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Justin's Mommy

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  • Male cat is hissing at my female?

    Sorry for the length, I just wanted to make sure that I covered everything that might have anything to do with this!

    About 2 months ago I adopted 2 cats. Brother and sister. Boy is about a year older, but they have the same mom. We took them in from a friend who got them both from a breeder. Does it help if I tell you they are straight haired selkirk Rex?

    Boy is 2yrs Girl is 1yr they are both fixed, and have all their claws

    Girl is usually more rambunctious and playful while Boy prefers to stare obsessively out my sliding glass door and watch the leaves blow by or sit on the back of the chair where the sun is always shining and sleep(I love this it's so cute the way his little legs hang off the sides)

    Girl will always try to play with Boy and he will hiss at her if she doesn't back off after he's walked away twice. Usually doesn't happen very often.

    Starting this morning though Boy has started hissing and swatting at Girl if she comes within 2 feet of him. Even if he is the one approaching her. She always backs away and looks very confused. This is worrying me though because of these reasons:

    1. I have a one year old son who ADORES these cats. Girl is always playing with him and letting him give her hugs with his big head resting right on her middle. I don't want him to be playing with Girl when Boy decides he wants to come hiss at Girl again.

    2. At night we cage them. So they will be in close quarters for 8 hours. (If anyone is going to jump on me about caging my cats at night, I have to do it because we have to leave all the bedroom doors open at night so that our son's room doesn't freeze and our room doesn't turn into a sauna. The cats like t sleep on the bed with my husband and me and they attack out feet every time we move. Boy got his tooth stuck in the seam once and broke his tooth off and ripped my $300 comforter.)

    3. He avoids her like the plague! She was sitting a bowl chair and I had forgotten his crazy attitude and went set him in it with her so he would feel safe from the vacuum. He stuck out all four legs and stopes himself from touching her, then raced off to the kitchen.


    Here is a brief history of Boy's health since I adopted him.

    He apparently has a history of hemroids(told to me by the previous owner), I noticed bloody mats in his butt fur and bloody stools. I removed the mats, changed his food, and he has been fine for a little over a month.

    I noticed dark red crusty globs in the corners of each eye, and on the edge of one nostril. I assumed this was due to his Persian heritage. Once, sometimes twice weekly I wipe the boogers out of his eyes with a warm wet cloth- no soap. Sometimes I hear that a cat's coloring has a role in things, so he is all white with a pale orange tail--kind of a fawn color--and he has bright yellow red rimmed eyes. Sometimes I call him Crazy Eyes :)

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    1 AnswerCats8 years ago
  • Why did my cat attack me?

    First of all, sorry for the length. I just want to make sure all the necessary details are included.

    We took in 2 adult sibling cats that used to belong to our friends (they moved)(purebred selkirk Rex kitties if that helps). The poor kitties were living in a tiny cage together outside for 3 months before we adopted them.

    We've had them for almost 3 weeks and they were great! They don't particularly like our son, they tolerate him and mostly steer clear of him. He's 1yo.

    The kitties love hubby and me and wait up with us each night until its bed time. The girl is very shy but usually much more tolerant than her brother she sleeps next to me all night and follows me everywhere. A couple days ago our son was crawling by her and he tripped and his giant head landed in her middle. She boxed his ears and ran off. I wasn't upset. He caught her off guard and she didn't hurt him.

    Just now while my LO was napping she came and sat next to me on the couch. I pet her and she started kneading and scratching at the couch so I gently tapped each paw then went back to petting her. She was fine for a few minutes then suddenly reared on me, she grasped my hand with both sets of claws and started trying to bite me!

    I was totally shocked and threw her off the couch. She glared at me (yes, definitely a glare. No growling or hissing just a mean ugly glare) she seemed too smug with herself so I marched her up and locked her away in her pet carrier. Should I worry about this being a habit? How should you react when your cat attacks? As like a, "I'm the leader here" kind of way. I've never had cats before, only dogs. Os it ok to show "dominance" over your cat? Please help!

    4 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Postpartum BM trouble?

    i had my son back in february, and had some pretty bad tearing (not sure of the degree, but it took the doctor so long to sew me back up that I fell asleep during it.) I started to tear up, so they quickly gave me an episiotomy. When I got home from the hospital I noticed a lump where my perineum used to be (much more than stichtes should have left, felt like a bulge of taut skin) and having a BM was extremely painful, felt like it was tearing my stitches. My doctor said it was normal, and to just take lots of stool softeners.

    Well, nothings changed. It still hurts me terribly every time i have a BM, to the pointing of me writhing in pain on the toilet, and when I wipe there is a very small amount of blood, like I am tearing my anus. the bulge is still there, though not so prominent. Also, when I pee, it sprays everywhere! Having sex is very uncomfortable, like my vagina was sewn up too far, and it pulls at perineum the entire time we are having sex.

    Basically, I am an absolute mess down there! no other women i know with children have such troubles!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • My web provider says i have 3 dynamic IP addresses, how do i access those other ip addresses?

    This is with CableOne, we have the Motorola Surfboard modem with a NetGear Router.

    2 AnswersComputer Networking9 years ago
  • P0300 in 2001 Dodge Stratus?

    Bought this car about 3 months ago from a used dealership.

    Its supposed to be a 4 clyinder, but it sounds more like a V6 to be honest.

    We found out the car had a major oil leak, but I think its from the bozos who changed my oil the first time. they didnt say anything was wrong with it like they usually would and we didnt notice the oil leakage until after a road trip from Idaho to Utah.

    took another road trip, and on the way back yesterday, car threw a code and the light came on.

    borrowed a code reader and checked it out today, I got two P0300 codes, for cylinders one and two. Random misfire it said.

    We suspected that we needed new spark plugs, but just havent had a chance to replace them yet.

    Car shudders when you slam the gas, like to pass someone, and it takes a couple tries to bring it to life in the morning, we just thought that was due to the need for new spark plugs and the 11 degree weather we have here. Car starts fine if the engine is still warm though.

    Anyways im hoping this code is just from the need for new spark plugs. Any mechanics out there to confirm/deny my thoughts?

    2 AnswersDodge9 years ago
  • Mucus plug or just more discharge?

    33 weeks and today i felt quite a large glob slip out of my vagina into the toilet. I usually have a thin white discharge but this one was round and about the diameter of a quarter. No blood, just white mucus. Had some minor cramping afterwards as well.

    Is this something I should tell me OB at my next visit or is it just more discharge? I suppose it could have just been a glob and it was floating in the water and that made it look round, but it seemed a little more substantial than it should have been.

    Sorry no picture, I just didnt really want to immortalize my poop in a picture then post it on the internet.

    TMI, I know, but when youre pregnant everything is out in the open :)

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Something seriously wrong with my dog?

    My family has 4 english bulldogs, one of our puppies, Jak (female) has a "cherry eye". We were going to have it surgically corrected but she went out into the yard one day and when she came back in, her eye lid was swollen shut. We have no idea what happened to her, we figured she was digging in the dirt and got bit by a bug. We took her to the vet who didnt seem to know what was wrong with her, but gave us antibiotics, and a disinfectant cream.

    Two weeks later she looks worse than ever. She still has her cone on her head, and although she isnt able to reach her eye, its swollen and bloody even though she cant scratch or reach it. (Weve been keeping a close eye on the other dogs as well, they arent scratching it.) A few days ago I noticed a lump forming beneath her bloody eye in her cheek, i figured it was a swollen lymph node and would go down in a few days.

    Last night while petting her, I felt again for the lump under her cheek and it had spread down under her neck. This concerned me and I checked the rest of her body for lumps. I found a small lump on her front leg, and i also noticed another open sore like the one on her eye on the inside of her back leg, it was bleeding also.

    This morning I checked her again and found a lump on top of her head, two under her chin, and one n top of her chin near her mouth. Her eye was more swollen and bloody than before (It has been swollen shut, so its been very hard trying to keep her clean) in addition the open sore n her back leg was bigger and more bloody, and the lump I had found only the night before on her front leg, was now an open sore as well.

    The poor thing is covered in blood and the gore and smell is nauseating. I will be taking her to the vet in a few hours, but he didint know what was wrong before so i am a little doubtful now.

    Anyone who knows what this is or knows a website I coudl try to find info on what is wrong with my poor dog would be very appreciated. She is a sweet little pup.

    I also checked the other dogs for lumps of any sort, they are all ok.

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • 31 weeks and still have never felt Braxton Hicks?

    Just like it says i'm 31 weeks, and haven't felt this something to bring up with my doctor on my next visit or is it normal to not experience them? i know what they are supposed to feel like, but I havent felt anything in me besides my baby kicking and punching and the occasional cramp in my lower left side after sex. I figured that wouldnt be it since it only happens sometimes after sex.

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Does the Little Big Planet 2 Special Edition game for PS3 automatically download the extra content?

    Just wondering. I have the game, used it once and am trying to sell it. I dont know if the content automatically downloads, need an answer asap please.

    2 AnswersPlayStation9 years ago
  • Pain in pubic bone during pregnancy normal?

    Hi Im 29 weeks pregnant with my first (so i have a lot of questions of course) Lately when I wake up my pubic bone hurts like crazy and I cant open my legs or move them to roll over or get out of bed to go pee (constantly peeing! sheesh!) I dont know if its normal or if I am sleeping wrong? I usually sleep on my left side with a body pillow between my arms and legs. During the night I will usually flop from side to side though generally I favor the left. Just wondering if this amount of pain is normal from stretching and such or if its something I should talk to my doctor about.


    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • Differences between Alligators and Crocodiles?

    Purely a curiosity question. I know that Alligators have the pointy nose and Crocodiles have the rounded nose, but what are other differences between the two?

    3 AnswersZoology10 years ago
  • What do Braxton Hicks feel like and when do they normally begin occurring?

    Just wondering. I hear people talking about them all the time and I dont know if I have felt them or not, and when should I wonder? Its my first pregnancy so I have lots of questions of course ;)

    4 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Home remedies safe during pregnancy?

    HI I'm 28 weeks pregnant, I have the most awful head cold. sore throat (from having to breathe through my mouth) stuffy nose, congested head it feels like its going to explode, achy skin etc...

    What are some home remedies to help relieve some of my symptoms? Also if there are actual products that are safe during pregnancy that would be nice too.

    I tried taking a hot shower to open up my nose but it didn't help any and made me really dizzy. I am extremely tired but too uncomfortable to fall asleep. (My husband is sick as well, but he is feeling extra cold whereas I am feeling extra hot thanks to my little buddy in my belly) and my husband can also take medicine lucky him.

    I am totally miserable and any advice is welcome!

    5 AnswersAlternative Medicine10 years ago
  • How do I uninstall WOW from my husbands computer?

    He blew me off for WOW one too many times. Its time to make good on my threat.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Help please....really sore neck and I cant turn my head!?

    This morning I woke up with an incredibly sore neck. It is on one specific spot. It is on my left side on the back of my neck, but its almost to the middle of my neck.

    I can't turn my head to the left at all, and I can lean forward and backward barely, but it hurts a lot, to the point of tears in my eyes (and I have a really high pain tolerance)

    Ive been massaging it and stretching it and heating it all day but its just getting stiffer and now I have to turn my whole body or else it hurts even worse.

    I think I slept funny last night and that is why it hurts so bad, also I am pregnant if that helps so I toss and turn all night.

    Is there anything I can do to relieve the pain??? I dont want to take any pain meds, like I said I am pregnant and although Tylenol is supposed to be ok, I have done research that sees a link between tylenol and asthma in children so I dont want to risk it.

    Thanks in advance

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • what is the best litter to put in the bottom of my rabbits cage?

    I have been using the recycled paper kind of litter....but it doesnt keep the smell away at all, and I have a very sensitive nose. Would cat litter work better?

    My rabbit likes to pee in one corner so the concentrated pee in the one corner is totally overpowering!

    8 AnswersOther - Pets10 years ago
  • How can i get this through his head before something bad happens?

    This kid, really sweet, but REALLY awkward and probably has some undiagnosed minor mental disabilities as well but is very high functioning always hangs out at my parents house and with my younger siblings because they are really nice to him and basically his only friends. (I am married, and visit my family about once a month and he is always at their house, he has no problem crashing our family BBQs, and so we dont mind, hes really sweet)

    Anyways, this kid is crazy head over heels for this girl who is about a year older than him, and who wants absolutely NOTHING to do with him. You think shes mean right? well, no, she is just really creeped out. The kid literally stalks her. He paces back and forth in front of her house unless he is playing video games with my brothers. He calls her and texts her and no one knows how he keeps getting her number. She has asked him to leave her alone a LOT, but he thinks she is just egging him on. She doesnt want to be mean so she keeps coming up with different reasons why she doesnt like him (like because he listened to his friend that said she would never like him, which really, I know this girl and I know she wont)

    I am genuinely surprised that this kid doesnt have a restraining order on him yet, or that one of her 7 brothers hasnt beat him up yet!

    The kid honestly TRIES to creep her out...he told me himself...and he seems so proud of himself when he does it...He posts on FB all the time about how much he loves her and how amazing she is blah blah blah, and he requested to be "in a relationship" with her....

    How on earth do I help this kid out by making him understand that this is NOT a good thing to be doing, and really she honestly will NOT ever like him, and that he could get in HUGE trouble by being like I said, he is a sweet kid and tries to do whats right....except with this girl he really thinks he should be creepy!

    (you should know that until about 2 years ago he lived with his abusive alcoholic father and his criminal mother) he has now been adopted by his grandparents.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases10 years ago
  • A normal black head or something else?

    I am really curios here, and dont know where to begin research for this....I dont know if its normal or maybe some sort of cyst.

    My dad gets these big black heads on his back, (most likely from not being able to reach in in the shower I think)They go really deep, and stay for years....they are really hard and occasionally my mom or i can squeeze some pus out, but its never like a lot, and it just seems to have so much down there that we can never get it all out becasue it always comes back. Now my dad has 3 of them, and I found one on my back as well it wasnt as big as my dads and is pretty new. I always have really clear skin so any little bump is immediately noticeable to me. It wasnt that big so my mom squeezed it out and it was like a little black poppy seed came out of my this a normal kind of black head or should I get this checked out???

    It was completely hard, I couldnt smash it or anything, it was a little bit bigger than a poppy seed though, and it was completely round.

    Please keep rude and ignorant comments to yourself***

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions10 years ago
  • Opinions on using sun-in?

    Just wondering what your opinions are of using sun-in. I bought some because I had dark brown dyed hair and I wanted to go back to my natural (an ashy blonde), but since I used a box dye, the stylist just lightened me with highlights. They are starting to grow out now, and I though using some sun-in to help fade the hair to my natural color would work, I dont want to bleach hair is very thin and fragile and I dont think it could take a bleaching, so i thought sun-in would be more gentle. I also bought a purple shampoo from the beauty supply store to combat any brassiness. Will this work?

    4 AnswersHair10 years ago
  • Tips for sculpting a pumpkin?

    I really love carving pumpkins and I get totally into it every year and I go all out. I started as a little kid just doing the simple patterns, but I have been increasing detail in my pumkins a lot now. I want to do better more detailed pumpkin carvings, not the plain old 2D ones. I only have the typical carving set you buy from walmart, and these obviously arent doing it for me...what kind of tools do I need and are there any tips that I should know????

    1 AnswerSculpture10 years ago