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Relax, view a debate from all angles, then respectfully answer. Life is too short to be angry and carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Trying to edify whomever honors me with the challenge.

  • Here's something to ponder?

    If Mr. Obama only wants to convey a benign message, such as stay in school and work hard, etc.... Why is he choosing to deliver his message while our kids are in school? Won't the truant kids likely be absent anyway? From what I can tell, this will all be a serious distraction from the curriculum that our kids are supposed to be focused on. The discussions have already spilled over into the classroom, and forced teachers to put aside their lesson plans on occasion. A welcomed interruption for government class maybe, but not so much for others. My wife is a teacher, and many of them do not like the distraction factor. Just pondering, your thoughts?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Bush tried to reform the failing social security system?

    and we all know it will be depleted by 2040 (Woo, whoo, I will be 4-5 years into retirement).

    And medicare will be broke 20 years earlier.

    Two questions:

    1. Why were the protesters and dissenters to GW's plan to privatize social security during his '05 push not discredited as a mob, liberal plants, or political terrorists (yes, that last one was used recently)?

    2. What is your solution to the problem of a failed social security plan that many of us have paid into. Do you really trust our government to maintain health care solvency? It is quite a gamble at best right?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What of Pelosi's plan, stimulus number 2 for the year?

    Having a basic knowledge of how economics and capitalism works, I disagreed with her and GW's idea the first time around. Alas, the plan failed, too many people put it into savings. What makes her think it will work any better this time around? How about we start a letter writing campaign, threatening to fund the opposition by donating our stimulus checks to the RNC? Just a threat, one that would certainly send her back to the drawing board to reconsider a real plan. I know some will gladly take more socialism, but when will it end? How do we recover if our government keeps going further in debt to nurse us along? Why should we attempt a recovery if another check is around the corner? Pelosi and Bush need to dig deeper into finding a solution. Couldn't we just wait until the anointed one fixes everything in 76 days with his economic plan?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Is this guy a hero to some?

    ... or just a petty juvenile criminal that deserves to sit in prison for awhile and think about the ridiculous quotient of his crime if found guilty?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Did anyone else begin to wonder...?

    was Biden more proud of Obama or "Dick" Lugar? Mention the guy once or twice, but you might want to give your lead man Obama a little more credit. Just found it interesting that he had to praise Senator Lugar almost as often as Obama.

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Gotcha Politics and the media?

    This political season we witnessed the, "Gotcha" comment from both parties. We were supposed to feel sorry for Hillary during her change of heart about allowing illegals to obtain driver's licenses in NY. She was caught in "Gotcha" politics. Now it seems Mrs. Palin has decided to use the same defense, but we are not allowed to sympathize according to most of what I have read. Is anyone getting tired of this whole process yet? Double standards and juvenile finger pointing. Let's take off the blinders and just focus on the records of each candidate and their accomplishments. Debate and vote, does anyone else wish for this simplicity?

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does this headline remind you of anything?

    On Yahoo headlines, it reads:

    "Iran may limit U.N. watchdog's access to country's nuclear sites."

    Just in case your answer is "no", here is a refresher:

    Is our next president going to be ready for Iran?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Isn't it interesting that as polls?

    (which I find to be marginally useful at best), begin to favor a conservative ticket, Yahoo news and other organizations find it necessary to post new and less relevant polls about their candidate. A poll yesterday showed something about how most would rather watch football with Obama. Today it is, "Parents prefer Obama over McCain as child's teacher." Are these polls really relevent? Just a ploy to bolster their favorite?

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Anyone know what kind of bird this is?

    My friend here is about 6 or 7 inches long. I live in the Houston, TX area. I just found him unique, but I am sure it is a common species. I haven't had much luck on any Ornithology sites in pinning a name on him.

    Kindly take a peek

    3 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Is a conflict with Iran avoidable?

    Yesterday, Iranian "warships" confronted the US Navy in international waters, threatening to "explode" a Navy vessel. Original official response from Iran indicated that the US warships were unrecognizable (a mystery in itself since the US Navy is very recognizable). Now they claim that the video footage from the incident is "fabricated". Guess the Navy has nothing better to do than try to create an international incident in neutral waters (sarcasm). Are they just testing us, or do they actually think we believe their responses?

    15 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Safari web access issues?

    Wife was unable to access her company's site today, but I could access it on explorer 6.0 at my workplace with no issues. She was able to access it just fine yesterday on our Mac using Safari. Is Safari that quirky?

    Using Leopard + Safari .... After log-in, there is no response of any kind. The initial page pulls up just fine, but Safari won't let her go beyond the log-in page. All other sites work just fine with Safari......... for now

    3 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • The U.S. military said Sunday that overall violence in Iraq is down 55 percent since a troop buildup began....

    With marked improvements in this most pivotal and divisive conflict, and apparent withdrawal conditions being determined by the right (mostly the president) should congress worry more about winning now? With a big election year coming up, I am sure all the players will be jockeying for the pc spin on it all.

    source: AP

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Christian brothers and sisters ...?

    I am new to this "Answer Forum" and I have quite a few pagan and atheist friends in the "real" world, why do they have such a distaste for Christianity on this forum? There are so many religions in the world, what makes Christianity so offensive to them do you suspect?

    Christian charity ............... BAD

    Christian prayer ................ BAD

    Love thy neighbor ...............BAD

    The 10 Commandments ... BAD

    I could list far more "BAD", but I just don't get what is so offensive.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How can anyone eat Dolphin and enjoy it?

    Saw in the news that the Japanese kill 14000 / year for consumption. How is it that the USA gets singled out as being cruel and careless in the world ecology? What won't they eat over there?

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago