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  • Why won't my dentist give me vicodin?

    I've been getting some work done on my teeth ( due to a accident) and at 1st she was giving me vicodin. Now she's only giving me T3's and I just called today and they said I have a allergic reaction to the T3's. I was throwing up, headache's, room spinning, sick feeling, hot and cold sweating. Now there saying there going to prescribe me Motrin.Also last time they prescribed me Motrin the pharmacy called them telling them I can't take it so that's why they gave me T3's. But i'm allergic to aspirin and the pharmacy Always tell's them I can't take it due to the aspirin allergy! What am I going to do? I shouldn't have to be in pain! Should I find a new dentist?

    Also i'm not a junkie or anything like that so if you have negative comment's keep them to your self's.

    I don't call and complain unless i'm in alot of pain, I use the medicine as prescribed also. They are also aware of my allergies.

    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Why are my pin's in my ankle hurting!!?

    I was the passanger in bad car accident almost 5yrs ago. About 3yrs ago my pin's in my ankle started hurting and now it's gotten to the point where I can't handel it now! I have this sharp pain's and sometime's numbing pain in my foot, the other time's I can't even walk it hurt's so much. It range's from my calf to my foot, I had x ray's and the doctor said they look fine. Can anyone please tell me what's going on or what to say to have the doctor take them out please! This is interfering with my daily life! Thankyou

    4 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Can you be charged be 3 similer charges for the same crime in pa?

    Ok can you be charged with ID-SI PERSON LESS THEN 16 YRS AGE, AGGRAV ASSAULT/PERSON LESS THEN 16 YRS AGE, STATUTORY SEXUAL ASSAULT. For 1 alleged crime committed? This is in Pa. Thank-you

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How to change my childs fathers name on her birth certificate?

    At the hospital my daughters father put his middle name to her birth certificate and I we want to change his whole name on her birth certificate. How do we do that, we are in Pa?

    Thank you

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How to add information to my Pa Birth Certificate??

    I want to add my fathers name to my Birth certificate, he also wants me to. I live in Pa and i'm not sure how to do it? I'm also 23yrs and i'm not even sure if they'll let me? I also want want to change my last name to his or add his last name to mine is this possible???

    Thank you

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Falsely accused of sexual assault??? Please help?

    Ok here's what's going on my father was Falsely accused of sexual assault in "98", he's still in prison now. The case was declared a Mistrial by 10-2 the 1st time. Then for the 2nd trial there was No Medical Evidence, no eyewitness, and no corroboration of her story. There was a letter which was written by a 23yr old man stating he knew about her and the accused, the letter also stated when she (who is 15yrs old) is going to run away to AZ with the 23yr old. Her mother found the letter which raised her suspicions about her and the accused.In the courts She stated she didn't tell because she feared her life. She was the babysitter at the time, and after the So called sexual assault happened she kept coming over to baby sit! She also told my father wife she wanted to accompany her when she went to visit him. Prosecutors also held back the letter until the 1st day of trail which was never seen be for, that letter was Also the basis for filing the charges. The jury was also urged that the victim's testimony was coached, and contained inconsistencies. Can someone Please help, I don't know where else to turn to. I know that he was falsely accused, they keep throwing out his appeals, Even Tho He Has A Alibi.

    Thank you

    P.s him and my mother split when I was younger and I wasn't around at the time this happened!

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • what does it mean when a guy says " Wow you've grown up"?

    ok I added someone to my facebook and they said to me " Wow you've grown up" I know what grown up means but I don't understand what way he was saying it as? I asked him " what do you mean" hejust said "you've grown up"! Please help! ;)

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • why am i feeling so depressed?

    Lately I have been feeling this gut anger sadness I can't explain why! Nothing Is going on in my life that has me anymore stressed then then next. I feel jealous,hatefull and mad at the world. It sucks the way I feel! I just don't feel like doing nothing but being by my self alone in the dark. I had a very bad past as a child being abused mentally and physically and, tormented by my mothers boyfriend but I haven't had no contact with them for about 4yrs.... so I don't know what could be causing this? I've seen doctors and all they wanna do is give you a pill! They don't listen they keep saying its biopolar / depression! I don't believe that but what ever it is its destroying my life, my family, and my relationship with my husband is all over he's about fed up ready to leave and take our 2 kids! Please if there's any advice please help me out! I really wanna be happy get this out of me over with already! I no its gonna take a long time to fix 10yrs of abuse but I'm willing to try what ever it takes to make me better again and enjoy life! Thanks

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • dermal anchoring piercing problems! please help!!?

    I got my mirco dermal on my face towards the side of my eye. I got it pierced in october and now its still tender, red and alittle puss comes out sometimes. I clean the area but I think I'm rejection it but not sure. It isn't always like this I think its like leaning down alittle. If I bump it when I sleep it will be red for a couple days and really tender. I'm a little worried also because it kinda looks like a bump on the side of the piercing towards the top. I tried to reset it my self by pushing in and taping but I don't wanna keep messing with it because I love my face and I don't wanna nasty scar can someone please help?? I can't get a hold of the piercer either! Thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago

    Hi I have a problem I have this neighbor who is like so evil she keeps calling the cops to my house like every weekend !! What the problem is I think shes racist and don't like puerto ricans because every other neighbor can play loud music but us or she calls the cops.! A Couple weekends ago we ordered the may-weatherher fight and she started screaming at us like cursing us out so my hubby put her in her place and now ever since then she calls the cops for every little thing like I just had the cops here Saturday night they were cool and they said shes like. Once the cops ran our Ids they found out all of us had our carriers permit for hand guns and they left! But I cant continue to live like this even nights when we don't hang out at my house its just me and my hubby alone she calls!! She is a total nut case!! So please if anyone know what the noise level is to be and what time if you know a site or something please help!!! Oh by the way its not like a crazy party here all the time there have never been more the 5 adults and my 2 kids in my house at once it only my 3 cousins and my 2 young gurls me and my hubby that's all! We don't get loud after 12;30 am thats when I take them home when they come over. The crazy thing is that SHE lives 2 houses away from me and I have a half double and theres like 15ft bettween our half double and the house next to me! then she lives next to that house thats why I dont know what to do then sunday night my neighbor had a real loud party till 2;30am and the cop calling neighbor was there all night loud as ever I didnt call the cops! and they were so loud that my kids would not go to sleep at all!! All we do is play the rock band!! thats it!! PLEASE HELP ME THANKYOU

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • How to get stains off of throwback Jersey?

    I stained my throwback Jersey with cooking oil does anyone know how to get it out? thankx

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • What happens when a tennat moves out in the winter?

    I was wondering what happens in the winter when the tenant moves out does the gas Company put the gas back under my name I am the owner? I have these tenants who haven't paid rent in 4 months and there finally moving due to a court order and I was wondering if they were to call the gas company to turn off the gas is it gonna be put back under my name? I just don't want them to use my gas and run that up so I have to take them to court again? Thanks so much I am a 1st time landlord and never again

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Is ebay pay pal safe?

    I am selling something on Craigslist and there are 2 people interested in what i am selling, but they said they will pay threw pay pal! Is this safe? See i never did this before like sell threw pay pal or anything they both said to send them a Money Request so they can pay me, but i am not sure if this is a scam!!?? I sent the money request to them then I read all the stuff from Craig's list like about Scams and I mean an Craig's list it doesn't say like whats going on with me is a Scam it says like about money orders and western union! So if anyone knows anything about this Please Help


    2 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Can my family doctor help me with my tooth ache?

    I have a horrible tooth ache its my back tooth and my filling fell out on the other side.My dentist said they are booked and can't get me in till oct 14 they said they will keep me on the on call list if anyone can't make there appt and I call everyday. I am hurting so bad that my ear feels like I have a ear ache I tried everything even ear medicines and nothing so if I call my family doctor until my appt. will the give me a painkiller or something until my dentist appt?

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Do I have to get my 2 daughters shots to continue to get WIC in PA?

    I was wondering if I have to get my kids shots done I have a 2yr old and a 5month old! My 2yr old shots are up to date and my 5months old doctors appt is comming up I saw this site and I am pretty scared to continue to get them there shots I live in PA and I also recieve WIC for the formula.I can not afford to buy the formula on my own she has to have special milk now that costs $25.00 for 1 can. She was a normal baby when she was born no health problems good weight due to being a planned C-Section ( I am not able to deliver natural my oldest was a emergency C-Section she was a healthy baby too no problems good weight too) after my 5months old shots I started to have problems with her she was really bad I think after her shots because she changed after she got her 3month shots and she never went back to the same baby! I was not too keen on my 2y old daughter getting the shots but like the nurses kinda forced me! What i mean is when I was asking everything about the shots she was like OH THE POSISITIVE OUT WEIGHTED THE RISKS and then she started showing me pics and like telling me I have too. I am 22yrs now so I am a kinda new mother I was 20yrs then and I felt like I didnt have no choice to do this. Like I dont really have alot of extra money to get a lawyer to help me with this I no longer work and its just my husbands income taking care of us 4 people. I know I am making the right choice on not getting there shots no more but I need to know if I can still get her WIC in PA without getting her shots and I already read some of the state law and it doesnt say anything about WIC but I know that they ask for the shots at the appt! So if anyone knows about this or anyone who can help me


    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is this normal weight for a 29 month old?

    My 29 month old daughter weighs 24lbs and she is 3ft tall. She is a very good eater but also picky! I am very small my self I weigh 122lbs and her father was also small him self. My 5 month weighs 16lbs and when i was pregnant I weighted under 150lbs for both births my 2yr old was born 7'8lbs and once she started walking she started getting tall and her weight staying the same. I talked to the doctor about this and he put her on pedisure it worked but she wouldn't eat real food just drink that now she eats 3 meals a day and her weight has been the same. I was thinking about taking her to a different doctor because I feel like her doctor doesn't know what he is doing! Am I doing something wrong. Also she is very active she never sits.


    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • There is a Pa State Park does anyone know what the parks name is ?

    There is a Pa State Park that i wanna go to it was on t.v a while ago it has huge trees like what i remember it has some of the oldest trees ever and when you drive to it there's these big trees lining the road

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Do I still have a chance to be FBI?

    Ok I have been doing some reading on being a FBI Agent and I have a few problems! I was in a mental hospital when I was like 15yrs old, and sent to boot camp. The thing is I don't know if my juvenile record was erase because I was able to get a gun and my local sheriffs office gave me a carrying permit, so since they gave that to me does that me my record was erased? I am now 22yrs and I have not been in any type of trouble since 2003. I want to go back to school but I don't wanna spend the money if I can't be a FBI Agent! Oh my reason for getting sent to boot camp was I had a fight in school and I was acting out at home and the mental hospital I was depressed with things like my family life I was there for like 1 1/2 weeks. Since being a adult I have not had any fights or any run ins with the law other then a speeding ticket. I also don't have any drug issues a little credit problem under $2,000 and I haven;t been on any medication since 2004.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • What Ethnicity am I please help?

    My mom is full Russian and my father is full Italian so i'm half of each.

    So what Ethnicity am I?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Where would i fine a lawyer for Invasion of privacy! In Pa?

    A photo tec gave copies of my family's pics (my kids and my boyfriend) and now there posted on myspace I didn't give permission for the pics to be given to anyone i only wanted 1 copy! The person who has them I have not spoke to them in 2yrs and the pis were taken 1yr ago. By the way she works there and is friends with everyone!!!

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago