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I am an advid aquarist and love all animals. I have a torbie colored DSH named Mini Cricket. She makes everyday a blessing. I have 2 large fish tanks and am very knowledgeable in aquaria, from tank-setups to a vast variety of fish species. I have years experience with cats and fish, with a few for dogs, reptiles, rodents and birds. Be a responsible pet owner and SPAY & NEUTER your pets. There are many cats and dogs at shelters waiting for you, so if you are looking for a companion, please visit your local animal shelter. Adopt! Don't Shop. :]

  • Have Pearl Gouramis? I need your opinion!?

    I've had almost every color variation of the Trichopodus trichopterus, or Three Spot Gourami (Opaline, Gold, Blue) and every single one I had turned out to be aggressive, except a Opaline that was super sweet but died before I could access her behavior fully.

    I don't want to be stuck with aggressive Gouramis and wanted the experienced opinion of someone who's actually had one. By the way, I was deciding on whether 2 would be sufficient or should I go with 3 of them. I would also only have females to lessen any potential aggression or breeding.

    If I decide not to go to with Pearls, then I'm defiantly getting a Dwarf Flame Gourami.

    2 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Bleeding Hearts Tetras with Emperor Tetras?

    Are they compatible or will the Hearts be too nippy? I would like a small school of both types of fish in my tank but haven't seen any information about putting them together. Anyone with experience housing these fish together?

    2 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Will two male Dwarf Gourami's get along in a 30G...?

    Finally was able to re-home my very aggressive 6 1/2 inch Gold Gourami and am looking to get a center fish that is suited for community tank life.

    I am not getting any variation of Three Spot Gourami's (though Opaline are beautiful and the one I used to have was a sweetheart) because I do not want to take the chance it is too aggressive. I am looking into getting a regular Blue Dwarf Gourami or maybe a Neon Blue. Not sure what color variation I would go with yet. Can two males be housed together or would this lead to constant fighting? I know males are territorial and I have plenty of hiding places, huge rock formations with moss and driftwood with mosses.

    I haven't quite made up my mind what center-piece fish to add, any ideas besides Dwarfs?

    Right now I have a pair of (male & female) Bleeding Heart Tetras which I plan on getting more of if I keep them, 2 Red Wag Platys, 1 Red-tailed Variatus Platy, 3 Dojo Loaches, 3 Kuhli Loaches, 2 Otto cats, a handful of Ghost shrimp and a few juvie fish that I'm holding onto for a friend till his tank has cycled (3 guppies and 3 red wags).

    4 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Angelfishes eye cloudy and torn looking...?

    It's not a fungus, it's more like an injury to his eye. The membrane on the eye looks torn and it's probably from the female biting him. They are a pair and have aggressive courting rituals before spawning. I noticed it Friday, so I did a 20% water change (this is a 29 gallon), then the following day did a 50% tank change. I did a small 10% tank change yesterday, to just clean out the debris from the bottom, and for his benefit.

    I do regular 50% water changes weekly, so my tank is well kept up with. I just wanted to make sure he would be fine, so that's why I did the extra ones. I also put in a divider the separate the female from him since she was picking on him, and making him stress out.

    His eye seems a little swollen, but is not protruding. It also has begun to cover his whole eye, not just the torn part. He also looks bloated but I haven't seen him eat since the incident. He could have been eating, I just haven't seen him eat any food in front of me, since I left left over food in for him. He is a very stocky male Angelfish, so he can go a few days without eating, but I thought it odd he would be bloated.

    All my other fish and the female are fine. I have not treated the tank yet, firstly because I do not have anything to treat it with except a bottle of blue ich stuff, forgot what it's called. It'd for fungus's and ich. It would kill all my Ghost Shrimp and baby shrimp in the tank, so I have refrained from using it.

    He is being active and he is interacting with the female through the divider. So he's not acting sickly. Is it possible his eye could fall out?

    3 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • What kinds of Rainbow fish are usually sold in pet stores..?

    ’ve read there are over 70 species of Rainbow fish. I don’t want to get a species that grows over 5-6 inches and most of the time at the pet store the names they are sold by is simply “Rainbow Fish”. I have seen some labeled as Turquoise Rainbowfish but most of the ones I have seen are around 4-5 inches with a deep body and have a redish-orange backside with a silver front, like the Boeseman's. Some have purplish-blue coloring. What are the most common species in pet stores? I haven’t studied many of them but know a few of their names. I also live in North Carolina if that helps any.

    If you could direct me to a page I would be grateful! Thanks in advance.

    5 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • Redtailed Black Variatus verification..?

    Petsmart doesn't do a good job with labeling it's fish and I'm not too sure this is what it actually is. It is yellow on the top and yellow on the bottom, with a dark blueish, almost black stripe all the way across it's lateral line. It does not have the red tail like Redtailed Black Variatus have, but does have a tint of red in it's yellow tail. I don't have any pictures of the fish but was looking online and this one looks very similar to her.

    She has more red in her fins then this fish does but not the blood red fins that most of them have. She also has a High Fin but wasn't labeled as one. As she gets older I will be able to tell but any advice? I haven't had many platys and this is my 4th one. The others are Red Moon Wagtails and then the High Fin I lost.

    1 AnswerFish10 years ago
  • 20 gallon Setup with a Fiddler Crab...?

    I’m setting up my old 20 gallon for my dad and am trying to figure out what will go in it that’s actually compatible. He wants a crab and so everything will revolve around the crab. I will construct something where the crab can venture out and was thinking of making a crab only tank with only a few inches of water but my dad wants fish, so go figure. A lady from a LFS said they can go with Tiger Barbs, but can they really? Since crabs are opportunistic feeders, is it possible it will eat all the fish?

    I’ve never had crabs nor Tiger Barbs, so wanted some feedback from people who have had either or both. I wanted to house my Neon’s in that tank but am not sure if that’s a good idea. Also, he wants an algae eater, so I was thinking Otto’s since they stay so small, but will the crab attack those? And he likes Black Skirt Tetras, but I’m really not sure what will be in that tank. Right now it’s just an idea, and I’ll be sitting on this for a couple months, so I have plenty of time to re-think having a crab.

    Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions!

    3 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • Suspected Sugar Glider running loose..?

    I first saw the glider the beginning of this year and thought maybe it was a flying squirrel. It was during the evening time, so I thought it was possible since they are diurnal. For the last 2 months I seen glimpses of it and last month realized it was not a flying squirrel. The sitings I got of it were at night (aprox. 4:00 in the morning) and flying squirrels sleep at night. Last night I was able to get a clear look at it because it came super close to me and my dad while we were sitting on the porch. We throw peanuts out for the squirrels and at night it will venture out to get the peanuts the squirrels missed.

    It is very small and has a small puff of a tail. It has a black stripe down its back with a black mask. It's body is gray and it has a white under belly. It also hops more then it does run and is super fast. I'm positive it's a Sugar Glider but they are of course not native here so it shocked me at first. I think someone got it and let it go because they 1) didn't want it anymore or 2) couldn't care for it properly. It might of even escaped. A pet store close to us just shut down and they sold Sugar Gliders. So maybe it's from there. I have no idea.

    What I do know is it's been below 50 degrees at night and I don't think it's going to survive very long. Is there any way I can coax it to catch it and what are the best types of food they eat? I've put out strawberries and peanuts, but am for sure it eats peanuts because I seen it take them. I thought about reporting animal control but don't want it killed but also don't want it to die during the winter.

    Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersOther - Pets10 years ago
  • Not sure who's eggs these are...?

    Most of the fish in my tank are eggs scatters but these eggs are kind of bunched up (like how Angelfish lay eggs) and their orange. They're very small. Here's what I have in my tank:

    - 4 Otto cats (One I'm positive is a female)

    - 2 Dojo Loaches (Male & female)

    - 4 Red Eye Tetras (2 male and 2 female)

    - 7 Neon Tetras (3 females and the rest are males)

    - 2 Emperor Tetras (Male and female)

    - 3 Kuhli Loaches (Have no idea if they're male or female)

    - 3 female Platys of different types (Not them since they give live birth)

    Then I have a pair of Angelfish but I know it's not their because they would be guarding it and their eggs are clearish. Then also a single male Gourami and a bunch of Ghost Shrimp.

    Any suggestions? Thanks.

    3 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • Goldfish has tubercles all year round. Normal or no?

    This particular Goldfish is almost 2 years old. I got him February of 2010 and he was very small. So I guess maybe 3-4 months old. I only had him a few months before I gave him to a friend who had a larger Goldfish tank. I got him between December (’10) to January of this year. One of the reasons why I gave the Goldfish to her is because he had been attacked and lost a lot of his fins and some scales and needed a better setup for Goldfish. It took him a long time to recover and in the process he lost an eye, so he’s partially blind. I thought since he’s been through a lot and seemed to be stunted by the ordeal, that he would never be a big, healthy, able-breeding Goldfish. After I got him I fed him a very varied diet to boost his growth and immune system and now he’s over 8 inches, and a very fat Goldfish. He has a butterfly tail so it makes up for a third of his body and he’s a Black Moor. I didn’t know it was a male until after I got him back. A few weeks of having him in a secluded in a tank he started sporting tubercles. Ever since I’ve had him he’s displayed tubercles. Sometimes there more prominent but is it healthy or normal for him to have them year round? I know Goldfish usually spawn during spring-summer, but didn’t think males always had them displaying.

    He is with two other Goldfish and I am not sure if they’re male or female. In end of February I bought a Lionhead Ranchu and in the end of April I bought a Calico Ryukin. I believe the Lionhead is a female and the Calico may be a male. When I first got them I thought they were the opposite of that. The Ranchu has a convex opening with something that looks like a tube that’s always sticking out and the Ryukin has never stayed still enough for me to see if he actually is concave. I have seen both the Moor and Ryukin chase the Lionhead and push into its tail pad with their face. Does the Black Moor always have tubercles because there’s a female in the tank? I don’t think the Lionhead is near breeding age, even though she’s pretty big (5-6 inches long and half as wide as a baseball).

    1 AnswerFish10 years ago
  • A no-kill shelter question.....?

    I applaud every shelter that decides to become no-kill, as it should be but I have a question about one in particular. When I think of no-kill I think of a shelter that doesn't kill for any reason, unless that animal is in severe, chronic pain and does not have a chance at a healthy, happy life. There are few cases of those and that's why there's really no reason to put animals to sleep. My question is how can a no-kill shelter be called a no-kill when they DO put down animals that are adoptable? I'm talking about dogs that have severe cases of demodectic mange that can be managed with the right care, and is not spreadable to other dogs, or cats that are positive for FIV or FeLV? These cats can live long healthy lives being infected and may never show the symptoms. Some, I agree, are very sick and should be put out of their misery, but a lot of them are happy, go-lucky cats and you would not know they even had it. It takes a hell of a bite for another cat to become infected because the saliva has to enter the bloodstream. Cats with FIV can live their whole lives with out ever showing any symptoms but if they are not taken care of properly then things can digress quickly. Any opinions? Suggestions? All welcome.

    9 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Dojo/Weather Loach differences..?

    I have noticed since getting my second Dojo (or Weather loach, which ever name you prefer) is a lot different from my first. Not only in color but physically. My first Dojo (Shiver) is a Golden and the second is a grayish-brown with black spots in lines going down its back with spots all along the sides too, named Pow. I bought both by the name of Dojo Loach, only the first one had Golden attached to the name.

    Shiver is fat and long (around 5-7 inches) with very short, cropped barbells and tiny rounded fins. Her fins are really tiny compared to Pow’s. Pow has larger rounded fins, with very long barbells and has a more evenly fat body. Shiver’s fore-body is fat, but from her dorsal fin to her tail is much thinner. She also has a huge dimple right behind her dorsal fin, giving her a bent looking body. She eats fine, and is quite healthy, but in being deformed in this way, can it inhibit her health? I got her this way and didn’t notice it until she became larger. My friend bought a GDL out of the same tank I did and it does not have this “dimple”. It looks like Pow with large fins and a perfect evenly thick body. I noticed when I first got her she had trouble staying at the bottom and her back end would lift up, so I fed her peas incase she had Swim Bladder Disease. It comes and goes, but isn’t as bad as when I first got her. Just to compare how small her fins are, they are the same size of my fully grown female Platys pectoral fins, so they are really small. For her size (she’s thicker then a large marker) I wasn’t sure if that was normal. I was thinking maybe it’s just because I believe she’s a female and females have small fins, but hers are just way small. Her barbells are also pathetically tiny and she doesn’t seem to use them as much as Pow uses his. He’s always wrinkling and moving his around.

    3 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • Can I replace flakes with granules for Goldfish?

    Of course Goldfish are messy, but these are the messiest bunch of Goldfish I have ever had. They are feed a varied diet but their stable diet is Tetra Goldfish flakes. I’ve fed granule type food as treats before (as well as floating granules, crisps, and discs) but would Goldfish granules (Tetra kind) be good enough as the stable food? It would reduce the mess and keep the tank cleaner. Since two of the Goldies are one-eyed, some of the food is missed and sucked into the filter. If I only fed granules, they wouldn’t be able to “chew” and spit it out into tiny pieces, causing the whole tank to be a flurry of mess. What you do all think? Any input is appreciated.

    4 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • Need help or advice getting rid of this..?

    I have some kind of virus on my old computer. The computer is old (made in 2004-05) and was made by someone who didn't know what they were doing; it works but has a few issues. The problem is when I did have internet on it, it would redirect me to something different. If I looked up viruses it would reroute me to cars, and I also did not have any anti-virus program on there and it will not allow me to download any. Currently it has no internet and even if it’s hooked up, won’t connect.

    The message that pops up EVEN has typos, lol, so I know it is a virus. This is what it is: A red x will pop up on the taskbar, it says “Your computer is infected! Windows has detected spyware infection! It is "recomended" to use special antispyware tools to "pervent" data loss. Windows will now download and install the most up-to-date antispyware for you. Click here to protect your computer from spyware!"

    That's the message and when you click on it a command window will come up that is labeled: C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINI10-1.EXE. The pop up infront of is labeled 16 bit MS-Dos Subsystem and then says: C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINI10-1.EXE The NVTDM has encountered an illegal instruction. CS:054d OP:63 6f 6e 74 65 Choose 'Close" to terminate the application. Then it shows either close or ignore.

    What kind of virus, spyware, or malware is this and how do I solve the problem? I would like to install AVG and Windows Essentials, but it will not let me download them.

    Or if you could point me to a web page that tells you how to get rid of it, would be greats. Thanks!

    2 AnswersSecurity10 years ago
  • Mosquito Larvae Feeding..?

    Does anyone else harvest Mosquito larvae to feed to their fish? I’ve only collected them once and since its summer I’m defiantly going to collect more since my fish love it. Do you live feed it, freeze into cubes, or what method do you prefer?

    None of my LFS’s carry Mosquito larvae, so that’s not an option for me. I’ve heard from many people that own ponds (or have 5 gallon buckets) that collect their own and it works out well for them.

    5 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • What type of light should I replace mine with..?

    I want to plant my 30 gallon tank with moderate to high level light plants, or actually, just have better lighting for the plants I have/am getting. I have a few low light plants (4 Leaf Clovers) and they seem to do fine, but I want to upgrade to better lighting.

    I have the lighting that came with the tank, 17w t8 24" 8,000k HG Aquarium light. What would you recommend to replace it with and what brand?

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerFish1 decade ago
  • How much does a Feline Distemper test cost..?

    I know there is a two part shot for Feline Distemper, but I don't need that. I was wanting to know how much a Feline Distemper test would cost..

    Where I live your animals have to have all their vaccinations/tests run before you can have them. Feline Distemper is one of them. I just need to prove my kitten doesn't have it, not vaccinate him for it. lol. I didn't even know there was a test (thought he would have to get the shot) until I looked it up and found out it's a stool sample type test that's similar to testing parvo in dogs..

    Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Do Ottos get along with Angelfish?

    I'm rehoming my pleco (he's become too big for the current tank I have and going to a bigger tank) and wanted to get a different type of algae eater that's much smaller in adult size.

    The main problem I have is the adult pair of Angelfish in the tank. They aren't compatible with any fish that I was told that could go with them. Therefore I am scouring the internet for fish that may be able to go with them. I just want some good algae eating fish. I've come across Chinese and Siamese algae eats, Ottos, and snails, that are good algae eaters..

    But I'm not getting a Chinese algae eater since they get too big, nor snails since my Angels will eat them. I would like to get Ottos but am not sure if they are compatible with Angels, since they are so small and look delicate.

    I have the Angelfish (both 7 inches tall; 6 inches or more long) in a 55 gallon with 2 Peppered Corydoras.

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Animals that are illegal in Wisconsin..?

    I've looked up the state to see what animals are illegal in WI, but found basically nothing. Of course Endangered/Native species are illegal but I'm talking about pet animals, companion animals.

    The only thing I found was that ferrets are legal to own, but illegal to import. And that skunks have to be descented or what not. I was going to get Ferrets but may wait until after I move there..

    I just wanted to make sure none of the fish, animals, etc. I have are illegal in that state.


    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • What are the best online fish stores?

    I don't know of many and I'm curious to see how many good sites are out there. What would you recommend?


    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago