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  • Finding it hard to work with a baby?

    My son is 10 months old. I feel it's impossible for me to get a job and I'm getting pressure from my spouse and in-laws to find a job. They think I just watch TV with our son all day. I'm doing laundry, cooking, shopping, making bottles, making breakfast, lunch dinner, the list goes on. I got a talk from MIL today saying that I'm destroying our marriage, which just makes me so upset! I'm good to my husband, I don't ride him or complain. He goes out when he wants. He sits on the computer all weekend, I don't say anything. I don't drag him down emotionally with rude comments. My husband could find a part time job but refuses. Going out to apply for job in a crap market, it takes me 3 hours to even get ready with making breakfast, showering, dressing a little man that runs away. PLUS, daycare is so expensive, and my MIL doesn't work but can only "handle" watching him for like 4 hours a week, if she feels like it. My mom works like 80 hours a week, but readily helps when she can. My point is, it's hit or miss with baby sitters. I'm at my wits end. I had a job before but would get stuck without sitters and just couldn't handle the stress. It's insanity. I feel like I'm in crazy town because I'm "ruining our marriage" and it's going to be over soon if I can't find a job. I could understand if I was drinking our money, or smoking it, or even shopping all the time (I wear the same old stuff over and over again). I don't know what to do. It's one thing to be considered lazy when you're not doing anything, it's another thing to be thought of as lazy when you are on the move from 7am- 10pm, with 1 hour nap break in between, so I can do the dishes without a baby crying and pulling at my pants. I never thought it would be so hard to have a child and work. I don't know how other moms do it. I really, really don't. It's madness on wheels. The baby is with MIL right now and I'm supposed to be out job hunting right now, but I'm just sitting here on the computer because it's the first time I sat in probably months and just vegged out. Thought? Help? Support??

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • How to get out of a depression?

    I am sooo depressed like usual! I am manic depressive. Some days I feel great and others I feel god awful about everything and feel doomed, failure, that I will never amount to anything. Does anyone have any suggestions how I can snap myself out of it? I have a 7 month old baby so I think my depression is now worse than ever due to the fatigue and added responsibilities. I have been to doctors my whole life prescribing this med and that, but I find they just make me sick to my stomach. Any body out there beat depression (if that's even possible)? Any advice or thoughts?

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago
  • Had a pell grant when I was 17, can I get another one?

    I'm now 24 years old, married, and have a baby. I would like to go back to school, but when I was 17, I failed a biology course when I had a pell grant, so they took it away from me. I am much more mature now.. I've been told because I had been awarded one before, that I can't get another one? Any answers/advice?

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid10 years ago
  • Can you answer a question for me about homosexuality?

    Okay now before everyone starts flipping out I'm not trying to be disrespectful at all.. I was raised in a very strict christian household but I don't believe in god anymore, well actually I never really did. We were taught that god hates gay people and if you are gay you go to hell, but that always bothered me because I have friends that are gay and they are just normal good people. I want to believe that homosexuality is natural but I just have one thing that I'm hung up on. Doesn't the theory of natural selection mean that you should reproduce and that's our whole point of living is to survive as respective species? And that evolution means that we adapt to survive as well with our offspring, so isn't homosexuality counter productive? I love gay people don't get me wrong but I don't get this someone explain please and no hate I'm just trying to understand.

  • Will I pass my drug test?

    I took 1 mg of klonopin and when I'm taking my drug test it will be 41 hours... any chance I will pass or any experieces?

    6 AnswersMedicine10 years ago
  • Should I ask my wealthy friendly uncle in law to give me a loan for lpn school?

    Hello everyone! I am 24 years old, have a six month old son, and got married to the love of my life on March 20, 2011. Currently, I am a CNA and have been doing this for about 6 years with the goal of going to nursing school one day. Well, my credit sucks, my husband's is very good so we buy things with his, but applying for loans is gonna be weird. Well, I am very close with my in-laws and they just adore our new baby who is just the love of my life as well! My Husband's uncle "Brent" is worth millions, doesn't work a day ever, and is very generous with his family. He sent his daughter to RN school and paid for everything, but I am willing to pay it back to him and LPN school through the local technical college is only about 5 grand compared to 40 + for a bachelor's in nursing. Would is inappropriate.( too soon even )? to ask him to help me out? I just am so concerned and focused on my family's future, I need to build a future. My husband was really successful before the economy got bad, now the shipping industry is just kerplunk. I don't know I need some mature opinions please!! :)

    2 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • Did any mothers experience extreme anxiety right before their labor began?

    Hello ladies ( or maybe some dads witnessed their mommas going through this ) I am a couple days shy of being 40 weeks pregnant and today I've just been having extreme anxiety about money and life issues which are real issues but this anxiety is worst than I've ever ever had in my life. Really, really bad anxiety where I can't even hold a conversation, I'm dry heaving and my heart is racing. I was wondering if anyone else expeienced this before they started labor or at the tail end of their pregnancy? Is this normal or common I should say? I've been prescribed zoloft by my doctor but I just hate taking it, especially with these commercials on tv about birth defects and zoloft and I found it didn't really help all that much anyways. I have an appointment with my midwife tomorrow so I'm going to discuss it with her but I appreciate input from people who have been through childbirth! It would just make it easier to cope knowing that it's in my head from these hormones. Thank you!!

    4 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Why am I dreading the baby?

    I don't know what's wrong with me, and I don't know who else to talk to this about. My doctor suggested a therapist but I can't afford one, even with insurance. Our medical bills are already $850 a month because of the baby.

    The closer my due date comes, the more I am dreading it. Currently, I am 28 weeks pregnant. I'm even thinking about adoption. I am married, too. I feel no attachment to my child, I feel protective and obligated to take care of him. But other than that, nothing. Everyone keeps telling me that it will change, but I don't feel any change whatsoever. I'm supposed to be the person that cares the most about this child, to be his mom, the one who is always there for him. I feel like I am failing at it because I just feel nothing.

    My husband is so excited. I am consumed with anxiety. I can't see beyond all these bills. I have no help from my parents, they don't even talk to me because of religious reasons. I haven't talked to them since before I became pregnant and got married. His parents are super supportive. To top it off, I am getting terminated from my job because I don't qualify for maternity leave because you have to be employed by a company for 12 months and my due date is 2 weeks before the 12 months, so my insurance is being cancelled shortly after the baby is born. I won't have any coverage for me or my baby, but can apply for medicaid for him shortly after since we will be poor enough to qualify for it.

    I've never heard of someone not being happy about having a baby, especially being married. Everywhere I look, people are just so happy about having children and reproducing. I feel alone in my feelings. I feel like it is a huge burden being thrown on me. But I know it was my actions that brought me here, no doubt. I thought about abortion when I first found out, but couldn't actually picture myself doing it. I thought I would be able to find some strength buried deep down inside of me, but I haven't. My last hope is when I actually see him, that my feelings will change forever. But what if they don't ?

    I don't know what to do. I don't want to open up to my husband about all this, he already knows how consumed with anxiety I am, but to admit to him that I don't really want a baby seems to harsh. I don't think I could actually give him away. When I think like that it makes me very upset and jealous. I don't know whats wrong with me. Why am I not happy and glowing?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Can I get medicaid? (17 weeks pregnant)?

    Okay here is the deal, I appreciate all of the help. Okay so I am 17 weeks pregnant and have cigna through my job but when I went to talk to HR today, I will have to be terminated when I take maternity leave because I will only be at the company for 11 months. ( need to be there a year ). So when I give birth, I wont have coverage, that is a bummer! I dunno what else to do but cancel my insurance and get medicaid, something I was trying to avoid but now I don't feel like there is an option, cause I can't cover the baby either with my companies health insurance... argh.. Can i still get medicaid even though I'm so far along??? I'm so scared and dunno wtf to do. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!! and BTW I am in the state of FL

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My fiance yells at me, what should I do?

    Ok hear me out. My fiance and I have been together since I was 18 (now 23) but broke up for a while because my family doesn't accept the situation because he isn't the same religion as my family. So anyways I got kicked out of my house 4 months ago and haven't heard from my family since, because I decided to do what my heart wanted and be with him because I've always been in love with him. So now I am 4 months pregnant and I have really bad mood swings, but I honestly think he is just thoughtless and doesn't have much compassion or understand how hard it is to be pregnant and also have no support from my family (his family is sooo supportive). So anyways I swear he is just thoughtless and last night I asked him If I would be attractive to him as a mom and maybe fatter or with stretch marks or "chewed up nipples" as he calls it. And he just was quiet and said "I don't know the future so don't ask me that" which I thought was so freaking rude. So I asked him if he would rather spend like 40 dollars a week or however much on canned formula instead of that and still he was just quiet which really hurt! And I swear I was just trying to ask him because it hurt my feelings, I wasn't provoking him or raising my voice. And he's like "don't ask me questions that I don't know the answer to" which is just RUDE RUDE RUDE because basically he was just saying that I might not be attractive to him in the future. So I told him maybe I wont find him attractive in the future. And its just bullcrap because he has like acne cysts all over his back, like it looks like he was attacked by a million bees everydays and big muffin tops and man boobs like even when he was 180lbs they were like b cups that hung over his skin and is like 60 lbs overweight but I look past all of that, and he can't even look past me not having a perfect figure or perfect boobs anymore? But it's important to me to know and have reassurance, you know? Then he was slammed his fist in a pan and started yelling at me, so I grabbed my keys and ran to the door and drove around the block then came back and he didn't say anything to me for the rest of the night. I dunno what to do, I can't and don't want to leave him because I have nowhere to go, plus being pregnant makes things more complicated and my parents won't take me back. It's just scary and him yelling at me just pisses me off, and I don't want to deal with this. Argh. His sister heard and was like what's going on? are you ok etc..? We have a house we are renting that we haven't moved into yet, I was thinking of going and staying over there for a couple days. Please give me some words of advice or just anything, please nothing rude!! and PS being pregnant is really hard!!!!

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Will i get in trouble for calling off of work?

    Ok i just called in work because I am puking everywhere and am shaking because I think I ate something bad and because I'm 3 months pregnant. But I called in 30 minutes before my scheduled shift, I feel really bad for putting everyone in this situation because they are going to be short (I work at a nursing home). I really didn't start getting sick until like an hour ago. I feel absolutely horrible. I puke all of the time but this time I'm shaking and have cold sweats. I haven't called off before. Am I going to get fired? ><

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Hello, Are you pregnant ?

    Hi I'm 17 weeks pregnant and feeling big (and bored) Who else is pregnant? ::waves::

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Discrimination at the workplace for being pregnant?

    Hello everyone. I am employed in a large healthcare setting and recently found out that I am pregnant and now I am 2 1/2 months. I regret telling people that I am pregnant, but found it a hard option due to "morning" sickness that I've experienced a few times and the news just kinda spread. Plus, why do I have to keep happy news a secret, everyone is going to find out anyway very soon when I start showing? Well anyways last night at work, I've had multiple people come up to me and tell me that a coworker of mine, who is not even on the same unit and I've barely ever talked to has said that I'm lazy now that I'm pregnant, which is not true at all! I know it's not true because I am very scared of getting fired for being lazy 1. because I don't want special treatment for being pregnant and 2. it would be devastating to lose my job because money is tight between me and my husband and a new baby coming and 3. (the most important reason that keeps me on my toes) it would be devastating to lose my benefits through work. I feel so discriminated against because I am pregnant, I know its not true and my supervisor (who was one person who came to me) defended me and said that I do my work so shes not going to report me and another coworker defended me as well. Its so wrong and it hurts and I refuse to tolerate being discriminated against. Is there any action that can be taken if I go through HR? I've also had another supervisor say that I overreact because I'm pregnant and "overly emotional" which is true sometimes I'm not going to lie but I am professional at work, I never get into anyones business and I feel people are treating me unfairly because I'm expecting.Thanks everyone so much for your help!

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • 6 weeks pregnant and really scared?

    I found out two days ago that I am 6 weeks pregnant and at first I was crying to my husband and was so upset. But now I am so worried that I am somehow going to miscarry or just something bad is going to happen to my baby. Its all I can think about and its really scary. what can i do to ease it or did any other expectant mothers feel this way? Chances are good that I wont miscarry? Im healthy 23 years old dont smoke or anything.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is this normal for 6 weeks pregnant?

    I just found out 2 days ago that I am 6 weeks pregnant. One reason I suspected I was pregnant was because I had morning sickness for the past two weeks. But today I dont have any morning sickness so it is freaking me out and making me think that I had a miscarriage. Is it normal to have a "day off" when you have morning sickness? Please help I am really worried.

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is my dog eating too much?

    I have a two year old pitbull who is very active and is 70 lbs. He isn't chubby though and doesn't look fat. I feed him 4 full bowls a day in a regular sized 7 inch bowl. Plus, food and snacks throughout the day. I never had a dog before so I don't know if it is a good idea but he looks nice and trim and muscley. He has very high energy and lots of muscles. Should I cut back???

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My rommate's cat has blood clots in her stool always, why?

    My roommate has a cat that I just can't stand, and the main reason is because of her poop. She poops all of the time and it is not normal poop. It is large, very mushy and has tomato-like chunks in it that I assume are blood clots, she only eats cat food. It resembles soft, human stool. She goes like 3 times a day and it smells sooooo bad like you wouldn't believe. It is unbearable, my roommate's are out of town so I have to scoop the box, last night I was scooping and it was so gross I vomited everywhere because of the smell. And I am a nursing aid so I am accustomed to seeing and smelling gross stuff if you know what I mean.. But the main thing is the clots in the blood, what is it ? It's so nasty and she goes all of the time, if she is unable to get to her box (it is kept in the garage because of the smell) for like 3 hours, like if I go jogging and forget to put her out there, she will go and I will end up stepping in it. What's wrong with this cat ? I have had my own cats before, and scooping was no problem, it was mostly an ammonia smell and a cat litter smell. Not this cat, the odor is so strong, it is the worst. It makes me think something is seriously wrong. She is only 5 years old.

    PS- I hate this friggin cat with a passion and my next question is who wants to come over and steal it one night ?

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What's the funniest name you ever heard? Mike Hunt? Seymor Weiners?

    My mom is a tailor and used to have a customer named Harry Weiner. We saw his obituary in the newspaper couple years later. Also, I've seen banners advertising a muscian named Dick Hyman around town.

    15 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • I have a very odd fetish and want to share it with my boyfriend.. Will he think I'm weird??? What do I do?

    Okay.. Ever since I was a little girl, ever since I can remember, I've always have found pregnant women very very sexy and I do not consider myself one bit to be attracted to other women.. It's more of imagining myself being pregnant by looking at other bellies that really turns me on. I mean, I'm really attracted to men like something serious but it's something that is a big fetish of mine. My boyfriend always asks me what's a big fetish of mine, what turns you on, etc. (we r kinda kinky) and I always just say generic sexy things like when u do this or when I do this to you kinda response. I feel if I were to tell the truth, he'd regret he ever asked me and "deflate" if ya catch my drift. But me n my boyfriend are the real deal and live together and everything so it's kinda important that I tell the truth when he asks me that, but I just beat around the bush.. But it's such a big fetish of mine, not just a little bit but huuuugggeee fetish (get it?). But seriously, would he freak out?? Halp!

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is he too old for me?

    I am 23 years old and am interested in someone who is 55. I really like him. I'm not really interested in older men (heck, old men I should say), but I have feelings for him. He is very smart and articulate and handsome too. Would he be turned off by my being so much younger if I were to try to date him ? I'm pretty, have a nice shape, smart, I know what men think of me so I know he would be (is?) attracted to me in that kind of way, but for him to start a relationship with a woman so much younger is another thing, I think. That prolly makes me sound very conceded but I'm just being realistic. I'm very subdued for a 23 year old, I used to party a lot in my teen years but now I just focus on work and my studies. I'm a home body so I don't think that me having to "explore to see what's out there" would be a problem. Could it ever work ? (He doesn't know that I am interested in him BTW). Thanks for your input !

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago