are Christians now if it wasn't an ethnicity wouldn't this be a contradiction I mean their are no Muslims for Jesus. So if being Jewish was just a religion then a converted individual could just saying that they are Christian and stop saying they're Jewish.

    And secondly, I really don't want to sound Ignorant, but people and society have many stereotypes for Jews, meaning they label them as always having this same one physical attribute. Like I here people make jokes about their nose, now people of course don't generalize the way Christians noses look like, as there are a variety of people who are Christians. Now I can't assume I can point a Jewish person out by looking at there nose because that's ignorant but when I hear jokes like that I assume that their talking about an ethnic groups common physical characteristics because It wouldn't make since to make a stereotype about all Christians having curly hair since Christianity isn't an ethnicity

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How can someone call your cell phone using your cell phone number?

    First I get a missed phone call on my cell phone and the number is my phone number, so im like man im tripping this is too funny. So of course I call the number thinking hey maybe its someone in China or something outrageous, of course it went to my voicemail. So someone called me again and their voice sounded like dark vader or the killer from the movie scream and they tell me using my FIRST AND LAST NAME " have 10 seconds to complete this task" and I said you have 10 sec. to tell me who you are" and they hung up the phone. So im waiting for someone to call me back and say "ha lol yada yada yada I cranked called you" no one ever did. I call wireless company and the lady said it happen to her, but the thindon't I dont think it was a friend or someone I knew. How is this possible?

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • How poor or broke are you? Are broke like me?

    I know that I am very blessed,i live in a huge undecorated house with ugly used furniture, a pool which I have never been in becuz it has never been properly cleaned and a nice bed I got as a graduation gift to sleep in every night. However, my father does refuse to turn on the air conditioner so I have to leave the house before 9am becuz it get up to 95 or 100 degrees in the house. Most importantly I have an abundance of water i can drink, which a lot of humans are not able to get. BUT man I'm broke as He**. As soon as I graduated from college my two year old gateway computer died, I got laid off from my job on first day of work (whole place closed down), my car is going to die, and yesterday my nice purse and sandals broke. Im like dam* I can't go no were cuz Im broke, can't eat healthy cuz im broke, can't do nothing cuz im broke, can't buy decent clothes cuz im broke. How in the world do I see kids my age driving around in scions and wearing nice clothes, when I know 70% of Americans are living pay check to pay check. I wanna be hood rich! I want a 2010 camero and live with my daddy! I would even get everything standard, manual windows and all to have that car! But how the He** would I buy one (even with good credit) when I make less than minimum wage on unemployment! My roommate bought a new mustang, yet begged me for food! I know people on welfare who buy $600 dollar plasma TVS, now that's a great price but not for a broke a** sucka or even me, he** I know I splurge but that's only when I decide to Nabisco or keebler crackers instead of saltines and even then Im scared at the register ( thank God and Bank of America for over draft protection cuz it does save me from embarrassment). Man I even owe jesus money Im so broke ( I need to pay my tithes for real)! Are there any people out there who are as broke as me? Are you hood rich and driving your Hummer to a shack or an apartment? It would really make me feel better to know that there are people in the same boat as me.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Should I work at target as a team leader (supervisor)?

    I recently graduated from college with a sociology degree. I have never had a professional job I've only had jobs and not anything I could call a career. I recently turned 23. I've worked at, Albertsons as a courtesy clerk, a cashier at a UCLA medical gift shop, I did in home care for my Aunt and last month I worked for a group home for juvenile sex offenders ( only worked there a month and was given a 30 day notice on my first day that i was going to be laid of due to the group home closing down, pay was horrible). Well its been hard trying to find another job because a. I don't have enough connections ( that is how I got my last job, but didn't have enough drive to intern or join clubs in college so i could network) and b. I just don't know how to find one except for looking on the internet and Ive checked monster, craigslist and I haven't found anything. I mean I don't have any experience in anything at all and this scares me. Scares me so much that I don't even know if I can be a team leader at target, which is now hiring for that position. I I need a job now and I would work at target but the problem is is just having no experience, I would rather work my way up to a supervisor so i would have confidence in knowing what I'm doing. Have any of you experineced what I'm feeling and how is it working a target as a supervisor.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Would you work with Sex Offenders?

    I just graduated college and I have never had a real job or career, i've worked at a gift shop and a grocery store. So my moms friend says she can get me a job at this group home. Im like NO! I wait for a couple of months and im like okay that job I had plan on fell through so maybe I can work at the group home even though my sister said " I prayed and ran ever day to relieve stress after I got home." She worked with my moms friend and she said she couldn't believe this is whats happening in America. I go to the interview and the dudes like okay we have this group home and then we have the group home with sex offenders. Automatically im like What!! There is actually a big problem in society regrading juvenile sex offenders!! Im thinking that this is a small issue in society that doesn't happen often! But that's where the placed me at! The interviewer asked me "what would you do if you got into an argument with a resident and you said something that reminded him of his mother! What the He**, I was like this crap is just to deep for me! Dude im already planning when Im going to quite and I haven't even started. I should just be like okay instead of a 2 week notice "im going to give you guys a years or 6 months notice for when im going to quit, Im going to quite on this same day in 2010." How can I be empathetic to a sex offender, what can I offer a kid who has be institutionalized their whole life. I like to laugh and Im a nice person, but do I need to take hormones and grow a mustache so I can look crazy. My brother said they'll take my kindness for weakness. I expect to be called a Bit*h, *****r etc... I get VERY emotional when Im made like I cry when Im pissed off and I yell, but This cannot happen there!! Please tell me anything I need to know if you have or had any experience!!! What in the world can the world offer a child who has to register as a sex offender his whole entire life! Maybe i can stick in there for a year and it would look better on my resume and Ooo he** naw im getting paid with a degree 8.40!!! and I have to work 14 hours every saturday I was like ya need to give me a breakfast break, a lunch break and a dinner break (8am-10pm)!!!! That's why i didn't get a degree in social work, But i did get it in sociology so you know what this weekend im going to Target where Ill be paid better or probably McDonald's where ill be paid better as a manager. Its hard for me to be encouraged to fine a better job since I have nooooo experience. I. dont. want. this. job. at. all. I would rather work at a job corps or even a juvenile hall.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Should I work with juvenile sex offenders?

    I just graduated college and I have never had a real job or career, i've worked at a gift shop and a grocery store. So my moms friend says she can get me a job at this group home. Im like NO! I wait for a couple of months and im like okay that job I had plan on fell through so maybe I can work at the group home even though my sister said " I prayed and ran ever day to relieve stress after I got home." She worked with my moms friend and she said she couldn't believe this is whats happening in America. I go to the interview and the dudes like okay we have this group home and then we have the group home with sex offenders. Automatically im like What!! There is actually a big problem in society regrading juvenile sex offenders!! Im thinking that this is a small issue in society that doesn't happen often! But that's where the placed me at! The interviewer asked me "what would you do if you got into an argument with a resident and you said something that reminded him of his mother! What the He**, I was like this crap is just to deep for me! Dude im already planning when Im going to quite and I haven't even started. I should just be like okay instead of a 2 week notice "im going to give you guys a years or 6 months notice for when im going to quit, Im going to quite on this same day in 2010." How can I be empathetic to a sex offender, what can I offer a kid who has be institutionalized their whole life. I like to laugh and Im a nice person, but do I need to take hormones and grow a mustache so I can look crazy. My brother said they'll take my kindness for weakness. I expect to be called a Bit*h, *****r etc... I get VERY emotional when Im made like I cry when Im pissed off and I yell, but This cannot happen there!! Please tell me anything I need to know if you have or had any experience!!! What in the world can the world offer a child who has to register as a sex offender his whole entire life! Maybe i can stick in there for a year and it would look better on my resume and Ooo he** naw im getting paid with a degree 8.40!!! and I have to work 14 hours every saturday I was like ya need to give me a breakfast break, a lunch break and a dinner break (8am-10pm)!!!! That's why i didn't get a degree in social work, But i did get it in sociology so you know what this weekend im going to Target where Ill be paid better or probably McDonald's where ill be paid better as a manager. Its hard for me to be encouraged to fine a better job since I have nooooo experience. I. dont. want. this. job. at. all. I would rather work at a job corps or even a juvenile hall.

    1 AnswerSociology1 decade ago
  • my dog can hold his pee for more than 11 hours?

    Okay I usually don't stay at my moms but in the past my moms beagle could go to sleep around 10pm or 11pm and not wake up until 11am. My mom say now he might have to pee in the middle of the night but he hasn't done that this whole week. We make sure he pees before he goes to sleep at night. Once he went to sleep around 11pm (but I did an all nighter so he kept waking up) and slept till 2pm, usually he goes to the back door and lets us know he wants to go outside, this was a long time ago but I finally picked him up and put him outside and he wouldn't move! I kept pushing him and then finally he peed. He pees normally throughout the day but im just amazed that he can hold his pee in for so long at night. He went to sleep around 2am last night and he is still asleep and it 11:32am. When I first got a dog I was like man were going to have to wake up at 6am so he can go potty but its not like that at all! Can your dog sleep this long and hold his pee this long too. He's a beagle.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I just cut All my hair off, is that a bad thing?

    Its really short, like dude short and I do believe this will decrease potential prospects, especially from the brothas. What do ya think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Summer is Ending will you be able to live through the winter!?

    Well summer is ending along with the BBQ's, long days at the beach, the urge to go to the park, or just go outside (well I do live in southern Cali, and I have a father who will grill at 8pm in the rain, so all these may not apply to me), worst of all it will get dark sooner!!!!!! I dont think I can take it. Does it not suck when you have a load of homework or just work and the clock says 6:30 and its already dark, it feels like the day is almost over, but in the Summer ooh the day is only half way through you can still go outside and go here or there. I do have a luv/hate relationship with summer because I live in 98 degree-100+ degree weather. I literally walk around going "dear lord dear lord" I say this even in my house which has high ceilings so when I walk up stairs the temperature can rise to 95 degrees ( once got to 100, cheap father) isn't that a shame when I have to schedule to leave the house at 10am cuz its going to get too dam* hot to stay in! OOH and we do have those bad fires during the summer like now! But at least we have a dry heat instead of humid hot weather, this fool from Texas came out here when it was 100 degrees and was like this is great!! I decided to not go to graduate school in Texas after that. Wait and what about Michigan, Ohhh snaps I went out there in June and I thought Jesus was comin, why the hel* where we still rowing down a river at 8pm and it was still daylight, Oh man that is just great!! That was just unheard of to me ( I wounder if their crime rate is lower becuz daylight is so long). How do you feel about summer ending?

    20 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.

    2 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • Summer is Ending will you be able to live through the winter!?

    Well summer is ending along with the BBQ's, long days at the beach, the urge to go to the park, or just go outside (well I do live in southern Cali, and I have a father who will grill at 8pm in the rain, so all these may not apply to me), worst of all it will get dark sooner!!!!!! I dont think I can take it. Does it not suck when you have a load of homework or just work and the clock says 6:30 and its already dark, it feels like the day is almost over, but in the Summer ooh the day is only half way through you can still go outside and go here or there. I do have a luv/hate relationship with summer because I live in 98 degree-100+ degree weather. I literally walk around going "dear lord dear lord" I say this even in my house which has high ceilings so when I walk up stairs the temperature can rise to 95 degrees ( once got to 100, cheap father) isn't that a shame when I have to schedule to leave the house at 10am cuz its going to get too dam* hot to stay in! OOH and we do have those bad fires during the summer like now! But at least we have a dry heat instead of humid hot weather, this fool from Texas came out here when it was 100 degrees and was like this is great!! I decided to not go to graduate school in Texas after that. Wait and what about Michigan, Ohhh snaps I went out there in June and I thought Jesus was comin, why the hel* where we still rowing down a river at 8pm and it was still daylight, Oh man that is just great!! That was just unheard of to me ( I wounder if their crime rate is lower becuz daylight is so long). How do you feel about summer ending?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Is their something unnatural about my dog?

    I have this small dog it a schnauzer/yorkie, and when it lays down on its belly it lays down like a human, like a rug, it stretches its hind legs out flat where his thighs are actually touching the grown. I have a beagle, and to me all dogs bones should be basically build the same. I think its impossible for my beagle to actually stretch his hind legs out like my other puppy. It funny to me but Im wondering if the dog should be able to actually do this?

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Did I pay to much for my dogs treatment?

    I just now googled vets in my area and I accidentally picked the vet hospital I took my dog to last week. The veterinarian had 13 negative reviews!!! Wow! Honestly, after my visit I was really turned off about the vets...well how do I say this, he wasn't friendly but he wasn't mean. He wasn't very playful with the dog, didn't ask many questions. Well anyways he charged me $356 to treat my dogs ear infection this included medication and frontline flea prevention. The day before he charged me $96 dollars for his shots and the visit. I decided to go to the humane society yesterday to get my dog dewormed but they said it was too soon since he had a deworming shot last week, they wanted me to wait 3 weeks. However when I called the vet they said I could come on in that same day and giving him another deworming shot wouldn't be a problem. In many of the reviews the customers dogs were neglected and died. Im not going to go to this dude again but if its possible I might go back and complain and yell at him to fix my dogs ear again for free if the ear infection doesnt go away. And what is your opinion on the amount of time i should wait to get him dewormed again?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Help how can I stop being frustrated with my dog?

    I just got the cute pup. I was told that the dog was healthy. He smelled a little so I gave him two baths the same day I got him yet he still smelled around his face so I took him to the groomers and she told me he had a tick and fleas. So I had to keep him away from my moms beagle and I had to keep him out of my moms backyard. I then found out that the reason that he smelled was because he had a really bad ear infection so I paid almost over $400 for his meds, and treatment.A week after taking him to the vet I found worms in his poop and then the next day I found things that looked like white rice around him in his crate. So now I cant play at all with my moms beagle. I have to keep him confined to a crate outside. When I went to the vet they had these horrible,scary, and terrifying pictures of worms with teeth and tails maaaan. So now Im freaked out!! While Im out I would like to keep him in a kennel but he does try to eat and play around his poop so I know it wouldn't be safe to keep him in a crate. I feel sooo bad keeping him in a crate and I try to take him out of it often to walk and play and he gets so excited cause he is out of the crate but how long will I have to keep him away from my mothers dog and in a crate? The dog appears to be happy and not in any pain but he has been through a lot but now Im becoming frustrated. My mothers beagle we found off the street and we never had any health problems for him so this is a new experience for me. I know having a dog is a huge responsibility, I just don't want to have my dog get any sicker has he is underweight and his nose, i believe is too dry, which i heard is bad (thinking its becuz of the worms). Do any of you all have any stories similar to mine for like some inspiration or hope? I know this isn't the dog fault, I just don't understand how the dog got so sickly. The woman I got him from only charged a re homing fee of 25 dollars she only had a hand written paper of the shots he had and day he was born. She also said she gave him one of the shots. I called her to let her know the dog had an ear infection, and she told me she got the dogs from someone else who said they couldn't take care of the dog any longer. The previous owners had told he the dog was on the Science Diet, how in the world could a dog who owners who preferred that their dog be on the Science Diet also have a dog who is dirty, has an earunderweight is underwieght, has ticks, has fleas and has worms.

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • why does my 1yr old dog let my 4month old puppy eat his food?

    My beagle is a really friendly dog but I think he is too friendly or my 4 month old puppy thinks he is an alpha dog. When I put food in my beagles bowl the puppy will run over and stick his head in the bowl and then my beagle will just watch. If i give my puppy a treat my mom's beagle just watches however if I give my beagle a treat the puppy will just run over and try to take the treat. Is this okay for my beagle to be this submissive? neither of the dogs growl when I touch their food.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What Have you Learn from your pet?

    What have you all learned from purchasing a new pet or purchasing another pet?

    I learned that not all dogs are the same while my beagle is a clean dog my schnauzer mix likes to poop everywhere and even pick up his own poop.

    Having a new puppy is like having a child.

    And most importantly never buy a dog off of craigslist or they might have an ear infection and might be underweight.

    purchasing pet insurance is wise.

    Even though my moms house is safe for my moms beagle its not the best place for my schnauzer since dirt gets cought in its fur.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Does it normally cost around $250 for a vet to treat my dog?

    I found out today that my dog has an ear infection and I also had to get his vaccines today too. The bill would have cost 300 dollars this includes vaccines, medication for the ear infection and also the deep cleaning for the dogs ear. Today I only paid $96 for the dogs vaccination but tomorrow I have to get the do treated for his ear infection. Do you all think this price sound normal?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • OMG my dog has fleas and a tick, should it be in my furniture to?

    just got a dog about a week ago. I don't believe his last home was the best. He did have a horrible smell to him and he look dirty. I washed him twice the same day I bathed him with some oatmeal shampoo. He still stank but I think the odor was coming from his head, which was the hardest place to clean. I noticed that yesterday morning he was rolling around like a ball in my bed and he was scratching himself. And I have noticed little bugs in my dads yard jumping around, i don't know if they where fleas but i do believe, since there were so many that they were in the grass and not jumping off the dog. My fathers ex-wife did own two dogs. Neighbor does have dog that ive only seen in front twice. My dog is black and I have never seen any teas and ticks on him. He went to the groomers yesterday she told me he had a tick right in between his eyes, and she gave him a flea dip but she said she didn't dip his head cause doesn't do that to dogs and she said he had some on his face that would eventually fall off and die.Last night I also got him Hartz Ultra Guard Plus drops and I followed the directions but Im hoping that the drops made it to his skin because he has a lot of hair. He is still scratching and biting himself. I on the other hand don't itch and see any fleas in my carpet and mattress in which I had jersey sheet on. So was the flea dip and medication too much or should I ask the groomer to treat him again. He has played with my moms beagle but Didn't see any fleas on my beagle and I checked my beagle for ticks and I didn't see any so Im guessing he got the tick from a previous owner and not my mothers backyard. Maybe his skin is just irritated. I was thinking about using a fogger in my house but the da*n thing is like "turn of appliances that cycle off and on like a refrigerator" etc... Dang do I have to do that much.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Where can I find a safe home for my dog?

    I realized that my backyard Isn't a safe place to keep my dog because I have a swimming pool. My dad was supposed to get a pool cover but now he's not. I would teach my dog how to safely exit the pool but my father would rather do a bad job cleaning the pool than higher someone to do a good job to clean it (he's EXTREMELY CHEAP). I tried to find someone to clean it but it would have been $99 dollars an hour. Ive tried looking for a kennel but I believe that wouldn't be safe also because I would need to find someway to bolt the kennel to ground because our backyard is covered in concrete. I just thought about buying a zip line, which I believe are used in the mid-west where fences are prohibited but we don't have a tree in the backyard and I don't know how safe it would be to attach it to anything else. I decided rather to find a no-kill shelter, but I was looking on Peta website and I came across this horrible story where Peta basically supports shelter that euthanize animals and how animals are no better of at no-kill shelters. But I don't want to take the dog to a shelter at a time when shelters are overly packed with dogs and people cant afford to pay for adoption fees and I don't believe many people go looking for dogs at shelters.

    So I thought about putting the dog on craigslist with a re-homing fee, but I don't want just any crazy person responding to the add, so I thought maybe a re-homing fee of $60 dollars I think It would be better to go higher but the big problem is is that I got the dog from a woman who I think I shouldn't have trusted because she told me the dog was a rescue dog but she didn't have proof of the dogs first vaccinations. She only had handwritten his two vaccinations and then she attached a sticker of the vaccination she gave the dog herself. Not until later did I think the shelter should have given the dog all of it shots! I looked at the dog petted him asked if he had any health issues she said no and I took the dog. But after really examining the dog I realize he's too thin. So basically I don't even know how anyone would be willing to adopt a skinny unfixed puppy without proof of vaccinations for $60 or more. The humane society told me I could get the dog vaccinated again which im willing to do but those dudes or like animal freaks that will not neuter a 4 month old puppy. I know this becuz i took my mom 9 month old beagle there and they told me to wait tell he is older and his baby teeth fell out which never did happen so they finally nurtured the dog. I would put the dog in a crate but not 4 hours only for 2 hours cause he doesn't like the crate and plus i would like him to be able to run around and play outside when Im gone or working. So would you, a sane individual, be willing to buy this puppy on craigslist for 60 bucks if I do get the dog vaccinated again or is it safer to maybe post the dog up for adoption at a vet or the human society?

    Here's a picture

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What ya talking about my dogs hate their crate?

    I believe we trained our beagle to hate his crate because putting him in his crate was his punishment for chewing furniture or peeing inside the house. I also believe we didn't crate train him because we automatically made him sleep in his crate the first night we got instead of putting him in it for 10 minutes 20 minutes etc...So I got this new portable crate the I brought to my moms house and my new puppy and my beagle both went in it to lay down ( i kept the door open) and I allowed them to freely go in and out of it that same night I put my new puppy in the crate and a few hours later the puppy and the crate was across the room. I had to take him to another house and I kept him in the crate for like 40 min. But now the dog hates the crate and he sleep near it and up against it. I put a bottle, and 1 toy in it and I used to praise him and give him a treat when he did go in it. How can I make my dogs love their crates again? do I need more toys. And how in the world did you all make your dogs love and stay in their crates while you gone and do they every whine when you leave/

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago