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  • is my tax liability zero? or what is my tax libiliaty?

    In the past a friend of mine advised that it is possible to change my W-4 to say exempt for a single pay period and then back again after wards. My payroll is saying that I have to make sure that I am able to. I wanted to know how I would know because I do not want to get into trouble. I did at one point have my w-4 as exempt for an enitre year at work by mistake. I did not get in trouble I just didnt get very much of a tax return. I am married, I am the only one working and we have 4 kids. I make under 40K. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and help.

    4 AnswersUnited States10 years ago
  • Birth Control Issues?

    Ok, I know that I had questions before about birth control on here, but I have more issues still. I am going to see my GYN most definitely but in the mean time I wanted some input from anyone that might have had these issues.

    I switched birth control after that issue I had last time. They told me that what I was on wasn't strong enough. So now I have been on the new one for a month now ( well a month and one week ).

    When I got to the period pills on the last pack I did not get my period.

    And for the last 3 wks I have been having terrible cramping and nausea. Total loss of appetie and picky about anything I do eat.

    I am on a very strong birth control. I am not sure if this is normal with really strong birth control.

    I am not having any bleeding or spotting.

    I am wondering wether or not there would be a chance that I am pregnant ( because of me missing my period, and the cramping when I am not spotting or on my period).

    Thank you so much !!!!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnant on the pill? Could I be?

    I have been taking the pill now for a little more than a month. I took a whole month last month (my first month after getting my IUD taken out) and now I am on the 2nd week of the this pill pack. I am taking Ocella (the generic for Yazmin). Everything has seemed to be fine. But I am not sure now.

    I had my period but it was really light. And now I am not on my period, and I am having wierd bleeding and cramping, nausea, and some dull lower back pain.

    Could I be pregnant?

    (I have 3 kids, and I have not been on the pill for a long time and I don't ever remember getting bleeding in between periods on it.) I had been on the IUD for a year.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Name Change on a minor in Illinois?

    I need to change my son's name due to marriage. He is only 7 yrs old. I wanted to know what I would need to do to have it legally changed and how much it would cost. We live in Illinois, I know that each state is different. Where do I start? Where do I go?

    Thank you :)

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago