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I'm a 22 year old senior in Computer Science and fitness advocate. I'm also very knowledgeable in the fields of biology, religion, and social sciences. Its just interesting stuff to debate.

  • Opinion: Should I put up with her new lack of sex drive?

    I've been in this relationship for 13 months now. At first her sex drive overpowered me, she would get pissed at me if we didn't have sex 3-5 times A DAY for 5 months. It exhausted me, but I dealt with it. In June, the puppy I got her for her birthday had to be put down. She didn't want to have sex for a while, and I let it go. However, our sex life after there had become too few and far between. We didn't even have sex on our 1 year anniversary!! And when I complained about it the next day I got some 5min pitty sex.

    I know she loves me, and she talks of marriage daily, but lately I just can't handle it. Sex maybe 8 times in 5 months for a still somewhat new couple is unacceptable. I try to talk with her about it, and I just get the : sex is not important in a relationship BS. I've given her a month to try to model her sex drive to mine, and its failed miserably.

    I just need an opinion. Am I wasting my time with her? I'm not unattractive, and I know when we do have sex she enjoys it... there just seems to be no desire, she would rather work 60 hours+ a week. I'm thinking of marriage now, and I just don't know if I should get out now or continue. I do love her dearly, but I have needs too...

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why lower taxes with such a national debt?

    With the national debt now exceeding 10 trillion dollars, why would McCain or anyone else for that reason nominate lowering taxes? I realize it will pump some more cash back into the economy but what will a few dollars per person really do? Is it work the risk of messing up our government and infrastructure even more? There is probably no straight answer for this but its something I've never really understood.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Looking for a decent Camcorder, suggestions?

    I'm not so much looking as I'm looking for my mother. She wants to get a decent camcorder to record some stuff (I'm not sure to be honest haha). Thinking of a price range under 1,000$. Don't really care that much if its HighDef or not, and the type of thing it records on is also of little importance.

    Any suggestions? Anyone have one they would like to recomend?

    2 AnswersCamcorders1 decade ago
  • Does Islam have a prophecy for the end? <-- interesting?

    I was just wondering because if you're following the bible (Isaha and Revelations) this whole war in Georgia could easily escalate some of the current prophecies. I forget all the scriptural wording but these are among the mentioned things to look for in the bible:

    1) War in the middle east

    2) Influence by people of the north (russia)

    3) No hand-hand currency (credit cards/debit)

    4) Israel delivered back to the home land on the wings of eagles (airplanes or the USA, in Isaha)

    5) A unified world (just thought of this as the US Gov spoke of how in this day of a international community, nato, and Obama talking about being a citizen of the world)

    6) The hatred of Christianity growing

    I probably missed some but these are all thousands of year old predictions in the bible. I'm not blaspheming THE END IS NIGH!, but as Jesus said: "watch for these things so that you shall be prepared."

    I have nothing but love for others, muslim or not, but I noticed there are many of you guys on this site and I was wondering what your views on this was? After all, I believe Muhammad was a prophet and I personally believe we refer to the same god for the most part.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Obama or McCain and why? Help me decide!?

    I thought I had my mind made up during this campaign race; however, several times my candidate of choice has said something to let me down or revealed to me how unworthy of president they are. So, I've found myself switching sides many times on who I think should be president.

    So my question is : who do you currently like and why? Most importantly why. It seems that the candidate's platform is mostly a popularity contest anymore rather than a competition of ideals and credentials. Right now I'm leaning towards McCain, but I don't approve of how he wants to deal with Russia, any thoughts? Best answer to anyone who has a good opinion. (plus lots of thumbs up)

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Where to get a working Java compiler?

    I've been programing in java for a while now but for some reason I could never get a program to work on my home computer, and I really don't feel like going up to the computer labs.

    The labs use Dr. Java, which I know is pretty crappy. Most my friends just write their code in notepad or command line, but I like have a program so I can look at it. The problem is I tried downloading JREE, and the Java Development Kit, but whenever I try to compile in Dr Java I still get the missing compiler error message.

    So, I was just wondering if anyone knew of a better program and how I could go about installing the correct java application so that my compiler would work. Links would be much appreciated as well :).

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Are you this type of christian?

    The problem with the religion today is its poorly represented. Some people are so blinded by trying to do they right thing they don't realize they're just blabbering and not making sense. Others take offense to anyone who doesn't automatically agree with what they say and shoot it down. Others still are so narrow minded in their beliefs they turn others away by their harshness.

    As for me, I was raised Christian. I didn't get it, I got offended by my church just telling me how to live my life. I was trying to explain the religion to myself and my parents got scared and told me : “You just have to believe, not understand”. I couldn’t take that. I became atheist. 2 years later I started researching on my own, I read the ALL OF THE BIBLE, AND THE KORAN. They were interesting.

    I don't mean to offend too many people but the Koran was someone ambiguous, it has some good parts but there were some versus that just scared me. On one hand it spoke of love, but on the other there was a lot of hate and killing. I couldn't follow that. I got a lot more out of reading the bible a second time. I became a Christian again. I don't go to church, I refuse to listen to people try to tell myself what to do, and I go around just trying to be a good person. That’s all there is too it.

    As for historical sense, I've been able to prove to myself every fact I've come across, it just comes down to whether you believe there is something more out there. The factual data is not an issue (as most scientist/historians agree). I just hope someone out there who I described earlier reads this and takes a moment to reflect what they're really saying. We have no business telling people what’s right and wrong, all we should be doing is giving them some tools to figure it out for themselves.

    What I’m getting at, is there anyone else out there who sees the modern Christian church like this? About everyone I met while I was an atheist was because they were tired of having tongue-speaking evangelicals or hard core Catholics telling them harry potter was the devil or something or another. And that’s just sad….

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Bachelors in CS or go for Masters in DB or SE?

    So I'm a senior about to get my degree in computer science. I know the job market and pay is good all over the place, but I don't know if I want to be a code monkey my whole life. I was wondering if anyone in the market or had knowledge of the market has any experience with Masters in Database Administration or Software Engineering.

    Its hard to find info and real life opinions on those jobs. Think its worth my time going for or would my job just be the same as the BCS?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago