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Lv 2321 points

Samuel P. Wittin

Favorite Answers30%
  • Why the hell does my COD: Ghosts keep freezing?

    I have Call of Duty: Ghosts, for play station 3. Every other multiplayer match or so my game will freeze, and so will my system. There are no hardware failures, and no system defectiveness. I've noticed this happens only on most maps, but not on others, such as 'Flooded' or 'Freight'. Why the hell does this happen? Personally, I suspect it's just a game data bug and could be fixed by Activision or Infinity Ward.

    However, this problem is extremely irritating. I can barely get ony online matches done, as %70 simply freeze mid-way through and disable me from obtaining my clan points for upgrading and unlocking new weapons. I am trying to obtain the MARTYR-X Submachine Gun, as I've noticed in private games it performs well above my standard. This freezing bug and/or issue is preventing my progress through online PvP, and I would like to learn of ways to fix it. I'll also be contacting Activision support.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Skyrim: The most hostile NPCs?

    The Elder Scrolls 5, SKYRIM.

    Here's the thing, I'm looking for a cave, or a fort or whatever with as many hostile NPCs as I can get, without having to do the Stormcloak/Imperial Legion quest lines (which spawn continuous hostile NPCs of the opposing faction in order to capture the forts). I have a level 10 Orc warrior wearing full upgraded Steel armor (Superior), and a Skyforge steel battleaxe (Superior). I got him up to level 10 by just killing off the guards in Markarth, and thought to myself "Hey, this is a really good and easy way to level my armor/weapon skills". So, in order to maintain SOME civility for my character, I want to go on a bandit killing rampage. Bandits are typically weak, this I'm aware of, but I figure a good number of them would speed things up.

    That said, I'm looking to find a place with a LOT of bandits. Any Nordic ruins, barrows, forts or caves COMPLETELY void of anything else BUT bandits, maybe Silver Hand would be appreciated. Draugr creep me out, and are honestly TOO easy to kill. If there's a few places with some tougher bandit bosses, I'd enjoy going to those places as well. I'm stocked up on healing potions as well as stamina potions, and have plenty of gold for more.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • World of Warcraft Technical Issue?

    Normally, I've been ignoring this because it usually goes away after a few game restarts, but sometimes (most of the time) when I open the game client to the login page, there's this large blinking '|', you know like when you type and it's at the end of the text you entered (I don't know what it's called). I'm wondering why this is there, how to get rid of it if possible, and what it would affect if I logged in with it there? It takes up about %60 of the height of the page, and allows me to type in the boxes normally but doesn't move when I do so.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Fallout New Vegas: This odd dome-like structure?

    So I'm playing one of my favorite games: Fallout 3: New Vegas. As I'm wandering around, I'm noticing a glimpse of what looks like a giant alien space craft, or maybe an observatory of some sort. So I finally decided to see if there's a way to get to the structure, and I've searched I believe all the way around the massive crater it created and found no way in. I know it's not the communications disc on Black Mountain because I've been there, and this is not the structure. The top of this dome can be seen in Primm Pass, in the area where the Blind Deathclaw is just on top of the hill there, and it's pretty close. A lot of places seem to surround it, one of notability is Hidden Valley where :Spoiler Alert: You aid the Brotherhood of Steel to repair their communications, and begin an assortment of quests. Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone has any information on what this could possibly be. I know I have all the add-ons for Fallout 3: New Vegas, or at least the Gun Runners Arsenal, so I'm wondering if it's there for a future DLC release? If not, could someone tell me what it is and how I might explore it? Thanks :)

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • What is Entropy in a magical sense?

    I've seen Entropy being used in RPG games as a school of magic, and have been wondering what that entails. I'm a simple guy, so I have no idea what thermodynamics are, thus searching this online has done me no good because it all explains Entropy in thermodynamics. As far as I can tell, Entropy in magic is mostly chaotic energy. But what effects would it have?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay7 years ago
  • How do I stop this ringing in my ear?

    I have this ringing in my ear that's followed by a stuffed up feeling, slight pain and some dizziness. I can't think it's allergies,s cine I've taken Zertec daily. It's really annoying and lasts for sometimes weeks at a time then goes away.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Can I personally obtain a legal copy of my birth certificate?

    I live in Douglas County Nebraska, USA. I was born in the neighboring county of Sarpy on Offut AFB. I've been relying on my older sister to order a copy of my birth certificate from the capital offices in Lincoln because Douglas county is the only county which keeps its own birth records. She SAYS she ordered it weeks ago, and that it was supposed to come within two to three business days. Now, I'm thinking that's a load of crap, and that she never ordered it. Now, I need this one document to get the rest of my life moving, and it seems like I'm being royally screwed in every direction by this. Is there ANY way that I can obtain a legal copy of my own birth certificate? I am over 18 years of age, so I'm trying to find out where to go online to order it and how.

    2 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • How much would a bus ticket from Las Vegas NV to New York City cost?

    I'm trying to move back to the East Coast and free myself of Las Vegas because I'm sick of living here, and to get here my parents paid for a plane ticket which costed them about 300 dollars. So I'm thinking about paying my own way by bus to get there, this includes about 3 bags of luggage and money for food on the way. How much would it cost me for a ticket? Would air-fare be cheaper?

    5 AnswersLas Vegas8 years ago
  • How do I get a good abs workout on my own?

    I've decided to get into shape, but I have little to spend on gym memberships or equipment. I know some things you can do to lose weight and build upper body strength, like pull-ups and push-ups, but I need to lose my 3 inch of excess stomach. So abs should do this right? What is a good abs workout? Would crunches and sit-ups work well?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Can someone explain the current Russian political system?

    I'm studying world politics to get a better understanding on things as they happen in terms of policies and how they'd affect the rest of the world. Russia seems an interesting start, and I'm wondering if any Russians out there with perfect or near perfect English and a knowledge on Russian politics can explain to me how politics works in Russia?

    2 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Who is this quote from?

    In the music video by the group "Starfucker" titled "Isabella Of Castille" they used a sound bit which had these EXACT words. "The beginning of philosophy is wonder. Philosophy is man's expression of his curiosity about everything. His attempt to make sense of the world, primarily through his intellect, that is to say his faculty for thinking." I want to know who that's from and where I can find the full audio track of it.

    1 AnswerQuotations8 years ago
  • Know any good Russian rock bands?

    The question asks it all. I want to know some good native Russian rock or metal groups I can listen to :)

    4 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • What type of piano is this?

    I've been dying to know, because I'm in love with the sound, what type of piano is this? In the episode of Family Guy when Quoahog Lake was being polluted by the Oil Company and Lois runs for mayor to clean the lake up, the family's hair fell out and so they got powdered wigs. After this, they did a sketch where Stewie played a piano that made a sound as if you were watching a Victorian style movie about a castle or manor house. What piano is that? If it's not a piano, what instrument? Because I want to buy one and learn to play it.

    2 AnswersClassical8 years ago
  • Does anyone know the name of the song?

    We've all seen the Fiat 500 commercial where the cars go into the ocean and come up on the American coast. But I'm wondering what the name of the song was in those commercials because I like it, and want to listen to the full song.

    3 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • Why is my video streaming going so slow?

    Since I downloaded the latest Adobe update, my video streaming and everything having to do with internet has been incredibly slow. Loading games, and watching videos takes forever. Videos buffer every second, and it takes 3-5 seconds for them to buffer each time. What the crap?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years ago
  • What form of government did Ireland have during 312-345 A.D.?

    This is a question for an absolute master of Irish history. I'm asking this to better inform myself for a book I am writing, which is placed in Ireland, 312 A.D. to 345 A.D.. It's a fictional story about a blacksmith who's father ended up dying later in the book from poison from an unsatisfied customer. Anyway, point being, I need to know who had the largest rules, and who owned the provinces/counties. Was there a High King? Dukes? Counts? Was a royal army established? What was the form of government then, and how could a blacksmith come to own a plot of land during that time?

    2 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • How do I copy music from my CDs onto my iPod?

    After fiddling with this stupid thing for 20 minutes this morning, and after it said it was Synchronizing like 5 times when sent my audio files to it, my iPod still says none of my Rammstein songs are on it, even though I've converted the files from my CD using Windows media player to audio music files onto my computer. So how the fudge does this work? It's been years since I had an iPod, and none of my other MP3 players had any issues.

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players9 years ago
  • Dawnguard: Is it broken?

    I just downloaded the Dawnguard xpac for my xbox. I got the quest to see the leader of the Dawnguard, and headed for the keep. I've noticed 3 major issues already. For one, the marker on your compass is way off, the marker on your map to meet the person at is wrong, and the game is not allowing me to venture any further to where the fort actually is, although it apparently is there, because I see the gate, and traveled up a neat paved road. Seriously Bethesda? You released it with this many major bugs? Is the entire xpac broken?

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • What is this symphony?

    What is the name of the symphony which was on this commercial? It had a chef in it who sang quite nicely using the lyrics "so fresh I need to eat". I need to know the name of this composition so I may add it to my collection.

    1 AnswerClassical9 years ago