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  • Did my water snail die?

    Hello! I just recently purchased three mystery snails from Pet's Mart and I think one of them may have died. It's a blue mystery snail and all of today he was clinging to the wall of the tank, just hanging out, and I went to look at them, and he was completely in his shell, floating at the top of the water. I didn't think snails floated, and I thought when they died, they come out of their shell. I don't know. Google isn't giving me any good answers, so if you could help, that would be greatly appreciated! There aren't any fish in the tank- just the snails. And I put some algae tablets in to dissolve and give them something to eat. The other two snails have had some white film coming out of them too. Is that their poop? Clearly I'm pretty ignorant about domesticated snails.

    3 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • What is this song? And who sings it?

    Hey there!

    So I've heard this song before and it's been stuck in my head alll day! The part I can remember is

    You take my heart and then I'm empty-handed

    I don't think that's the main chorus and I don't know if that's exactly accurate but I'm dying to know what this song is. It's a female singer and it's a kind of rock/soul sound. At first I thought it was Norah Jones or Grace Potter and the Nocturnals bu I really have no idea and I love this song. Please help me out!!!! Xoxo

    1 AnswerLyrics9 years ago
  • What drastic thing can I do with my hair?


    So I'm a fourteen year old girl and I really wanna do something different and chic with my hair. It's dirty blonde and shoulder length and I have forehead bangs similar to Taylor Swift's. I just got them cut that way about four months ago but I still want to do something new. I don't want to chop it off into a bob and I really like my natural color and don't want to dye it. I need some suggestions, pictures, links, anything that inspires a cute change for my hair!! Thank you so much!! Xoxo

    4 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • HELP! Where do I buy this sweater?!?

    ok... so I have quite an obsession with bows and cardigans... AND red. When I saw this picture, I practically died. Where can I purchase this sweater, or what company is it from? Otherwise, can you recommend one just like it? THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! <3

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • 14 Year Old Birthday ideas?

    Hey there! I am turning 14 in a week and I don't know what to do to celebrate my birthday. I don't really want to hang out with friends, nor do I want a party. I just want to have a nice, fun day. Are there any practical, exciting activities I can do for my birthday? THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!

    4 AnswersOther - Holidays9 years ago
  • Should I go to Washington DC?

    I am really considering going on a trip to DC in early June 2012. It's a school trip for incoming 9th graders. I know a few of people going and I think it will be really fun. But I think that it's scary being away from my family that long, and I'm not the biggest fan of the teachers going. Do you think it's worth it? Is it worth spending $1500 on? I mean, I really wanna go, but I don't want to suffer for 5 days. I live in NE so it's pretty far. Please help! I need to make a decision by September 15!!!! Thanks a TON!!! :)

    7 AnswersWashington, D.C.10 years ago
  • Please help: Computer is weird?!?

    So about 2 months ago, I was working on a project for school on my account on my family's computer. Then a huge thing popped up, saying the computer had a virus. THen ads for viagra and gay porn kept coming up. It was only on my account, and I thought it was creepy so I didn't tell anyone and just shut the computer down. Now, today, I used my account for the first time since then, and there is absolutely nothing! No virus tracker, gay porn, or viagra! I'm 13 so I don't really get computers. Please let me know what happened and if the virus crap will show up again! Thanks a ton!!

    3 AnswersSecurity10 years ago
  • Memory Problems on Phone?

    Hey there.

    I have an LG Rumor 2 from sprint and it's about 2 years old. It's pretty much a piece of crap, but I have to wait til the end of the year to get a new one. Anyway, I want to reassign a picture for my screen saver or for contacts or something, but every time I try to, it says the following message:

    "Memory Full. Delete some files from In Phone or My Stuff."

    And I have a memory card for my pictures and it's nowhere near full. I went and deleted a whole bunch of stuff, like memos and voice memos, and all of my messages, all of my phone histories, all of my games that came with the phone, and a handful of pictures. I tried taking out the battery and waiting and putting it back in but it still won't let me assign any pictures. The memory status on it is that 20464 KB used and 2064 KB of free space. I'm not sure what I can do. Pleeeeeaassseeee help me out!!!! I will take any REAL suggestions. Please no trolling. Thanks a bunch!! :)

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • What to get for my sister's 21st birthday?

    My sister is turning 21 on June 22. I'm thirteen so I don't have many options cuz money is not my middle name. Anyway I already got her a bag she wanted in Victoria's Secret, but we are a HUGE gift family so I must get her something else. She LOVES the following:

    Pink (the color)

    Ballet dancing


    Playing clarinet

    Marching band (she's drum major at college)

    Josh Groban

    Matthew Morrison

    Sparkly, Girly things

    I don't think she'll be drinking much cuz she's not that kind of person, so that's kind of out of the question. I was thinking about painting her an abstract thing but I don't think she would really like it... Soooooooooo let me know! All ideas are open!! Thanks a TON!!!!

    Also, feel free to post online stuff cuz I still have a little while till the birthday!

    1 AnswerOther - Holidays10 years ago
  • What is this song from Switched At Birth?

    Tonight, the pilot of switched at birth was on abc family and there was a song I really liked and I don't know what it's called or who sings it. It's when bay is grafitti-ing the wall and it's something like, I can't change you I want to be free........ Then it repeats these words: again and again again and again again and again..... If you saw it, PLEASE help me out!! I really like this song. Oh! And it's sung by a girl and it's kinda edgy and upbeat!! THANKS A TON!!!!!!! :)

    1 AnswerOther - Music10 years ago
  • Where does the new car smell come from?

    Everybody loves that wonderfully fresh new car smell. But I'm curious about which part of the car releases the odor. Where does it come from? What is it? Is it some kind of refresher or spray? Thanks for answering my curious questions!

    6 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation10 years ago
  • Girls only!! What to do for swimsuit season...?

    Now I'm 13 and pool/swimsuit season is just beginning. And my swimsuits are not capable of covering up some of my pubic hair. Get a bigger size? Not an option. I'm not allowed to shave it, and I think my mom would be way too awkward about it. Soooo how do I control it? How do I get it covered or taken off. *and without a lot of pain and infection! Remember, I'm 13 and sensitive! :)

    Thanks A TON!!!!!!!!!

    7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Weird tingling on my head? Know the feeling!?

    Soooooooooooooo in the back of my head, kinda at the top left region, there is this weird tingling sensation... Like I have a pinched nerve- or some sort of seizure... Anyway, sometimes is gives me headaches and it's annoying and all I can really do is move my head around and scratch it to make it stop... And it comes and goes. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

    If so, how frequently does it happen to you?


    What might it be?

    Thanks SO much!! :))

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • HELP! computer/virus problems!?

    So today I was just doing my homework on my family's computer and this huge flashing warning comes up saying my computer/account has a virus. The software started downloading itself and I'm 13 so I had no clue how to stop it... Anyway it told me that I have 4 bad viruses on my computer. Now every ten minutes or so an ad for Viagra or gay pornography pops up on my screen. I have to be a registered member, so like $100 to make it stop. There has been pornography viewed on my account, by a sibling, and I dont know if that brought in the viruses or this odd software just came and brought these viruses. I really really DO NOT want to tall my parents or anything sooooo PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks soooooo much!

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • What to get my mom for her birthday?

    My mom is turning 54 on May 19 and I have no clue what to get her! My parents are divorced, I'm 13, so my options are somewhat limited... I already got her a journal and a cool pen cuz she likes to write, but what else should I get her? She has a sense of humor, was a teacher for 10 years, loves dogs, likes oldie music :), and just in general, likes being a mom.... sooo any ideas??

    1 AnswerOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • What is this song and who songs it?

    I have this song stuck in my head! It is by a girl singer and I feel like it is a kids singer or something but it goes how do u breathe? How can you sleep or something like that. It is driving my crazyy!! It could be by like Victoria justice or Miranda cosgrove or some1 like that. A slightly raspy voice! Thanks so much!

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • Am I in love and if so, what do I do now?

    Ok so I'm 13 years old and I have very strong feelings for this guy. We go back pretty far... He has gone to my pool for a very long time and I didn't know him personally but when we met formally I think things just kind of clicked. We met at the bEginning of the last school year. I wasn't really into him because I liked a different guy.but I found out from a close friend, who is also his best friend that he had super strong feelings for me. I was actually really flattered and I didn't really know what to do. Then things kind of settled down and we were good. But now, a year later, I'm falling head over heels for him. But he is a player! He dates girls all the time and breaks their hearts all the time. But to me it's something different. And I think he might still like me because he flirts and makes fun of me and whenever we make eye contact my heart skips a beat. No joke. I don't feel comfortable talking to anyone in my family about it and I don't know if I should confront him. I'm not allowed to date and I dont really want to. There is just something about him that makes me crazy! I love his eyes, smile, personality, and charm. But I have confronted guys in the past and things don't end well. I just wanna be able to have a solid relationship with this person who I feel like I love. Thanks so much for your opinions!!! :)

    P.S. He belongs to the same pool as me, as I mentioned earlier and I dont want to reAlly talk to him or hav contact with him there around my family... What to say or do? Also I know I'm young and I can't do much with my feelings but what happens when one is so young and they have these feelings?? Thanks again!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is this song and who sings it? Please help!?

    I was in our local outdoor mall today and I heard this song. I came in the middle of it and it ended very quickly but I still loved it. It was a male singing it and it was like put your head up yaaayyy, put your head up ooohhh. Then later it was like put your head down... I don't remember the rest but I reeealllyyy wanna know what it's called and who sings it! Sorry if it's a little bland on the info but that's all I know! Thanks so much!!! :)

    2 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Girls only... What is wrong with my hair follicles?

    Ok so I'm 13 and I think I have infected hair follicles where my pubic hair grows. I know this is an odd question but just bear with me. Anyway I'm on an antibiotic for a sinus infection and I know that can cause some discomfort in that region. And I'm eating yogurt too to help. But I seems like there are little red dots by the hair follicle. They kinda hurt and I put neosporin on it but couldnt the antibiotic help? Or is that causing it? Help me out please! Thanks sooooooo much!!

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What is this song+singer?

    SOOOOOO I was at justice today with my cousin and I heard this song that I really liked. It was like "you're in pain but you keep loving anyway..." andnit was kinda upbeat and peppy. I think it was sung by 2 girls. When I looked up at the tv to see the title of the song, the name of the singer and song were cut off. I didn't catch the singers's names but the end of the one word song title ended with age... Soooooooooo if you could let me knownthe song and singers of the song, I would be eternally grateful!!! Thanks so much! :)

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago