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Lady Jane

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  • Tumblr: Some tagged posts are not showing up on my tagged page?

    I made a page on my blog to show all my posts of a certain tag. Every post with that tag shows up except for three. It seems rather arbitrary, seeing as those three posts have the particular tag. Anyway, it's frustrating, and I have no clue what to do.

    2 AnswersOther - Internet7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Does anyone recognize this painting?

    So Sammy Dress sells leggings with paintings printed on them, and I can't identify this one on my own. Can anyone please help me out?

    For more angles:


    2 AnswersPainting8 years ago
  • Potterheads, can you recall an example of the bystander effect in the Harry Potter series?

    For a project, I have to apply sociological concepts to artifacts, and I've selected Harry Potter as my source. I'm now stuck on my last one. Eek!

    If you're unfamiliar, the bystander effect is the concept that a large group of people creates a diffusion of responsibility, meaning that a person is less inclined to take action in a situation that would warrant action. It's the mentality of "someone else will do something first....".

    However, the best example I could come up with is the memory of Snape being bullied by James, when only Lily took action and everyone else just stood around and laughed. But because it seems the students didn't act mostly because they didn't like Snape, I don't think it's a strong example.

    I'm aghast at my inability to nail down a better one. I know there were plenty of instances of bullying, but since those happen in passing in the plot, I don't remember them precisely. It doesn't have to be bullying, either. I'm pretty sure it occurred in instances besides bullying.... So, can someone please help me out?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • How good are the English subtitles on the DVD version of Loveless?

    I was going to buy Loveless on DVD because I love the show (and also because I'm banking on the DVD having a higher quality picture than YouTube--gosh, I'm not wrong, am I?), but I noticed a review on Amazon that said the English translation was not that great. I'm a stickler for proper spelling and grammar, so that could be a deal breaker. So, can anyone please elaborate?

    1 AnswerComics & Animation8 years ago
  • How do I count these notes on the piano?

    I'm teaching myself a song, and there are multiple instances of what appears to be eighth notes, but they have a little extra tab on it. Here are two examples:

    What does that mean? And what are they called? It looks like a hybrid of an eighth and a sixteenth, but I've never encountered it before in the songs I've played. I've just been mimicking what I hear it in the original version, but it'd be helpful to actually know what they are.

    Also, the song is in 4/4 time.

    3 AnswersClassical8 years ago
  • Violinists, if you had to relearn the violin left-handed, how long do you think it would take you?

    (I'm assuming most people play right-handed, but if you're a fellow lefty you can just reverse the situation I present).

    Hypothetically, say you somehow damaged your left fingers in such a way that you can no longer finger the strings, but you could hold a bow, so you decide to play left-handed. How long would it take you to reach the skill that you find yourself at presently, but as a learned southpaw? How would you feel about having to do that? Any other relevant thoughts?

    It'd be helpful if you could add how long you've been playing the violin. Also, I am not a violinist, so layman's terms would be appreciated.

    If you can indulge my curious hypothetical situation, I thank you!

    1 AnswerOther - Music8 years ago
  • The quote about the world being controlled by a pipe smoking rabbit isn't from Alice in Wonderland, right?

    I came across a picture of a tattoo of Marc Johns's picture, which says: "unbeknownst to most, the world is completely controlled by a single pipe smoking rabbit", and people saying it's from Alice in Wonderland. I've read both books, and it's definitely not, right? Or am I going mad?

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • What should I do about a dog that doesn't understand growling from another dog?

    I pet sit a seven month old bulldog, and was surprised to discover that she doesn't seem to comprehend negative social cues from other dogs. For example, when she met the neighbor's dog (a super friendly, easy-going dog), he growled and snarled at her, and she just licked his teeth. This seems to be a recurring theme with many dogs she encounters.

    Interestingly, she grew up with two dogs, but I'm not sure what that was like.

    Will she grow out of it? Any advice?

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Two questions about giving the masks to the Moon Children in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask?

    My issue right now is that I gave ONE mask many saves ago, to see what would happen (which seems to have been a mistake). So now I have 19 masks—will the children remember that I gave that one mask despite having save and reset time, or do I have to get the mask again? It was the Postman's Hat, which is sort of lengthy to get. The thing is, it doesn't show in my Bomber's Notebook that I got that mask, now. Anyway, I just don't want to embark on the mission to get it again only to discover I can't.

    Also: Let's say I gave all twenty masks at the same time like I'm sure I'm supposed to—do I get those masks back? Some of them are needed for side quests, so I'd finish everything and then get the Fierce Deity Mask last if I can't get back the masks I traded for it. (I don't NEED Fierce Deity right now, as I've already beaten the game, I just want to complete this file 100%).

    Thanks for anyone who answers—the last time I knew all this was when I was a little girl, so now I can't remember.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • A book with a lovable, well developed narrator (e.g., The Catcher in the Rye)?

    I'm rereading The Catcher in the Rye, and it has reminded me what it is like to basically be in love with the narrator. So, I'd appreciate it if anyone could please help me find a novel with a superb main character for me to read next. Something with genius character development.

    Other favorites: To Kill A Mockingbird, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, A Clockwork Orange, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

    P.S. Please do not recommend The Perks of Being a Wallflower, because I know it gets compared to The Catcher in the Rye, and I personally believe it doesn't deserve to be. I really disliked Charlie.

    Also, I prefer to steer clear of Y.A.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • What do you think is the best way to reveal a character's supernatural secret?

    This is in the case of the main character discovering that someone they know is supernatural (is a vampire, werewolf, demon, etc.). In terms of literary strategies and interest to the reader, what's the best way for both reader and MC to find out? How about differences in first and third person?

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Why is it your responsibility to convert others to your belief?

    This is for everyone—atheists included. What prompts you to try to change people? And for those who actively don't, what's your opinion on the matter?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is all animal testing as cruel as activists claim?

    I'm naturally skeptical about statistics people throw at me, so forgive me, but animal testing "facts" sound like they're being quoted from, like, the fifties. Like, when people say that fur coat industries skin the animals ALIVE. Now, I don't not believe that because I'm naive in thinking people are better than that—I don't believe that because that seems inefficient to me, because It seems like they wouldn't get as clean of a cut as they would if the animal was dead first. It seems anti-productive.

    My problem is finding an unbiased source that reports on this, because it's too easy to report something in a specific light. Now, please do not ridicule me in saying I don't support animal rights—I just don't feel like I've been properly informed on the matter. I just have a hard time believing 100% of any information if it's being spewed with hatred and detest, because it makes me feel like they have more of a reason to bend the truth. Whenever it's come up in conversation with an activist friend or classmate, I also feel like they play too much on pathos, because they know that any decent human being would be against animal abuse. Basically, I feel like I have only one side of the story, and a very iffy one side at that.

    I'm not anti-animal rights or anything, either. I just want to be properly educated from an unbiased source. How can I find one?

    3 AnswersOther - Environment9 years ago
  • How do I stay up to date on Zelda-related news? Extra Q: Twilight Princess sequel?

    I JUST recently saw the video for the Zelda concept for the Wii U, and, while excited, I was upset that it took me months to become aware of this. I follow Nintendo on Twitter, but that doesn't seem to cut it. So, what are the best websites or newsletters that report Zelda news?

    P.S. You don't have to answer this one, but I'd thought I'd throw it in: Do you think there's any chance that Nintendo will bring back Wolf-Link and/or Midna in a future installment? I have very little hope, because TP's ending did a terribly terrific job at making a sequel difficult to imagine. But I'm still desperate for a sequel. Just wanted to get other people's opinions.


    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • What's your opinion on using a pseudonym?

    Do you have a pen name for your writing—why or why not?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Can I change the preferences for Pages on the iPad (specifically, smart quotes)?

    I'm writing in Pages on an iPad, and I've run into the issue that quotation marks are straight, not curly. After some Googling, I found that this is called smart quotes (where it automatically curves the quotation to be open or closed) and can be changed in autocorrect in preferences for Pages. The problem is that I can't find preferences for Pages. So, is there actually a way to turn on smart quotes on the iPad's Pages? Thanks!

    (Also, I've figured out that holding down the quotations button on the keyboard allows me to select a curled mark, but that means I'd have to do that manually for every quote. I'm looking to see if there's an autocorrect for this.)

    1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years ago
  • Is there a specific distance that a Jedi has to be from a person to use The Force on them?

    I hope this doesn't sound too unintelligent, but I've regrettably never seen the movies. I'm wondering if there's a distance range on it, because I've been told they have to be, like, three feet close to each other to duel or something. Honestly, it came up in a class debate of Jedi vs. Wizard, and the argument was that the wizard could get far enough away from the Jedi that the wizard could still perform magic on him but the Jedi couldn't use the Force.

    Wow, I have a bad feeling I'm going to be chastised for my lack of knowledge. Sorry.

    2 AnswersMovies10 years ago