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Lv 2443 points

Peyton S

Favorite Answers12%
  • Pro Life vs. Pro Choice?

    I'm pro choice. I'm also non-religious. I believe a that when a couple (or woman) becomes pregnant its their (her) choice to receive the baby or not. Can anyone convince me otherwise? *NOTE* I'm very open minded... A convincing argument could sway me. Please leave out Religion- Thanks


    4 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • I have a Budweiser: Red Label bottle (unopened) - Collectable or not?

    Hi, I'm starting to go through my closet and I have a lot of bar items. Neon's, posters, old bottles of beer. One is a unopened Budweiser Red Label bottle. This was supposed to be Buds White Collar beer, but from what I heard Johnny Walker sued, or threatened to sue due to its name (JW has a very popular blended scotch called Red Label) so Bud changed the packaging and name. Well, I still have the bottle and its in perfect condition. Just curious if its worth holding on to, selling, or just tossing in the recycling.



    6 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Activity to do with my dad?

    I'm 30, he's 62. We're both very active physically and all together mentally, thought our knees aren't in the best of shape. Our jobs keep us busy 50+ hours a week. Many years ago he and I built a garden outside the house I grew up in. Now, the house is gone, he lives in a condo and I live in an apt 5miles away. I'd like to propose an activity for him and I to do, besides take a vacation. Something fun on the weekend or many weekends in a row, or maybe even a project. Just looking for a way for him and I to reconnect besides our monthly friday dinner. Preferably something that doesn't have to do with drinking, but we would enjoy having a beer afterwords. Thanks! Any questions asked will be answered...


    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Web Designers I need help: I am a print designer and I have an idea for a social networking business.?

    But I don't know anything about building a website much less something along the lines of Facebook meets online banking.

    How do i go about finding someone that I could partner with to design and promote this idea? I know the targeted industry inside and out and would have plenty of people/companies (USERS) to start the site with. I also know who we could sell ad-space to and have contacts.

    I know one company I could probably sell this idea to, but would rather build and maintain it with a partner helping it grow, and possibly selling it later.

    Thanks for any help and I'm sorry for the lack of details... its just a really good idea : )


    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Bike trails from WAshington DC to VA Beach?

    just wondering if anyone knows where I can find a map of this bike trail.. if there is one.


    2 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • Illegal drug MDMA and its effects when taken with......?

    A female friend of mine is considering trying the drug MDMA (ecstasy) for the first time. She is 27 and takes a short list of prescription drugs on a daily basis. She wants to know if she'll have a sever reaction to the drug when it combines with the other chemicals in her system. **yes, we know that there is some really bad stuff mixed in with XTC pills but we're fairly confident that what we can acquire is a more "pure" form of MDMA.

    Ortho cyclen

    Zyrtec (10 mg/daily)

    Singulair (no idea...daily)

    Zantac (75 mg/daily)

    Doxepin (.25)

    *NOTE* To all those out there that just want to write warnings, just because its an illegal drug, thanks but that is not the answer we are looking for. We know the "dangers" of XTC but we're looking to see if there is a greater risk because of what she is already on. So, please don't waist your time, and ours with responses like "just don't do it," or anything along those lines. We're looking for serious answers only.


    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Graphic Design/Printing: Some JPG's are tiny, and if enlarged get pixilated, and some seem to be any size?

    Vector images can be any size, and jpg's have a fixed size. I have a jpg that I'm working with now that doesn't seem to have any bounds. What is this? Why? how do I make one : )


    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • PS3 1080p, 1080i ? ? ? ?

    I own the HD70 dlp 1080i projector. I have been thinking about buying a PS3 but I've heard (rumors) that if you don't have a 1080p tv/projector that you won't get a high quality HD picture for movies/games. That it will, "be the same quality as on a regular tv."


    4 AnswersPlayStation1 decade ago
  • 80's Scary Movies! ?

    Hey guys, I'm going camping (with a twist) in a few weeks. Though we'll be in the woods, we'll have a projector and sound system. I would like to know your suggestions for scary movies to be the woods! Pref movies set around camp, or camping. Would love some good 80's or 90's titles.

    What'cha got folks?

    : )

    9 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • My friend needs a "lung culture." She is very nervous so she didn't ask what that is exactly.

    We know what a throat culture is... where they swab the back of your throat. Is this the same thing? She is worried they are going to stick a giant swab into her lungs...



    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • How to get a job on a sailboat-

    I live in (around) Washington DC and I've got a great job M-F (art director at a trade show design firm). I am looking to be an extra "hand" on a sailboat on the weekends. I'm not looking to be paid, I just want to gain experience and knowledge of how to operate a sailboat (lunch would be nice too). I'm very laid back, and a very hard worker at the same time.

    I understand its getting late in the season to start trying to find a boat to work on now, so any info for next summer would be appreciated as well.


    7 AnswersBoats & Boating1 decade ago
  • My Photoshop Keeps Crashing As Soon As It Opens?

    I'm running Mac OX X 10.5.4 - 2 x 3 GHZ Dual-Core Intel Xeon

    Plenty of memory-

    Newest v.Photoshop just won't stay open.

    My boss downloaded this version so I don't have a copy on disk to re-install. Any help would be appreciated.



    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What would be the best martial arts class for me?

    I'm looking to build flexibility, muscle strength and balance. Not really looking to learn how to fight, though I would enjoy the sparing and I can take a knock to the face with a smile.


    9 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Are there beginner groups for bicycle touring?

    I love biking, and I love camping. Next weekend I'm riding the C&O canal (185mi) for the first time. I'll be splitting it into 2 days and leaving plenty of room for sightseeing and the occasional dip in the potomac to cool off (its clean above DC). If all goes well I will be wanting to start doing cross country rides for a week + . I don't know anyone that would be up for such a trip so are there groups I could get involved with?

    I live in Washington DC-

    Any information on this would be helpful.

    Thanks People!


    1 AnswerCycling1 decade ago
  • Camping on the Beach: East Coast?

    I live in Washington DC and I want to take a weekend trip to camp on the beach. Would prefer not to have to drive more than 3 or 4 hours. I'd also like to be able to access bars and restaurants, but that isn't a deal breaker. I'd be more than fine with lots of sand, a place for a fire and the ocean. Remote beach camping is a-ok with me too because I happen to have stocked up on quite a few fireworks this 4th : )

    Thanks for the help!


    2 AnswersCamping1 decade ago
  • Adobe Illustrator Re-Sizing/Arrow Question?

    Everything was fine... until about 20min ago. I tried highlighting an object I wanted to re-size, but no bounding box appears around the object. The black arrow selects the object, but I can't re-size!?! It only moves it around on the art-board... What did I click? How does one fix this? Any help would be appreciated.



    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • What type of food should I take camping?

    I'm riding the C&O Canal from start to finish (185miles) in two days so I'll be camping one night. What type of food is good for a trip like this? I always take dried fruit and granola bars but I'll be needing a breakfast, lunch and dinner at some point. I will not have a camp stove, but fires are permitted in some of the camping areas. I'm looking for something pre-packaged, small, fairly yummy, can get stuffed in a pack and extremely to prepare.

    Thanks for the help peoples!

    9 AnswersCamping1 decade ago
  • Where to camp this weekend... NEAR DC?

    Well, our friend dropped the ball and never made reservations at the camp ground... There are 8 of us, some sharing tents, and we really want a place to go where we can drink, smoke, and be noisy & not bother people. We'd to camp on a beach but we're not trying to drive more that 5 hours. Any suggestions? FYI- at this time a place where you don't need to make reservations would be optimal.



    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Rooftop / Relaxed Wine & Dine in Washington DC?

    Its a Boys Night Out- We 4 fella's are looking for a place to relax, enjoy a great meal and a few bottles of wine. We want to sit around a table, not a booth. Comfy chairs with arms are a plus. We'd still like to be able to wear jeans, but not walking in like an 80's rocker either- Any style of food, not sea-food ( F-U Vinny... non seafood love'n bastard'o) Good selection of Port's is also a plus- Thanks for the help!!


    2 AnswersWashington, D.C.1 decade ago