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  • air conditioning control voltages?

    Tonight is the coldest night in the year so far and my heater decides it does not wish to work,

    Using my limited knowledge of A/C wiring I attempted to connect the green and red wire (fan and RC RH) this normally would turn on the fan but it did not, so i took a volt-ohm meter to test wire voltage and got 3V on the RH to ground, my question is, what is the common control voltage for a 5 wire A/C heatpump/conditioner. I know the common is supposed to be 24v and on that i obtained a 16v reading.

    Also what component is most likely to cause this kind of issue.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • a/c conditioner cold cold?

    Hey I have a 2 ton A/C unit at my house and anyways on the low pressure (cold) end the temperature of the R22 refrigerant is 41f degrees while on the high side (hot) the refrigerant is at 75.4f degrees. Now if the outside temperature is about 73f, now the question, what is the typical temperature range for an A/C system and how can I stop it from condensing and flooding water everywhere.

    3 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Mozilla "Know your location"?

    Ok so I was using google maps and saw a little dot right above the zoom icon. So i decided to press it, anyways it is a geolocator and ... it found me. and when i mean it found me i mean it dotted my house directly. Now i know i pressed "give my location" on mozilla but why in the heck would my ISP EVER consider giving such information out directly. Without some sort of legal president. Can I sue my isp for giving out my information some sort of nondisclosure.

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Amateur Rocketry Video downlink?

    Hey I have been doing small amateur rocketry for a while and I think I wish to go big time with it. Anyways I was wondering where are some of the best places for electronic equipment for rockets, such as the device that makes a noise so you can find your rocket, and a video down-link camera system, tracker, altimeter all of that. I am pretty sure I can build a stable and ridged rocket, test it a couple times without the electronics payload (incase of failure) and then install my electronics.

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • differential elemental strain rates.?

    Also in the math for the differential angle I was left with d(atan(b*dt)/dt the derivative of atan(b*dt) with respect to time t

    1 AnswerEngineering1 decade ago
  • Religion and heart break singles?

    This girl I went out with is a baptist. They have a saying "no sex before marriage". The thing is we had such a physical encounter. Then she would be sad about hurting her relationship with god. I loved this girl and would have married her but she dumped me for her relationship with god before I proposed. ( I was in a relationship with her for three years and even had a plan about where, how, and when I was going to propose). I want to know

    How is this logical. I am sad and to this day years later still know I loved her. How can she believe something so much that it hurts love with another human. How can a girl claim no sex before marrage, have sex, then dump a guy who loves her for her relationship with god. Did I make a mistake or did she ? I am torn inside, I am very cute, never have been told the contrary. I am smart (aerospace engineer). and yet I somehow in the cosmic universe don't deserve the girl I love.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Wet Sand Pressure weirdness?

    When you step on sand you notice that it seems to absorb water. Then when you step away the water seems to come out. Why is this?

    3 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • wet sand subjected to pressure?

    When walking down a sandy beach you will notice that when you step on the sand it seems to suck up the water around it. Then when you release your step the water seems to come back out. Why is this?

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Fluid in an inverted cup?

    A glass is fully filled by water and covered with a thin paper and inverted, Determine the pressure at the bottom of the cup knowing the cup is 10.19 cm tall (rho h2o = 1000kg/m^3).

    What I know is rho*g*h = pressure change. therefore the change between the top of the cup and the bottom of the cup is 1000*9.81*0.1019 = 1 kPa.

    What I want to know is, is the piece of paper / bottom of the cup at atm(101kPa) or is it at 100kPa and the paper contains the entire pressure differential. at the top of the cup the pressure would be 100kPa and 99kPa respectively

    Or is there a perfect vacuum at the top of the cup and the pressure at the bottom of the water is 1kPa forcing the 100 remaining kPa to push up against the water. (would be sci-fi worthy i believe)

    1 AnswerEngineering1 decade ago
  • windows 7 boot time is forever?

    I just got windows 7 off of msdn and installed it, the problem is that it takes FOREVER to boot. i don't know if I have a messed up install or because my computer is old but it takes it 12-15 minutes to get off the starting windows screen, before the splash screen. It tells me nothing of the reason so I was wondering if anyone could figure it out.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • decreasing power consumption with capacitor?

    I heard that you can decrease the power consumption of a load by placing a certain value capacitor in parallel with a complex load, making the total system act purely resistive. pf = 1; now I know the equations to do it pf = cos(theta) and such but I was wondering how could i find the value for something as large and as constrained as a house. also knowing that VRMS = 120V, with a 60Hz frequency.

    Short sweet question, how to find Z of a home.

    3 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Sun and Fun FL supersonic jet?

    I recently went to an airshow in Lakeland, FL and there was a red jet that went supersonic for a brief period, idk by accident or on purpose I was just wondering what kind it was, also I have a picture if someone wants to see its profile.

    4 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • Michelson-Morely Experiment?

    In a series of measurements of the speed of light Michelson used path lenght L of 27.4km a) what is the time needed for the light to make a round trip of distance 2L. b) what is the classical correction term in seconds assuming Earth speed V is 10^-4C^2 c) Michelson arrived at speed of light of 299,796 +/- 4km/s is the experimental value accurate enough to be sensitive to the correction term?

    Verify that the experiment places an upper limit on earth's speed relative to the ether of about 5km/s

    2 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Acer boot-up speaker noise?

    I have a laptop that when I first press the power button the speakers start to make a horrible crackle noise when in the BIOS. When the Microsoft OS screen comes on the speaker noise usually stops. Then everything is fine. What could be making these weird noises at boot-up? The brand is an Acer Aspire (somewhere in the 5100-5200 family). (With camera and microphone.) The OS to which it normally boots is microsoft but I have some knoppix cd's. I doubt that it could possibly be the OS though because the noise only occurs during the first few stages of BIOS startup. The speakers then work fine :-/ what could it be ?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Moving Vista keeping hard drive?

    Hey I have Microsoft vista installed on a computer, the version is ultimate and is registered dell OEM. I took the hard drive out because all the other parts got old. I was wondering if it was possible to take that hard drive and stick it into another computer and use the operating system on it. If that is not possible then some how make a newly installed operating system the same as from the old hard drive. I need the programs and files to all be the same. I also have another copy of microsoft vista if it is not possible but then I would need to copy all files and somehow all programs (with registry). So if possible how, if not then how.

    4 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Spreadsheet User Defined Functions?

    I have a spreadsheet I am creating. I have a couple things with formulas using different fields to alter completely other fields. The thing is that this is not sufficient "=B1+B3+C6/$F$5" this kind of stuff only gives me products of those fields. The thing is I need something more like a real function in programming "= myfunc(B2, B1)" because a lot of my output takes a dynamic function based on contents of their cell. Such functions would reduce the amount of total fields I would need. Like lets say I set the "UDF" in field C4 and call it myfunc(*field); then later just have some other field reference it such as C4(B3) or myfunc(B3). Is such a thing possible? It would save me a bunch of time.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Unjust accusations of racism.?

    I have been noticing a trend lately, in schools and communities that a lot of white males who truly are not racist are predisposed to easily being called racist if being discriminated against. I know that traditionally the white male is the oppressor but feel that in younger generation culture and in more liberal settings (large schools), most students are not. The question I am asking is that how does one of historically oppressed race feel justified in calling someone else a racist. I am asking this (being a white male) because I wished to sit down with a group of people (minus 1) That I felt where my friends. I was then told I can not sit with them because it was the colored table. When I pointed out that I had just a right to sit at the table as he did and to get up I was called a racist trying to get him to obey me because I was better then him. The thing is that a lot of people agreed upon this fact and said that because he is black he could not be racist. If I where to attempt to speak in Ebonics in a group where the vast majority of them spoke in such a way I would also be called racist (calling a person dog or n igga (the word is blocked out as being offensive) which is part of the toppic, yet they are allowed to call me n igga which obviously in that context doesn't suggest anything about the race of the person being described). Why can't the subject be simply dropped, I feel as though that would allow society to even further evolve in this subject. Also when elections rolled around a supporter of McCain was called racist and oppressive due strictly because he did not support Obama. Also when Hillary was part of the group she had the "woman thing" going for her. There should be no woman thing, there should be no black, mulato, white male, asian, indian thing.

    Main question: why can blacks not be racist.

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Why am I single girls?

    ok girls, a little bit about me, I am 20 and am an aerospace engineer. I also know that I am cute/good looking, (girls that don't even like me at all tell me i'm cute but would never date me). I go out and talk to my friends a lot and have a couple friends I talk to and girls I talk to. A lot of them flirt with me and I am nice back to them but am pretty reserved on girls with which I would actually wish to have a lasting relationship. Usually the girls I meet have been with far to many guys for my taste. I have messed up a couple times saying the wrong things but never actually mean them and think i'm getting better at it. The thing is I never seem to actually get a date. I don't want to lose the girls that are friends that I have if they were to reject me so I usually don't ask for anything except to go out for ice-cream or something (not as a date but instead to just spend time). It just seems that I never actually meet new and good girls. I also live at a place where girls outnumber guys in a ratio of like 5:1 and has been called one of the most party schools in the nation (though thats not me). Do you think I need to just reduce my standards and go out and get drunk girls, I do not wish to be alone long and so waiting for that special chance to meet the right one seems to far out of reach.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago