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I read and watch films. I love the feeling of going into a different world. Listening to music and studying are my pastimes, too. I really want to travel the world someday, see the planet we live in, you know? I think it would be fun.

  • Question about jaw problems?

    I recovered from a cold a couple of weeks ago, and during that time had some ear problems. It felt like the only relief was to move my jaw. I'm not sure what the medical term is for that, but I'm pretty sure that there's something wrong when out of habit, I'd start moving my jaw out of nowhere. Even after my cold went away, I'd catch myself moving my jaw back and forth frequently for no apparent reason.

    I did some research and found out that this may have affected my temporomandibular joint connecting my jaw to the temporal bones of my skull...I'm kind of scared that I may have misaligned my jaw, making it feel like I have more of an overbite than I had a before.

    Would I need to see a doctor for this, or is it a problem that can be easily remedied with patience and just consciously putting my jaw back into place?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases6 years ago
  • I cried in front of class?

    I hate being sensitive, especially at school. I can't even walk down the hallways without panicking because I think someone's looking or talking about me. Today, we had to read poetry in front of the class and I just broke down and started crying. It wasn't even really the poem but the expectations of everyone else - to be brilliant, or funny, or amazing. I feel terrible now, like I just told everyone something personal. I've tried so hard not to get too close to anyone, because I'm always afraid I don't have enough personality to be at the level they're at. But CRYING in front of all of them...just the thought of going back to class terrifies me!! Please help - how do I get over it?

    6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins?

    Any reviews? Comments? Opinions?

    I absolutely loved it :) There was a lot more of Gale, and his relationship with Katniss gets way more complicated when Peeta comes along. There's also a darker, more vicious side of the Captiol we didn't get too deep into seeing in the first book. Argh, it was so stuck in my head the past week that I ended up seeing Katniss and Peeta everytime I ended up drifting into my own little world (especially during school). Amazing sequel, can't wait until the next book and the movie!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Does this dream mean anything?

    It was about a girl who mostly kept to herself. She looked and acted kind of like a character I created in my mind. This gang of girls would bind her wrists and ankles to a spinning circle and throw circular darts at her during reccess/lunch break when they were at school. Sometimes they'd tie her to a sturdy, pricky tree and shoot balls as hard as baseballs at her. The funny thing is, she never had any bruises on her skin. She had bruises inside of her, deep down but are clear to the people who notice her.

    The gang of girls bullied her.

    So this gang of girls- three or four girls, to be precise- torture her whenever they feel like it or a monitor isn't looking. Sometimes I was the audience or person reading the book (it originially started off as a novel apart of a series in my dream, but soon it turned into a dream-like film), other times I was the girl, feeling what she did which was mostly scared.

    The girl had a friend, which is a relief because he protects her when he can. His name is Owen and he's big and tough. Owen tried his hardest to be at the girl's aide whenever possible, but sometimes he just isn't there to help her.

    Near the end of my dream the gang of girls attempt their final move at the girl for borrowing the book that they have wanted since August (the librarian was keeping it away from them because he knows they have disturbed minds and doesn't like them at all). The leader of the gang binded the girl's arms and put a pair of sunshades on her that blurred her vision, leaving her there to suffer (now that I think of it, it was day AND night when it happened).

    I remember fast forwarding through that part only because I was young in my dream and didn't like to watch through it. But the girl does survive and Owen helps her recover from that horrible experience.

    That's it. Then I wake up.

    Does this mean anything? Or is this just an idea relating to the character in my mind I've had for a while? I hope this doesn't happen to me in the future...

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Opinions on a poem I wrote...?

    Any opinions? It's a rhyming poem I wrote, based off of Pip's love for Estella in the novel, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.

    Estella, So Pretty

    (Through Pip’s Eyes)

    Estella, so beautiful, elegant, and pretty

    It makes me feel so very pity.

    Her eyes, so glossy and amazingly bright

    I think about them all day and night.

    Her lips, so fresh and waiting for a kiss

    I lean forward so close yet only to miss.

    Her cheeks, so flushed and deeply pink

    I float beside her but only drown and sink.

    Her ears, wide open to hear my words

    She turns away, distracted by the birds.

    Her hand, so smooth and entwined through mine

    I wonder if I hold it any longer, would it be a crime.

    Her scent, as mesmerizing and lovely as tea

    Would she let me love her, would she let it be me?

    Yet Mr. Drummle, a very putrid and wretched man

    Took her away to a meadow where they ran.

    They ran away from me, as far as they could possibly go

    And looked for a river, where they hoped upon a boat and row.

    Her eyes, so curious and waiting for me to speak

    My mouth only dries, and is as heavy as a beak.

    Her lips, having the potential to sip on my own

    I cannot say that I don’t feel a shiver through my bone.

    Her cheeks, blushes when I remind her of roses

    She laughs and does her many lady-like poses.

    Her ears, tasting all that I say

    But she gets distracted by the lovely London bay.

    Her hand, slipping through mine

    But it doesn’t feel the same, more like a crime.

    Her scent, like the music of a cat’s purr

    What I did not know was I’ll never see her.

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • What's your favorite vowel?

    I like the vowels U or O. Thanks for answering!

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How to deal with a girl with an attitude?

    I have to sit beside a girl who has an attitude on the bus, permanently. I've tried ignoring her, but she thinks she's awesome and cool just because she swears and dresses like everyone else. She thinks I'm a bit annoying, because I'm quiet, and doesn't like to associate with people like me. I tried ignoring her and pretending I didn't care, but that just makes her more powerful. Every once in a while, we pass down the hallway and whenever I wave [just to get on her good side or when I feel like being friendly towards her] she just smirks and walks away. How can I deal with her for the rest of the semester? Any advice, please?

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Where is your imaginary place?

    My imaginary place is under a shady tree in an evergreen forest, looking up at surrounding mountains and hills from a meadow. The air is water. I wish I could really visit there. Thanks for answering!

    26 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • When was the first time you read Harry Potter?

    When was the first time you read Harry Potter? Did you first read it when it came out, three years after it was released, today, yesterday...??

    24 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Sometimes I feel uncomfortable talking on the phone?

    I know this may sound wierd, but sometimes I feel uncomfortable talking on the phone. I'm guessing it has something to do with not seeing the other person on the line or how they might react that I'm actually calling them...but do you know any way that could help me feel more easy when on the phone? Thanks in advance!

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Comment on my story...?

    I don't really understand why I wrote it all of a sudden. It was just an idea that popped in my head, like inspirations inspire you. If you wish to, go ahead and comment. Thank you,

    10th Birthday- There was a bird, light blue with gray stripes, that died on my birthday.

    No one noticed me as I walked out of the front door, slipping my jacket on. I was already bored on my own birthday party and felt intrigued by the bird. It was as if the wind howled my name when I touched it. Mom always told me I'd get a disease if I touched an infected animal, but I felt the bird's pain and suffer. There was nothing I could do but be there with the blue creature on the day of its death, so that he wouldn't die alone in the cold weather.

    I wasn't really the type of person who was kind-hearted and helped the needy. But when the animal died later on that day and everyone inside the house went looking for me outside in the dark, I felt like crying. No one knew I was hidden deep in a bush, burying a bird they wouldn't think twice about. Maybe it was bad luck or just an incident that was let happened, but I suddenly felt attached to the bird. It's like you feel sensational, but there's no words to explain it.

    "I found her, I found her!" someone shouted and lights blurred my vision. My face was wet with perspiration and tears, and all my guests and family helped me into the house, asking what was wrong or if I had hurt myself. There wasn't anything wrong. Yet nothing was right either. I wasn't even sad for the bird, but I cried anyway. All my friends and guests had to leave early that evening because of what happened. Mom and dad where a bit dissapointed in my actions of worrying everyone like that.

    11th birthday- It was September all over again, and nobody remembered what happened last year. There weren't enough tears for that poor little bird, so I just decided to move on. This time, it was a sleepover with eleven of my friends invited. Surprisingly, I didn't give a thought that all eleven will attend. But they did, excited and jumpy for some odd reason. First to arrive was Evelyn.

    "Nice house," she complimented, feeling all my furniture with care. Evelyn liked detail and texture. When I first met her, she shook my hand and her fingers make her way up to my wrists and elbows, feeling my skin. I reminded her about that and she said, "You had a very smooth and soft feeling." So I had, though I always felt my arms and they are always rough as leather.

    Then came along River. Mom opened the door and commented that River is the most polite and beautiful girl she had ever seen. River didn't like to follow the "style" but wear whatever plaid clothing she could find. She handed me my gift and said, "I hope you like it. My brothers actually picked it out for you and I had to agree." The door slammed, but River ran out and gave her Mom a kiss on the cheek Good-bye. "How sweet is that," Mom smiled.

    As we waited for everyone else to come, all three of us climbed the tree outside in my backyard. I picked the most twisted one, since the challenging ones are always fun. The leaves where beginning to fall, which distracted me sometimes. Evelyn collected leaves, always studying their characteristics, so she stayed down picking up as many fluttering, colorful leaves as she could, giving up entirely with the tree. River was laying on the lowest branch, reading a novel I lent her. Soon, by the time I reached the top, everyone was here conversing with each other or trying to reach the top of the tree also.

    "Happy birthday to Mira!" Priscilla grinned as she touched the soles of my shoes from the branch below. Priscilla was the noisiest of all guests, and never enjoyed River and Evelyn that much since both were the quiet types. Her eyes sparkled as the sun gleamed at us, standing on the branches of a tree older than my great-grandfather. I thanked her and helped to her beside me, where we shouted at the other guests underneath us. "Tanya, why don't you come join us?" Priscilla hollered, spinning around in circles.

    "No thanks, I'm telling Evelyn the poem I told you," Tanya replied. Tanya had brown hair up to her knees, the longest I've ever seen. We all called her Mulan, except she wasn't Chinese and refused to chop her hair just to help in war. She was smarter than half the kids in our grade level, which made me proud that she was my friend and attended my birthday.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Problem during school...?

    So far, I'm like a fading rainbow in school, which hasn't happened much when I'm not in school. I don't want to talk much or join any group conversations. I let myself feel left out when I'm with my friends during lunch. I almost wanted to miss the bus, but I decided that would be a horrible situation, to walk home. It's been terrible like this since yesterday, do you think it would last the whole week? I don't even know what exactly is making me feel so bad.

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What's your phobia so far?

    What are you afraid of? Right now I'm having nightmares of staplers attacking my fingers!!! How about you?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • If you couldn't talk for a whole day...?

    If you couldn't talk for a whole day, not even a peep (sneezes are okay), would you accept the challenge?

    51 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite name?

    If you could pick any name of your choice, what would it be?

    40 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you like to climb trees?

    Do you like to climb trees? I love to! I haven't climbed any in a while and the highest I have climbed wasn't so high, but it feels really awesome. Thanks for answering!!!

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you like to eat Seafood?

    Do you like to eat Seafood? I do: I love crab!!! Thanks for answering!

    24 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What is your dream world...?

    It's a random thought that came to mind that I wanted to ask! What is your dream world? Does it have chocolate rivers and dancing unicorns? Is it shaped like a square or flat on the shell of a moving turtle? Mine is in a huge snow globe (its what I can think of now)! Have an awesome rest of the week!

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Parallel Universes Theory?

    Do you know anything about Parallel Universes?

    6 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite place to be?

    I love going outside in the forests, but they don't have much forests where I live now. How about you? Happy Halloween to everyone!

    31 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago