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  • Father is a modern day Pharisee?

    Basically hes a secretly cruel nice-guy who has no friends only uses the bible for comfort and self delusion. He is hell living with. I turn 18 soon. What do I do.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Bible text size.. Eye strain help?

    Not here to argue about God* im 17 and exploring spirituality.

    I got myself a compact leather edition The Message, and I love the design. As I dont like big clunky books the size is convenient and I like the translation. Im just having problems bc the text is very small. I can read alright but it causes strain. I did some research and found that this doesnt cause permanent damage.

    I want to get used to this Bible bc its beauty... any opinions?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Dont know how i became a loner?

    Ive heard that dissecting the past is pointless and useless. But Im so frustrated. Im 17 and since three years ago Ive had a loner problem. Mostly bc addictions and family problems. Recently ive been reading up on spirituality, and seeing more clearly how ive damaged myself through isolation. The main problem is the horror stories i tell myself about the whole thing. It was never supposed to take up this much of my attention but I guess life catches up with u.

    So, what are practical ways youve used to develop social maturity and confidence?? Im terrified of even asking someone to hang out bc theyll catch onto my situation.


    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Are these good spiritual teachers?

    John Sherman


    Ramana M


    Jeff Foster


    Catherine Ingram


    My basis is John Sherman, although hes not even a teacher. What do u guys think about these ones? I personally am drawn to Adyashantis warmth and directness.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • side effects of the awakening process?

    There have been many for me, but most jolting is seeing many things I once valued, as invalid or atleast insignificant. Its uncomfortable. also idk how age ties into this, but being just 17 this is all very exciting. What have u guys experienced?

    Also, favorite teachers?

    Mine are:




    Looking forward to reading many others. John Shermans simplicity is what I like most about him.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Feeling sad and isolated after spiritual progress.. I'm 17?

    With John Sherman's act and Ramana Maharshi's teachings, I'm starting to get in touch with myself. All the things that most teenagers and young 20s think about, I am absolutely uninterested in. Having been somewhat of a douchebag beforehand, it's unsettling because I can't relate to people my age any longer.

    I grew up in a nice town in California, and a year ago I moved to Missouri. The culture shock confuses me and the people around here are about the opposite of Ramana Maharshi. The guys my age are alien to me, the way they talk, move, and laugh iis befuddling. I feel so stuck. Any advice?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • I'm overthinking what girls want.. 17?

    I'm trapped in adjusting myself into some ideal image of what girls want, instead of focusing on what I want, and who I truly am. After doing this I'm starting to feel awkward and unnatural. Like I'm a creative and curious guy sometimes, and I guess that isn't macho so I feel like I'm being feminine. I've lost all the joy in my life and I'm still having no luck with girls. Any advice?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Which car would you pick?

    17, first car and i might be leaning towards a truck.

    96-99 toyota tacoma

    00-04 nissan frontier

    03-06 nissan altima

    98-03 honda accord

    97-00 acura integra

    which would you choose for someone my age?

    7 AnswersBuying & Selling7 years ago
  • 20-30 year olds, how have you changed since you were 17?

    Specifically for guys.. did you have problems with confidence at 17, and if you did, how did you overcome them? And the most important thing you've learned about people.



    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is there a point where it's too late to flourish as a person?

    I'm 17. Pretty much I dropped out of life at 14 and haven't cared about anything until now. I missed high school, I never got involved with friends or anything. Now college is approaching and I'm a little terrified. Any ideas? How do I open up to people?

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Listening to classical music better than nothing?

    My life situation right now is very uneventful. I don't want to let my brain fry. Is listening to Beethoven better than nothing? This is a serious question.

    4 AnswersClassical7 years ago
  • I have a weird blend of traits and girls get confused?

    i'm 17.. im still piecing together who I am after a lot of trauma, like being in juvy. i wanna get into girls again. the problem is a lot of things about me just don't go together. im fairly handsome and tall, and i play basketball. but honestly im a bit of a dork on the side. and i have mood swings. on a deeper note i'm into spirituality and metaphysics, but mostly i just want to know what reality is.

    how can i just get centered and know who i am? I want to experience life with someone but i can't seem to fit into the world. since im depressed i have trouble enjoying things. i have a very dsyfunctional family and havent had a tight group of friends in a long time, and i moved away from home last year.

    so i just feel very lost in the world and feeling like im behind with girls. ive had some hookups but right now im looking for an emotional connection.

    i just dropped out of school because my anxiety is disabling me. i don't know what to do with my life. thanks to my terrible experience with people in my life, i feel like im becoming a hermit. i cant even build up the confidence to go the gym like i used to. dont have a car. to sum things up i feel like im a loser. thats pretty much it.

    any thoughts?



    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How does masculinity tie into spirituality?

    Just tell me everything you believe / have heard on this subject.

    And if you've heard of John Sherman just give me a shout out, otherwise ignore this

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Can it be generally agreed that everything has failed to fix the world?

    Do you think humanity has a chance? Nothing has seemed to work. It feels like no matter what I or others experience or believe, finding our own truths and sharing them; all of that isn't relevant to the survival of humanity.

    6 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • How to find more info about a driving death near my home?

    Long story short, the pieces are all there and I believe I may be in contact with a ghost. My neighbor said that before my family moved in, a drunk driver shot through our fence into the backyard and was killed. How do I find more information about this event? I live in Missouri.

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • Can't believe this but could I be in contact with a ghost?

    I hope this is all a game.

    Order of events over a few months:

    1. I told my Mom I felt like I was dead / not alive. I had already been depressed before moving to this house in August.

    2. I started to meditate / read up on spirituality ( I include this because the first period of spirituality can be distressing already, without the possibility of ghosts)

    3. I had an explicit dream where I was sitting with my family in the house, and a person walked by us making foot sounds but was invisible. Probably a dumb dream I thought at the time.

    4. I started to feel some kind of presence in my room at night. Self delusion, maybe

    5. I heard sounds on my roof and around my room that didn't just sound like creaks, they sounded intentional.

    6. I considered jokingly but half scared that there was a ghost

    7. SAME NIGHT ... I'm reading a book about personal energy. non-related, just a separate interest of mine. a few minutes after those sounds and thinking about ghosts, the author DELVES into "noncarnate entities".

    8. I have either a real or an imagined mental conversation with this ghost, "promising" I would look up whether anyone has died in this house

    9. Couldn't find a thing.

    10. Neighbor tells my sister casually, without knowing of my suspicions, that before we moved here a drunk driver slammed into our back yard near my room and died.

    I was going crazy before the first event. Really I'd been, and still am, feeling out of my mind in every way.


    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore7 years ago
  • Used to make fun of people who believed in ghosts, I think I am in contact with one?

    I hope this is all a game I"m playing with myself.

    Order of events over a few months:

    1. I told my Mom I felt like I was dead / not alive. I had already been depressed before moving to this house in August.

    2. I started to meditate / read up on spirituality ( I include this because the first period of spirituality can be distressing already, without the possibility of ghosts)

    3. I had an explicit dream where I was sitting with my family in the house, and a person walked by us making foot sounds but was invisible. Probably a dumb dream I thought at the time.

    4. I started to feel some kind of presence in my room at night. Self delusion, maybe

    5. I heard sounds on my roof and around my room that didn't just sound like creaks, they sounded intentional.

    6. I considered jokingly but half scared that there was a ghost

    7. SAME NIGHT ... I'm reading a book about personal energy. non-related, just a separate interest of mine. a few minutes after those sounds and thinking about ghosts, the author DELVES into "noncarnate entities".

    8. I have either a real or an imagined mental conversation with this ghost, "promising" I would look up whether anyone has died in this house

    9. Couldn't find a thing.

    10. Neighbor tells my sister casually, without knowing of my suspicions, that before we moved here a drunk driver slammed into our back yard near my room and died.

    I was going crazy before the first event. Really I'd been, and still am, feeling out of my mind in every way.


    9 AnswersParanormal Phenomena7 years ago
  • I had a very coincidential experience, haven't told anyone?

    I'm 17, and this was a few months ago while I was depressed. I was sitting in the car waiting for my sister to pick something up from CVS, and I was just thinking. I had this memory of this fun babysitter that we used have, and I remember how it felt to hang out with him and my sister. It was a warm loving feeling, and I had forgotten about it. And then I just realized that good exists, even though I didn't feel it then. I just had this conviction that there had to be something that "that" was. It was the first time in a very long time that I had a train of thought that had anything to do with good happy things.

    Then the strange experience happened. After thinking the exact thought: "I believe there is good out there", a girl and her parents walked by the car. The back of her t shirt read "I believe there is good in the world".

    I froze for ten seconds. I had very low energy so I didn't feel anything, but I knew something amazing had just happened. I haven't told anyone about it until this post. This experience is what brought me into spirituality, and without it I wouldn't have found my teacher John Sherman.

    Similar things have been happening to me. I was sitting in my basement after an argument and I was asking myself what to do, then I looked at the boardgame "Sorry!", as if the universe was suggesting that I should apologize to the person I had argued with. Things like this happen on a weekly basis.

    Has anyone had weird things like this happen to them?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Starting to become boring after becoming spiritual?

    Before my depression I was a fairly "witty" guy, and the depression led me to a lot of spiritual teachings. I've settled on a teacher named John Sherman and the "looking" method. But ever since I began reading these books, I've seemed to have built a kind of list of dos and don'ts. Like, don't make this joke because it might offend someone. or just other rules. i really want to have fun and stop worrying about offending people. advice?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Will qi gong or yoga put me in touch with the present moment and my feelings?

    I've been doing qi gong for a week. I have just about every mental disorder there is in the books. i notice that im a little bit calmer but im still tormented inside.

    what will qi gong do for my awareness? and my feelings?

    1 AnswerAlternative Medicine7 years ago