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  • Do most chiropractors fail to find jobs?

    I just got accepted into chiropractic school but I heard that the low unemployment statistics I have read everywhere are false and that most chiropractic grads struggle to find jobs that can pay off the student loans or end up quitting chiropractics altogether. Is this true?

    5 AnswersAlternative Medicine5 years ago
  • Anxiety when home alone at night?

    I'm 23 and I've always had anxiety about being home alone at night. I never had to deal with the issue before because I had roommates but now I live alone in a house. I know it's idiotic and stupid but being alone in a large house after the sun has set freaks me out, especially since my home is known for making a bounty of unidentifiable noises.

    To make matters worse I grew up in a very superstitious family so I find that my imagination likes to run extra wild at any noises, sound, or shadow.

    Any advice on how to handle this anxiety?

    46 AnswersPsychology5 years ago
  • What to put in Personal Item Bag (not carry on)?

    I am a very short person and I often struggle to pull things out of my carry on bag during the middle of flights. Therefore I'm trying to pack my personal item bag (the one that goes under the seat) with all the things I need for a long flight. I've traveled domestically a lot but never internationally and I'm unsure of what exactly I should put in my bag to ensure my flight is comfortable without requiring me to struggle with the overhead bin.

    What do you recommend I pack? I have limited space so I'm trying to stick to the essentials but at the same time trying to ensure I have a comfortable flight. What should I pack in my personal bag and what can I spare to pack in my carry on (which I will not be able to reach easily during flight).

    Thanks in advance!

    6 AnswersPacking & Preparation5 years ago
  • Recommended computers for traveling?

    I will be traveling internationally for several months and I'm looking for a good, durable laptop that I can bring with me.

    I wont' be using it for work or school, just for everyday purposes (netflix, email, other entertainment, etc).

    I would like a smaller laptop that can easily fit in my bag, is durable enough to handle traveling (on foot, plane, and bike), a long enough battery life, and one that doesn't overheat or have a loud fan system that can disrupt others around me.

    Any recommendations?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks5 years ago
  • Recommended Noise Cancelling Headphones?

    I've been looking for a good pair of noise cancelling headphones for plane travel and a noisy home environment.

    I'm okay with a slightly more expensive set as long as the quality is good and it is durable enough to last a long time. Most of my headphones have a max lifespan of 6 months because I use them so frequently and I'd like it if I could keep the headphones for longer than that.

    I also need something I can wear for long periods of time without getting a headache (again, I'll be using it for plane travel).

    Any recommendations?

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players5 years ago
  • How difficult is it to navigate international airports when you don't speak the countries language? (first time abroad)?

    Hi guys! I'm going abroad to china for half a year but this is my first time out of the US and I'm slightly nervous about the language barrier. I'll be meeting an English speaking individual at my final destination but I have to manage making the connecting flight in Beijing by myself. Is it difficult to figure out international airports when you don't speak the language?

    6 AnswersAir Travel5 years ago
  • Do you ever feel bad for reading so much? As if you are just wasting a day in imagination land?

    I always hear about how American's need to read more but I often feel guilty when I've had my nose in a fiction book for hours on end. Afterwards I feel as guilty as if I just wasted several hours bingeing on Netflix. Is there really any difference between bingeing on books and Netflix or are both equally unproductive. It's not like I learn anything reading fantastical tales of runaway princesses and other stories of the like.

    Just curious about what people think.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • How to add a modest orange flavor to a cake?

    I'm making a cake but would like to add a hint of orange flavoring to the mix.

    Would orange zest be enough or do I need to add something more?

    17 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • Ideas for canned clams?

    As a pescetarian and a student on a budget I eat a lot of canned seafood. Usually I eat canned tuna but recently I wanted to try eating canned clams. I don't know exactly what to do with it though. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • Things you wish you packed when you traveled abroad?

    I'm going abroad for the first time in my life and I'm kind of unsure if I packed everything I needed. I'm going to be studying in a tiny village in china for a few months so my access to things like supermarkets will be limited to only once a week or once every two weeks (when we drive into a bigger city).

    Therefore I'm trying to think of any useful/important items I might forget to pack. When you went abroad was there anything you wish you packed that you didn't?


    4 AnswersPacking & Preparation5 years ago
  • Best way to store rice to keep pests out?

    I've been eating a lot of rice lately and until now I"ve bought 5pound bags and kept them in a glass jar.

    I want to purchase a 15pound bag (it's cheaper in the long run) but am concerned about storing it. In the recent past my pantry has been invaded by little worms and they especially liked the rice. My current storage method (a big glass jar) is sealed well enough that they can't get in but I am concerned about how to store the 15 pounds of rice.

    I bought a dog food storage container but I'm not sure if that is enough. Does a dog food storage container have enough of a seal to keep insects out? If not, what do you recommend?

    14 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • Is pre-packed ramen really that bad?

    I know it's not 'healthful' for you but i'm a student living on a budget and I was thinking about substituting 3 or so meals a week with ramen to keep costs down. I wouldn't eat it everyday but it could save me good money in the long run if I had a few of them a week.

    I would be eating healthy otherwise (fruits, veggies, eggs, etc).

    Would it really harm my health that bad?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • I make rice in the morning for my packed lunch. How to make it keep for dinner?

    I've taken quite a liking to white rice in the past few months and have even bought a rice maker. I would like to keep the extra rice I make in the morning and use it for dinner but I don't know exactly how to do this. If I keep it in a container in the fridge it gets really dry.

    Any ideas?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • How long after opening can of tuna will it keep in the fridge?

    I like to make rice balls filled with tuna/mayo and I normally make them in the evening and store them in the fridge for the next morning/afternoon. Usually I'm fine but today my stomach became upset after eating it so I was wondering if tuna was even capable of lasting 12-15hrs in the fridge.

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink5 years ago
  • I've gotten colds non-stop this fall? Should I visit a doctor?

    This semester I've gotten several colds (some bad, others not) but even between the colds I go to bed with a cough and runny(or clogged) nose and wake up with a bad chest cough.

    I haven't gone to the doctor yet because I'm extremely busy and I know that there really isn't any treatment for a cold but since it has been several months should I assume something else might be going on?

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases5 years ago
  • Trying to land big scholarships from grad schools? What can I do to improve chances?

    Hi guys! I'm currently earning my bachelors degree and plan on going straight to grad school after I finish up. My ultimate goal would be to earn a large merit scholarship from the grad schools I will be applying for. I know I have to get good grades but what else can I do to increase my chances of getting good scholarships? Do you think volunteer work will help? or do you think it will be based mostly on academics? I am studying for the GRE's right now and hope to get an extremely high score.

    Any advice would be appreciated!

  • Winter Boots I can wear with sweater dresses?

    Almost half of my wardrobe consists of sweater dresses and other 'professional' clothing items. Having recently moved back to the Midwest I realized that every time I walk out to my car I'm going to be walking in slush. Regular snow boots don't look good with sweater dresses and normal 'fashion boots' can't handle slush (and don't keep me warm).

    Is there any good medium? Any recommendations on boots that I can wear with professional clothing but is also winter-friendly (at least slush friendly?)

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories6 years ago
  • Too many eggs?

    Hey guys! As a pescetarian (vegetarian who eats fish) I often have trouble finding good filing meals so eggs have become a staple of my diet. I usually eat around 3 eggs a day (sometimes 2 and sometimes 4).

    I know eggs are full of cholesterol so I'm wondering if I should be worried?

    Thanks in advance!

    7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan6 years ago
  • Midwest Winter Fashion Tips?

    Hey guys! So this is one of my first winters in the Midwest. I live on a college campus so I'm trying to find ways to stay super warm (since I will be doing a lot of walking) while staying professionally cute.

    For example, what kind of coat do you recommend? I have a nice wool tan pea-coat but it's not super warm.

    How about boots?


    Any advice of being fashionable in Minnesota winter will be appreciated!

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories6 years ago