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Lv 134 points

Jessica Rabbit

Favorite Answers8%
  • I need some financial help?

    If the price of investing in a particular stock is two hundred dollars but you have four hundred dollars invested does all your money get traded on the stock market or is it limited to the investment fee of two hundred dollars? Also, can someone please explain to me, in plain english, the difference between stocks, bonds, retirement trusts and stable value funds? And lastly, can someone also please explain to me, in plain english, the net expense ratio? It's the annual cost of operating and managing a fund. But what exactly am I paying? It's always less than one percent but I don't understand what that adds up to annually.

    2 AnswersInvesting2 years ago
  • How long does it take a small cut on the bottom of your foot to heal?

    I have a few rough spots on both my feet that I was trying to remove with salicylic acid (break down the skin then you can peel it off). Well I guess I needed a couple more applications because I accidentally peeled off a small piece of the good skin. It's not bleeding but it is open so I wiped it with an alcohol pad and put a bandaid on it. How long is it gonna take to heal? I walk a lot and stand a lot plus I don't own a really good pair of sneakers that properly support my feet at the moment (all of which contributes to the fact that my feet are a little roughed up). Also, what else can I do to ease the pain of those rough patches? Salicylic acid is all I know of and it worked before but I guess I rushed it this time.

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions3 years ago
  • Squatting over a toilet seat?

    Can I catch something by squatting over a toilet seat? I've been doing it my whole life without a care in the world so the only reason I'm asking is because I noticed a hair on a public toilet seat. This next part is kind of embarrassing but sometimes the pee runs off to the side when i squat so i put a piece of toilet paper on my thigh to keep it from flowing down my leg and sometimes the very tip of that piece of toilet paper touches the toilet seat but I'm careful not to let it touch me. Am I still safe?

    11 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)3 years ago
  • Question about the wound healing process?

    I recently scraped the skin on my finger off...the part where the skin meets the fingernail. It doesn't look off or anything (the new skin came in, there's no open cuts/sores anymore, it's not red or itching, no pus, etc.) but it feels off. If I press down it burns a bit. And sometimes I feel a split second burning sensation without any external stimuli (at least none that I can think of...maybe the hot/humid air?). Is this normal? My other wounds have never felt like that before but then again I never had a wound on my finger that was so close to the nail. Is it the position of the wound that makes it feel slightly off? Or is it because I use my hands a lot so naturally I'm gonna feel a bit of pain if I have a hand/finger wound (even one that seems to be fully healed)? I haven't been using bandaids lately either (and I'm a cashier so I work with dirty/icky money all day). Maybe I took the bandaid off too early? It looked and felt fine to me though which is why I took it off.

    2 AnswersInjuries3 years ago
  • Does being on your period affect the results of a cholesterol blood test?

    I had my cholesterol levels checked recently but I was right smack in the middle of my period when I had blood drawn. I didn't think much of it then but now I'm concerned about my estrogen levels and how it might've affected my cholesterol levels. I've struggled with high bad cholesterol for years and this is the first time in so long that my bad cholesterol has been within normal range (well, it's borderline high but that's normal for me compared to what it's been for years). So can I trust that this is accurate? My period ended at the end of the very next day (some residual blood into the the day after but generally it was over). Should I have waited and had my cholesterol levels checked after I stopped bleeding?

    4 AnswersHeart Diseases3 years ago
  • Important question about cat scratches and cat bites?

    I recently discovered that my cat has worms. I took him to the vet on Tuesday and got him a de-worming treatment (follow-up treatment in 3 weeks). So my question is, can humans contract worms from cats via scratches or bites? I was playing with my cat a little while ago and he scratched me pretty hard. I don't think he broke skin (though I did see a small dot that looked like the skin was broken). I washed my hands with soap and water immediately (I also used some rubbing alcohol which burned...maybe the skin was irritated not broken). Now mind you, he got the treatment, I changed his litter box on Tuesday (dumped the whole thing...maybe I should dump it again) and he got his claws clipped. Even so I'm still kinda paranoid (my cat and I have rough housed before and nothing happened if skin was accidentally broken. It's just this time around he has or had worms. Last thing I need is my own parasite problem). Soap, water and rubbing alcohol are the only precautions I can think of. Any other recommendations?

    6 AnswersCats3 years ago
  • Can I use Mederma on a facial waxing scar? If not what else can I use?

    I waxed parts of my face 2 days ago with Nads waxing strips and immediately afterwards my chin started burning and became red (a smidget of my upper lip reacted the same way but not as bad). Now my chin has a dark brown patch that looks like a scar. I've been applying sweet almond oil with drops of tea tree oil to my chin as a moisturizer and because it's supposed to be beneficial (though I don't know if it helps with scars...but it's all I have right now and something is better than nothing). I've used Mederma in the past for scars but never on my face. Does anyone know if I can use Merderma on my face? Is it safe? Or will it somehow affect the hair when it starts to grow back? Like will I get ingrown hair or something? Last thing I want is to affect my hair/pores on top of having a scar (or make the scar worse). Also, are there any alternative and/or natural remedies for scars that someone can recommend me? I need a backup in case I can't use Mederma. I tried calling a dermatologist today but everything closed early for the holiday.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions3 years ago
  • How can I update my race/ethnicity before the 2020 Census? And why do job applications ALWAYS make me choose ONE?

    I identify as Hispanic as well as Black & White. But the options are Hispanic "regardless of race", Black "Not Hispanic", White "Not Hispanic", Asian "Not Hispanic", American Indian "Not Hispanic" and Two or More Races "Not Hispanic". If Hispanic isn't a race than why am I always forced to choose between checking that box or checking something else? It's very rare that I come across a Self Identification Form that allows me to express myself freely. Is the Census Bureau gonna fix this anytime soon, say, for the 2020 Census? I honestly shouldn't even have to wait that long (is there a form I can fax to them in the meantime so they have my information on file? This way I can check the "I choose not to self identify" box on job applications so I won't have to go through the hassle anymore).

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups3 years ago
  • Question about lost debit card and debit card payments?

    If I sign up for something with my debit card in which I have to pay a monthly fee but I lose my debit card, how is it possible for the company to still take money out of my account without me giving them the information from my new debit card?

    5 AnswersPersonal Finance4 years ago
  • Help! I drank full strength Apple Cider Vinegar and it burns! What to do?

    I was trying to find a way to quickly lower my blood sugar and I read that Apple Cider Vinegar helps (as well as leafy greens...I was actually on my way to the store when I spotted the Apple Cider Vinegar in the cabinet). Well I drank some and it burned my mouth and throat and I managed to swallow some before I spit it out and now it feels like I have heartburn. I hope it didn't do any serious damage (I don't think I swallowed too much. I mean the gag reflex was instantaneous cuz it burned like hell). I've been drinking water like crazy for the past 5 minutes. Is there anything else I should do? I had no idea I had to dilute it first (I assumed it was just like regular vinegar and while the idea of downing a shot of vinegar is really unappealing I honestly thought it would help me not hurt me).

    7 AnswersAlternative Medicine4 years ago
  • Is eye pain the day after an eye exam normal?

    It's only been about 5 hours since I noticed it, but I have on and off slight upper eye pain towards the eyelid and eyebrow. It also feels like it's coming from behind the eye. It's not severe or anything. It's just something I noticed an hour upon waking. My eyes are fine according to my eye exam yesterday so I'm wondering what this could be. Is it an adverse reaction to the eye drops they used to dilate my pupils? Is it the fact that I didn't wear sunglasses afterwards and had to shied my eyes and squint like crazy? Maybe eye strain since I was on the computer last night and the screen was really dim? Anyone know what's going on here?

    Optical4 years ago
  • Should I have my eyes re-examined?

    I had an eye exam today to check the status of my vision and to see if I need a new eyeglass prescription. I haven't had an eye exam in years so I forgot the protocol and no one thought it necessary to inform me. Basically, she dilated my eyes and I went out into the sun and got stranded for an hour until someone could give me a ride home because I literally couldn't see my way down the street because my eyes were so sensitive. I obviously didn't look at the sun but I walked for like 15 -20 minutes and spent the entire time looking down at the sunlit pavement and squinting (it was a bright sunny day too). I also saw a few sun glares out the corner of my eye reflecting off of passing cars. But I did my best to protect my eyes (I found a somewhat shady spot and spent almost the entire hour with my eyes closed) but I'm still worried about possible sun damage. Should I have my eyes re-examined now just to be on the safe side?

    7 AnswersOptical4 years ago
  • How do I treat a 1st degree burn from rubbing alcohol?

    Like an idiot I thought putting rubbing alcohol on my lips was a good idea to effectively kill germs and it burned a bit so I freaked out and washed it off real quick. I only had it on my lips for like 1 or 2 seconds but even so I feel like I may have damaged my lips a bit (I feel like it really got in there regardless of the fact that I washed it off quickly and thoroughly). It hurts now whenever I put hot water on my lips (and it hurts whenever I use table salt or fluoride toothpaste...because I tried using both of those products after I used alcohol since I freaked out with the alcohol. I probably should've went with the natural method first instead of using chemicals). So far, I used a frozen water bottle to help possible redness and swelling and now I'm using my organic lip balm to moisturize my lips. Is there anything else I should do? Will I be ok or should I call my doctor in the morning?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body4 years ago
  • How do I treat a 1st degree burn from rubbing alcohol?

    Like an idiot I thought putting rubbing alcohol on my lips was a good idea to effectively kill germs and it burned a bit so I freaked out and washed it off real quick. I only had it on my lips for like 1 or 2 seconds but even so I feel like I may have damaged my lips a bit (I feel like it really got in there regardless of the fact that I washed it off quickly and thoroughly). It hurts now whenever I put hot water on my lips (and it hurts whenever I use table salt or fluoride toothpaste...because I tried using both of those products after I used alcohol since I freaked out with the alcohol. I probably should've went with the natural method first instead of using chemicals). So far, I used a frozen water bottle to help possible redness and swelling and now I'm using my organic lip balm to moisturize my lips. Is there anything else I should do? Will I be ok or should I call my doctor in the morning?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body4 years ago
  • What should I do if I swallowed a pill and now it's giving me stomach problems?

    I swallowed a lot of pills yesterday back to back (half of them were large), sometimes 2 at a time (the smaller pills) and for some reason I had this weird "food stuck in my chest" feeling all day today when eating and drinking. I've been taking these pills (vitamins and supplements) for 2 years and never had a problem. Should I get it checked out or do you think it will pass?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • Gum hurts when I chew (empty tooth socket). What could be the culprit?

    I got three of my teeth pulled about 2 months ago and my gums healed up nicely. No problems until now. I just noticed the left side hurts a bit when I chew. I felt around the area with my tongue and I don't feel any pain. But when I chew (when the food swirls in and around the empty tooth socket as well as when I apply pressure by chomping down) I feel slight pain. I don't understand why. What could be causing this? I brush and floss my teeth regularly. Perhaps I'm brushing too hard? I'm careful not to brush my empty tooth sockets too hard (mostly I just swirl toothpaste around it with my tongue and rinse). And it shouldn't be an infection cuz I took a round of antibiotics right after my tooth extractions as per my dentists instructions. Ha anyone else ever experience this?

    1 AnswerDental4 years ago
  • Cat's claw partially broke off, what should I do?

    His claws got caught in the sofa and one of them broke off. Not completely though. It looks like the outer shell or something. I examined both paws and I didn't see anything out of place so I honestly don't know which claw is broken. And he's not in pain, he's not limping and he's not licking or nipping at it. In fact, I don't even think he's aware that something is missing. But still, I'm worried. What if he pulls out the claw completely while scratching? And what about the possibility of an infection? I'm not sure if I should leave it alone or if I should take him to the vet. I was gonna take him to the vet anyway to get his claws clipped but I might make the trip sooner than expected with one of his claws being broken.

    8 AnswersCats4 years ago
  • Will I get an ear infection and how fast do they come on?

    I went to the movies today and used earplugs to drown out some of the sound since the movies are usually too loud for me. I noticed they weren't exactly clean from the last time I used them so I tried wiping them off as best as I could. I'm not sure if it helped but I put them in my ear anyway. Now my ears are a bit itchy hours later (probably because they didn't fit properly so I kept adjusting them). I don't feel any pain but now I'm worried I might develop an ear infection because of this. And I can't keep taking antibiotics or they won't work anymore (I just took antibiotics 3 weeks ago after I had my teeth extracted). What should I do? Can I used hydrogen peroxide to clean out my ears or just leave it as is and pray that nothing happens?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care4 years ago
  • Can food scratch an empty tooth socket?

    I had 3 teeth pulled 20 days ago (3 weeks ago tomorrow). I've gradually started eating sold food again but even so I still blend it down a bit so I don't have to chew on big chunks. Well, today I ate a cookie without softening it up first (in milk) and I feel as though one of the pieces might have scratched one of my empty tooth sockets a bit. I don't believe I have to worry about an infection cuz the hole closed up (and I took antibiotics for a week after the extraction). But I just wanna make sure I didn't put myself at risk. I brushed my teeth gently and gargled with warm salt water like I've been doing and I didn't see any blood (and I'm pretty sure if the cookie had somehow opened up the hole again and got lodged in there I would feel it). But my tooth socket does feel a bit weird like it might have a tiny scratch. Should I really worry about this and has this ever happened to anybody after having their teeth extracted?

    2 AnswersDental4 years ago