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I'm zj I like to make vids and stay up late

  • What would you do if your boyfriend said your sister is pretty and sexy?

    Let's say you have a sister and your boyfriend says wow you're sister is so cute and sexy. How would you feel

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Do you think this is fair?

    Is this fair?

    Dustin is 19 years old. He's a high school dropout and broke. Dustin puts on a dress, makeup and starts jerking off on camera. He made 300 dollars that night. He was surprised. The next day he went into a medical study and made 3k after two weeks. Dustin decided to pose nude for money as well. He made 1k just off sharing nudes.

    Jerry is 21 years old, he graduated high school, went to college. He's 85k in debt with a degree in marketing. He lives with his parents and couldn't find a job so he works part time at a restaurant. He works hard everyday but he makes only 1k a month and 500 goes to his student loan payments. Other to his car and groceries. Jerry begs for a full time job but the boss said no. Jerry's friend suggested he start selling drugs. Jerry said no because that's wrong. The next day jerry's car breaks down and he can't afford to take it out of depo. Jerry now takes the bus everywhere. Jerry finds a full time job at Wallmart but his interest on his loans go up. Jerry skips a meal to save money. Jerry is depressed and missable. He also works at a charity and starts eating food from there because he can't afford much. Jerry sees his friend with 4K after selling drugs but Jerry tells him that's wrong and you need to have morals. Jerry keeps working hard. He later sees his friends go on vacation, get married, and buy new cars. Jerry snaps. He beats the crap out of co worker and tells his boss to go **** himself

  • Guys, would you ever buy used panties from a woman?

    Let's say you have the opportunity to smell a woman's panties after she masterbated. Would you buy them or would you be grossed out by them?

    10 AnswersGender Studies3 years ago
  • What would you do if your boyfriend called you a fat whore?

    Let's say your boyfriend asked you who were you texting and he got mad, called you a fat, whore and slapped you. He said he was sorry and gave you flowers. He slapped you again and called you hoe a week later. What would you do ladies?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Would this make you depressed?

    Let's say you are 21 years old. You make 23 dollars an hour and you have no friends. You eat alone, go to the store alone, spend your birthdays alone, you always go to the movies alone, and you eat at restaurants alone. You never had a boyfriend or girlfriend. You had one friend but one day he stopped talking to you. You guys have plans on going out but instead he just canceled all plans with you.

    Would this make you depressed?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys3 years ago
  • Is it normal to feel like you were a accident and shouldn't be alive?

    Is it normal to feel like you shouldn't be alive and that you weren't meant to be born?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys3 years ago
  • I feel like I'm in prison?

    So, in high school I felt like I was in prison. I sat alone most of the time and I was in general just unhappy so I graduated early and tried to join americorps and was fired. I tried places in my town and it's working so far. I stay in the house all day and I rarely go out. My parents made me miserable in high school. I felt like everything was basically controlled by my parents and I never got to choose my own thing for myself. Now I just sit at home everyday depressed. I can't move out and my only income is giving plasma. I'm just extremely sad. I just want to be happy again but I feel like I'm just trapped in the house and I'll never have a job, be out and be happy. I feel like I'll never be a normal person. I forgot what real happiness is like. I feel like I'm a slave to my parents. When will I be able to get out and actually do stuff? I miss being a little kid because that was when I had friends and I could actually go out and do stuff. I want to be a little kid again. I used to be so happy.

    2 AnswersPsychology3 years ago
  • Do you guys think I got the job?

    So, sometime in February I applied for a job and last week they interviewed me. When the interview was done and they reviewed my application they gave me a few other papers to read up on. They gave me their crew manual, benefits of the program, gave me a paper of a few things to consider about their program. Do you guys think I have the job?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment3 years ago
  • Should I give up looking for a job?

    So, I am 18 years old. I don't have a drivers license and no experience working. It's been two months and I still can't find a job. I'm considering giving up on this whole job thing for a few months or years because it seems impossible for me to get anything. I'm getting interviews and people replying back to me but no job. Thi has been going on since February. Should I just give up?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys3 years ago
  • Do you think I've been unemployed for a long time?

    I have been searching for a job since February 1st. It's March 8th now and I can't find a job. Do you think I've been unemployed for a long time?

    7 AnswersJokes & Riddles3 years ago
  • Would you let your 18 daughter travel abroad?

    lets say you have a 18 year old daughter who just graduated high school. She recently got a paid internship to teach English aboard in China, which also pays a good salary for a year. Would you let her go or no?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys3 years ago
  • Help, my muscles keep locking up every time I exercise?

    I feel no pain but every time I work out my body gets stiff, my muscles lock and I literally can't move for hours to days. Right now I've been working out and now I can't move my arm. Please help me. My arm is basically so stiff I can't move it.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management3 years ago
  • Would you continue to date a guy who gets so scared that he wets himself?

    Let's say you meet a kind,funny understanding guy who makes decent money but when he gets really scared he wets himself and hyperventilates.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • What would you do if you caught your son wearing dresses, makeup and he acts like this?

    Let's say you have a 16 year old son who's 5'2 and has a bit of a temper. He's said under his breath he'd kill you and others. One day after you got into a argument with him he said under his breath he'd kill you. But he's never physically attacked you. as a 2-5 year old he used to stand over your bed and stare at you for up to an hour watching you as you sleep. When you guys go out in public he looks at makeup and dresses. You saw him pick up a tube of red lipstick and stare at it, then put it back. He says that women are so powerful and can use their looks to get what they want from others. You saw your son manipulate someone to get what he wanted out of them. You also saw him voiently grab a 13 year old boy after pretending to be a nice person but your son let go once he saw you. One day you went Into your son's room and you saw him in a dress, wig, red lipstick and after a while he laughed and said look who've you created dad.

    Parenting3 years ago
  • How can i take a quick power nap?

    Tonight i have to leave and i wanted to rest for a few hours. I never take naps though. Any advice?

    8 AnswersOther - Health3 years ago
  • My mom hates my writing but I have an actual fan base, should I stop writing?

    So I just turned 18 and I saw this job offer and they're paying pretty well but its basically writing for porn. I was going to ask my mom can I work at a writing company that involves porn because my mom hates my writing, says my writing is trash ( I've won awards for writing, and got a lot of attention off my writing and my dad likes it but my mom always says its trash, poorly written and she only wanted me to write for kids shows and I can't have cursing, violence, or anything too sexual in them but I actually have a fan base of my writing and this job could probably help me a lot, Should I get the job or reject the offer because my mom doesn't like it?

    14 AnswersBooks & Authors3 years ago
  • What would you do if your 16 year old son had sex with 17 year old guy?

    Let s say you have a 16 year old son. He loves puppies, kittens and often does volunteer work. You find out your son went down to his knees, and performed oral sex on a 17 year old boy. Your son loved it and he even made homemade gifts for this guy. One afternoon you heard them arguing and fighting outside. Your son comes in looking scared and starts hiding things from you.

    One night your son looks at you, sobs uncontrollably and says he sucked a guys penis and he feels so embarrassed and guilty. He says he s ashamed for orgasming and being turned on by this guy and he cries a little louder. Your son even allowed this dude to finger his a**- what would you do if this was your son?

    Polls & Surveys3 years ago
  • Is north Las Vegas a good place to live and raise kids?

    Do you think North Las vegas is a good place to raise Kids

    4 AnswersLas Vegas3 years ago
  • Would you date a guy who was shy about sex?

    Let's say you meet a kind, funny dude who's your slightly taller than. When your in the mood for sex he will look at you nervously, pull out his penis and wince/ shake when you touch it. He moans a lot and his body did shake while you were performing oral on him, and he did come. But he was still shy and a little flushed.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Girls, would you ever have kids with a black man who's 5'2?

    If you met a nice, highly intelligent black man who's a genius would you have kids with him even though if you have kids with him they're most likely to be shorter than the average woman but more intelligent?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys3 years ago