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Lv 55,303 points

Pooky Bear the Sensitive

Favorite Answers24%
  • Does anyone else think that Yahoo needs to read violation reports before deleting answers?

    Because they delete answers without reading them, a lot of people report abuse that isn't there. Then you go through customer service to contest it.

    If they just read it in the first place and did not remove the answer every time then people would not be encouraged to report abuse just to silence others.

    13 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Thanks to the Sens fans!?

    I really hate when the national anthems gets bood in some of the other venues. Glad to see some maturity up north. I hate when cities do that to each other.

    (Did you catch that Dallas/Edmonton)?

    7 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Why do people take the sides of criminals over those who work to protect them?

    Someone just asked why the police are so evil. That person said they killed his poor innocent little pal Evan Harlow. Well, I ran the name and it seems poor little Evan's death was actually CHEERED by his classmates at Liberty High School in Kentucky.

    Apparantly he was a "criminal thug" who terrorized others. So my question is why do some people take the side of the criminals over those that do a great service to our community by protecting us from them?

    16 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Why does everyone keep asking about Ghurkas today?

    Here is the reason that the Ghurkas are given the contract they are. It is called international treaty. It was signed by the UK, India and their home country of Nepal. I hope this helps.

    As a part of this arrangement, it was agreed that Gurkhas in British and Indian service should enjoy broadly the same conditions of service, to ensure that there was no unfair advantage to serving in one or other, thus maintaining economic stability and social harmony in the Gurkha recruiting areas. Thus, the governments of the United Kingdom, India and Nepal came to sign the Tripartite Agreement (TPA).

    The main points of the agreement are:

    The Gurkha soldier must be recruited as a Nepali citizen, must serve as a Nepali citizen, and must be resettled as a Nepali citizen.

    Gurkha soldiers in both the Indian and British Armies should receive the same basic rates

    1 AnswerMilitary1 decade ago
  • I have a question about how global warming effects such change?


    Okay, I don't understand how .8 degrees has had such a drastic effect on the climate. I have read that average global temperatures during the ice age were only 5 degrees less than they are now, so I am aware that even small temperature changes can effect drastic change.

    My question is why?

    It seems to me that the polar ice cap shouldn't be melting from less than a degree drop. I do read the science articles, it is on my mind because I was reading about it in Discover magazine (that's where I got the .8 degree factoid).

    I hear of the effects all the time but I never see an explanation of why.

    5 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • How well do you understand other slavic languages?

    For all the Russian speakers here.

    Kak khorosho ponimaete Srpskii yazjk? Polskii? Chekskii?

    U menya drugi srbskie i ya ponimayu, mozhet bjt 1/3, o chyom oni govoryat. No, ochevidno, ya ne govoryu svobodno po Russkii. Kak khorosho vij ponimaete ikh?

    8 AnswersRussia1 decade ago
  • I think I have an eye infection?

    About 3 days ago, I had to walk home through a field of tall grass and it got my hay-fever started. I rubbed my eyes pretty hard and the next day my left eye puffed up. I think I must have scratched it or something.

    The puffiness has gotten slightly worse each of the past three days. It is itchy, and feels a little gritty but it is not leaking any puss. The area around the eye is red but the eye itself is not bloodshot.

    Is there anything I can do to fight a possible infection? Any OTC ointments that are safe for the eye? I can't really afford to go pay for a check up everytime I get a small problem like this, but I also don't want it to become a bigger problem.

    13 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Best tracked tank-destroyer of WW II?

    I haven't seen a question like this in the military section in a while. There were a lot of good vehicles that fit this description. Try to take into account the overall flexibility of the vehicle and the doctrine employed. The Germans were fighting a defensive battle and could affort to go with turretless vehicles whereas the allies went with turreted vehicles to allow greater tactical flexibility on the offensive.

    Please don't tell me other tanks, I am looking for dedicated tank-destroyers. If you tell me the IL-2 or an aircraft you will be chastised as the question specifically asks for tracked vehicles. If for some reason you are really partial to a POS like the M3 75 or British 2 pdr Portee then feel free to argue it but you will have to blow my socks off to get anywhere with that.

    10 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Which president has damaged their party more?

    In 1994 we saw how badly Bill Clinton had damaged the democrats after they lost congress for the first time in over 40 years. By the end of his second term the Dems looked done for (according to the pundits). It only took 6 years for Bush Jr. to completely turn this around and now everyone thinks the Republicans are done for.

    From an objective standpoint, which president damaged his party more?

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Biggest lopsided trades in hockey?

    Detroit got Kris Draper for a dollar way back when. Kris has turned out to be one of the best checking line centers in the league ever since. This has to be one of the most lopsided trades ever.

    Another favorite of mine is Chris Chelios straight up for Anders Erikson. At the time the pundits called Scotty Bowman a fool for taking a 36 year old defensemen for the younger faster legs of Erikson.

    Give me an example from your own team or another if you know it.

    23 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Rossiskoye mneniye o Kitaiskom preimuzhestve na Azii? The Russian opinion of Chinese supremecy in Asia?

    Ya Amerikanets, zdes' mnogo napisano v gazetax o Kitaiskom preimuzhestve v Azii ( i ekonomicheskom i boennnom). Shto dumayut Russkiye o role Kitaya v mire?

    In America, here much is written in the newspapers concerning Chinese preeminance in Asia (economic and military). What do the Russians think about the role of China in the world?

    7 AnswersRussia1 decade ago
  • Does the average Russian citizen fear the current government?

    Mne interecno znat', v Rossii, opasno critikovat' Putina? Po moemu, opasno dlya korrespondentov no eto prav tozhe dlya objchnix lyudei?

    Okay, I know my Russian sucks, I never get a chance to practice so, I will also ask in English.

    I would like to know, in Russia, is it dangerous to critisize Putin? In my opinion, it is dangerous for journalists but is it also true for regular people?

    Spacibo! Thanks!

    4 AnswersRussia1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever seen a controlled demolition before!?!?

    I just saw another posting on the WTC/911 and the belief that it was a controlled demolition.

    Has anyone ever watched the Discovery Channel before? Did anyone else notice that it takes teams of engineers weeks of drilling into supports to plant demolition charges? Have you noticed that a controlled demolition is actually a series of explosions?

    If you want to believe in conspiracies at least try to pick one that is even barely plausible.

    So I guess my question should read "Can someone please try to explain to me how so many people can believe something so non-sensical?"

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Anyone else's ex doing this?

    My ex started sleeping with some guy immediately after I moved out. (Yes with my kids in the home). She had her affair with this guy for a year and then as soon as they moved apart she met another guy and they are engaged after only knowing each other a few months. One of the guys in my reserve unit is a psychologist and he tells me that she is an emotional wreck that is just going to keep going through a string of divorces and disastrous relationships.

    What am I supposed to say to my kids as they see this happen over and over again?

    Is she ever going to stop bouncing from guy to guy?

    WTF is up with women like this anyway?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I don't Iginla should be suspended. Who agrees/disagrees?

    Okay, I am a die hard Wings fan but Iginla just gave Schneider a cross check. In the context of the game it was not a smart move and it was dumb but it was hardly worthy of more than 2 minutes in the box. That McClennon won't see the ice again this year goes without saying but I would think it a big overeaction to suspend Iginla at all. At most a token fine.

    That said, Wings will stomp them tomorrow and end this series.

    19 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else think that CGY has entirely lost their composure?

    CGY is done. If the best they can do is turn to hacking because they have been soooo outplayed then they are done. I think at least one suspension will be handed out. The Wings are a soft team, I think they only finished the regular season with 6 fighting majors. They look like crap now. If they can't out muscle the Wings without swinging sticks and crosschecking from behind then they have lost their composure.

    9 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • What is the toughest injury you've ever played through?

    Since most of the people on this site have played hockey. What is the toughtest thing you've done on ice. This is your chance to brag. Doesn't have to be just an injury. Any tough hockey story will do.

    Ms. Hockey, I expect something good from you.

    13 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Probert vs. Kocur?

    I have heard rumors in the wind of these two having fought a couple of times. I have tried all the big fight websites but I have never founda clip of these brawls. Who can give me the link.

    3 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Do gymnasts grow to average height later in life or is their growth stunted permanently?

    Gymnastics are on right now and looking at these 16 year olds, who are 4'10 and 80 pounds, made me wonder if they will ever see an average height?

    6 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Greatest all time back-up goalies?

    My favorite all timer is Manny Legace. Three times this guy has finished the season with a save percentage .920 or better. I have never seen a guy come off the bench cold and consistantly perform the way this guy has. Manny just never got it done in the playoffs and never has taken over a number one slot. Send in your nominations for other back-up greats.

    14 AnswersHockey1 decade ago